World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 899: Nine and One: Hell Knights play!

Chapter 899, the ninety-one **** war knights!

The headless knight did not speak quietly.

Hell Knight faces a very tough choice.

If Lanling is in distress, the enchanted empire will be devastated, and the Hell Knight will not save, then talk about loyalty? Between the future Emperor and the Hell Knight, there is only a cold contract, not a resonance of the soul of life and death.

But if the Hell Knights rescued, then there is no doubt that the tragedy will repeat itself.

The Lord of the Demon Star more than 3,000 years ago is not the British side? In order to understand the dilemma of saving him, the Hell Knight appeared in advance to help.

The result... Thirteen Hell Knights lost a third!

The Lord of the Demon Star betrayed and chose to become the Dragon Emperor, not the Devil.

The most important thing is that the Lord of the Demon Star can't inherit the soul of the Hell Knight without the inheritance of the Emperor. The Hell Knight can't get the inheritance power of the Ancient Devil.

Today's Hell Knight's cultivation is only a high-ranking Asian king.

"From the news of the inquisition, will you win or lose?" The headless knight.

Hell Knight, Prince Lan, said: "Emotionally, I firmly believe that His Majesty will not lose. He is invincible. But in terms of reality and reason, the blood of the King of Heaven and the King of Heavenly Kings is four or five times lower than that. There is also the Shenlong Temple and the Magic Tuo Empire to help each other, almost no hope of winning."

The headless knight continues to be silent.

Hell Knight Lan Tuo Road: "The Shenlong Temple is extremely powerful, and it is easy to put out the enchanted empire but it does not move. It is obviously trying to attract us to appear in one net, once and for all."

The Hell Knights are really faced with difficult choices, and they are not betrayed. It is a kind of betrayal. Once you show up, you are trapped in the Temple of the Dragon.

"Which pedigree of the Princess of Digne is sure?" asked the headless knight.

Lan Tudao: "It is certain, it is the old seven."

The headless knight said: "The second child, the third child, the sixth child fell into the hands of the Dragon Temple. The fifth is tragic and dead, and the smoke is gone. The old four went out of their own hands and disappeared after being destroyed by the Dragon Temple. Old Eight, Eleven Traces Nothing. Thirteen Hell Knights, we are left with six."

For a short while, the headless knight said: "Lan Tu, we can't help but save. If you watch the empire empire fall and watch the cockroaches fall into the hands of the Dragon Temple, then our Hell Knights have no value and meaning. Although it is said to be the Lord of the devil's star, the **** of the Hell Knight, but His Majesty is His Majesty, the courtier is the courtier. Even if it is self-declared, it will be saved.

Prince Lan Tuo said: "Yes, big brother!"

The headless knight said: "But the Hell Knights can't be folded all the time, or you have to leave the incense, you are coming!"

After a while, the air was twisted for a while, and a group of sea water poured out, condensing the face of the rock magic.

"Old Jiuyan Devil, this time you used to be your brother, you are also going!" The headless knight.

Inflammatory Road: "Yes!"

The headless knight said: "The three of us went to save the sorcerer and save the sorcerer's empire. Twelve, thirteen followed by no face to continue hiding. If we and all of us fell, you will fall asleep and wait for the coming of the next demon star. !"

There was a gust of wind in the air, and a cloud of dark clouds gathered in the sky.

Then, the headless knight, Prince Lan Tu, the three devil knights of the Rock Devil, merged into the sea and marched toward the Yan Empire.

Yanmo suddenly said: "Big brother, three thousand years ago, the four brothers are like this to the trap of the Dragon Temple, to destroy the finished?"

The headless knight said: "Yeah, our four **** knight brothers were finished like this three thousand years ago. The second child won me and took four brothers to save and die, exactly the same as today. ”

"Oh..." Rock Devil sighed.

The headless knight did not speak.

The three **** war knights, so quickly and silently rushed to the empire empire, rushed to the death trap!


at the same time!

The door of the aurora in the northernmost part of the human kingdom is densely packed with black and black, covering the sky and covering the sky.

The demon star army, the dragon temple of the dragon, the army of darkness!


The millions of the Legion of the Dragon Temple are all stationed near the gate of Aurora. With one command, the millions of troops can flow into the southern wilderness like a tidal wave and kill the empire.

The small replacement of the Sky Temple is over!

From the six sky priests to eight, with the support of the Lord of the Stars, the ancient spots successfully took over the second position of the Sky Temple, and the Sky Priest is still ranked fifth.

The demon star cabinet is nowhere to enter the ranks of the sky priests, ranking third. Not only that, he also served as the Sky Grand Referee, ranking second.

Therefore, the entire sky temple entered the era of the three giants.

Shi Tian, ​​the first leader of the Temple of the Sky, served as the first sky priest, the first sky referee.

The demon star pavilion has no end, the third sky priest, the second sky referee.

The sky priests are ancient spots, the second sky priests, not the sky referee.

Volunteer got his wish and entered the Temple of the Sky. He became the alternate sky referee and the alternate sky priest. The momentum was no longer there.

He was also acquainted with the murder of Jiu Mengbai and was appointed as the agent of the priest and the acting magistrate.

The two men, a 37-year-old and a 36-year-old, became the four kingdom-level priests and grand referees, and vaguely became the next highest power heir to the Sky Temple.

The Sky Temple is holding the highest meeting, with 14 participants.

Eight sky priests, six sky referees. (In fact, the sky referee is also eight, but only two people also serve as sky priests)

The highest leader, Shi Tian, ​​is almost never spoken, so the host is the second sky priest.

"This time in the southern wild battle, will the Hell Knight appear?" The ancient spot asked: "The last time Na Na and the Heavenly King surrounded Diene, Lan Ling went to rescue alone, and the Hell Knight did not appear!"

Sky priests doom: "The last time Lanling went to the kingdom of Doom is a secret operation. There are very few known people. The **** knight is hiding in the corner of the world, and may not even know the last time. This time is different, the final battle in the south is wild. As everyone knows, the Hell Knight will be able to hear."

The sky priest is inferior: "But it has been experienced more than 3,000 years ago. Will the Hell Knights still come to die? Do you know that we have laid down the nets, and will also run to save their demon star? Knowing that you must die , also from the investment network?"

Sky priests doom: "Yes, they will still come, because the emperor has to save! This is the ridiculous thing of the Hell Knight."

The sky priest looked at the ancient spot and looked at it, and then said: "According to my and the innocent lord's inference, this time the **** knight rescues Lanling will not come out, but will dispatch two or three at a time to avoid We are all done by us! But we have to prepare for the Hell Knights to go out, so I propose that the Temple of the Dragon will enter the third-level readiness!"

"Agree!" Ning nowhere to raise his hand.

All the sky priests, the sky referee raised their hands, only the sky priests doom, coldly said: "abstain!"

Doom and ancient spots do not match, so if the ancient spot proposes, he will basically abstain from the power and will not cater to it, expressing a contradiction, but not tearing his face.

The sky priest said: "In addition, I propose to awaken the six heavenly priests and let them enter the state of readiness. The army commanding the army near the gate of Aurora is ready to enter the southern wild."





A sacred heavenly tomb park in the Temple of the Dragon!




The three giants of the Temple of the Sky, while pressing the palm of your hand on the crystal ball, enter your own energy.

Then, each of them takes out the key of their own sky, inserts the base on the crystal ball, and gently turns.

"Rumble..." The huge door of energy opens!




The six heavenly tombs were opened, and the six-day tomb priest came over and sat up.

These six heavenly priests are all high-ranking Asian kings.

"What?" asked the priest of the tomb.

The sky priest is ancient: "The demon star is coming, the southern wild battle is coming soon, the **** knight may appear, and the Shenlong Temple enters the third-level combat preparation, so the six predecessors are awakened, and the dragon dragon regiment is led, ready to enter the southern wild!"

"Understand!" Six heavenly tomb priests.


After a day!

Six re-emerging Heavenly Tomb priests entered the Million Dragons Corps south of the Aurora Gate.

This Shenlong Army, a total of 1.3 million troops, the sky priests domineering masters, seven high-ranking Asian kings, fourteen middle-level Asian kings, twenty-one low-ranking Asian kings, dragon holy class, Long Zun Levels are strong, countless!

The sky priests ordered the doomsday, 10,000 energy monitors, lurking in every corner of the eastern part of the enchanted empire, once the energy of the Hell Knight is found, report immediately!

For the wild battles in the south, the Temple of the Dragon does not care at all.

According to the report of the ancient ash, the Tiansha Wang and the Na blood army were ten times more than the Lanling, and the fate of the empire of the empire was no longer changeable.

There is only one thing that the Dragon Temple cares about, the Hell Knight!


"set off!"

A glimpse of the ancient times!

Thousands of wind birds flew out and flew towards the eastern waters of the empire.

The 10,000 wind birds are 10,000 pairs of invisible eyes, staring at every corner of the sea.

Countless priests, through these wind birds, can monitor the entire sea.

Once the Hell Knight appears, the Dragon Temple can be known for the first time!

"Whirring whirring……"

Countless windbirds reached the airs of the eastern part of the Demon Empire and locked in hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of sea.

Then quietly floating in the air, completely invisible.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, the headless knight, Prince Lan Tu, the three great **** knights of the Rock Devil, quickly flew along the sea to the empire.


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(End of this chapter)

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