World Occult User Guide

Chapter 1 Mysterious Encyclopedia

Deterrie, Eagle Country.

It was already evening, and the city was as lively as ever, with colorful neon lights and billboards flashing.

"Xiao Lin, thank you for coming to help me today."

"no big deal."

"I'll treat you to tea on the next day."

Lin An is a junior international student from Longguo.

Recently, he accepted his senior sister's request to help out at her restaurant every Friday night. Although the workplace is a bit far away from the university, the boss has a nice family and the salary is quite considerable.

Red lanterns light up along the street, and two stone lions mark the end of Chinatown.

Just as Lin An was about to hang up, the female voice on the other end of the phone warned her.

"Be careful on the road, Xiaolin. Last week, someone disappeared nearby! It was shocking."

"Okay, okay, I'll go back right away."

The senior sister would always make up various excuses to "intimidate" Lin An to leave quickly, for fear that he would learn bad things in the complicated city center.

Understanding that the other party meant well, Lin An responded with a few words with a smile.

Walking on the bustling main street of Detri, the ten-mile-long traffic flow made one after another honking horns. Turn left fifty meters and you will find the bus stop that leads directly to the campus.

An eye-catching sign comes into view.

"Due to changes in routes or road conditions, buses in this city will not stop at this stop for the time being. Passengers are asked to board the bus at the previous or next stop. Thank you for your cooperation."

Lin An's mouth twitched. After staying in Eagle Country for three years, he was no longer surprised by the random station here.

Turn on the mobile phone navigation, and the three routes will lead to the nearest station.

"21 minutes, 18 minutes and 9 minutes?"

Looking at the estimated time above, Lin An was stunned.

The most central path takes half the time of the other paths?

Five minutes later, Lin An stood in the dark alley and finally understood why although this route was short, the recommendation level on the map was gray, as if it had been forced into it.

But it’s already here, and it’s a waste of time to go to other roads.

And, for some reason, there was a deep attraction that pushed him to go in and find out.


Lin An thought about the mountains of review materials and the newly created final papers, and the pressure was overwhelming. He eliminated his fear and walked into the alley of the slum.

This place seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

It has not been taken care of for a long time, garbage can be seen on the roadside, the buildings on both sides are covered with piles of dirt, and the air is filled with a disgusting stench.

Lin An pinched his nose and rushed forward without squinting.

Until his senses gradually adapted to the dirty sights and smells, there was only silence in Lin An's ears.

Isolated from the hustle and bustle of the city center, this alley seems to be located in a deep forest.

Lin An blinked hard using the fluorescent light on his mobile phone screen. Except for all kinds of mess and filth, there was no one around him.

Crumpled advertising paper fluttered in the wind and came towards us.

"Hold Your Breath".

Lin An used the hand holding the mobile phone to push aside the promotional poster of the horror movie. The moment his vision returned to clear vision, the electronic light scanned a strange red color.

At some point, a person appeared at the end of the dark alley.

The light cast a shadow from behind. It was a hunched-over little man with no hair, wearing a dirty torn fur coat, staring at Lin An with bright eyes.

The combination of environmental stimulation and psychological effects made Lin An feel terrified.

Is the red color I just photographed with my phone his clothes?

Why does it feel like to me?

The free environment of Eagle Country breeds many weird people. Lin An has long learned to mind his own business. Maybe this person likes to smear paint all over his body and perform performance art on the streets.

After calming his heartbeat, he took a tentative step. The man seemed to return to "normal" and continued to move forward.

Until the two were only a few steps away, the man suddenly opened his mouth and made a crow-like sound.

For a moment, Lin An's hair stood on end.

This is definitely not a human cry!

Run away!

Before he could take off and run away, the man was like a bull off the reins, rushing towards Lin An at a speed that could not be clearly captured by the naked eye.


Lin An's cell phone fell to the ground, and the broken screen completely illuminated the man's face.

He - no, it is it!

Sparse black fur covered its thin body, revealing the bright red skin underneath.

The monster had a face that resembled an old man, with a wide open mouth and sharp teeth. Its eyes flashed like a smooth mirror, reflecting Lin An's frightened face.

He knows this monster!

Dwarf Demon Nain Rouge!

Legend has it that the appearance of the dwarf demon heralds terrible events in the city, with the river turning red with blood and "bodies dancing" on its banks.

Am I dreaming?

the answer is negative.

The huge force threw Lin An, who was helpless, to the ground. The sharp claws of the dwarf demon pierced the down jacket, and the end pierced Lin An's flesh and blood.


If Lin An's down jacket hadn't been extra thick, this blow would have been enough to kill him.

After escaping the claws of the dwarf demon, Lin An could not escape death due to the huge gap in combat power between the two.

At the critical moment, a cold mechanical sound sounded.

"Attracted by you, the [Encyclopedia of Mysteries] has been activated."

"The entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Death, Fertility and the Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Seeker' x8, 'God of Truth' x5, 'Imaginary' x4, 'Prophecy' Home'x4, 'Lord of the Earth' x1."

"After your testimony, the illustrated book of [Dwarf Demon] has been unlocked."

I go!

Isn’t this systematic?

Even at a critical moment, Lin An, who came from the Dragon Kingdom, couldn't help but be distracted for a second.

Wait, "Encyclopedia of Magic"?

Is this the book I was reading recently?

Two weeks ago, Lin An received a cross-border express delivery.

The package came with a letter from her mother, who said she had been contacted by a litigant and it turned out that her "parental family", whom she had never met, had written her name on the inheritance.

In addition to money, the estate included a private library containing books documenting witchcraft and the occult.

For some unknown reason, my mother selected some books and sent them to Lin An for safekeeping.

His mother was a professor of folklore, and he became an expert on myths, folklore, and urban legends.

The books included a very old handwritten ancient book written in an incomprehensible language. Lin An was very interested and slowly translated it by comparing it with the "alphabet" made by her mother.

The title of this ancient book is the "Encyclopedia of Magic" mentioned by the system.

It records the detailed introduction, performance methods and effects of Hittite rituals, making people immersive as if they actually existed.

The next moment, a line of glowing green characters appeared, resembling the code of The Matrix.

The panel appeared in front of Lin An.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 0%

[Pollution level]: 0%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

what is this?

Before Lin An could continue his research, the dwarf demon let out a hoarse roar like a crow and bit his throat.

System, kill it for me!

"Do you want to search for solutions to 'kill the dwarf demon'?"


When life and death were at stake, Lin An roared without hesitation.

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Undead, Fertility and Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual", a plan that meets the conditions was found - [Ritual to expel souls]."

"Do you want to consume the media 'God of Truth' x3, 'Seeker' x1, and 'Imaginary' x1 for use?"


As soon as he finished speaking, some invisible energy burst through the air and descended suddenly.

"Quack quack——!"

Just listen to the dwarf demon let out a shrill scream, the sound waves spread outward, shaking the whole alley, and the scattered garbage was picked up by the wind and flew all over the sky.

Lin An's ears were almost deafened, and the busy tone was buzzing.

Ten seconds later, the heart-wrenching screams calmed down, turned into sigh-like exhalations, and disappeared into the streets and alleys of the city.


Like a puppet that has lost control of its silk threads, the ferocious face of the dwarf demon froze in mid-air, and its raised arms slowly lowered, losing their vitality.

Scarlet color splashed, and the smelly and cold liquid dripped on the back of Lin An's hand.

Relying on the dim fluorescence of the mobile phone, he saw a wound between the dwarf demon's eyebrows that was as deep as the brain. Blood gushes out from the wound, as cold as iron.

It is said that the center of the eyebrow is the door for the soul to enter and exit. It seems that the soul of the dwarf demon was forcibly expelled just now.

The pain of being separated from body and spirit is far greater than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

After waiting for half a minute, Lin An pushed the body away from his body, stood up unsteadily, and listened to the endless mechanical sound in his mind.

"The entry "Taming the Goblin IV: Gnome Demon" has been included, and you have obtained the media 'War Emperor' x1 and 'Farming God' x2."

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

As the system spoke, it showed Lin An a clearer "panel data" of the dwarf demon.

[Name]: Dwarf Devil, Channel Devil, Nari Ruji, Red Dwarf

[Rating]: Kaitan E-class

[Radiation value]: 4.5%

[Pollution level]: 67.2%

[Media]: God of Farming

[Mysterious Source]: The dwarf devil originated from the fairies in the folk fairy tales of Normandy. The male is called Rutin and the female is called Lutin. They carry wine, open locked doors, help the owner of the house shave, and occasionally do some harmless pranks.

The story of goblins and immigrants came to the desolate Eagle Country and traveled with the migrating people.

Due to the local people's worship of stone statues, the image of Rutin has changed. The ominous rumors are like a curse, freezing the blood and extinguishing their weird laughter.

Consume the medium "God of Farming" x1 and use the dwarf devil's ability [little helper].

[Individual introduction]: He used to be a clown in the circus who brought joy to people, until he lost his job, his wife left him, and his child died in the hospital bed.

He reflected on his own mistakes, his own shortcomings, and his own shortcomings, but he never noticed the boss and his mistress that day, and the full-length mirror in their room.

Consume the medium "War Emperor" x1 and use the dwarf demon's ability [Despair Pinata].

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