World Occult User Guide

Chapter 2 I’m a Containment Object


The sharp sirens sounded from far to near, the blue and red lights flickered, figures with guns filed down, and loud voices drifted into Lin An's ears along the wind.

"The people inside put up their hands and are not allowed to move!"

He looked at the strange corpse and then at the blood-stained hands, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If only these policemen had arrived a few minutes earlier, he wouldn't have been in danger!

But they arrived after he killed the dwarf demon!

The sirens were still sounding outside the alley. Lin An looked around, surrounded by dark metal walls. The alley was located next to a closed large supermarket, and behind the walls was a storage room.

The entrance door has been welded shut, and the patches are rusty and red, indicating that the door has not been used for a long time.

Wait, door—!

"System, can [Little Helper] prevent the police from finding me?"

"Do you want to consume the medium 'God of Farming' x1 to use?"


The sirens in his ears were getting louder and closer. Lin An, who was desperate, rushed towards platform nine and three-quarters like Harry Potter, towards the closed iron gate.


The expected severe pain did not come. The hard door panel was like a transparent water curtain, with no material hindrance, allowing Lin An to pass through.

The light flickered and he came to the other side of the wall.

It seems that [Little Helper] can open any "door", no matter what state the door is in.

Suddenly possessing a superpower system, Lin An was in some unreal confusion, but the top priority was to quickly return to the safest place in Ditli City - his apartment.

The sirens faded away, leaving only a few scattered screams.

"Catch the thief! Catch the thief!"

"Hands up! I'm only counting to three! Three—"


With the sound of gunshots, the tense sirens calmed down.

This group of police officers did not come for Lin An, they just received a call for help from robbers.

Scared me……

The result of wasting a "god of farming" medium is a false alarm.

Although it is not clear what the medium does, Lin An feels that they are similar to different "energy", and consuming them can display superpowers.

The storage room was dark. Lin An was just about to look for an exit when he suddenly heard a strange sound very close by.


It's like the frequency at which the current breaks down.

But this was not what Lin An cared about. The alley was clearly empty, and there were no approaching footsteps, but strange sounds appeared out of thin air.

The next moment, more sounds appeared one after another across the wall of him.

The snapping of birds' wings, the ticking of water drops, the crackling of burning flames...

There are four sounds in total.

Then, someone spoke.

"I didn't expect that when I caught up with this out-of-control mysterious man again, he had become a corpse and could no longer be 'controlled'."


The specific words reminded Lin An of an unspeakable organization that specializes in guarding dangerous paranormal entities in folk settings and locks them in special prisons.

Is the dwarf demon a imprisoned "dangerous element"?

Lin An held his breath and concentrated, his whole body stiff, for fear of being discovered by this group of unknown enemies and friends.

"This saves the need for a 'three-level control' isolation room." A female voice said, "Once the contamination level exceeds 60%, these mysterious people will lose their human sanity."

"Isn't the headquarters studying ways to reduce pollution levels?"

"Even if they regain their consciousness, some mysterious people may not be willing to become companions..." the female voice muttered.

It sounds like the level of contamination is similar to that of sanitiser. If you drop it all, you will be confused.

Regardless of whether the information discussed was true or not, Lin An determined that this group of people was the organization responsible for, guarding, and imprisoning "mysterious people" like him. He slowed down his breathing and became more cautious.

The last person spoke.

"After testing, the cause of death of 'Dwarf Demon' was soul crushing."

"Approximately when did you die?"

"Based on the degree of rigor mortis of the body, the death time of the dwarf demon was no more than 1 hour."

"Can you find any traces of the murderer?" a clear female voice asked.

Lin An's pupils narrowed.

Fortunately, the coroner said regretfully: "No. First of all, the murderer's rating is probably far higher than mine, and no information can be obtained; secondly, the traces of that person have disappeared. He either has the ability to fly or knows how to teleport through space."

Lin An's heart dropped slowly to his throat.

It turned out that the [little helper] not only helped him open the door, but also swept away the evidence from the scene to prevent "the police from chasing him."

The prototype of the dwarf demon is Rutin, a fairy who helps people realize their wishes and share their worries and chores. They are always extra considerate in unexpected places.

"It's good to leave. No one is guaranteed to survive the soul-crushing mystics, especially if they are unprepared."

The original male voice said: "Based on the on-site inference, this person's control level is probably above Beta. This kind of mystical person has amazing talents, has a strong acceptance and understanding of 'that world', and can perform mystical magic very quickly and with very few steps." , and the effect is outstanding.”

"Although occult research is currently in its preliminary stages, hundreds of cases across the country all illustrate that there are obvious classes among 'mystics'. Some people can only become more powerful, while others can turn stone into gold, and even Move mountains and fill seas.”

"It's so scary. We should be lucky to have passed by such a terrifying mysterious person."

"Why are you so sure he is a 'liberal'? Maybe he can join us and become a member of the 'old order maintenance faction'." A clear female voice said, "Saint Anilov is short of a control team."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. Many mystics awakened knowing nothing of 'that world', nor of Saint Anilov. Without proper guidance, they used energy wantonly until the contamination was irremediable. "

"Don't have high hopes," the coroner said. "According to past experience, the awakening of mysterious 'categories' is inseparable from the user's personality and experience. The four of us, and hundreds of cases of St. Annilov All of them corroborate this statement.”

"Human beings cannot awaken to the mysteries 'beyond cognition', and types are closely related to blood. For example, people in the Eagle Kingdom can only awaken to the mysteries of the Eagle Kingdom."

“Considering awakening archetypes and abilities must ‘fit with character and behavioral logic’.”

The coroner paused and said.

"This person who uses cruel soul secrets is probably not a good person. This kind of person is not accepted by civilized society. I am more inclined to think that he will be obsessed with 'that world' - he is the second one to be added to the wanted list. Beta level control body.”

"I can only pray that he and [Bavomet's Witch] are not in cahoots with each other, otherwise..."

"The corpse that was destroyed by the witch's followers was beyond recognition, bloody and mutilated, and could not remain intact." The original male voice said, "I think he has not yet come into contact with the witch."

The four of them were silent for a while.

"Do you think this is the first time he has used a mysterious technique?" A clear female voice broke the silence.

"It's just the first one we encountered. I guess he accidentally bumped into the policeman next door when he committed the crime. He didn't have time to deal with the scene and left in a hurry."

"Thank you, Our Lady, for letting us know that there is such a dangerous mysterious person in Ditry City."

Lin An next door was dumbfounded.

Is this the English version of "This child is so terrifying that he must not be kept"?

After the four people discussed it, they gave Lin An the following comment: "The person who uses the soul secret technique is a vicious and marginalized person in society. It should not be used. Once encountered, he should be controlled or killed immediately."

It’s broken, I’ve become a containment object!

The poor Hittites were so badly screwed by a group of eagle countrymen.

Although "Encyclopedia of Magic I" records the ignorant and ignorant beliefs of the Hittites, based on the cultural background, Lin An cannot completely define their "goodness" or "evil".

The history of the Hittites can be traced back to the era of ancient Mesopotamia. They were a dynastic civilization in the area where Upper Western Continent and Middle Continent met.

They once worshiped the same god as the Canaanites. However, the book "Dividing Gods" mentions that the Hittites split the authority of this god by performing rituals and created two independent tribes to separate themselves from the Canaanites. boundaries.

Unlike Canaanite magic, which is full of light, glory and "going to the land of honey", the Hittite belief is based on "dankui daganzipa", "dark earth", which refers to Hades, or simply "the underworld" ".

The divided deity is known as the "Sun Goddess", but plays the role of transporting the dead to the underworld.

Therefore, Hittite rituals often concerned the soul, whether it was death or rebirth.

Not sure why the mysterious prototype was related to the quality of character, Lin An completely gave up the idea of ​​contacting the group and stood motionless.

After cleaning the scene, the foursome left.

After repeatedly confirming that they were gone, the tight string in Lin An's mind broke, and his whole body became weak and slumped to the ground.

He moved his stiff arms and glanced at the time on his phone.

Friday, December 6, 2037, 11:28 pm.

It took him a full two and a half hours from the time he stepped into the alley to the time the foursome left.

I should have known better to take the 18-minute route.

After being highly concentrated for a long time, Lin An really didn't have the strength to move a finger. Everything around him was completely silent, and the never-ending hustle and bustle of Ditli City was about to sneak from the ground to the underground level.

Taking this opportunity, he called out with his mind.

"System, system!"

"I am here."

A cold mechanical sound sounded.

If this system hadn't been quite powerful, Lin An would have either died at the hands of the dwarf demon or been "controlled" by the unkind foursome.

It claims to be [Mysterious Encyclopedia]?

If I remember correctly, the system now has two entries stored, one is "Encyclopedia of Magic I" he read, and the other is "Taming the Goblin IV" he got after killing the dwarf demon.

Somehow, Lin An had a premonition.

The system is not a simple and crude "gold finger". It is closely related to the sudden supernatural phenomena, the "mysterious person" in the mouth of the foursome, and himself.

"Brother Tongzi..." Lin An took a deep breath, "Can you briefly educate yourself on what the so-called 'mystery' is?"

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