World Occult User Guide

Chapter 3 The Shadow of “Comos”

The system said: "Would you like to watch a short guide before answering?"

Tutorial for beginners?

A sense of absurd unreality ignited in Lin An's heart, both from the system and the guidance, as if his life had suddenly turned into an adventure game, replacing the real reality.


“Psychological inquiry is primarily in the hands of pathologists, but outside these realms, there exists another fantastic world.”

"Can you change it to Chinese?"

The system speaks English, which is very similar to computer translation, and is comparable to AI writing, which is messy.

"Okay, language switched."

"In addition to Titan where humans live, there is another world in the universe, commonly known as 'Komos', and Kosmos in Greek."

"No one knows where Commerce is. When it is in the same orbit as Titan, some kind of radiation emanates from Commerce to Titan until the two planets continue to move forward and get farther and farther away."

"4,000 years ago, it was the first time that 'Kemus' and Titan overlapped."

This was the time of ancient civilizations such as Mesobrada.

Could it be that at some point in the past, due to the influence of "Comes", myths really existed, but the ancients only recorded what they saw with their own eyes?

The system quickly answered Lin An's doubts.

"After 'Comes' disappeared, the mysterious radiation ceased to exist, and a turmoil broke out in the world. The dynasties built by the power of 'Comes' died one by one, and almost all related cultures were destroyed. However, there are still some The records were preserved and scattered everywhere.”

Lin An's eyes widened.

No wonder there are similarities between mythology and folklore.

Their origin is the same!

"Titans cannot understand the complete 'Comoth'. Due to differences in the way of thinking, each civilization deconstructs it from its own perspective. As the orbits of 'Comoth' and Titan approach, the radiation spreads again."

"According to regular calculations, the two planets will completely overlap in five years and completely separate in ten years."

After listening to the introduction, Lin An couldn't calm down for a long time.

It turns out that the myths and folklore my mother studied appeared and disappeared on Titan.

They're about to make a comeback thanks to star motion.

The explanation came to an end, and several lines of comments appeared on the system panel.

[Name]: The code name of the mysterious individual. The same mystery may have different names.

[Rating]: There are six levels in total. Weird tales, disasters, legends, myths, sources, and statues evaluate the degree of closeness of the mystery to the origin of "Comes", and determine the difficulty of increasing the radiation value, the upper limit of the pollution level, and the priority of taking effect.

[Rating 2]: There are five levels in total. A, B, C, D, and E evaluate the time that the mystery has been circulating on Titan, and determine the upper limit of the radiation value, the difficulty of increasing the pollution level, controlling other media, and the performance of the mystery.

[Radiation value]: The average value of the radiation currently received by an individual from "Comes". The higher the value, the more powerful the energy can be exerted.

[Level of Pollution]: The distorted energy caused by an individual's misinterpretation of "Comes" manifests itself in the form of disease, madness, distortion, loss of control, etc.; when the degree of contamination reaches 100%, the individual will die.

[Media]: The power of the "Comes" god that an individual attracts.



Lin An's eyelids twitched as he stared straight at the panel of the "Mysterious Encyclopedia" in front of him.

"You, you are not the system, but -"

"When the star orbits overlap, the 'Comes' radiation source is attracted to the Titans in the form of a spiritual medium, and turns into a concrete mystery based on the individual's experience and personality."

"Your desire for mysterious knowledge attracted the medium 'Knowledge Seeker'. Based on the "Encyclopedia of Magic", the medium materialized and generated the "Encyclopedia of Mysterious Encyclopedia". In other words, after you were radiated by 'Comes', That’s how I was born.”

Damn it!

The system is actually me!


At midnight, Lin An left the abandoned warehouse and took the last bus back to the university campus.

There was a green glowing font floating in front of him.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Grade B

[Radiation value]: 0.2%

[Pollution level]: 0%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

"So, my 'personality' is a glowing green encyclopedia full of words?"

"I think you exist like this."

What super idealism.

After temporarily accepting that the system was a mysterious setting, Lin An turned to [Name].

"I'm not bragging. As the son of a folklore professor, I know a lot about world mythology. I've never heard of a book like this. You said you were talking about the Book of the Dead, the Ripua Scroll, and the Voynich Manuscript. They all look more like games than this one. Fan page names are more credible.”

"Because you don't know the real name of the encyclopedia, it will not be displayed."


Can the system only display information within my knowledge?

Lin An's brows wrinkled tighter and tighter.

"I still don't understand the meaning of those numbers. Why don't you tell me what functions you have?"

"The encyclopedia uses the Encyclopedia of Magic as its base and contains the mysteries in it. When you witness, deconstruct and kill other mysteries, as long as the rating of the mystery is lower than your rating, individuals can control their existing abilities."

Lin An read this passage carefully and his eyes slowly widened.

"Since I am Source B-level... In addition to statues, sources and A-level mysteries, can I use other more 'lower' mysteries?"

"That's right."

Lin An's eyebrows stretched.

This is the only good news since being attacked by the dwarf demon.

After understanding the name and rating, the next step is the radiation value and pollution level.

"System, what do those two percentages represent?"

"The radiation value determines the strength of the energy. For example, your radiation value is '0.2%', which means you can only control 0.2% of the power of this encyclopedia."

"The degree of pollution is the result of misinterpreting 'Comes'. Whenever the degree of pollution reaches a certain threshold, it will bring negative effects. For example, the dwarf devil, whose pollution degree reached 63.2%, suffered physical changes, mental decline, and loss of The human form and humanity.”

Is the dwarf demon a human being?

Thinking of the wrinkled face, rotten teeth and blood-red skin, Lin An got goosebumps all over.

Sure enough, there is no free gift in the world.

The Titans do not belong to the planet Commerce. They rely on observing the shadows in an attempt to analyze the laws of another world. If they are not careful, they will be doomed.

Lin An sorted out his racing thoughts and the system continued.

"When using mystery, the corresponding medium will be consumed. Currently, you have a total of 'Seeker' x7, 'God of Truth' x2, 'Imaginary' x3, 'Prophet' x4, 'Lord of the Earth' x1, and 'War Emperor' x1 , 'God of Farming' x1."

"What do these gods represent?"

"This encyclopedia has not included any relevant entries for the 'God of the Twelve Komos'."

No record?

According to the system, there are twelve kinds of gods in "Comes". Each god's medium has a different role. A certain proportion of the medium can be consumed to use mysticism.

After scanning the rituals in "Encyclopedia of Magic I", Lin An realized something.

Since the system is generated based on "The Encyclopedia of Magic", besides the first book, wouldn't other series also be included?

Turning on her phone, Lin An almost forgot about her senior sister and quickly sent her a voice message, reporting that she had returned to the apartment safely.

Since it was late and he didn't get a reply, he clicked on an avatar that showed "67 new messages."

Haruto: I found the source of those books.

Haruto: "Encyclopedia of Magic", written by Vasilica Cesar Tepes Hughes, a Romanian aristocrat with noble blood but living in seclusion. He may be related to the famous Vlad III the Impaler.

Haruto: [Picture] The oil painting portrait found on the Internet, this is so handsome that even 240p cannot hide it!

Haruto: Lin-san, is this really your mother’s family?

Haruto: Don’t reply to me (ω`)

Haruto: Hey, Lin-san, you don’t want people to know that your mother is a relative of the Impaler, right?

Haruto: April just borrowed one of your books. And Mike is here too. I don’t dare to speak loudly. Don’t blame me. Woohoo (╥﹏╥)

After seeing the last message, Lin An was so frightened that he typed quickly.

AnL: What book did she take?

Haruto replied instantly: "Strange Stories from Lower East Continent—Aztec Mythology" is Lin Sang's very important book?

This person was Lin An's roommate during his freshman and sophomore years. Before he was attacked by the dwarf demon, he accidentally saw the ancient book and volunteered to help find the author.

Fortunately, this book was just one of the idle books that Lin An borrowed from the library. If the ancient book was taken away, he would really be on the verge of tears.

After all, those are not ancient books, but his "mysteries"!

AnL: It’s okay. You don't need to look it up. Just find time to send those ancient books to my apartment.

Haruto: I don’t dare to go out, QAQ

AnL: ...Express delivery is also available.

Haruto: I dare not make eye contact with the delivery boy QAQ

Dude, you are too intimidating.

Lin An sneered and clicked "Video Call" directly.

The call went offline instantly, and he probably threw his phone away.

"Hey, let's find time to go back to the dormitory."

Chatting with her former roommate, Lin An slowly got rid of today's mental fatigue, leaned against the car window, and watched the bustling night view of the city retreat.

However, he didn't have much fear.

Lin An has a special personality trait. When he faces supernatural phenomena, his "inquiry" will overwhelmingly defeat other emotions.

After seeing the true identity of the dwarf demon, not only was he no longer afraid, but instead, he became endlessly interested.

It was as if life suddenly had meaning.

Maybe, "Comoth" is a more interesting world.

The corners of Lin An's mouth curled up, and he clicked on a hyperlinked website saved to the cloud.

The black background page, the skull with roses in its eyes, the patterns of six-pointed stars and purple trees all indicate that this is not a normal social forum.

Lin An skillfully logged into his account and posted new posts.

Ranger_12: I just got off work and saw a veritable urban legend [picture].

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