World Occult User Guide

Chapter 10 Testing Abilities

Except for the hum of traffic in the distance, the street is quiet, and the lonely street lamp cannot do its job of lighting.

The nimble wild cat stepped on the frost-covered lawn, and Caroline followed it into the darkness.

Although there was almost no light, a figure that was darker than the darkness was vaguely discernible. He was tall and slender, wearing a brimmed hat, and the only light came from a silver cane.

Caroline recognized the man's iconic long trench coat. She took off her glasses, and a stern man's face emerged from the night. He seemed to be wrapped in a rich black mist, and the edges of the human shape were jagged, with tiny drops. The particles make a "sizzling" noise.

"Caroline, what happened?"

"In terms of the 'Dream Lord' medium and the 'World Tree Forum' alone, this investigation is terrible, Captain." She briefly described Sasaki's situation, "I have never seen anyone so afraid of life!"

"I understand, please give me a try."

"Wait a minute, Captain, there's another surprise." Caroline stretched her shoulders, hearing the sound of fabric tearing in the quiet twilight, and four transparent wings spread out, "Today's deceased is by no means a good person. "

"After all, he is the one who attracts the Lord of Dreams."

"He is the murderer of [the gas station serial shootings] a few days ago."

The black shadow trembled violently and said in a low voice: "I see, the mystery of the 'shooting type' is difficult to separate from ordinary crimes."

"If Sasaki Haruto's friend hadn't accidentally opened a social network and happened to hear Hedda Steiner's name, I'm afraid that case would have become an unsolved case again."

"Sasaki's friend?"

"His name is Lin An, and he seems to be from the Dragon Kingdom." Caroline recalled how the two got along, "I don't know how to describe this young man. He doesn't look like a student, but like a scholar thinking about problems. Talk to him At that time, the whole process made me feel like I had a light on my back.”

"It's not because of his rude words. Lin An has a natural confidence and is full of provocation and temptation for everyone. His eyes are cold, but there is also a hint of ridicule. I always observe his expression involuntarily, not knowing whether it is out of love or temptation. disgust."

The more Caroline thought about it, the more difficult it became for her to extricate herself.

"He exuded particularly distinctive qualities that attracted attention. At the same time, he tried his best not to let me notice his differences. He was like a prince who went on tour in casual clothes, pretending to mingle with the villagers, trying his best to make himself visible. Get up like them.”

The shadow was silent for a while, then repeated: "Lin An, is that right?"

"Before leaving, I gave him the foundation's city contact number." Caroline twirled her curly hair, "Maybe this person can be used by St. Annilov."

"I actually got such a high evaluation from you." The captain smiled self-deprecatingly, "If he hadn't turned out like this, I would have really wanted to meet this young man right away."

"In my eyes, the captain is the most handsome." Caroline stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Registration for the 'external test' will begin soon. Let Lin An give it a try when the time comes. When he becomes a member of the foundation, you can see him every day on the same team as Mr. Lloyd."


The small shop in the corner of the parking lot lights up, attracting the tired crowd.

This is a simple restaurant located in the lower street of the city center. The aroma of cheap coffee fills the nostrils, and the body temperature of customers makes the indoor environment warm and stuffy.

Lin An ordered a glass of Ice Eagle style and sat down against the window.

A week had passed since the incident in [Magic Bullet Shooter]. He temporarily left "Comuth" and devoted himself entirely to final papers and exams. He finally completed the hellish deadline near the winter festival.

It's time for some excitement.

Lin An cast his gaze out the window. Several men gathered at an intersection, whispering to each other.

One of them was wearing shabby long sleeves, and his body was as thin as a dead leaf in winter; the others had dreadlocks, tattoos all over their bodies, and a cotton hat in the middle, covering their foreheads.

They pushed and shoved, exchanging wads of money and cardboard bags.

Lower Street, the lawless land of Dietrich.

As soon as Lin An's idea came to his mind, the system's mechanical sound sounded.

“Do you want to consume the medium ‘Lord of Dreams’ x1 to use the Magic Bullet Shooter’s ability [100% hit]?”


"Data analysis completed."

Like the first-person perspective of a shooting game, the green target was aimed at the man in the trading center. With his thoughts, Lin An was able to zoom in and out of this "lens" and clearly see every fatal point.

As long as he pays a little attention, a window will pop up next to the character "Confirm shooting?"

Once Lin An denied it, the window disappeared.

In addition, there is a countdown at the bottom of the data, showing the remaining time: 9:59, 9:58...

There is a total of 10 minutes to count.

This is a function that Lin An discovered not long ago. [Always on target] is different from the mysterious technique that is used in time. It gives the user a certain buffer time.

When the system asks "Do you want to use it?", as long as you deny it, you can enter this virtual reality-like page. You cannot force quit and can only wait for the countdown to run out.

Lin An speculated that this was also a trick used by the devil to lure users to keep shooting.

The vision of the shooting game replaced reality. Lin An seemed to be a floating lens, following the man in the hat step by step, even though they had already paid and delivered the goods and left the intersection.

Normally, Lin An would never be able to see him again.

However, the back and front of the targeted man were clearly presented in front of Lin An like a 3D design. As soon as he noticed something, a "confirmation" window would pop up immediately.

This ability is quite in line with the characteristics of Eagle Country. Lin An thought.

However, the target has gone out of the shooting range centered on me. Even if I definitely "use" it at this moment, how should I fire the bullet?

Could it be that the trajectory of the magic bullet shooter can turn in the air?

With an inquiring mind, Lin An allowed the man in the hat to walk further and further away, and the countdown decreased little by little.

The field of vision blurred, and the man got into a car. The camera was still glued to his body and kept following him forward quickly.

The colorful neon lights shone on him, and the man drove two blocks in the blink of an eye and arrived at the bustling streets of the city center, a full three or four miles away from the coffee shop.

Even the best sniper in the world would not be able to hit Lin An from his position.

With less than one minute left in the countdown, Lin An stirred the ice cubes floating in the coffee and counted silently in his heart.

10, 9, 8…


Nothing happened, but all the follow-up shots disappeared. Lin An's eyes refocused and regained normal vision. The scene in the cafe was still noisy.

Too far away?

Opening his personal panel, Lin An went straight to his inventory data.

[Inventory]: Seeker x6, God of Truth x1, Visionary x3, Seer x4, God of Farming x1, War Emperor x1, Lord of Dreams x5.

The number of media held by "Lord of Dreams" has been changed from 6 to 5.

Is this a success or not?

The power of "Comes" is mysterious and requires repeated verification and improvement of usage conditions and effects. Lin An was not discouraged and calmly took a sip of Ice Eagle Style and continued to admire the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, he felt someone was staring at him.

Lin An quickly looked for the owner of his sight, and saw among the bustling customers, a man with a single eyelid with messy hair, his chin propped up, his eyes bright and lonely, looking at the bustling city in ecstasy.

Who is this person?

"Ohh Ohh ohh--!"

Sharp and fast sirens pierced the sky, and three police cars roared past the intersection.

Lin An turned on his phone and kept refreshing the social news. About three minutes later, he saw a headline report that had just been released.

[A shooting occurred in the downtown area, and the police are rushing to the scene].

The accompanying picture is an aerial shot. The black car is parked in the middle of the street. The cracks in the car window are spreading from a bullet hole. The man in the back seat is sweating profusely and has a panic expression. He is clutching his waist and abdomen tightly. The gurgling blood is not only stained The clothes were red and seemed to be soaked...

Breaking news keeps popping up.

[White powder was found scattered at the scene]

[The victim was unconscious and it is suspected that unknown powder entered the body through the wound]

[After verification, the victim is the Xia Dongzhou undercover agent of the xxx reselling transaction in recent years]

[The police found more than 3 kilograms in the trunk of the black car...]

[The victim is currently sent to the hospital. After recovery, what awaits him is the court hearing...]

Lin An switched pages and wrote a research report.

1.【Always on target】Media is only consumed when used.

2. When aiming, the real field of view will be replaced by virtual positioning. You need to wait for the countdown to run out. Remember not to use it indiscriminately.

3. The aiming time of [100 Shots and 100 Hits] is 10 minutes. During this period, no matter where the targeted person escapes, the bullet can accurately hit the specific part.

After clicking to save the document, the system's mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

"Your pursuit of knowledge attracts the medium 'knowledge seeker' x1."

Medium increased by one?

Lin An has always been worried when using mystical techniques.

Besides killing other mystics, how can I get the medium?

This experience gave him some clues. The medium seems to be attracted to the behavior of individuals.

Brother Tongzi is a seeker of knowledge, can I only attract the medium of seekers of knowledge? Or through other special behaviors, other divine media can also be added?

After all, although the dwarf demon he killed was the mysterious God of Farming, he also had the War Emperor medium in his body. Lin Angang got a lot of different mediums when he activated the system.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An wrote down several new discoveries.

1. Each Hittite ritual uses at least 3 mediums, which must include 1 ‘god of truth’ and 1 ‘seeker of knowledge’; the ghost story ability only consumes 1 medium.

2. The radiation value can be increased by consuming the mystery of the 'knowledge seeker' medium.

3. The medium can be obtained through personal behavior.

There was no reward this time, so Lin An turned off his phone and system at the same time.

When he was checking out, he glanced at the man's position. The latter had already disappeared into the busy city. Through the glass, Lin An unexpectedly saw a familiar face.

Five or six gangsters surrounded her in the center and forced her into a corner.

Freshman Ruan Ruyun?

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