World Occult User Guide

Chapter 9 Someone from the Foundation

How did they get to my head?

Did they discover something?

Ominous speculations passed through Lin An's mind, but he quickly calmed down and picked up the garbage bag filled with takeout boxes.

Before drawing a conclusion, just stay put.

After all, I am still an ordinary college student on the surface.

"Mike, help me take the trash away——"

Lin An took the initiative to run out of the dormitory and bumped into the woman who had just entered.

The garbage bag fell to the ground, and a paper lunch box with a panda printed on it rolled out, stained with a few uneaten fried noodles.

The woman was stunned, stretched out her hand to Lin An, and helped him up.

"Sorry to bother you. This is the special case team."


Mike, who was covering his head, blinked hard, focused his eyes, and saw that in addition to the woman, there were two heavily armed policemen standing outside the door.

A word comes to mind.


Mike took two steps back and shouted: "What are you going to do? Stay away from me!"

"Don't be afraid, young man." The woman winked at the police, "You can leave first."

The big man that Mike was so proud of was not enough to look good in front of the armed police. He was taken away after three attempts. The tall woman smiled with ease and adjusted her glasses.

"Hello, I'm Caroline."

With her dazzling blond hair, brown eyes, rosy lips, curvy figure and sweet voice, the woman looks like a star in a romantic movie.

If this voice hadn't appeared in a dark alley, she would have looked like a simple sweetheart.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"Just call me Caroline." The woman approached Lin An with slow steps, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Sasaki Haruto?"

The big stone hanging on Lin An's chest fell to the ground.

Sure enough, the Foundation was only investigating Haida's case.

"My name is Lin An, Sasaki's friend." Lin An maintained a slightly nervous mood, as if he were an ordinary college student, "We made an appointment to play games together today."

"what game?"

"Princess Love Battle."

Caroline frowned slightly, then returned to normal.


Lin An turned on the headlights, and bright white light shone on his face.

The young man's facial features are half of the warmth of Central China, and the other half of the depth of Xizhou. His jet-black hair makes his pair of light-colored eyes almost transparent.

Caroline watched intently, and suddenly, memories came to her mind.

"Mr. Lin," she said, "Did you and your friends play games all day?"

"Roughly the same."

"Then I would like to ask, is the figure recorded on the monitor at the entrance of the library, is you?"

Caroline took out the tablet from her crossbody bag and brought up the color image. The young man's dangling figure was clearly visible.

"It's me."

She didn't expect Lin An to admit it so easily, and she was a little surprised: "Can you recount the scene at that time?"

"I was returning books at that time - I was one of the few people in the university who insisted on reading paper books. You can check the records through my student card, or ask the library administration."

Caroline electronically wrote down Lin An's every sentence, and the latter continued.

"By the way, I met a strange tourist on the road who seemed lost. I gave him directions."

"What kind of tourist?"

"An overweight man about thirty years old." Lin An gestured to Haida's appearance, "I can't remember exactly, it's more or less like this."

Caroline nodded and said, "Do you still remember where he is going?"

"A strange thing happened." Lin An said, "He was going to the abandoned football field of Ann Arbor University. I didn't even know this place. After his explanation, I roughly knew that it turned out that our university had planned to build A place that eventually got canceled.”

He spread his hands.

"Isn't it very strange? If I hadn't lived in the East District before, I would never have heard of it."


The two stood side by side by the bed in the dormitory. Caroline temporarily suppressed her doubts and looked at the "oyster" that couldn't help but squirm under the quilt in confusion.

"He is Sasaki." Lin An said helplessly, "He is relatively introverted and not good at getting along with strangers."

Is this called not good at it?

This is basically treating strangers as zombies!

"Uh, Mr. Sasaki?" Caroline tentatively approached the quilt, and Lin An noticed that she adjusted her glasses again, as if it was a subconscious act of self-protection, "Can you hear me?"

The bed was shaking more and more intensely.


She lifted the quilt.

Seeing the light, Oyster and Caroline looked at each other, rolled their eyes, and fell unconscious.

"Fat man!"

Fortunately, Sasaki just had a panic attack and fainted, and was fine.

Caroline on the side was embarrassed.

"I strongly recommend that your friend see a psychiatrist."

Sasaki's non-faithful performance left her in a dilemma. After searching for Haida's web browsing and search records, the quartet discovered that Haida was obsessed with the "World Tree Forum" before his death, but his account was banned and all the information was missing. fly.

In addition, his search records show a large number of names.

"Sasaki Haruto."

There are too few records about the "Lord of Dreams", and the foursome cannot determine whether Heida died of natural causes, or if someone else contributed to the cause at the time, so they had to meet the Sasaki Haruto first.

However, I was a huge disappointment to Caroline.

Even if the awakening is mysterious, what can this timid soft-footed shrimp accomplish?

"Mr. Lin, I want to ask you a few questions. Please answer truthfully." Sasaki couldn't wake up for the time being. Caroline sat on the edge of the bed, holding her glasses. "May I ask where you went and what you did after you left the library? ?”

Lin An thought for a moment and said, "After returning the books, I went back to the dormitory and bought a bag of pandas for delivery." He added, "The dormitories of Ann Arbor University are monitored, you can check."

"We will."

Ann Arbor University has a long history and a large area, making it difficult for modernization to be fully popularized.

Except for university buildings and main roads, surveillance cameras are not installed in many places. The foursome watched the video near the library early.

After Hedda left the library, she turned into a remote path and disappeared; Lin An followed closely, but turned right, walking in the opposite direction to Hedda.

Within fifteen minutes, Lin An did not appear on any surveillance screen.

The school staff explained that this could not constitute evidence. There is a road full of birch trees between the library and the dormitory building. It has a beautiful scenery. Young couples often go on dates there. The proposal to install cameras was defeated by overwhelming protests and demonstrations. .

Then, Panda Delivery photographed Lin An.

As he said, after buying the takeaway, he returned to his dormitory and never went out again.

It is completely the life of an ordinary college student, there is nothing suspicious about it.

After pondering for a while, Caroline then asked: "As a friend of Haruto Sasaki, please tell me whether he mentioned the term 'World Tree Forum'?"

Lin An pretended to be deep in thought. After a while, he slapped his forehead in sudden realization.

"It turns out to be the World Tree!"

"Yes! What did you hear?" Caroline leaned half forward excitedly.

"The 'World Tree Project' is a charity project that Sasaki and I did when we were in school. The purpose is to protect local birds and the ecological environment." Lin An said calmly, "I don't know if I can still find it on the official website. What's wrong? "

It's true, the word "World Tree" was exactly what Lin An got inspired from the group work.

As for why Haida found out about Sasaki, it is probably because he and his sister mentioned the "World Tree Project" when they were bragging about their UI beautification. After all, that project won an award from the university.

A basin of cold water was poured on her, and Caroline's heart felt cold.

Lin An clicked on the compressed file, and the big title "World Tree Project - Elves from the Deep Forest" stung her eyes like a high beam in the middle of the night.

"No, this is too coincidental, how could it be..."

While she was in a daze, a local news report was like thunder, exploding in Caroline's ears.

"...we are broadcasting the latest developments of the [Gas Station Serial Shootings] on December 2. The police have detained three armed suspects and released 17 unarmed witnesses. They were invited into the police station by mistake. One of them, Hedda Steiner, said..."

Hedda Steiner!

Was he also present when [the gas station serial shootings] happened? !

That case was not an accident, but a "mysterious" murder?

For a time, the clues were linked to each other, and speculations filled Caroline's brain. New ideas suddenly replaced Lin An's vague sense of dissonance.

"Oops, I pressed the volume button." Lin Jing turned off the computer, "Sasaki and I were listening to the news from our university just now, using MyTube's automatic broadcast."

Caroline sat up suddenly.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Lin."

"Are you done asking?"

"This is the business card of our special team, Mr. Lin." Caroline took out a piece of paper from her chest, put it on the computer table and wrote a series of numbers. "In three to five days, someone will contact you through this number. You, please keep your cell phone answered.”

After saying that, she walked towards the door holding the tablet.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chief Caroline."

"Have a good night."


The dormitory door is completely closed.

The tight strings broke one by one. Lin An relaxed and turned the computer chair several times.

The joy of getting out of trouble came to Lin An's heart, and Lin An's passion had nowhere to vent. From the corner of his eye, he caught Fatty's cell phone with the screen still off, picked it up and pumped it ten times in a row.

Very good, guaranteed.

The screen full of R and SR made people feel chilled and excited. Lin An took her schoolbag and left the dormitory.

As soon as he went out, he and Mike met unexpectedly.

"Lin, you haven't gone back yet." Mike raised his thick eyebrows.

"I wasted a little time being investigated, but luckily I was able to catch the last bus."

"You are really not afraid of death. Someone just died on campus, and you still dare to go out at night." Mike raised his hand and threw out a key card, "Sleep in my room. I'm going to find April to find out later. I won’t come back for the night.”

"Oh, thanks."

Lin An reached out and took the key card.

It's time to return to daily life. Frequent use of occult techniques will always reveal your flaws.

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