"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The computer sounded a sound effect, and Fatty's hands left the keyboard.

"The test is completed and the code runs without any problem. Listen, Lin Sang, this means that three people from this city have just registered World Tree accounts."

"Huh? I'm not sleepy. I-I'm helping you fight."

Lin An woke up from his drowsiness and subconsciously clicked on the five mobile phones in front of him.

"Okay, I don't expect you to help me with the Guild Battle and the World BOSS." Sasaki rolled his eyes, "The new features have been added, when will you give me the 1,000 Dao Le?"

"Turn around now."

"Wait a minute, Lin Sang." Sasaki jumped off the computer chair and ran towards five mobile phones lined up, "Go straight into "Princess Love Battle"."

Lin An was speechless and exchanged positions with the impatient Sasaki, who switched to manual combat.

I don’t know how fun a game with repeated operations is.

Thanks to Sasaki, Lin An was able to rest in a safe environment and settle his thoughts.

Back to six hours ago, when Haida fired the gun, Lin An activated the mysterious technique that he had prepared.

"Do you want to consume the media 'Lord of the Earth' x1, 'God of Truth x1', and 'Seeker' x1 to use [Hittite Guardian Ritual]?"


Another energy bursting through the air instantly distorted the material space.

Gray clouds streaked across, darkening the area, then suddenly brightening again, and phantoms of birch and poplar trees flickered like ghosts, eventually forming a transparent invisible shield.

For the Hittites, who worshiped the underworld, guardianship was also imbued with metaphors for the "soul."


The bullet seemed to hit a real wall, and it paused slightly, unable to move forward at all.

Even though the magic bullet shooter is said to have "no miss", the Hittite ritual belongs to the source B level, which is far greater than the weird talk D level. When the two mysterious arts collide, the one with higher priority will instantly overwhelm the other.

Ten seconds later, the shield slowly dissipated and the bullets fell to the ground crisply.

At the same time, the system's mechanical sound sounded.

"The entry "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demons III: Magic Bullet Shooter" has been included, and you got the medium 'Lord of Dreams' x6."

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

The floating data is getting more and more detailed.

[Name]: Magic Bullet Shooter, Free Shooter, Devil's Gun

[Rating]: Ghost story D grade

[Radiation value]: 1.8%

[Pollution level]: 58.2%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

[Mysterious Source]: This is a story passed down orally from Glemania. For love, a young hunter made a deal with the devil at any cost and became an accurate archer.

The prototype of the devil comes from the 36th of King Solomon's 72 pillars, the demon god Stolas. In "The Key of Solomon", He transforms into the image of an owl or a crow, with slender legs, a crown on his head, and an elegant manner that makes people hardly feel evil.

"The Discovery of Witchcraft" records that Stora has two forms, the first is the devil's black crow, and the second is the beautiful white-winged angel with a pair of blue-green eyes.

No matter what form it appears in, once the devil is prayed for help, the only fate for humans is death.

Consume the medium "Lord of Dreams" x1 and use the magic bullet shooter's ability [Stars in Me].

[Individual introduction]: When he was five years old, his father was shot and killed, but the murderer was not found. He only knew that the murderer was a native of Eagle Country.

Perhaps due to witnessing his father's murder, or perhaps induced by other negative psychological factors, he developed a strong hatred for society as he grew up, and allowed the world to isolate him.

Consume the medium "Lord of Dreams" x1 and use the magic bullet shooter's ability [100 hits].

The excitement gradually calmed down, and Lin An quickly left the scene.

Lying on the bed, he controlled the beautiful girl to kill the monster while analyzing the magic bullet shooter's panel.

At present, Lin An only knows that [100% accuracy] is a function similar to that of a sniper rifle.

But its range, activation conditions, and effects are all mysterious.

And what’s the use of [Stars to Me]?

From the Dwarf Demon to the Magic Bullet Shooter, each Mystery has two abilities. The first is related to the legendary archetype, and the second is more closely related to the Mystery itself and is a variant of the source.

Maybe this is a mysterious law of the "Ghost Story" level?

While waiting for the Krypton Gold confirmation, Lin An glanced at the administrator account.

"Has the positioning changed?"

Obviously they have the same nickname and the same registration time, but the IP addresses of the three accounts were transferred to three different cities.

Are you using anti-tracking technology?

Unless there are ulterior motives, normal users will never do this "unnecessarily".

If Sasaki hadn't happened to be testing, Lin An wouldn't have noticed these three city-changing accounts at all. After all, their code wasn't advanced enough to track a person's "travel" route.

What a blessing.

Lin An quickly wrote down three account names. Unlike nicknames, users cannot change them.

After logging out as the administrator, Lin An logged into Sasaki's usual account.

"Now, I'm curious." Sasaki asked while playing the game, "Why did you specifically add this function to locate IP? And pay special attention to the city of Detli - there can't be any strange use."

"What bad thoughts can I, Lin An, have?"

Lin An leaned out half of his body.

"Sasaki, haven't you noticed that there are more and more weird incidents in Ditry City?"

"Sorry, I never watch the news."

"Play a section and listen to it." Lin An clicked on the scrolling [Today's Focus] page on MyTube.

[Serial shootings at gas stations]…

[Mysterious disappearance in the city center]...

【School bus horror mystery】......

[Ann Arbor University Unknown Corpse Case]...

"Ah, isn't this our school? What happened?" Fatty couldn't help but pause the game and raised his head. Lin An took the opportunity to put the computer in front of him.

I saw a reporter holding a microphone, with red and blue car lights crisscrossing behind him.

"Hello viewers, my current location is Ann Arbor University East in Detrey."

"At around 19:35 on December 7, following a report from the first discoverer, an unidentified corpse was found here. The deceased's body was twisted and bloody, and it was suspected that he had suffered inhuman torture during his lifetime."

"Currently, the police have completely sealed off the scene. The case is under further investigation."

A disheveled woman broke into the camera and rushed towards the yellow line without hesitation. The reporter quickly raised the microphone to her face.

"This emotional lady, what do you think of this case?"

"My son, the person lying inside is my baby!" The woman cried bitterly, "Get out of the way and let me see him for the last time! Let me see the face that was taken away by the Virgin Mary!"

"Oh, my God!" The reporter seized the opportunity and took back the microphone. "What an unexpected twist! This lady turned out to be the mother of the deceased!" She returned the microphone to the woman's mouth. "Can I ask if there was any abnormal behavior of the deceased before the incident? ?”

"I don't know, I don't know!"

"May I ask who you remember he had an enmity with?"

"Wu, wu, wu... I only know that it is my baby, my only relative in the world..."

"Viewers, this may be a love-murder case with ups and downs. Please don't walk away. Our reporters will continue to follow up with you——"

Sasaki pressed pause, his eyes full of unbearability and his expression gloomy.

"It's not peaceful." Lin An said, "I just had a close call with death today."


"What do you think, Sasaki?"

"It strengthens my determination to stay at home." Sasaki covered his head with a quilt. "At worst, I won't go out for the rest of my life. With the development of modern civilization, I can't starve to death in my room. As long as I stay at home enough, death will not be able to catch up with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Whoa, whoa, who broke into the house and killed someone!"

Sasaki immediately crawled into the bed like an oyster, wrapped himself into a ball, and couldn't help but tremble while hiding inside.

Lin An couldn't help but become nervous, his heart beating wildly, fearing that he had missed something during the day, until he could see the appearance of the person clearly through the peephole, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mike, what's the matter?"

"Grandma's, why is it your kid?"

A young man wearing a red shirt stood against the wall. He had curly brown hair, a bright nose ring, chewing gum in his mouth, and a rebellious face.

Surrounding him were three followers who were equally tall and muscular.

Mike Smith is the captain of the Ann Arbor University football team, a standard sunny and cheerful Eagle native, and Lin An’s former roommate.

"Go away, Lin from the Dragon Kingdom." Mike crossed his arms condescendingly, "I'm looking for that damn fat guy."

"He's already asleep."


Mike spit out the gum, wrapped it in paper, and stuffed it into his pocket.

“Doris is throwing an awesome party next weekend and guess who isn’t invited?”


The followers pointed at Lin An's nose in unison, like a group of monkeys with superb dancing skills.

I go, hawk style bullying.

"So keep playing with that loser. We don't welcome nerds anyway." Mike gestured with a thumbs down, "Tell Sasaki that he will never leave his dormitory if he can! Otherwise he will be finished!"

That's exactly what they meant. Lin An thought.

"As far as I know, Sasaki stays in his room playing games every day and doesn't even let out any sound." He tried his best to persuade, "Mike, we are all college students, so be mature, okay?"

Veins popped up on Mike's forehead, and his fists banged against the wall.

"You think I'm targeting him for no reason?" He spat angrily, "Lin, you know that April and I have been on good terms for two years, right?"

I don’t know, but you go ahead.

"Ask Sasaki what he read to April that day! Ever since she read that book, April has blocked me! She won't answer the phone, won't open the door on the door, just play "disconnected" for me! Damn it !”

"April is missing?"

"No, she's fine. Doris is always with her when it's time to go to class and party." Mike tried to calm down. "She just broke up with me completely. Damn it, I don't understand what the woman is thinking. Obviously I Didn’t do anything except—”

After a pause, Mike snorted coldly.

"Lin, tell Sasaki that he's done. April only broke up with me after reading the book he gave me! Now I'm the laughing stock. Damn it, no matter what the purpose, he's done!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, followed by his followers dancing with joy.

Someone pushed open the public door in the corridor, almost knocking Mike over to the ground.


A clear and bright female voice came, and Lin An's pupils narrowed.

is her?

Part of a quartet!

The Saint-Annelov Foundation is here!

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