World Occult User Guide

Chapter 7 The Devil’s Prey

The moment he recognized Hedda Steiner's mystery, the voice of the system rang in Lin An's mind.

"After your testimony, the illustrated book of [Magic Bullet Shooter] has been unlocked."


[Name]: Magic Bullet Shooter, Free Shooter, Devil's Gun

[Rating]: Ghost story D grade

[Radiation value]: 1.8%

[Pollution level]: 58.2%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

Seeing the data, Lin An's questions were answered.

There is such a folk tale circulating in Gremania.

A young hunter falls in love with a beautiful girl, but the girl's father demands that the hunter win the hunting competition in a few weeks and prove that he is a warrior worthy of his daughter.

The hunter's archery skills are not bad, but due to impatience and recklessness, his accuracy is getting worse and worse, and he can't even hit the prey that is close at hand.

Seeing that the hunting competition is about to begin, the hunter is very anxious.

One day when he was practicing in the forest, a strange man on stilts limped out, bent down, and asked the hunter about his troubles.

After listening to the hunter's narration, the man gave him a magical gun.

He claimed that the gun's first six bullets could hit any prey the hunter wanted, but in exchange he demanded a seventh shot from the hunter.

After trying it twice, the hunter was surprised.

The local priest reminded the hunter that the man was probably a devil, but the young man didn't take it seriously. He shocked the girl's father with a few deer and easily won the hunting competition.

At the wedding, the father asked the hunter to prove his bravery one last time.

The hunter picked up the shotgun with two bullets left in it.

He thought he had two more chances.

The hunter aimed at an eagle in the sky and pulled the trigger.

——Ping! Ping!

Two shots rang out at the same time, the eagle fell, and the girl in a wedding dress fell into a pool of blood.

The grief-stricken hunter fell down next to his lover, the shadow fell, and he saw the devil on stilts again.

Why are you crying? Didn't we agree? The devil laughs wildly.

The first six shots will hit anything, but the seventh shot's prey will be mine.

Not only did he accurately predict the greed and arrogance of the human heart, the devil in the story set up a small language trap. He made the hunter mistakenly think that he could not fire the seventh shot.

In fact, the sixth bullet is the final seal.

Once lifted, the devil takes over the gun and takes aim at his prey.

6, the magic number.

It is rumored that the devil's code name is 666, and people from the Foundation have also said that when the pollution level exceeds 60%, individuals will become insane.

According to the story of the Magic Bullet Shooter, it is not difficult for Lin An to guess that Hedda's lower body has actually been deformed - which also explains why he walks with a limp.

However, Hedda himself was unaware that the rising pollution levels did not make him weaker. Muscles replaced fat, giving Hedda the illusion that the more he used his superpowers, the stronger he became.

Little do they know that the devil in the magic bullet shooter is the image of a lame man on stilts, and the sweetness the hunter tastes is all a trick by the devil to trick him into firing the sixth shot.

It is said that the devil will shoot the user's most beloved thing.

Looking at Hedda, who was trembling all over and blushing, Lin An curled his lips.

This kind of person loves only himself.

"Haha, do you really think you are the only one who is special? Let me tell you, there are many people with super powers in the world, and Haruto Sasaki is one of them. He has long seen through everything, and you are nothing more than a humanoid pistol. As long as you wear a bulletproof vest, There’s no need to be afraid at all.”

Hedda Steiner was breathing heavily, her eyes were getting more and more bloodshot, and her veins were squirming and expanding like earthworms, crawling all over her face from her neck.

"I don't know what you are so proud of. After awakening such a useless ability, no one will really fall for it." Lin An sneered, "I don't even want it for free."

If I don't take action, I can only be "Jie Jie Jie".

As if a thread in her mind was broken, the hair on Haida's head almost exploded. She let out a hoarse roar and ripped off the glove on her right hand like a tear.

It was a hand that was out of the normal range and made people feel sick.

The only barely discernible hand was printed with a luminous pattern on the back, and the other five fingers had a faint metallic luster, but they hung down softly. There was probably no internal support.

When Haida raised his right hand and pointed it at Lin An, his five fingers made a strange "clack" sound, and they all turned over, squirming and deforming, covering the pattern in the center of the back of the hand, a layer of flesh on top of a layer of bone. , forming the shape of a gun.

The gun of flesh and blood left a black muzzle, and Lin An saw the body of the luminous pattern from inside.

A devil's smiling face.

"Would you like to hear how the first five people died?"

Hedda took a step forward, breathing loudly in her throat, as if she was crazy.

"That day, I just went to the gas station... I just wanted to buy a bag of potato chips, but the boss recognized me. He laughed at me as a squatter, a waste, a scum from the bottom of society..."

"Kill him! Kill him - the feeling is getting stronger and clearer. I feel something coming to me. I raise my hand involuntarily, aim at the boss's back, aim, and then - —Fire!”

"Blood splashed, and a bullet flew over from nowhere and hit his back. He screamed and fell to the ground, using his hands and feet, dragging his bleeding body and trying to crawl out. It seemed that he called the police, but I first He left the convenience store in one step. The gas station was full of people."

"An Indian-Asian man was standing next to the car, swiping his card to buy gas, looking like a successful person. That smile... was too condescending, he was obviously just a low-class immigrant! I aimed at his left chest without hesitation ——Ping!”

"Then I saw an old man sitting on a bench, ha, just a worm who relies on subsidies! That money could be used on anything other than letting the old man study leisurely, so I pointed at her - ping!"

"A pair of young men and women ran past the avenue, their faces beaming with joy and youth. It's so unfair! Such people are just born with a good figure and good looks, so they enjoy the youth that I can't get - how dare they Provoke me—Ping!”

"You have no idea how good it feels when the smoke comes out of the gun! The thrill of aiming is addictive!"

Lin An suddenly remembered the news headlines five days ago.

[Serial shootings at gas stations].

An unidentified killer fired five shots, killing four people and seriously injuring one. The victims had little in common and the suspect's motives remained a mystery.

Although the police detained everyone present and identified three armed suspects, they were unable to convict due to insufficient evidence.

To this day, the suspect's identity remains unclear.

Fully five different families were torn apart.

The owner of the convenience store suffered spinal nerve damage and was paralyzed for life; the Indians were about to move into the new house they had finally bought in Eagle Country after working hard for many years; the old woman read the latest "Fashion" and hoped to be dazzling when attending her grandson's entrance ceremony; young men and women They are a brother and sister whose father recently escaped from domestic violence.

"Now, it's your turn. You dare to discriminate against me after learning a little bit! Do you think a bulletproof vest can stop my bullets? Haha, I have super powers! I can do anything!"

Hedda laughed loudly from her soul.

"Go to hell!"


Two gunshots rang out at the same time, and Haida saw in disbelief that a strange shield rose up in front of Lin An. The bullet seemed to hit the silicone surface, and the transparent lines rippled, and it bounced off effortlessly.

Immediately afterwards, severe pain penetrated into his brain.

It seemed that a pair of cold hands had taken over the gun, and he could only watch his actions, letting his right hand aim at his temple uncontrollably, and pull the trigger mercilessly.

Bullets come from the stars.

The cold numbness made Heda burst into tears, her eyes blurred, and she felt like the world was spinning.


He staggered and fell to the ground twitchingly, and the world fell into eternal darkness.

While he was still breathing, Hedda still could not understand his own death, and was filled with hatred and confusion. The last thing that left him was his hearing.

"Der Todesstern, you're not the worst hacker I've ever seen."

That college student...

calls me……

Is he the real one——

"But it has to be the worst person."

——The founder of the World Tree Forum!


"Killed by my own mystery?"

Darkness enveloped Ann Arbor University, and a yellow line surrounded this desolate area. The surrounding area was filled with the sharp sirens of police cars. Four figures surrounded the body, and one of them spoke.

"Although the corpse was bloody and inhuman shape. But if you look closely at his hands, you can barely recognize that they had transformed into the shape of a 'gun'; his cause of death was a gunshot wound." The coroner said, "The degree of contamination of the deceased also proves this. , the test result is at least 90%.”

"Have you found out the specific medium?"

"I can't be sure, but I'm 60% sure - the Lord of Dreams."

"That's it."

"That's right, among the cases recorded by St. Annilov, only this medium has this characteristic... Do you remember poor Mr. Lloyd?"

The foursome looked at each other in silence, and the short ringtone broke the silence.

"There was a mobile phone in the corpse's pocket," said a clear female voice. "The call memo was 'stinky woman'. Uh, did I answer it?"

"Proceed with caution."

An urgent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiaoda, where are you? I'm sorry, mom didn't mean it! I bought you a new computer, the latest model, go home quickly!"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to inform you..."

"What did you say? No, no, God! My baby..."

After hanging up the phone, the leading male voice sighed.

"At least the identity of the deceased has been confirmed. I just received a notification from the school that this area has not yet been developed and is one of the few places on campus that is not under surveillance. The victim is unrecognizable. I thought it would take some time to confirm the identity."


"What's wrong, Caroline?"

"The last page the deceased visited before he died was the 'World Tree Forum'." A clear female voice said, "A well-known online occult research station that gathers people from all over the world who are interested in the supernatural. Before joining the foundation, I was one of the activists."

The other three looked at each other and said, "Caroline, can you send us the website address?"


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