World Occult User Guide

Chapter 6 Offline Chase

Lin An heard murderous intent from this man's soliloquy.

With Sasaki's social skills, even college students in the same grade may not even know that this person exists, let alone being sought out.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An followed him.

It was the back of an overweight man. He had thin blond hair. Due to the lack of sunlight, his face looked pale. His thin skin was red, and his blood vessels were almost bursting with fat from junk food.

The strange thing is that his lower body is slender and his legs are somewhat limping, but very strong.

The man looked at the university map issued by the library and kept cursing, "It's so damn hard to find."

Lin Lin came forward casually.

"Sir, what are you looking for? Maybe I can help you." He showed the yellow letter A medal on his chest, "I am a student of this university."

The man took two steps back, his small eyes flashing with an unfriendly light.

"Oh, students." He pointed to the student dormitory on the map, "Tell me how to get here, this place is too big. I'm looking for death."

"Turn left at the intersection ahead, then turn right twice and you'll be there."

The man nodded, put away the map and left.

When he turned the first intersection, he always felt that someone was following him. He turned around and found Lin An coming out from halfway, with a smile on his face.

The man was stunned at first and said impatiently: "What are you doing? Do you think I look like this just because I want to do bad things?"

"Well, I forgot my computer, and I just had to go back to the dormitory to get it." Lin An scratched his head, "I'm sorry, sir, if I have offended you. Are you a parent or relative of a student? It's the Winter Festival soon. Yes, there are a lot of visitors on campus.”

After hearing his words, the man's expression softened.

"Who are you looking for? Maybe I know him." Lin An pressed while the iron was hot, "There are more than 400 people living in the second dormitory. Not to mention other people, sometimes I can't figure out which dormitory and how to get there."

A trace of confusion flashed across the man's face, and after a while, he let out a breath.

"A student named 'Haruto Sasaki'." He took out a printed photo and handed it to Lin An, looking him up and down, "What do you think, have you seen him before? I think you look like a Sakura."

You curse again.

Lin An maintained a friendly smile: "Of course, he lives above me. I will take you there later."

The two walked side by side for a while, and the man broke the silence unwillingly.

"May I have your name?"

"Kuna Yuko."

" name is Hedda Steiner."

Lin An's eyelids twitched without leaving any trace.

Hedda Steiner?

DerTodesstern of the World Tree Forum?

He actually caught up to the line.

I only heard the man's words flashing, and hesitantly said: "This university is good. In society, let alone helping each other, sometimes when I stand in front of a store, there are security guards chasing people away."

"How could this be? It doesn't matter if you stand still, and besides, the store is not run by security guards."

"That's it!" The man seemed to have found a soulmate, "Listen to me, kid, the outside world is a jungle where the strong eat the jungle. There are many guys who bully others. It doesn't matter if you bully others if you don't have money. If you don't dare to do anything to him, if you meet someone with money People nodded and bowed again."

“I can’t understand who doesn’t have low points in life.”

"The key is, my mother forced me to join them." The man gushed, "I obey like a dog, go to and from get off work, just for a little money. The goal of life should be greater!"

"What's your plan?"

"Oh, I want to change the world." The man vowed, "People like me are born to give orders. Alas, it's a pity that I was born at the wrong time, and many roads have been passed. For example, that Einstein, isn't it? E=mc2? I can figure it out too."

As expected of a super abstract person, there are at least four or five bad things in one sentence.

Lin An swallowed the sarcasm and said smoothly: "Mr. Steiner, if other people said this, I would definitely sneer at it. But I don't know why, you give me a strange feeling, as if... well, it's hard to describe, anyway, with others It’s not the same.”

The man immediately stopped and stared straight into Lin An's eyes.

Lin An was so stared at that his heart went crazy. He had to maintain his image as a sincere college student and his face became stiff.

"I didn't expect you to see through it." The man raised a hand, and the skull-patterned leather gloves looked a little old, "Yes, I am unique."

What a fool! What a fool!

Lin An swallowed his rational roar and looked curiously at the back of the man's hand, but the moment he was about to see it clearly, he covered it with his other hand.

"What's this?"

Lin An asked proactively before the man could attack.

"The power to change the world." The man clenched his five fingers into a fist like a carrot, "Anyway, as long as you know that I am awesome, Kuna Yuko."


The two turned the second intersection, and the man brought up a new topic.

"Is Sasaki Haruto your friend?"

Lin An smiled meaningfully and said firmly: "No, we met a few times for admissions, and we had no contact after that." He added, "Unlike you, Mr. Steiner, that guy... is very timid. Very. I’m sorry I said that about your relatives.”

"Bah, that thing has nothing to do with me." The man cursed, but his face lit up with joy.

"What do you want to see him for, Mr. Steiner? Anyway, I'm on my way. How about I help convey it?"

"No, I have to see him with my own eyes." The man shrugged, "This guy made me very unhappy. If I don't teach him a lesson, I won't be able to swallow my bad breath."

"Is it possible that you want to beat him up?" Lin An's eyes widened, "To be honest, this guy is not popular in the grade. Mike just gave him a few hard blows a few days ago."

"Just in time, I will send him on his way directly."

Lin An pretended to be shocked and paused on the spot. The man glanced at him.

"Just kidding, I just came out of the library. There are metal detectors at the entrance and exit. If I had a gun, how could I not detect it?"

Combining this person's replies and private messages, Lin Anli figured out the general context.

The man was originally an idle internet troll, but he was radiated by Commerce and awakened to the "mystery".

Without an explanation from the system or foundation, and influenced by some film and television works, he thought he was the only chosen person in the world with superpowers.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he attempted to completely get rid of the past and live a life that attracted much attention.

Unfortunately, he has been out of touch with society for too long and has no idea how to show off his abilities. He has no choice but to browse various websites to find a sense of presence and highlight his uniqueness.

While quarreling with people and constantly changing positions, Haida followed the clues and registered the World Tree account.

Looking at the screen full of occult enthusiasts, he thought that he would finally be popular among people, but unexpectedly, he still failed to do so and was permanently banned by Lin An.

Furious, Haida somehow found Sasaki who had participated in the "World Tree Project" through a few keywords, mistook him for the founder, dug out the photos through social software, and aggressively chased him to Ann Arbor University.

He wanted to kill Sasaki?

Just because the forum account has been blocked?

Or... just because he has the ability to do so now?

Now is not the time to study psychology. If I kill Fatty Wang, someone will change the code for me.

Lin An calmed down.

Come to think of it, Hedda mentioned guns.

If I remember correctly, he also made a similar statement on the forum - "I will kill you" - Haida always used the word "kill" on his lips.

The more you care about something, the easier it is to think of related words.

Haida kept emphasizing "guns" and seemed completely unafraid. Could it be that his mystery was related to guns?

Mysterious forces are silent. Unless the four members of the Foundation have special abilities, ordinary people cannot detect the influence of supernatural factors. In the end, they will only conduct investigations based on "logical" conclusions.

Even if a school shooting occurs, Haida, who has no weapons, will be easily ruled out as a suspect.

In particular, the "mysterious" abilities are all kinds of weird, and they are silent when activated. Haida may be able to kill the target "ultra-long range".

Think, think deeply.


Glemanian, meaning "Death Star".

Guns, Gremania, death...

After a flash of inspiration, Lin An jogged a few steps to follow Haida and turned the third and final intersection.

"Mr. Steiner, judging from your accent, you are not a native of Eagle Country, right?"

"What are you doing, checking your household registration?"

The question seemed to hit Hedda, and his patience suddenly ran out.

"Actually, I am a military fan. In addition to Eagle Country and Sakura Country, I have always been interested in thermal weapons from all over the world. Which country are you from? Can you introduce the guns there?"

"I'm from Glemania. To be honest, modern guns are just a pile of junk." Haida said disdainfully, "No matter how much they are developed and optimized, they can do -"

"What can be done?"

"none of your business!"

"You seem to know a lot about guns, sir."

Haida spat. The goodwill and affection he had just developed towards Lin An were exhausted by a few aggressive questions and turned vicious.

"Damn it, stay away from me! Otherwise I'll kill you!"

At this point, Lin An was convinced that Hedda had awakened a mystery, and it was related to guns.

The road ahead suddenly became clear, and the trees on both sides became sparse. The cold winter wind lost the obstruction of the branches and leaves, and whizzed by without restraint, making the corners of their clothes rustle.

"Mr. Steiner, have you ever heard of a folk legend in Glemania?" Lin An said quietly, "It's called the 'Magic Bullet Shooter'."

"What kind of knowledge are you showing off? What's so great about college students? They will just be dogs for rich people from now on!" Heida finally couldn't bear it anymore, and veins popped up on her forehead.

Lin An's tone seemed to have changed, which made him particularly unhappy.

"So far, five shots have been fired."

The words were like thunder, and Heda was so shocked that all the blood drained from her face, and she blurted out: "You know?!"

"The radiation value is 1.8% and the pollution level is 58.2%. It shouldn't take long to awaken the mystery."

Heda held her gloved right hand with her left hand and pointed it sharply behind her. On the green grass, she saw a young black-haired man with his hands in his pockets and a victor's smile on his lips.

"Hedda Steiner, do you dare to shoot me for the sixth time?"

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