World Occult User Guide

Chapter 5 Ann Arbor University

The Ann Arbor University campus is characterized by its “vast area and sparsely populated area.”

Large areas of land are abandoned, and the burnt-yellow lawns are empty. Campuses for different majors are divided, and students rely on shuttle buses to commute.

The history of this university far exceeds the founding of Eagle Country. Modernization has only spread to the buildings. Just looking at the environment, it even gives people the illusion of being in the wilderness.

In the early morning, the campus is full of tourist groups wandering around. They take pictures with their mobile phones and praise the beautiful scenery and quiet location.

Ann Arbor University is well-known, and visitors will naturally create a myth for it.

Lin An walked toward the student dormitory along the main road filled with yellow A-university abbreviation-flags.

After living here for two years, he knows the routes on campus very well.

Some people in the tour group consciously followed Lin An.

Sunlight dances on the tranquil water, reflecting off the beige brick walls, as if coated with a layer of colorful broken light, blending in with the lush flower fields surrounding the teaching building.

The buildings are well maintained and any university with an endowment is constantly building up its campus.

This is common sense and good business sense. The beautiful campus attracts students, teachers and students are proud of it, and it attracts parents from all over the world to fly into the flames.

When the tour group posted the photos on social media, applications for next year flew in like snowflakes.

Behind the humanities teaching building is Lin An's old dormitory. He opened the door with his student card, and the tour group dispersed in disappointment.

If you continue to follow Lin An, this university trip will end in disillusionment. The lingering smell of cigarette smoke floats in the dormitory corridors, and the floor is covered with cigarette butts, shredded paper, moldy pizza and French fries, and used cigarette smoke. plastic bags, crushed beer cans and other garbage.

"Ding dong."

The moment the elevator opened the door, a woman smelling of tobacco and alcohol bumped into Lin An.

"Hey, do I look drunk?" She smiled vaguely.

"Yes, be careful on the way back."

"'No drinking, no smoking'! Oh, country bumpkin, are you from Kalevnia... or New Jersey? Go back to farming, this is the city of Detli..."

Mistaking good intentions for nothing, Lin An let go of his hand, and the woman fell into the elevator with a bang, soundly asleep.

The former roommate's dormitory is located in the last room of the four-person dormitory.

"Bang bang bang."

There was no answer when he knocked on the door, so Lin An coughed a few times: "Sasaki, it's me, Lin An."

Twenty seconds later, the door handle turned.

Entering the door is a short corridor. The toilet is on the left, connected to a rectangular room. On one side is a spacious double bed and on the other side is a workbench with three computers and a pack of unpacked snacks.

Compared with the outside, this place is clean and tidy.

"Lin Sang, good morning. Are you here to pick up those books? No, I put them there."

The voice sounded like a cotton candy. The young man who spoke was fair and fat, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a light-colored T-shirt with anime characters printed on it.

Haruto Sasaki, Lin An’s former roommate.

When the two people from Central Continent first arrived in Eagle Country, they were all shocked by the atmosphere here. Unlike Lin An, who gradually adapted to it, Sasaki chose to close himself off and became a veritable otaku.

Opening the carton, Lin An counted his mother's ancient books.

Carolingian calligraphy added a sacred veil to the mystery. Blowing away the dust, Lin An found the second "Encyclopedia of Magic."

Although he couldn't understand a large part of the text, Lin An initially mastered the spelling based on his mother's translation.

"Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Created Life".


This term lasted throughout the Middle Ages in Western Europe.

Ancient alchemists believed that all things contained the seed of perfection, and that all imperfect things would naturally evolve toward their highest state, and that alchemy would speed up this process. Common spells include transforming base metals such as lead into precious metals such as gold or silver.

Granted, this is just fraud.

There was no radiation from "Comes" in the Middle Ages. Alchemists who became famous either used the trick of the tailor in "The Emperor's New Clothes" or were eloquent theologians.

The core of alchemy is "making imperfect things perfect." From a human perspective, it can also be understood as spiritual worship that brings people closer to divinity.

Let’s include it in the second volume.

In addition to ancient books, the box contained all the books Lin An borrowed from the library. Sasaki sorted them into categories and put an "expiration date" note on them.

Wow, that’s a lot of fines.

The only bad thing about not living on campus is that I always forget the deadlines for returning books.

Lin An turned around, and Sasaki had already rolled onto the bed, sitting in the center surrounded by beautiful girl pillows, scrolling through his phone.

"Sasaki, do you remember the code we wrote together two years ago?"

"World Tree Forum?" Sasaki looked up from the game, "Referring to the website where I worked hard that summer and you went to Starbucks to date Senior Zhou?"

After a long silence, Lin An explained awkwardly: "I'm just attending my senior's sorority. Besides, she also invited you. The problem is that you refuse to step out of the dormitory."

"Explode, you idiot!"

Sasaki took the pillow of a blue-haired girl and hugged her like an octopus.

Lin An helplessly spread his hands and returned to the topic.

“The administrator of World Tree can check the IP address of each registered account. Now the forum is very large, and the administrator’s backend is full of codes. It looks like a bible, and there is no way to start, and there is no way to quickly find effective information. "

"Do you want to add a 'search keyword' function?"

"Yeah. In addition, it would be better if the backend could display each newly registered account separately, such as marking its ID in red and returning it to normal within a month." Lin An said, "When the login location is in Ditli City, it would be best if the Well, there are special tips.”


"Can you write like this, Sasaki?"

"Bastard, you'd better have saved my life in your last life." The fat man said through gritted teeth.

Lin An smiled slightly: "500 dollars for fun."

"No, I want the liver union to fight!"

"800 dollars for fun."


"1000 Dao Le. Think about how many 648 you can charge with it, how many characters you can draw, and how many peripherals you can buy."

Sasaki stared at Lin An closely, and after a while, he compromised in frustration.

"If it weren't for the Winter Festival limited card pool opening soon, damn it, I wouldn't help you!" He groaned, "By the way, 1,000 dollars can only be used to fill up my two wives!"

The amount of money spent on mobile games is ridiculous.

In fact, Sasaki's family is well off, but he puts his living expenses into the virtual network every month and spends them all; Lin An saves them and usually spends the money he earns from working.

"Then I'll pass the code to you right away. Go ahead and change it, young man." After a pause, Lin An asked, "How long will it take to finish writing?"

"A day or two."

Sasaki struggled to get up, sat in front of three computers, pressed the power button one by one, glanced at Lin An who was doing nothing, and became very angry.

"Hey, Lin Sang, don't let the summer repeat itself. Can you buy me a takeaway?" He rolled the mouse and roughly scanned the running file received by the computer, "It's not complicated. It's almost the same as the source code. You basically haven't changed it. .Maybe I can get it done tonight.”

Awesome, boss.

Why should your next fat assistant be named Wang?

"Okay, I'll go to the library first and bring you fried rice when I come back." Lin An picked up a large stack of hard-cover books, "Have you returned the book that Anpur borrowed?"

"She said she would pay it back for you."

"April is so trustworthy?"

"I feel the same way. I'll check your borrowing records later. I really can't report the situation to the library administration." Sasaki's fingers moved quickly, and the keyboard made a crackling sound, "Go back quickly, I We’re about to enter the Zone.”

Lin An left the dormitory without disturbing him any more.

Although the name of the university library carries "books," the building contains almost no paper books.

The high-tech desk is filled with flashing computer screens, and the digitized book covers play PPT 24 hours a day. With 360-degree surround music, it is like watching a pop art movie.

Of course, students can interrupt the computer performance at any time to find what they want.

Twenty years ago in Eagle Country, when creative companies competed with old-fashioned preprinted books for market share, a large number of jobs disappeared and people were at a loss to follow the trend of the times. They were called the "beat generation."

The final result was the victory of digital commerce. Eagle Country's wealth soared and it became a top business empire. No one cared about the young people anymore.

Books became compressed packages of knowledge, outsourced to computers, and downloads transformed the publishing industry. No one except avid collectors wanted to waste paper printing.

Fortunately, there are still many paper books on the fourth floor of the library, and Lin An is a frequent visitor there.

"The total overdue fine is 32.50 dollars." The administrator said without raising his head, "Cash or card?"

"Swipe your card." Lin An asked while paying, "Please help me see if there is a copy of "Strange Stories of Lower East Continent - Aztec Myth" that has not been returned?"

The executive typed quickly, clicked the mouse, and shook his head.

"No, write it off."

Lin An was a little surprised. He didn't expect that party girl who was making noises was rarely reliable.

"Classmate, I don't understand why you always like to borrow books." The administrator swiped the magnetic cards on the spines of the books one by one and said half-complainingly, "It adds to the trouble for both of us."

“My eyes can’t stand screens.”

"Ah, what a pity." The executive shook his head, "You know, you are lucky to be born in the Eagle Country."

"which aspect?"

"You can enjoy modern facilities that are at the forefront of technology and knowledge. Next door in Xizhou, the libraries are just repositories of old objects with no commercial value. No one uses them, and the capital chain is collapsing."

Lin An was perfunctory and walked down the stairs.

A voice with a thick accent suddenly came from around the corner, chanting a familiar name.

"'Sasaki Haruto', you'd better not let me find..."

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