World Occult User Guide

Chapter 100 The Whisper of Destiny

After talking to Mrs. Ava alone, the other party seemed to have control of the overall situation, which made Lin An feel inexplicably uneasy.

"I didn't expect that the person who killed me was not the legendary Efron Reuben."

Mrs. Ava took off the ring on her finger, which was a miniature blind watch, and she touched the protruding time on it.

Not only did he anticipate death, but he also knew Efron?

Lin An was getting more and more confused by the old man, and there was a strong sixth sense in his heart that told him to stop.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

Mrs. Ava's watch beeped loudly, reminding them that it was the hour.

Lin An frowned. It was rare for him to meet a person who had a lot of knowledge about "Comes". He was really unwilling to give up the opportunity to ask questions.

Just ignore her nagging and focus on asking questions.

"Continuing with the topic of 'knowledge seekers'. What do you mean by 'proactively raising ratings'?" he asked.

Mrs. Ava blinked her dull eyes: "You don't seem to understand the situation. Now you are not forcing me to ask, but I am telling you my last words."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Lin An raised his fingers, and the energy-transformed wooden bow was ready to go, just waiting for his thought.

"At my age, death is inevitable sooner or later. Moreover, I have already predicted that I will die soon. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... In short, I cannot escape the fate of being killed by Efron or you. I only hope to die. Before, I could leave something in the world.”

The calculation is so accurate...

It's like seeing through the source and path of the long river of time.

Is Kaidan-level mysticism so cruel?

Lin An's eyes twitched: "Brother Tongzi, are your data really correct?"

The system didn't answer, and put another green panel on Mrs. Ava's head, with cold and ruthless data showing her information.

The old woman then said in a soothing voice: "Young man, of course we can continue the topic of 'knowledge seekers', after all you are so interested in it."


Lin An unconsciously put her fingers on the side of the wooden bow, and pointed the arrow at her heart.


The blind Mrs. Ava folded her hands demurely on her knees, and continued speaking through the soul speaker at the round table.

"The conclusion just made is actually based on an ancient prophecy about the 'knowledge seeker' collected by the family."

"What is the content?"

"My people, hear my teaching; hear the words of my mouth. I will speak of things that were hidden of old."

Lady Ava's voice became disembodied.

“I saw in vision by night, and there before me was one who had received all the knowledge of magic; he was near to the Ancient of Days, and was endowed by Him with dominion, glory, and supreme power; thus all nations and all tongues All the people worship him."

"His dominion is everlasting and will not pass away; his kingdom will never be destroyed. On that day, with that man as the center, the banner and glory of the nations will be immortal."

What a cryptic prophecy.

Lin An was a little moved, and at the same time, it was indescribably weird.

What it seems to mean is that the next time "Comoth" comes, a "seeker" has collected all the important occult knowledge in the world, and finally, as recorded in the ancient books, "is with God", so that another Will the carnival of the world never end?

By the way, Moose once said that my status will not change over time... Is this a characteristic of a source-level "knowledge seeker"?

Does the prophecy mean that once I, or other "seekers", gather all the occult knowledge, the star orbit of "Comoth" will never have to leave the range of Titan?

"Where did this prophecy come from?"

"Not sure."

"Are you kidding, old lady." Lin An breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, "Things without beginning or end cannot be used as information."

"Prophecy itself is a kind of belief. Young man, we are a species with souls, and we are destined to never fail to worship in this life. Everyone has faith, and the only thing they can choose is what to worship."

The hoarse voice became louder, illusory, and seemed to fill all directions.

"Perhaps some kind of spiritual incarnation - a savior, the Holy Spirit, a supreme god, or some inviolable moral principle like lineage and humanism. Money, power and desire can become beliefs - you can even worship your body , your voice and your sex appeal.”

All the mysterious items floated up at some point. Mrs. Ava was wearing a golden cloak behind her. Her fingers were like a mallet tapping the Ouija board with complicated characters on it, and a frightening blue light slowly emerged.

"As a 'knowledge seeker,' what do you think this prophecy represents? Does it have an inevitable connection with what you are doing? Does it give you a metaphor to see the future trend clearly?"


Before Lin An could refute it, the system's intense announcement with a changed tone resounded in his mind.

"You believe that the results of divination and prophecy will turn into reality, and your trust in luck has attracted Jie Zhi's "Yunjia" x1."

"Due to the radiation from the Pre-house, your D pollution level has increased by 2%."

"The results of your Xiangxin divination and speech will be proven to be true, and your confidence in luck has attracted the outstanding 'Yunjia' x1."

"Due to the radiation from the Pre-house, your pollution level increased by 2%."

"Your mouth..."

"Because of the 'Yu Yan Family'..."

I really don’t believe it!

But, does my subconscious, the so-called "system", believe it to be true?

A sense of disobedience came to mind, and Lin An quickly regained his attention.


The floating mysterious objects such as soul tablets, séance tables, soul trumpets, Ouija boards, and spirit cabinets were all broken. These objects made by clearing Madam Ava's radiation value again and again were stimulated with all their energy, and finally fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lin An bit the tip of his tongue, fully pulled the bowstring, and the arrow shot out with a whoosh, hitting Mrs. Ava's chest.


The system's frantic prompts stopped. Lin An gasped and stared at the woman in front of him.

"That nonsense prophecy was just made up by you."

"Sure enough, you guessed it right. A guy who uses the mysterious technique of 'Natural Sacrifice' and doesn't act like that medium...the only possibility is that he is a seeker of knowledge."

Mrs. Ava, who was hit by the arrow, did not show any panic at all. She picked up the wine glass again and put it to her mouth, spitting out the blood that surged up from the depths of her throat.

"The only miscalculation is that your rating is unimaginably high. If not, I would have had one more tomb."

From the moment she was controlled, Mrs. Ava took advantage of Lin An's curiosity and started her calculations.

False and true information were mixed in the words, attracting Lin An's interest in a logical and unexpected way. Finally, when his confidence in her reached its peak, Mrs. Ava activated all the mysterious items, Said the unexplained prophecy.

At that moment, she seemed to come from the clouds, and there was no doubt about it like Norn, the goddess of fate.

If Lin An hadn't been a Class B mystery, with a very high upper limit of pollution, and he hadn't accumulated much pollution himself, and he had managed to survive this period of "prophet" bombardment, someone else would have probably lost his mind at that moment. Got it!

The perfect combination of mystical techniques, mysterious items, and the knowledge accumulated by the family for hundreds of years can be so powerful!

After thinking about everything, Lin Anxin was still frightened.

No wonder Mrs. Ava repeatedly confirmed whether I was a "prophet" and then made insinuations about my medium!

Everything she did was just to cooperate with Zong Zong Demon's ability to imitate, to say the last specious "prophecy" and to shake my mind!

Because as long as I have faith in destiny, "prophet" media will flock to me!

Lin An took a deep breath, dispelled the messy thoughts, bent the bow and arrow again, and aimed at Mrs. Ava's eyebrows.

"Judging from your reaction, I know that I have done so many psychological suggestions, and finally it was not wasted - you believe it!"

Mrs. Ava coughed a few times and covered the deep wound in her abdomen to block the internal organs flowing out of it.

"You really believe it! You believe that I used divination to figure out Efron Reuben's name! You still think I'm a mythical mystic, right?"


Lin An said nothing.

"This is the last deal I made with the branch leader. I gave him the chance to completely eradicate the 'Séance', but he always concealed my true rating. After all, how could a wanted criminal who caused so many deaths be a ghost story? class!"

She gathered believers and asked the branch president to leak information about the gathering place to Efron? Lin Anxin said.

"In this way, in order to submit a more 'logical' report, I will not be recorded as a ghost story!" Mrs. Ava said in a pleasant tone, "It just so happens that Efron Reuben also needs a death sacrifice. , wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone?”

It turns out that Mrs. Ava did make an agreement with Efron through the branch leader. She will provide a meeting place for each seance and use pendulums to summon nearby believers. Efron will be responsible for killing all the people and eventually killing them all. Push it on Mrs. Ava.

Although this is certainly good for Efron, he avoids it because he is being used. Strong hatred overwhelms his thoughts and echoes in Lin An's heart.

"You want to say, 'But you are still a ghost talker, and nothing has changed.' But isn't the so-called psychic medium a kind of self-deception?"

The blind old man chuckled strangely.

"Anyway, those believers have no other spiritual support except seances! Why not use the last bit of residual heat to put an end to my, our, seance's century-old reputation! I have dedicated my life to the occult, why can't they! "

The next moment, Lin An released his fingers, and the arrow flew out.


Hearing the sound that cut through the air, Mrs. Ava opened her arms and looked calm.

"Forgive this poor old lady, I just don't want to... die incognito."

Looking at the peaceful corpse, Lin An frowned.

Fortunately, she is a Kaidan level.

If you meet the mysterious person in the prophet medium again in the future, no matter how tempting the information they have is, you must never say another word to them!

"For the entry [King of Solokou d72 Zhu Mo Shen V: The Evil Words of the Clan], you got Jiekou's 'Yujia' x9, 'Emperor Zhan'ai' x3, 'Zhi Zhi' x3, 'God of Nong Geng' 'x2, 'Zhizhi of Desire' x1, 'Fantasy Family' x1."

Old guy, there are quite a lot of gold coins exploded.

All the hustle and bustle calmed down. Just as Lin An was about to confirm Mrs. Ava's faceplate, the white mark on her forehead suddenly started to feel slightly hot.

He took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

"Brother Tongzi, are you okay?"

"Hehehehe..." The system let out a creepy, distorted laugh.

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