World Occult User Guide

Chapter 99 Notes from the 19th Century

The medium in front of the long table felt an inexplicable energy controlling her, replacing her tongue and consciousness and saying some words she didn't want to say.

"Then that concludes today's rally."

After the old voice fell, the believers looked at each other. Although they were surprised, they did not dare to ask questions. They had to watch Mrs. Ava stand up tremblingly and walk towards the end of the carpet.

The woman hurriedly stepped forward, and Mrs. Ava waved her away, pointing to another person.

"I have something to tell him."

Lin An passed by the shocked woman, stepped forward to support Mrs. Ava's arm, and the two disappeared behind the closet door.

Listening to the rustling sounds of believers outside, Lin An put down the green tapestry and locked the door.

[Confinement of Hazel Branches] is the Druid method of sacrifice. They put the sacrifice into a cage made of hazel branches peeled into white. When the time is right, they will pull him to the designated place and use bows and arrows to move him from there. They shot him to death from all sides and buried his body under the mountain.

This sacrifice is usually done to appease the anger of local fairies, and the remaining blood-stained branches are used to make wands for casting spells.

Like [Verbena Sacrifice], this mysterious technique also has the ability to control the actions of "sacrifice".

At that time, Mrs. Ava was immersed in the seance ceremony. Before she realized that she had been under a mysterious spell, the sacrifice had already taken full effect.

But unlike being immersed in cold water, Mrs. Ava didn't feel any discomfort this time.

She stretched out her hands and felt the energy turn into a hazel branch prisoner, locking her firmly in a space without any panic.

Skillfully walking on the road, the blind old man sat on a soft chair, casually picked up the red wine on the round table, and toasted Lin An from a distance.

"Cause death."

Lin An turned around in surprise. The air was filled with soft purple light. The walls were tightly covered by brocade tapestries, and the floor was covered with a layer of fabric, which was thick, soft, and dark gold in color.

In addition, the ground was littered with pages torn from old newspapers, which creaked when stepped on. It was probably Mrs. Ava's method of identifying locations by hearing sounds.

She leaned lazily on the back of the chair and looked at Lin An with dull eyes.

"Don't be too pessimistic, old lady." Lin An said, "If you are willing to exchange some information with me, maybe I can save you from death."

"Oh?" Mrs. Ava seemed to be interested, "What do you want to hear?"

"I know that it has been a year since you awakened to the mystery. I also know that you have repeatedly made mysterious items, emptied them, and increased the radiation value several times. What I am interested in is how you have always controlled your pollution level."

"It starts with our family's history."

"Keep it short, I'm not interested."

"In the 19th century, my great-grandfather accidentally picked up the inheritance of a bounty hunter. He came from the Lion Country Highlands in Xizhou and was considered a prominent figure in the town. After his death, he only left an old book and a few animals. Empty wine bottles.”

Mrs. Ava put the red wine glass back on the round table, fumbled with the Soul Slate, turned on its mechanism, and opened the two connected slates with a "click".

"In the notebook he left behind, my great-grandfather opened the door to another fantasy world."

There was a piece of yellowed paper sandwiched in the center of the slate. Lin An picked it up. There was a bunch of notes written in old English cursive.

"The story of magic is the story of humanity, the spiritual quest for transcendence, a glimpse of God. Whether seeking gold to amass personal wealth, or an Eastern magician meditating to reach higher spiritual levels, every aspect of humanity is revealed Same content.”

"That is the integration of mind, will and imagination, combined with an appeal to a higher power. At one end of the spectrum are material things, at the other end are the virtues of enlightenment. One of its purposes is to serve the lower nature of man; The other side serves the balance of the universe.”

"Remember, 'Magic is not something you do. Magic is who you are.'"

“Real magic is not about gaining power over others: it is about gaining power over yourself, which is taking all your normal, conflicting desires, thoughts, and actions and uniting them with the power of the universe (the will of God). "

"Magic is in harmony with the universe, and it has its own set of rules or laws, as immutable as the law of gravity. Obtaining it is the ultimate pursuit of the mystic. I can't tell the process, but I know that at the end of the road, Even if it's just for a moment, we will be 'with God'."

Although the note had no beginning or end, Lin An could tell that it was a record about "Comes" and couldn't help but frown.

"That's just the beginning. Where's the rest?"

"Young man, please listen to this old woman nagging me for a few more words." Mrs. Ava closed the two soul stones and rubbed their surfaces with the back of her hand. "Grandpa became obsessed with it, and he actually made some amazing achievements in research. He Discovered that all magic in the world 'works' indirectly."

"Once every 4,000 years or so..."

"Oh, not that long."

Lin An was stunned, but Mrs. Ava brushed it off.

"My great-grandfather had the idea of ​​creating a 'secret religion' to deal with the overlapping of 'Kemmers' 150 years later. The first to be pushed into the public eye were my two grandmothers - Lady Ava. Founder of the Society of God.”

"My grandmothers grew up under the education of my great-grandfather, and they firmly believed in the mysterious resurrection a hundred years later. They spent their whole lives studying occultism as much as possible, searching for those lost ancient books and myths, and left me with A valuable legacy.”

"When it comes to my generation, there are differences in beliefs." Mrs. Ava sighed. "My father is still a supporter of 'Comes', but my cousin is tired of the illusory mysticism. She longs for the prosperity of the outside world, so she When he became an adult, he completely separated from the family."

"Can you directly tell me the information to reduce the pollution level?" Lin An interrupted, "Or give me the rest of the notes."

"Guess how the branch president of Shafi City got to his current position." Mrs. Ava smiled and changed the topic again, "This has to mention the cousin who hates the occult and flies away."


Lin An pressed his throbbing temples, facing the old lady's nagging, there was nothing he could do.

"Wilhelm Adenauer is that guy's son."

"Huh?" The familiar name caught Lin An's attention, "Is the branch president of Shafei City your relative?"

Mrs. Ava raised a sarcastic arc and continued.

"Initially, he was a newcomer who was sent to New Mexico State and started from scratch. He came to me and said that for the sake of the past, he hoped that, as the leader of the secret organization, I would support the expansion of their power. To this end, I spent a lot of time A lot of effort was put into it and a lot of mysterious items were given away.”

"After that, he often asked me to help target the mysterious person, as if I had become a non-staff member. Until his wings were full, he began to make an agreement with me, asking me to hand over the bounty hunter's notes, in exchange for the Foundation's permanent Guaranteed no harm done.”

It turns out that the Foundation made a deal with Madam Ava, so it got along well with her, and even allowed her to build its headquarters next to the facility.

Well, considering the chronological order, there is a high probability that the foundation was specially built next to Lady Ava.

"In the end, he classified me as 'Gamma-002' and submitted me to the wanted list. I guess he had already taken credit for that note, so he was afraid that others would discover the truth."

Mrs. Ava continued.

"Things in the world are unpredictable. I am obsessed with research, but just because I went in the wrong direction, I will be trapped in the level of ghost stories forever. While my cousin spent his whole life escaping from the occult, her descendants became prosperous by chance."

Lin An was silent for a moment and then said.

"We haven't mentioned how to reduce contamination levels, old lady. My time and patience are limited."

"You are too impatient, young man." Mrs. Ava stroked the Ouija board with her bark-like fingers, "Did you get nothing from the records on those fragmentary pages?"

Lin An raised his hand and looked at the yellowed paper again.

"'Magic is my essence?'"

"Yes, the medium is related to personality, and the degree of pollution is related to radiation value and behavior, because mysticism is closely related to the essence of 'you'."

"Old lady, please put it simply."

Lin An thought of the branch president who talked nonsense. Perhaps Cheluolun's talk was a family tradition.

Mrs. Ava's tone was still slow, without any sense of threat.

"Each medium must perform different behaviors to increase the radiation value. So, in other words, reducing the level of pollution also requires the power of 'behavior'...or, in other words, completing a specific 'ritual'."

"Are there any specific cases?"

"Of course. Unfortunately, the methods our family learned from ancient books are only suitable for the 'prophet' medium." Mrs. Ava tilted her head slightly, "Are you it?"

"Don't assume my medium."

"Haha, you are not a prophet." Mrs. Ava concluded. "The way for a 'prophet' to reduce the level of pollution is very simple, and that is the collective 'power of faith'."


"Use mysticism to make more people believe in your 'prophecy', thereby reducing the level of pollution. 'Prophets' are 'leaders' who mingle among the crowd. My great-grandfather, grandmother, father and the entire family have been planning for hundreds of years, and finally waited Comes to Commerce."

Mrs. Ava looked quietly at the wall, where portraits of generations of her family hung.

"They must think that I am living a good life. After all, I am one step ahead of the world and have knowledge beyond ordinary people. But, but! Our research direction was wrong! So much so that my awakening turned out to be a ridiculous level of ghost stories! "

The blind old lady suddenly squeezed the soul tablet in her hand, and for the first time she showed an expression that was out of calm.

"No matter how rich my theoretical knowledge is, I can't improve my current rating! I'm trapped and dead at the Kaitan level! I can increase and decrease the 'radiation value' at will, and I can control Comoth's energy like my body, but I just can’t improve my rating!”

The almost indifferent elegance fell apart at this moment.


She smashed the soul tablet in her hand bitterly.

"Any mystical person can fool me! Just like you, you can cast mystical magic at will and trample our centuries of hard work under your feet!"

It seems that Mrs. Ava's family focused on "collection and integration" and used it to create a new fusion system. It got deeper and deeper into the system and lost its understanding of the original myth.

The wrong start resulted in Comers arriving with a low rating, essentially cutting off her path to promotion.

"The Foundation may have a way to solve your problem." Lin An said ambiguously.

Gathering her emotions, Mrs. Ava regained her inscrutability.

"You are referring to the 'Mother of Desire' medium. Accept their gifts and become a puppet. This is not the ending I want. If only I were a 'Seeker of Knowledge'..."

Lin An suppressed the excitement in his heart and spoke calmly.

"What's the difference between the two?"

"If the 'Mother of Desire' can passively improve the ratings of others, then the 'Knowledge Seeker', as far as I know, is the only medium that has a way to actively improve its own ratings."

Lin An held his breath and waited for her next words. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ava put the soul tablet back on the round table and stopped talking.

"I've said too much. I've said too much for a dying man - you're no Efron Reuben."

She actually knows Efron?

Lin An thought in surprise.

Thank you to Ye Ye Gao Ge 9, yianyuanshen, and Xue Wuchen 123 for your monthly votes, and to everyone for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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