World Occult User Guide

Chapter 102 Fantasy of the Mind

"Ping ping ping!"

Efron Ruben raised his hand, and in his field of vision, Lin An's appearance turned into an animal again.

Sure enough, the angels had a new target, and they fired according to Efron's wishes.

The strange feeling just now was probably an illusion...

But when the smoke cleared, Efron was shocked to see a new human silhouette appear, as if he could escape from the cycle of death infinitely. A chill fell from the top of his head, and his breathing was slightly confused.

Why can't it be killed?

Even if it is blasted to pieces by violent energy, leaving only a pile of bloody residue, can it still be resurrected?


Maybe it’s just that I don’t have enough firepower!

What Efron didn't realize was that his own mind had become the center of this intense killing obsession, and the light of his thoughts was completely dim. When one triangle symbol after another floated toward his consciousness, the moment of supreme carnival arrived.

Every nerve in the body was tense in an overwhelming spasm, and a fantasy overflowed ecstatically in the intended direction.

Efron looked up again and saw the young man emerging from the smoke again.


Accompanied by irrational laughter, the young man tightened his grip on the scriptures in his hands, and the little angel turned his gun. The gunfire echoed in the empty séance hall, lasting forever.

【Drama word】:黻嫬之埘议狠鸮

【玎绾】:神玮C level

[Fu Hao]: 25.2%

[Thin dyeing degree]: 0%

【粙璐】:The weaver

Avoiding the bullets that strayed from the target, Lin An hid in the corner, while checking the garbled code panel given by the system, while activating the energy, and pointed the end of the wand at Efron.

The earthy brown soft gemstone shines brightly, stirring up the imagination of the soul. Orderly and intentional images surround Efron, turning into an endless daydream.

It consists of random thoughts and desires that deeply influence the combination of two of the most powerful human psychic powers: imagination and will.

The illusion of the mind begins with the inner senses and changes the outer senses along the way.

Furthermore, it is a haze that distorts human intelligence.

To quote Augustine, "Sight is a light that first rises from the fire in the heart and passes upward into the brain. It flows through certain channels to the pupil of the eye, whence it leaps out as quickly as the rays of the moon, Reach out and grasp the colored forms of visible things.”

This is the traditional model of vision, and the cone theory, which holds that visual contact begins at the base of a transparent cone, with the apex at the pupil in the center of the eye.

A straight line of light is radiated from the pupil, originating from the innate spirit of the brain and the light and life of the soul. It is transmitted to the eyes through the hollow optic nerve, meets external light, allowing us to have visual contact with objects, and then is reflected back to the eyes. provide information.

This gem will distort the original fire, causing what Efron sees, perceives, and recognizes at this moment to permanently deviate from the real world.

Iamblichus wrote in his book "The Mysteries":

Imagination creates thought forms on the astral or higher planes, which are as objective and real to beings on these planes as the Titanic environment is to humans.

The illusion of the soul is used on Efron, a guy whose heart is full of murder. It is more intuitive and inescapable than others.

"Ping ping ping - ping ping ping -!"

After another round of shooting, Efron gasped and scratched one of his eyes, which had begun to swell due to excessive tightness, until blood beads oozed from the skin, and he muttered nervously.

"You can't be killed...why you can't be are always resurrected from the dead, who are you! Are you...are you the Messiah!"

Hearing his painful and happy voice, Lin An felt that he could no longer let Efron feel happy.

[Stars on Me] Through death, the lock of Efron’s mysticism was unlocked, and he could finally be selected by the system.

The moment he started, Lin An had an ominous premonition.

Considering that the [Auspicious Zodiac Day] was still in effect, he moved to the door and continued the conversation in the last meeting room.

"System, search for a way to kill Efron Roof."

"According to the included entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Undead, Fertility and the Dark Land - Hittite Worship Ritual", an item that meets the conditions was found——"

After scoring twice, the system was once again interrupted by a series of errors. Even in cognitive confusion, Efron turned his head and relied on his "killing intent" to find Lin An's position.

"Where is he? No, he is obviously here? What's going on? What's wrong with me!"

Lin An quickly turned around and ran away. Behind him came the sound of a series of gunshots and smoke. Efron on the throne chased after him through the curtain.

However, the wider outside world gave Efron a more serious and hazy spiritual confusion.

The memories of the past were mixed with endless wild thoughts. He saw groups of people wearing black hair and half-masks appearing, and he couldn't help but smile ferociously.

"You guys are hiding here! Come on, come on, line up and go to hell!"

Although the system was interrupted by a moment's counterattack, because Efron lost his normal cognition, the angels in the field aimed at the wilderness without any purpose.

Dust was flying and smoke was billowing.

Nothing was harmed except the cacti.

"Why can't you kill me - no, don't come near me! What do you want to do! Go to hell, go to hell!"

In the panel displayed by the system, his pollution level increased, and since the rating was B, the increase was quite slow.

So tenacious...

However, Lin An had no intention of killing him. He was just testing whether the other party really sensed the murderous intention, or just noticed the He Antimony ritual.

After all, Barry witnessed Efron leaving with him, and a mythical mysterious person died beside him inexplicably, which is really hard to explain.

Lin An walked around behind Efron, listening to his voice change from calm to frightened, and finally collapsed into despair, unable to help but fall into deep thought.

Speaking of which, when I faced Guy, another Mishnah holder, on the Holy Mountain, the other party always vaguely "discovered" the aura of the Herb ritual in advance and hid in the helicopter before me.

Since he knows "Mr. Wood", it means that the "Mishnah" may be a mystery provided by the family behind Doris.

After all, the "Mother of Desire" medium seems to have the mysterious ability to manipulate the awakening of others.

Canaan, Hittite...

Once the two mysteries of the same origin are close, they will resonate to a greater or lesser extent, especially the descendants of the Canaanites. They are clearly the final victors of the ancient wars, but they have a blood-blooded fear of the Hittites.

It's like the "uncanny valley effect" in humans.

In any case, without the assistance of the magic wand, I still have very few ways to deal with mystical beings with high radiation levels and high ratings...

Lin An thought silently.

I have to find a way to improve my [Mysterious Encyclopedia].

He subconsciously touched the fragments of notes in his pocket. After experiencing the complete trick, it was difficult for Lin An to fully believe the authenticity of the information given by Mrs. Ava.

The only certainty is that the 19th-century notebook was indeed written by someone familiar with "Comes".

The notes mainly focused on the "prophet" medium, and probably mentioned other mediums as well, maybe there are clues about the "knowledge seeker".

It's time to go back to the Shafi City Foundation's facilities.

Lin An grabbed a cherub flying in front of him, stepped on it like a horse on a flying swallow, used its wings to rise into the air, and surveyed the surrounding situation.

By the way, Angel’s feet feel really good.

From the moment he met Simon, Lin An always wanted to get an angel flying sword.

Reaching out to make a shelter, he looked around against the dry and yellow sandy wind from the west. The roar of bullets and the gradually distorted laughter of its owner were still bombarding, but at this moment they became harmless background music.

Having almost obtained a rough map, Lin An turned on the communication device in his ear, took a deep breath, and spoke in a panicked tone.

"Captain! Help, I'm being hunted!"

"Same for us."

Before Lin An could make up a few words about the whole situation, the captain actually replied like this. The former was stunned and listened to Simon continue.

"It's good that you are still alive. No need to explain more, I have grasped your position and will go there immediately! Try your best to hold on, Lin! You must survive!"

"This may be our last communication..."

"Don't say anything depressing."

Perhaps because he was afraid of distracting Lin An's attention, Simon didn't say much and maintained the communication status. There were gusts of wind from the other end of the device, which soon turned into the "click-click" sound of a helicopter.

The captain was also hunted?

Could it be the mysterious person controlling the facility in New Mexico?

The civilian minister's initial statement that the foundation had only had three out-of-control incidents in a year was a joke.

Fortunately, it sounds like Simon has his troubles sorted.

Lin An looked at the time on his phone.

Based on distance estimates, it takes about 10 minutes for a helicopter to fly from the facility.

Although Lin An wanted to continue stepping on the soft and fluffy cherubim, standing like this in mid-air would be too conspicuous. He waited until the cherubim flew closer to the ground and jumped off it.

After walking a few steps forward, Lin An came to an abandoned shanty in the wasteland.

Using it as a basic shelter, he kicked off the old wooden sticks supporting it, crawled on his hands and knees under the hay and wire shack, and quietly waited for the Foundation to come and finish the work.

With nothing to do, he looked at the slightly hot wand. Two slender snakes were intertwined and entangled in the dark golden wand, and the atmosphere of mystery lingered.

The brown gemstone is set in the center, and the energy is like the flowing Euphrates River, with the crazy Efron washing at the end.

After obtaining more fragments of the Philosopher's Stone, three of the five gems have undergone wonderful internal changes.

The other two are still ordinary energy crystals, with relatively simple and basic functions.

The bright red gem is the "thump" and the golden gem is the "metal spirit".

Once they are evolved, the two most important properties of the Philosopher's Stone will be finally perfected - the two legendary abilities of "death" and "creation" will be available to Lin An.

However, he was at a loss as to how to strengthen both.

Because most alchemists did not even reach the step of "spiritual fantasy" and sadly entered the eternal sleep of death.

There are only a few vague clues as to their alchemical origins on Titan.

I can only pay attention on the road.

After pretending to be dead for a while, Lin An heard the "dah-dah" sound of a helicopter coming from the distance. Looking up from the gap between the collapsed straw mats in the shack, he saw Simon and several unfamiliar faces landing.

Several of them wore relatively uniform uniforms, but they were not the styles of the four major departments of the St. Annilov Foundation, and the seal on their chest was not the tree of life that Lin An was looking at every day.

But some strange pyramid logo.

Kind of like...the mark on the back of a dollar bill?

Thanks to Lord of the Ark, Ayanokouji Rise, Truth and Illusion or Can You Hold the Passing Dreams for your monthly votes? Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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