World Occult User Guide

Chapter 103 The Prisoner’s End

There is basically no danger anymore. We just have to wait for the captain and the direct contact department of Shafei City to complete the finishing work.

Lin An looked at Efron through the gap, but felt that the perspective was not clear enough, so he ordered the system.

"Use [Always Hit]."

"Sorry, no relevant entries were found based on your search results."


Lin An quickly called up the entry for "Story Thorn", and the screen was full of confusing garbled codes flashing. However, it can be seen from the [Mysterious Source] and [Individual Introduction] that this entry only has two abilities.

Does it mean that my [100% shot] is covered?

"System, explain?"

"It's impossible for smart people like us not to have noticed that the main feature of the 'Knowledge Seeker' medium is randomness." The system introduced, "The upper limit of each entry's ability is 2. Regardless of whether the entry is included or the traceable entry can only be left The next two.”

Lin An did vaguely notice that every time when abilities were collected or traced and synthesized, it seemed that specific abilities could not be selected, as if they were "washing entries" or "lottery".

Fortunately, my "luck" was still good when I traced the origin, and I didn't wash away the "Stars in Me".

"In this case, wouldn't it be a waste of many abilities?"

"If you want to pursue the full illustrated book, just kill the mysterious prototype with the same name several times in a row. I will help you create multiple entries and collect different abilities." The system said frivolously.

"You are too murderous. The 'knowledge seeker' you promised is here."

"Haha, can the matter of seeking knowledge be called killing? That is called 'collecting'. Right, the other me."

Lin An didn't want to continue, he was already stupid enough by talking to himself, and now he was also flattering and teasing at the same time. If he acted too much, it would really lead to a split personality.

After pondering for a moment, thoughts rolled around.

Only high-level mystics have multiple abilities, but are there really so many awakened high-level mystical archetypes in the world...

Speaking of which, he still doesn't know what the relationship between the mysterious species and himself is.

At first, Lin An thought that the mysterious prototype was unique. After one person awakened, no one else could awaken the mystery of the same name. It was not until he saw the army of golems that he discovered that the same prototype could appear several times on Titan at the same time.

It must be related to cognition, personality and bloodline. In addition, I don’t know what other special factors are there.

Unable to use his "perfect shot" vision, Lin An had no choice but to listen to Efron's inner voice while secretly looking out from the square space of the hut.

At this moment, Efron has lost his human form, his bones are twisted and deformed, his slender limbs are retracted inward, his hands are holding his head, and his legs are curled up under his crotch. From a distance, he looks like a stone platform.

From his chest, the ribs pierced the skin and were exposed, and lines of Hebrew characters gradually appeared.

It is full of taboos during ancient sacrifices...

After taking a look at Efron's panel, the contamination level reached 50.5% in a short period of time. The shape and facial features of a person can still be seen, but it has not yet completely become an altar for worship.

The light from the altar was gone, and Efron slumped to the ground.

The surrounding archangels also completely changed their appearance. Black pus flowed from their eye sockets, ears and mouths. Their noble wings also shrank into broken limbs, and their backs couldn't help but squirm.


The cherubim fell down, and as soon as they hit the ground they disappeared like ice water falling onto a hot pot.

"Don't come here - don't touch me. I was forced to do it. I never want to kill anyone! But as long as I don't think so, that person will...countless times...countless times!"

Due to loss of control, Efron's energy collapsed.

"I am the 'chief judge', I judge all things, and I act according to the laws and rules! Only the fairness given to me by that person is fair! I cannot waver in the slightest! I must do this! I don't want to die - I don't want to die! "

Does that person refer to the aristocratic family?

No wonder Efron Reuben's voice has always been strange. He always thinks about killing obsessively, which has long since left the category of perversion and is more like a psychological illness.

Perhaps Efron's own personality is not like this, so he needs to force himself to have thoughts of killing and blood.

The real crazy ones are organized guys who are obsessed with putting everything in its right place.

This is not orderly thinking, quite the opposite: logic that is too complete and clear to cover up the chaos of nature.

Normal people never justify their daily actions and thoughts, while crazy people act just as logically as normal people, or even more obsessed with 'rationality' in order to organize their time and plans.

Family, what have you done?

Guy's behavior and words were abnormal before, and now Efron has been driven into an out-and-out psychopath.

This further strengthened Lin An's idea that he must not be discovered by the family.

Falling into the hands of these cold-blooded guys would be more terrifying than death!

Not to mention he is the heir to the Hittites!

The sound of the helicopter drifted upwards, seemingly to the other side of the sky. Instead, it was replaced by a strong storm whipped up by violent flashing wings, and black feathers scattered in all directions.

There was a loud "ping" sound in the distance, like something real.

The Foundation and Efron actually started fighting without hesitation. Lin An originally thought that they would only be shocked by his loss of control, and then contact each other to prepare for control.

I'm afraid it has something to do with the "hunt" mentioned by the captain.

From the gaps in the hut, Lin An saw seven or eight figures. Except for the captain, none of them gave him a strong sense of oppression.

Below myth level?

Then be careful.

Although Efron's pollution levels have soared, he remains an outright danger.

Sure enough, screams pierced the sky.

Someone saw Efron sitting motionless, in extremely poor condition, and almost losing the strength to resist, so they wanted to kill him quickly.

Unexpectedly, Efron felt unprecedented real pain, his pupils immediately shrank, and he pointed with his fingers to the place where the attack came. The collapsed angels all turned around. What they held in their hands was not a accurately aimed gun, but a dark gun. Bazooka.


The earth-shaking loud noise shook the earth, accompanied by endless screams, and the smell of blood filled the air.

This is the price of underestimating the mythical level.

The yellow sand above the ruins fell, choking Lin An and coughing repeatedly.

We can't blame the lack of reinforcements. As one of the six deacons of the Foundation's inspection team, Efron's current combat effectiveness far exceeds that of most of the mystics on Titan.

"Who is hurting me? Who is it, and who is it? I have been acting as the selfless 'presiding judge' as instructed... Kill them! As long as you kill them, you don't have to be afraid!"

Efron thought so in his heart, and thunderous sounds exploded one after another.


The ground roared and roared, shattering Lin An's bunker into pieces. He raised his head from the broken hayloft, and the battle between the Foundation and Efron entered a fierce stage.

The young man simply covered his two eyeballs, which could only see the overwhelming "dead bodies", and controlled the mystery with only intuition. The archangels raised their heads bleeding with black blood, turned their wrists, and blasted the majestic energy towards a cornered fund manager. members.


A black light pierced the sky, and the moon's light tore through the smoke, and the silvery bits turned into a shield-like sealing formation to block it.

Two completely different angel powers collided, and a series of invisible ripples spread outward. The solidified shield at Simon's fingertips lasted for a second and then suddenly shattered.


The two were well prepared. Simon flapped his wings and flew away, and the member also took the opportunity to escape.

Efron retracted his finger pointing in the direction and breathed heavily. The bare half wings of the archangels flapped twice, as if they wanted to fly, but failed because the energy was too unstable.

The available energy is condensed inside the weapon, and its edges are jagged and rough, distorting space visibly to the naked eye.

Once hit by them, the only end is death.

Fortunately, due to confusion, Efron's attack angle was like a drunken stagger.

Simon narrowly missed two cannonballs and came around behind Efron, and a moon emerged.

Angel Sariel stabilized his body and grasped the curved half-moon with his free hand. It turned into a sharp crossbow, with violet flames burning brightly and the end pointed at Efron.


The young man was aware of the fierce murderous intention.

Although he couldn't find the specific direction, he took a sharp breath, and the energy exploded, dust flew up, and a sandstorm was raised. The gravel flew in all directions, making everyone in the Foundation unable to open their eyes.

Before they could find Efron's location from their dim vision, a sharp arrow broke through the fog, brought up a deep purple afterimage, and shot towards Efron's heart.


Although it hit Efron directly, the latter remained unscathed. The Hebrew characters on his chest flashed with an unmistakable aura, and in an instant the moonlight arrow was crushed into powder from physics to energy.

The surprise attack failed, and Simon had to quickly change direction.

Efron raised his hand towards the source of the damage, and the majestic energy fanned out like a tsunami, shattering everything, as if even half a hole could be blown out of the sky.

Lin An narrowed his eyes while watching the battle.

Simon's radiation level was only slightly lower than Efron's. After nearly a month, he reached about 21%. If Efron's pollution level had not increased, the blow just now would have been enough to kill him.

It seems that the increase in pollution levels is not all bad, it can also bring unexpected abilities to the mysterious person.

Such as Simon’s wings and the Hebrew sacrificial taboo on Efron’s chest.

The two local gods I met before controlled the pollution level at about 40-50%. Even Mrs. Ava, who could reduce the pollution level at will, kept herself at 33%.

Is there any special purpose?


Efron's indiscriminate shooting almost seriously injured the Foundation reinforcements, scaring them so much that they lost their will to fight and wanted to run away.

Except for the three people wearing similar uniforms, they were scattered in three corners at some point. The unknown light lingered on the battlefield and turned into the shape of a one-eye, causing Efron to suddenly stop.

The opportunity has come!

Simon, who was flying in the air, crossed the long sword, flapped his wings, and swooped down.

"I can't use my strength!" Efron's voice was almost crying, "Oh, God, why did you abandon me!"

But he didn't want to give up the hope of survival, so he controlled all the angels to pounce on him neatly, and his bleeding wings tightly covered Efron's body.

No matter where Simon stabbed, he could sense the opponent's position from the pain and launch a counterattack at close range.

The sound of wind approached from the southeast, followed by pain.

Efron bit the scar on his lip, energy formed into a shotgun, and he aimed it in that direction.


Bullets spurted out like a shower.

But the expected warm blood did not splash on his face. Efron was stunned and felt his chest suddenly become cold.


A long sword came from behind, penetrated the archangel's wings, and stabbed his heart. Severe pain spread from the wound, and the burning between the breastbones seemed to crush Efron's soul and erode his brain. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

He felt as if he was being tortured by fire, clutching his chest and screaming in agony.

Simon left his sword behind, retreated, and returned to the air to observe Efron's situation.

Lin An on the side was thoughtful.

The mystery used by Simon seems to be related to "space transfer".

His figure instantly moved from one place to another, giving Efron a fatal blow that caught him off guard.

The Lord of Dreams is really all-powerful.

It is indeed the strongest medium officially certified by the foundation.

"I don't want to die...if I die, no one will remember that I existed..."

Efron's heart cried out in despair and helplessness. He fell to his knees and opened his eyes that were gradually blurring.

The illusion in his mind was still clear, illuminating the people he had killed, roaring like zombies and coming in like a tidal wave.

Blood and tears flowed down, and his last words slowly dissipated in Lin An's ears.

"I want to go back...back to...the orphanage..."

Thanks to Yunyou Shanyin, Nhing, Xinxin Xinxin, and Book Friends 160903095024838 for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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