World Occult User Guide

Chapter 119 Headquarters Meeting

President Jericho sat at the end of the touch screen table with a simplified Tree of Life flag behind him.

With his announcement, the room darkened, and rows of green data appeared on the desktop, showing the progress of the meeting and related data in real time.

The members of the foundation looked at Jericho with a little doubt on their faces; while the members of the inspection team seemed to have been prepared, holding their hands with ease, waiting for the show to begin.

Jericho calmly spoke a few brief opening remarks and then highlighted the theme of the meeting.

"The reason for calling everyone urgently is not for anything else. An hour ago, the headquarters received a red emergency communication from the leader of the inspection team. Regarding the whereabouts of MI-Alpha-001 [Thunderbird], he got new information and also Please listen to this before voting a third time.”

The senior officials said nothing, except for a few mysterious people who were the mediators of the "God of Farming" who silently communicated with each other.

"Another meeting about Thunderbirds?"

"According to the original plan, it was supposed to arrive at the San Francisco headquarters four days ago, but it was stranded in Las Medos due to the interception by the inspection team. I heard that people sent by the cabinet were negotiating with the inspection team, and it seemed that it was with Wan The votes in Washington matter."

“Everything becomes complicated when it comes to politics.”

"By the way, does anyone know why the inspection team is so resistant to Thunderbird's arrival at the headquarters? Obviously when the first vote was taken, they did not oppose the proposal of the 'research faction' as fiercely as they do now."

"No one here knows clearly. Our God of Farming cannot enter the inner circle."

"Then let's ask Team Leader Joshua to explain to you." Jericho coughed lightly and looked at the secretary, "Answer the signal."

The waiter with goat horns nodded and operated the touch screen. A 3D image of X appeared in the center of the conference table. The artificial intelligence had white hair and an indistinguishable face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting. An urgent message will be played below. The location is Domondo, Maple Leaf Country."

It stood in the center of the table, and every time a similar emergency was played, X's voice would be raised in order to attract everyone's attention.

The color of the projector changed, and a bust of a man with extremely high definition appeared. He looked around and looked at Jericho across the space, who smiled lovingly.

"Hello, Team Leader Joshua."

"President Jericho, and colleagues, good evening, I have brought you a piece of news." The leader of the inspection team avoided his gaze, "I just finished working with St. Annilov's largest sponsor, Wood Group s meeting."

As he finished speaking, a total of sixteen pages of double-sided information floated beside him, and were quickly synchronized to the tablets in front of each member.

The members scanned the contents of the document, their eyes widening.

Most of this information is official polished nonsense, but there is one extremely important message over and over again.

"If San Aniloff refuses to kill [Thunderbird], Wood Group will gradually withdraw its investment in it, terminate the following 32 cooperation projects between the two parties, and withdraw the use rights of the following 85 intellectual property rights provided to it."

It turns out that the inspection team has been avoiding the divestment of Wood Group?

Then why didn't you inform the headquarters earlier?

Upon closer inspection, what the team leader provided was not a contract or an official stamped document, but just a few pages of compiled meeting minutes.

"Please don't panic." The team leader continued, "I am still continuing to negotiate with the chairman of Wood Group to discuss acceptable solutions, but the current situation is not optimistic. In short, I think the headquarters should terminate the plan to study [Thunderbird] .”

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and low-pitched buzzing sounds came and went.

After a concise discussion, under the organization of Jericho, each member took turns to stand up and speak to express their views and positions.

"Thank you, Team Leader Joshua, for your hard work, but I have to express my opposite opinion. The Wood Group has indeed contributed a lot to the rapid expansion of the Foundation and its becoming the official agency for controlling superpowers in Eagle Country. However, St. Ann Nilov has a cooperative and transactional relationship with them.”

"In any case, Wood Group is currently the largest shareholder of the foundation and has provided a large amount of technical and talent support. Once they terminate their cooperation, the foundation may experience an unprecedented turmoil, and may even go bankrupt."

"Is it too arrogant to overturn all the hard work of the Foundation over the past few months without any reason?"

"Moreover, in this incident, the negotiation with the Wood Group was entirely the responsibility of the inspection team, and the foundation never participated in the discussion."

"The Inspection Team serves as a bridge between the Foundation and the Wood Group. I think they are sufficient to represent the Foundation in external negotiations and negotiations. I believe that the choices made by Team Leader Joshua are beneficial to the Foundation, humanity and the Eagle Nation."

"Saint Annilov is not a member of the inspection team!"

"The Wood Group can't list any reasons for prohibiting research on Thunderbirds, so why should they prevent us from obtaining more research data? Isn't this also good for them?"

"Team Leader Joshua, thank you for your suggestion. For the sake of democracy, we will vote on it."

What the man on the other side of the video didn't expect was that despite the bombshell being dropped, the speeches in the conference room were not overwhelmingly opposed to the research group, and the various positions were quite evenly matched.

Perhaps the Wood Group and the Supervisory Team's overly tough tactics over the past year have created a rebellious attitude throughout the foundation; perhaps there are some supporters of the Dawn Association who are fishing in troubled waters; perhaps some people believe that the foundation has a basis for independence from the consortium.

After a round of speeches, everyone bowed their heads in thought.

Apart from misleading information that is slightly emotional and unfair from different standpoints, the main problem focuses on one thing -

The Wood Group prohibited the Foundation from studying Thunderbirds, but could not give a valid reason.

The gods of farming again sent messages and whispered in their hearts.

"The fact that the Thunderbird can unconditionally reduce its own pollution is worthy of research!"

"Is it because the Wood Group prohibits us from studying the Thunderbird because it thinks the Thunderbird is too dangerous? If it regains consciousness at the headquarters, a source-level mysterious person with high radiation value..."

"We know nothing about the Thunderbird. At present, it seems that it can only lose control at high altitudes. And according to the report from the branch, the data for the past ten days are extremely stable and have not changed at all. The previous abnormalities have been Not being good is a death struggle.”

"Is it possible that studying the Thunderbird data will let us know the real method of reducing pollution levels, which is why the Wood Group is desperately trying to stop it."

"After killing the Thunderbird, there will be very few opportunities to study the mysterious prototype of the Creator God level."

"However, the Wood Group is stuck in the foundation's throat and is very difficult to handle..."

The uncomfortable silence was interrupted by X's electronically synthesized sound. The inspection team leader's eyes lit up and he exchanged tacit glances with the deacons.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting. An urgent message will be played below. The location is Las Medos, Eagle Country."

The eyes of the conference room immediately focused on X.

Another one?

"Can you get through this new contact, Team Leader Joshua?" Jericho asked.

"no disagreement."

The next moment, the picture appeared in a 360° clear stereoscopic image. The high-definition screen captured a gorgeous long table, and the drone flew through the bright night sky of Las Medos City.

The inspection team leader and deacon were stunned when they saw this scene, and then their pupils contracted.

What's this?

Others in the conference room couldn't help but frown.

Immediately afterwards, the picture sent by the communication changed, and the blond woman was sitting in the magnificent Caesar's Palace, giving orders to several members of the foundation branch who were quite familiar to everyone.

São Francisco is not far from Las Medos, so there is close communication between the headquarters and the branch.

"This is the plan for tonight. Once the drone is exploded by the mysterious technique, you immediately activate the communication button and transmit that piece of information back to the headquarters. They will naturally understand what is going on."

"Confirm again the drones parked in Mirage and the surveillance probes in all directions."

"Because we couldn't predict where the Thunderbird would go out of control, we had to set up a dragnet throughout Las Medos to capture perfect evidence and send it to the cooperative newspaper."

This is just a very blurry video, but it is enough to make the top management of the foundation think deeply for a while.

Not only that, like the information distributed by the team leader, the new text information was synchronized to everyone’s tablets.

Although they were not originals and were just blurry shots, after zooming in, several people saw the suspected anti-counterfeiting code of the inspection team.

From the pieced together recordings, images and evidence, everyone decoded the message given by this emergency communication.

In order for the headquarters to make the decision to "execute the Thunderbird," Deacon Hill Kesheli of the inspection team used the information that the Thunderbird would briefly regain its strength in the air, and forcibly sent it into the sky, leaving it to a source-level The mysterious man is out of control in Las Medos City.

Just reading this horrifying message made some people feel their scalps numb.

Not to mention being a member of the St. Annilov Foundation, any human being living in a civilized society with normal thinking would not think of such a heinous plan.

Although some other people have heard, seen, and even used similar methods overtly or covertly, they know that this is a good opportunity to discredit the inspection team. They are brewing emotions and are preparing to attack in groups.

As for the last wave of people, they don't care about a large-scale attack that destroys humanity, but they will never set the location in the Eagle Kingdom, because it is the St. Anilov Foundation that manages the so-called "superpowers". Such an incident It is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

No, to be precise, it is the inspection team that is slapping the foundation in the face!

The conference room was quiet for a moment!

No matter what position they just stood on, the top management of the foundation at this moment can be said to be united and launched a fierce verbal attack on the inspection team.

"Leader Joshua, it seems that the inspection team wants to deliberately let the Thunderbirds go out of control, create dangerous public opinion, and manipulate the results of this vote, at the cost of the lives of the entire Las Medos people and tourists, as well as the major entrepreneurs. Incalculable property damage.”

"There are many investments from foreign corporate consortiums in that city, and it might turn into a diplomatic issue."

"If something like this really happens, the St. Aniloff Foundation cannot be held responsible. Not only does it have to spend a lot of energy to settle the funeral arrangements, but it also has to deal with the ensuing public opinions and questions. The amount of money it has to pay is unimaginable...that is, It’s harder to end the relationship with Wood Group.”

"We must prove the correctness of the proposal even if we create attacks...There is no difference between us and terrorists."

"A bunch of hypocrites! You are not even willing to protect the safety of the city near the headquarters! I still have relatives living there!"

"Why not let the headquarters receive the Thunderbird? Could it be that the Wood Group expected that the Foundation would obtain data from it to reduce the level of pollution, thus reducing their authority and importance?"

Facing the excited foundation members, the inspection team could hardly get a word in. If President Jericho hadn't pressed the emergency button on the round table and sounded a loud alarm, the denunciation would have continued for more than ten minutes.

"Team Leader Joshua, I just sent someone to contact the local police station and distribution department to confirm the authenticity of these documents." He said while sending a brief investigation report to everyone, "Do you have anything else? What I want to say.”

"This, this is obviously the personal behavior of Deacon Hill Kesheli and has nothing to do with the inspection team!"

"Is it the same as Deacon Efron Reuben last time?" A mocking voice sounded, "There seems to be a lack of unified rules within the inspection team."

This sentence completely ignited the team leader's anger.

"Don't elevate that idiot's failure to the Inspection Team! Don't forget who single-handedly established the foundation system in the first place! Who wrote the slogan 'Humanity First'! Who ran around to protect the old order! "

The leader of the inspection team stared with blood-red eyes. Unfortunately, he only had a remotely projected image, which did not chill everyone's hearts.

"It's me! It's me, Ileizhe Joshua! The inspection team is the last line of defense of the Eagle Country, the guardian of world peace, and the salvation of all mankind! And you are bewitched by other countries and regions, and you dare to betray me !”

His rants were counterproductive and failed to stop the room's lopsided voting will.

In the end, everyone almost unanimously approved the research proposal.

"Based on the results of the vote, plans remain unchanged and the [Thunderbirds] will arrive at headquarters tomorrow."

President Jericho made the final decision. Secretary Yangjiao operated the lights. The bright spots on the touch screen table were extinguished one after another. The smiling X and the gloomy-looking leader of the inspection team disappeared together.

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

With a burst of rustling, everyone quickly packed up their things and left the "Queen" floor one after another.

Everyone has a vague premonition in their hearts that this is just a short period of peace before the storm, and real disputes will be completely ignited in the near future.

The inspection team that still has some remaining strength and the Wood Group standing behind them will not stop here.

St. Anilov Foundation Headquarters, "Priests" Floor.

This is a space in the headquarters that belongs exclusively to the inspection team. As soon as the elevator door closed, a fierce sound sounded in the ears of the remaining three deacons.

"Didi didi."

The white dove turns on automatically.

"This communication is from codename D-001."

The team leader's gnashing of teeth sounded like a physiological reaction, and several people shuddered.

"Listen carefully, once Xion abandons Eagle Kingdom, the old order will be completely destroyed in that catastrophe. Help me delay time at all costs! This is the new plan..."

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