World Occult User Guide

Chapter 120 Betrayal is not the end

Lin An just opened the door and saw a row of bodyguards in black standing neatly outside.

As expected.

They had no communication with Lin An, and silently formed a circle, surrounding him as he walked downstairs to the hotel corridor.

Simon and Mixie were also waiting there.

The big explosion occurred underground, and the MGM Grand Hotel was extremely soundproof and shockproof. They should not have heard it, but the ambulances, police cars and overwhelming news that followed were different.

The man in black made way to reveal Lin An, who was surrounded in the center and enjoying the treatment of the president.

"Lin, how did you get down from the top floor?" Mi Xi looked at the unusually large number of men in black and asked doubtfully, "Then, did you, did you see what happened downstairs?"

"Where is Barry?" Simon's voice was rarely in sync with hers.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that he married two different women." Lin An waved his hand, "As for Barry, haha, he is currently in the state of Schrödinger's death."

The expressions of the two people suddenly looked as wonderful as a Bodehui musical.


Before Lin An could continue talking nonsense, a man in black received the summons and whispered a few words. Everyone gathered around again and motioned Simon and Mi Xi to leave Lin An's range and take him back to his original hotel room.

The surveillance probe became active again. Lin An leaned on the leather sofa, turned on the TV, and listened to the local news while scrolling through the headlines on his mobile phone.

A local news reporter stood downstairs at the MGM Grand Casino, talking about the situation in a flurry of words.

All major pages of Las Medos also reported on this mysterious explosion.

"There was an instant explosion in the MGM casino lobby? Shocking video has been exposed..."

"The victims of the explosion at the Grand Casino in Las Medos have now been confirmed. A total of 7 people were killed, 265 injured were rushed to the hospital, and countless others were affected. The number of casualties is still increasing... "

"According to reports from insiders, he was wandering in the casino hall when he suddenly heard a loud noise, and then the floor of the entire hall collapsed. A creature that appeared to be human rushed out of the hole, crashed through the ceiling and disappeared..."

"Witnesses claimed that this is most likely the first time humans have come into contact with UFOs and alien conspiracies..."

This incident was different from the past, with thousands of witnesses. Although Lin An tried hard to avoid the crowd, there were too many people in the casino, and it was estimated that civilians died due to a stampede or the like.

Even if it is a foundation, it will take a lot of effort to settle it.

Just when Lin An was thinking this, as soon as the interface refreshed, all the news about the explosion disappeared out of thin air. All kinds of news bloomed, and large blocks of color attracted his attention.


Lin An switched the location to Las Medos, and the page display returned to normal.

Either the government took action, or the foundation and the Dawn Association joined forces to limit the spread of the incident and control all news media except local ones.

The speed is quite fast.

The next step is to leave it to the omnipotent logistics department.

The explosion occurred in Las Medos City, a mixed bag of good and bad, with many consortiums, major companies often fighting, and foreign forces involved. As long as the money is in place, it is not difficult to find an excuse to take the blame.

It won't be long before people from all over the world come to the MGM Grand Casino and rush to sit on the splendid gaming tables. This extravagant, luxurious and top resort in the world will continue to be the same, and the Big Bang will gradually become a casual conversation. One of the anecdotes.

You can move the casino out of Las Medos, but you can't move Las Medos out of the casino.

After confirming the trend of public opinion, Lin An took out the Dawn Association's communication device from the safe.

"Hello, knight?"

"Mr. Lin." The voice of the person in charge of the Dawn Association came from the other end, "Please rest assured that the matter has been resolved. Please just wait in the room for follow-up arrangements."

"You told my captain the same thing last time, and then there was no news from you for five days and five nights."

"I only hope that you can properly replenish your strength after the battle and start new work. Since your enthusiasm for cooperation is so high, we are at your door."

"Ah this..."

Lin An didn't need to take the initiative to open the door. The room card turned and the hotel door opened automatically.

The person outside is not a member of the Dawn Society, but Barry.

You are alive.

Lin An was about to turn on the communication device to inform the captain and Mi Xi that Barry's "Schrödinger" was no longer in a state of death, but then remembered that they had been damaged in the battle, so he had no choice but to give up and glance at the culprit who caused all the incidents.

There were still dust and blood stains on Barry's body. When he saw Lin An, his gloomy expression suddenly brightened and he was relieved. He wanted to stretch out his arms and hug him, but the latter rolled his eyes and avoided it.

"Brother, you are not still a spy of Dawn Association, are you?"

"I am your companion, Lin." Barry smiled, "The Dawn Association hopes that we will compile this operation into a formal report and submit it to them."

"Okay, you write it." Lin An pointed at the computer and jumped back on the sofa, "I will be a wage earner tonight."

Barry opened the document obediently, and the sound of typing on the keyboard sounded. After a while, he felt Lin An leaning his head over.

Reading the report in black and white, Lin An couldn't help but nod.

Pretty much the same as guessed.

"Is there anything you want to change?" Barry didn't like the young man's strange silence, so he took the initiative to break it, "For example, expand on how you saved Las Medos from fire and water with one against two, and changed The heroic vote results.”

"Okay, you add it."

Barry dragged the above paragraph into ChatGPT, and a gorgeous 5,000-word boast was born.

Lin An's scalp was numb from the show. Seeing that he really wanted to copy and paste the AI ​​writing, he quickly said: "That's it, Barry, I want to ask you something."


"Why did you take the initiative to tell the inspection team your route? If they hadn't stopped us at Las Medos, we would have reached San Francisco by now."

"Even if we don't say it, we won't be able to enter the headquarters."


"You have to ask our president about this, because he ordered me to do this." Barry explained, "He told me that since we can't get in anyway, we might as well hand over the route to the inspection team as a vote of approval, and then we can discuss it later. Cooperate with them to make great achievements and become one of them.”

"The so-called 'great merit' refers to me." Lin An showed what Barry called a "sweet smile" and said, "The moment you pushed me to the wedding scene of Hill Kesheli, I just wanted to kill you. "

"Ahem, it's all an act to advance the plan." Barry quickly turned back to the report and tapped the keyboard violently.

"Well said, next time I will reward you with marrying a blonde with big boobs."


"You're blushing like a bubble teapot!"


Barry typed the last mark and looked away from the screen. Lin An leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, speaking in a neither salty nor cool tone.

"Why don't you just surrender to the inspection team? For a mysterious person like you, they are the most suitable choice."

"Theoretically, this is indeed the case. Unfortunately, I joined the Foundation first and became an official member of the third team of the Distribution and Direct-to-Contact Department of Ditli City."

Barry conjured a cigarette from his wrist and lit it, then opened the window and let the wind blow away the second-hand smoke.

"So what?" Lin An asked slightly puzzled, "Has the Foundation saved your life? You are so loyal."

"Of course they didn't, but you did, Lin; you and the captain both saved me."

Barry looked at Lin An beside him. The lights of the most prosperous city in the world were reflected in his eyes, but he could never touch the deep alienation. This young man with an eccentric personality narrowed his mysterious and charming black eyes. I seem to understand but not understand.

"And the story of gambling and betrayal is not a story I want to tell my children in the future."

That night, he and Lin An talked a lot about his past. Basically, Barry was talking and Lin An was listening. There was no response, but he didn't stop him from talking to himself.

Barry said that he had been admitted to a good university similar to Lin An's and was not satisfied with a colorless and tasteless life, so he fell into a dream world of sound, light, electricity and color.

He has entered various Las Medos casinos, Secret Garden, Mirage, Rolling Stone, Big Apple, Piraccio, Venice...

He recognized the décor of each casino, as well as their rules, features, and game arrangements.

He once spent 20,000 dollars on entertainment in one night, and then used some extreme reversals of capital to earn back 25,000 dollars.

However, his two lives did not merge and eventually fell apart completely over time.

First the IRS came upon hearing the news, then he was expelled from college, then the news that his fiancée was pregnant, and what finally defeated him was not a thrilling conspiracy, but just a burglary.

While he was drinking, several robbers broke into the room and took away all the cash.

Barry did not insure these assets because they came quickly and easily.

That day, he was not aware of his depravity. Instead, he took out all the funds in his passbook and bank card and ran to Las Medos, ready to gamble to his heart's content.

As a result, he found that factors such as surveillance cameras, card dealing rules, scene layout and other factors had long since changed. The dealers' methods were becoming more and more difficult to see through. There were endless dealers and gamblers who were smarter than him, and his memory was also affected by this. Years of drinking and late nights had taken a turn for the worse.

Not surprisingly, he lost everything.

Just when he was broken into by several guards, taken out of the bathtub and thrown into the street, Barry received a call from his fiancée.

Said a child was born.

The moment Barry saw the baby's bright, twinkling eyes, he suddenly understood what he should do in this life.

Children need role models, and he will be that role model.

Barry decided to give up all his previous bad habits and restrain his desires everywhere. Even if he did not possess the virtues, he pretended to have them because he had the responsibility of guiding a new life.

At first, Barry's transition to a normal life was not easy. He used his savings to change three jobs in the next six months. His high school diploma, the experience of being dropped out of school, and the unexplained gap period of six months made him After hitting walls everywhere, I finally landed in a newly established small company.

The IRS still frequently checks his books, and every day he can't get rid of the illusion that someone is watching his back.


"Lin, life in the lows is bearable. Because the human spirit is a genius that can build mountains from the molehills of happiness."

The sun rises and everything revives.

Lin An half-squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Nanzhou. The smoke turned into a vague male figure, riddled with holes by the rising sun.

"Don't smoke anymore?" He glanced at Barry who was putting out his cigarette.

"No, not anymore." Barry patted Lin An's shoulder gently, "Good morning, thank you for saving my life last night. Is there anything I can do?"

Lin An stretched.

I don't know why, but I feel a little happy.

How about changing to another unlucky guy.

"For example, if your father wants to come to Ditli City, I can help you pick him up. How about that?"

After saying that, Barry laughed to himself, but found that Lin An did not follow suit. When he turned his head, he took out the wand from his waist and put on the same smile again.

"No need, Brother Barry. Tetanus, urticaria, smallpox, malaria, choose an element you like."


Thanks to Ershiqi, Kuiqiulu, Fanhao, Jianxueqinghan, Raziel, and Celery Knife Noodles for their monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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