World Occult User Guide

Chapter 121 The sky is filled with stars

Before Barry finished speaking, Lin An picked up the wand, and the deep fire-red gem like worm powder glowed and was embedded in the ends of the two snakes.


He tapped Barry's shoulder gently with his wand.

"What does this mean? What do you want to do?" Barry asked in confusion.

"I've finished what I want to do." Lin An shook his head, "I feel too tired tonight. I'll sleep for a while. If the Dawn Association or the Foundation calls, wake me up."

"Okay, good night."

Lin An rolled into the quilt of the big bed. He had just hit Barry with the [Worm Curtain].

This gem can only take effect through a "hard hit". Once it touches the target's body, a tangled, thin red thread flows out from the inside of the gem and pours into Barry's body. The black particles are centered on his chest. , spreading outwards.

Its divergence speed is very slow and its frequency is very low, and Barry himself is even more unaware of it.

Wait for a while and see the effect.

Lin An observed the other party's appearance from a distance.

See when Barry feels really "bad", calculate the time, and then switch gems to eliminate the effect.

[Name]: Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone

[Rating]: Myth C level

[Radiation value]: 33.1%

[Pollution level]: 0%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

The senior sister's contribution was quite large. In addition to the inevitable waste of energy, the radiation value also increased by almost 10%.

Glancing at the wand's data panel, Lin An placed it on the bedside, lay down on his back, and let the system open the long-lost panel of the mysterious encyclopedia, reading about his own situation.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 5.4%

[Pollution level]: 19.5%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

[Inventory]: Seeker x2, God of Truth x2, God of Farming x2, Visionary x5, Seer x9, Judge x8, Nature Sacrifice x4, Mother of Desire x6, War Emperor x2

After the garbled characters disappeared, the reading experience became better.

This is the most gratifying thing for Lin An.

However, after reading the data carefully, his brows furrowed slightly and his thoughts continued.

The pollution level before the system was "maintained" was obviously only 17%. After the maintenance, it increased by 2.5%. The radiation value remained unchanged at 5.4%.

However, no matter how the pollution level increases, it doesn't seem to have much to do with Lin An.

He neither grew horns nor turned into pages. The skin and flesh all over his body were the same as those of ordinary people.

If Lin An hadn't been informed by the system of data changes, he would have thought that he still had zero pollution.

Looking back at the system, every change in pollution levels always affects its performance.

When it first woke up, the system was really a mediocre "system" with no personality at all and spoke in a mechanical voice that looked exactly like Siri.

It is almost silent unless called by Lin An.

After that, the degree of pollution gradually increased, the system had garbled data, typos, and missing data, and the ruthless mechanical sound gradually went out of tune, like a piano that had neglected to adjust its tone, creaking and creaking, but overall it was still more "mechanical" tool.

When the pollution level exceeded a certain threshold, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly disappeared completely.

It turned into a voice whose gender was unclear, but whose pitch was almost the same as that of a human. At the same time, it gradually showed a slightly different thinking logic from Lin An.

Moreover, it started talking to Lin An actively.

At this time, the data is garbled across the screen, and no decent text can be seen clearly.

Eventually it fell into sleep, and when it woke up again, it seemed to be back to the way it was when it first woke up. The data was clear and intuitive, it was usually silent, and it no longer talked to Lin An.

However, its changes are obvious.

First of all, instead of returning to an emotionless mechanical voice, the system became more and more "humanized". Lin An even felt that its voice had obvious gender characteristics - the system seemed to be a male.

Secondly, it directly called Lin An's full name.

Before this, the system had only used the second person to refer to Lin An, and rarely used the first person to refer to himself. It did feel like a dialogue between the subconscious and the conscious mind.

But now it's called in the third person.

This is no longer simply something that can be explained and prevaricated by the subconscious. Lin An always feels that it is either a split personality or a system——

It’s not his mystery at all!

Lin An was startled by this terrifying idea. After waiting for a moment, the system in his mind remained silent. He did not jump out to explain like before, saying that we were too strong or something like that.

"System, you have captured what I was thinking just now. Is there anything you want to defend yourself?" Lin An took the initiative to call it out.

Unable to continue pretending to be deaf, the system replied: "I am your mystery, Lin An. I am no different from anyone else, but the situation is a little more special."

"How special?"

"I don't know for sure, but I tell you honestly, Lin An, since I was born, my existence has only one purpose - to protect your safety forever."

"Are you some Nascent Soul ancestor who pretended to be a system in order to seize his body and tricked my body into returning Yang?" Lin An asked menacingly.

"Nascent Soul? Seize the body? Return Yang?"

"Oh, forget it, you don't understand these professional words either."

The system's CPU was spinning crazily, and after a while, it suddenly displayed all the illustrations that Lin An had obtained so far. The whole hotel room was covered like a Matrix, and specks of green light were suspended in the real world, as if overlooking the entire world from the universe. galaxy.

"Looking at these data, these are the roads we have walked side by side, a symbol that we are as close as brothers, and God cannot find a trace of lies. Because I love you so much, Lin An. What should I do to make it happen again? Gain your trust?"

The system has already written essays on love, and Lin An can't continue to embarrass it.

What's more, if the system really had any ill intentions towards him, Lin An would have been bitten to death by the dwarf demon in that alley if he hadn't awakened at first.

The system can only be my mystery.

Otherwise, wouldn’t I be in an unawakened state now?

So where was the medium and the mystery of generation that I was supposed to attract?

After being exposed to "Comes" for so long, even ordinary people without talent have finally awakened, let alone Lin An, who has always been yearning for mysticism.

Even April and Barry, who had almost no basis in occultism, were stimulated by the close-range radiation of "Comuth" and awakened to the mystery within a few days; Lin An faced all kinds of mystics countless times. Maybe he is still an ordinary person now.

Therefore, the system is indeed my authentic and mysterious prototype.

Even if it's a little weird and different.

Lin An thought in his heart that instead of being wary of the system's intentions against him, he was more dependent on the power of the system.

"No, don't think so. It wasn't the holy sword Durandal that brought Roland glory. But only the sword held by that paladin can be qualified to leave a name in history." The system said based on his thoughts, "If you It’s Roland, and I am your Durandal.”

"Stop talking like a noble from Xizhou. It's disgusting." Lin An asked him to remove the star-studded data, "Just follow me and work hard from now on."


"In addition to the data display returning to normal, you have been out of service for seven and a half days for maintenance. Have you developed any new features?"

"This hibernation is mainly about numerical correction and adapting to the pollution level." Sensing Lin An's mood coefficient dropped, the system quickly remedied, "New functions are already being debugged, just waiting for your radiation value to exceed a certain level. It’s ready for use.”

"What function, let me take a look."

"Please close your eyes, Lin An, and clear your mind."

Lin An was quite interested and closed his eyes as instructed. The next moment, his vision suddenly increased and he entered another mysterious and strange place.

Thousands of data are intertwined, forming an electronic curtain.

What's this? Where am I?

He clearly felt that his body was still in Creek Castle, but he couldn't see the surrounding decorations clearly. It seemed like he was in a heavy fog, and it was like a gray "empty space", which was difficult to describe in words.

The chaotic data slowly dispersed, like stars covering the earth, and various light spots appeared in Lin An's field of vision.

The first one in front of him is a relatively bright light spot, which is like the shape of Ursa Major, with square shoulders and feet, animal-like ears and claws.

Imagination fills the gaps in vision, piecing together what is seen.

The blip is...Barry?

Could these light spots be the embodiment of the "spiritual medium"?

They form a source of radiation, continuously attracting radiation from another planet...

Lin An seemed to have entered a transparent world. He looked to the left and saw that the wall was still there and the entire corridor was still heavily guarded, but the dreamy green light penetrated everything.

It was as if everything was made of glass, or something clearer and more ethereal.

Human beings cannot understand them, so they are called "mysteries".


The ethereal bells of the Eiffel Tower announce the arrival of morning.

Lin An entered a new perception mode. He saw that the corridor was crowded with light groups that were neither close nor far away. They were very dim and light in color, representing the mysterious black clothes that had not awakened. people.

The whole world is like a universe dotted with thin snowflakes, and each star represents a human being.

Looking to the front, the moon leaps into view, its dazzling light spots spreading their wings and coating the surroundings with a circle of mist, as if they are huge pearls inlaid on the sparkling ebony.

Another light spot that was not too bright was close to it, glowing like an opal.

That's Simon and Mishy. Lin An thought.

These lights showed in an abstract way the subtlety and magnificence, complexity and harmony of a living object, reminding him of the words of a professor from the School of Astronomy:

In the boundlessness we call the universe, the end of light is not infinity, but the source of light.

Human vision relies on light in the physical sense, not imaginary light. The light coming from "around" the universe shows not the present, but events that completed before the formation of Titan, or long before the formation of the sun.

Being in this hazy vision, Lin An felt unprecedented wonder and fun.

Those that were either dim or bright were a vibrant life form, flickering like breathing, and he could see them clearly.

As his mind turned, Lin An discovered that several different words appeared faintly next to the light spot, among which the only clearly legible one was - [New].

Too bad he couldn't influence the word.

After several attempts, Lin An had no choice but to give up and continue admiring the Milky Way landing in Las Medos.

Suddenly, a large amount of light came in, as eye-catching as the headlights of a car in the distance. The light spread along the eastern edge of the corridor, dyeing the surrounding area orange-red.

Lin An recognized that this belonged to those people from the Dawn Association.

Thank you to the fifty-stroke engine and book friend 20220531150155011 for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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