World Occult User Guide

Chapter 122 Uninvited people

Lin An just wanted to take a closer look, but found that he had lost his body.

When he tried to move his hands and feet, nothing happened. Except for the 360° rotation of his vision, he was nailed to the spot and unable to move around.

The range illuminated by this green light is a radius of about 50 meters with Lin An as the center. Further away, it becomes very blurry until it is impossible to perceive.

"As the radiation value increases, the sensory range can also increase." Lin An pondered, "The top priority now is to get some 'knowledge seeker' media..."

While he was thinking, he saw the Dawn Association passing directly by Simon and Mixie's room, and finally stopped at his door.

"Da da da."

There was a knock on the door, and the light spot representing Barry moved. Lin An suddenly came back to reality and opened his eyes.

Just now, I was so absorbed that I almost forgot to wake up.

When the group of people entered, Lin An had finished dressing and yawned as he walked out of the bedroom. What appeared in front of him was a familiar looking knight. He greeted Lin An with a smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Lin."

"Good morning, knight, we haven't seen each other for eight hours." After completing a battle together, Lin An and his relationship became slightly closer, "Is the overtime over?"

"Unfortunately, not yet. The Dawn Association has always adopted a 007 working system." The knight said humorously, "Before the official meeting begins, a lady from the Dawn Association wants to see you, Mr. Lin."

"I'm sorry, I've had enough women tonight." Lin An raised his hand, "Can I change it to a man?"

The knight immediately looked at Lin An with ambiguous eyes and touched the curly beard on his chin.

"I think I can..."

"No! I was wrong! Women are very good!" Lin An said hurriedly.

"I mean I can contact other officers, but thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Lin."

After that, he turned on the TV.

What appeared on the screen was not the initial interface for selecting channels, but a middle-aged woman sitting in an office. A world map hung behind her, and the bookshelves were lined with thick, retro tomes.

"You are Mr. Lin."

She picked up a printed document.

"I just finished reading your report. It's really amazing, so I want to briefly talk to you for a few words. Oh, don't be nervous, it's really just a few words."

Lin An made a "please" gesture, and the woman put down the information gracefully and continued.

"You and your companions planned tonight's plan, which I have to say is very exciting. But what interests me more is your performance. Your calmness in times of crisis, calm analysis, and adaptability all make the Dawn Association feel... Extraordinary surprise.”

"In order to rescue your companions, you cleverly concealed it from the inspection team using secret words from the scriptures, summoned Knight William, and rescued him before his life was threatened. This undoubtedly proves your kindness, humility and compassion. Heart, the king is also willing to award you a beautiful thistle medal!"

"My only question is, Mr. Lin, after the Dawn Association left, how did you use mysticism to get rid of the control of the [Mishnah]'s engagement?"

It turns out that the Dawn Association didn't know what happened after the explosion?

It should be the owners of the MGM Grand Casino who took action to eliminate relevant traces.

After thinking for a while, Lin An replied: "I don't know, maybe the person who led the way helped me."

"The leader?" The female officer flipped through the report, "So, did he take action?" She turned back to Lin An, "We have obtained most of the information from your companions, so we won't ask for details anymore. "

The owner of the casino has a high status in the mystical world. Lin An thought to himself.

"As I said, you are an out-and-out warrior, but your achievements do not match your fame and talent. It is really a loss to Saint Anilov."

The female officer spoke in a calm and slow voice, with a sense of noble alienation in English that was completely different from the English of Eagle Country.

"Unlike them, I appreciate talents like you. If you are willing to join the Dawn Association, you will enjoy the rewards that match your efforts."

Lin An understood that the Qingqing Dawn Association went to great lengths to find him alone just to poach him.

The inspection team's cronies are spread across every branch of the foundation. If the Dawn Association wants to be on an equal footing with the other party, it must also win over some of the foundation's original employees and become their downlines.

This was what Lin An thought at first, but the female officer's next words overturned his guess.

"Although our headquarters is located in New York, the training base for newcomers requires a long-distance air ticket. Therefore, if you are interested in establishing a friendly relationship with us, please tell us your ideas as soon as possible."

You mean going abroad?

This was beyond Lin An's expectation.

It seems that although the Dawn Association is supported by Congress and the candidate members of the "Superpower Committee" recommended by the cabinet, they are not the local mystics force in the Eagle Kingdom.

Uh, how should I put it...

The only local forces in the Eagle Country are the Thunderbirds. Unfortunately, the four creation gods not only did not become an organization managed by the Mystic, but instead became the organization's experimental subjects and research materials, and were posted on the wanted list by the St. Annilov Foundation. superior.

From Guy's words last time, Lin An learned that there were about three aristocratic families in the Dragon Kingdom, namely the Wang family, the Zhao family and a family named Ji.

I don’t know how many aristocratic families and powerful forces of mystics have survived in the Western Continent civilization.

At least there is a Xizhou organization or family behind the Dawn Association, and the owner of this casino may also belong to a family that inherited the legacy of the ancient "Comes" dynasty.

Listening to the accents of the knight and the female officer, Lin An felt that the aristocratic families supporting the Dawn Association were closely related to the Lion Kingdom.

The Eagle Country and the Lion Country are really a couple of father and son countries.

After hearing what the female officer said, Lin An did not refuse on the spot.

After things in Eagle Country come to an end, you might as well go to Xizhou to have a look, especially the birthplace of several modern mystics.

What will they look like when the orbits of the "Comuth" stars overlap?

Seeing Lin An's thoughtful expression, the female officer ended the conversation, said goodbye to Barry and the knight, and then cut off contact.

A few minutes later, the door was opened again.


Lin An looked along the sound, and the faces of Simon and Mi Xi appeared outside. When they saw Lin An and Barry, their eyes looked slightly complicated and relieved.

It is estimated that they learned the ins and outs of what happened tonight from various channels not long ago.

What's complicated is that Lin An and Barry planned such a big thing, but they didn't reveal it at all. Fortunately, the two survived the disaster, stopped the inspection team's conspiracy, saved the Dawn Association and the foundation's plan, and became a leader. Smedos' "Hero".

"Good morning, captain. Good morning, Mi Xi." Lin An spoke first, "What do you want to eat? I'll call the room service to bring it up."

"Barry, I hope you have carefully prepared a logical argument." Simon frowned, "As for you, Lin, why did you agree to join that guy's crazy plan?"

"That's right, as colleagues, it's time to show the spirit of helping each other! Otherwise, how can we overcome one difficult obstacle after another at work!" Mi Xi said helpfully, "Chicken Taco and Orange Juice, thank you."

"I'm sorry, Captain." Barry lowered his head pretending to feel guilty, "I was a little reckless about this. I want a butter croissant and black coffee."

"Please give me a bacon maple syrup waffle." The knight on the side interjected.


"Captain, you haven't ordered yet." Lin An urged, "What can we eat? Can we have hamburgers?"

"Now I just want to skin you two alive." Simon said with twitching eyes, "Well, luckily nothing happened to you, and the crisis has ended smoothly. Otherwise, I..."

"Captain, why don't you eat pancakes with me?" Lin An pressed the room service phone, "I wonder if the taste here is authentic - do you drink coffee or soy milk?"

"Lin, go make a phone call."


Lin An escaped from the whirlpool of the dispute by confusing his vision, leaving Barry to answer their questions and deal with the ensuing questions from Simon and Mi Xi.

While washing and brushing his teeth in the bathroom, Lin An pricked up his ears and listened to their conversation.

Both the Dawn Association and the foundation's incident reports ignored traces of the MGM Grand Casino owner's involvement, and even the inspection team did not investigate his role in this incident.

According to the information Simon received, Deacon Hill Kesheli did not use the marriage precepts to control Lin An, but only threatened him to work for her and take the blame.

Evancia's name was not written in it, but replaced with the name of the Las Medos Inspectorate. A group of people broke into the basement and caused an explosion.

In the end, the Dawn Association received Lin An's information and arrived in time to deliver the information. Hill was removed from the team by the leader of the inspection team, and his life and death are still unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown.

The rest of the inspection team members died, surrendered, and were not threatening.

"Ding dong."

The room service rang the doorbell, and the members of the Dawn Association waiting in the corridor brought food. Lin An also ordered breakfast for them. After getting the knight's consent, they leaned against the wall and wolfed down the food.

Such a tough mystic can't go without eating all the time.

Lin An picked up the steaming pancake fruit. The translation adopted by MGM Grand Hotel was called "Tinmen Crispy Pancake."

After taking a bite of the soft skin, it was filled with avocado, crab sticks, ham sausage and soul crisps. I can only say that the taste was on the verge of taking the shape of a pancake.

Lin An couldn't help but miss the pancake and fruit stall downstairs of her aunt's house. The guy's craftsmanship was truly authentic.

The knight cut open the maple syrup-covered waffles with a knife and fork, while Michelle took a bite of the slightly spicy taco. Even Barry ate the butter croissant. Simon had no choice but to pick up the soy milk at hand.

Just as he brought the paper cup to his mouth, the black screen TV suddenly came on.

"Good morning."

Accompanied by an elegant male voice, a handsome face like a bard appeared. Simon quickly adjusted his manners and sat down seriously.

"President Jericho, hello."

Hearing his words, several people in the group looked up in surprise and looked at the foundation's top leader on the remote call in surprise. Lin An struggled to swallow the nearly melted avocado, and Mi Xi still had a smear of tuna sauce hanging on her lips. .

Jericho was not surprised by this, but apologized first: "I'm sorry for disturbing everyone's dining time."

"We'll put it away right now."

"No, just treat this as a morning chat." Jericho stopped everyone, "It's been a hard journey. On behalf of the foundation, I want to express some heartfelt gratitude to you."

Thank you to book friend 20221026122153512 for the reward, thank you to book friend 20210208191239378 and Suhua 203 for your monthly pass, thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions

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