World Occult User Guide

Chapter 123 The Signal of the End

Jericho's speech was exactly what he said. On behalf of the foundation, he thanked Lin An and his team for transporting the Thunderbirds, made some summary, and ceremonially praised them.

As for the turmoil tonight, it was almost brushed off.

As the top leader of the foundation, the president did not have too obvious bias. He only said thank you to the two for stopping Hill Kesheli's excessive behavior, with an evasive attitude.

Lin An was eating pancakes and fruit while observing the president.

The man who managed the entire St. Annilov Foundation in Eagle Country actually showed up in a hurry while they were having breakfast.

His appearance is completely different from the CEO Lin An imagined. There is a faint smile on the corner of Yelige's mouth. He looks easy-going and chic. His calm words are full of rhythm, like the poems of a poet, making people feel like a spring breeze.

It is neither majestic nor a city, but it gives people a strong sense of alienation that cannot be approached.

After a brief recollection, Jericho's temperament and demeanor gradually overlapped with a certain figure.


Jericho is like an

Barry once said that it was Jericho who asked him to disclose the location to the inspection team because the headquarters was in an "inaccessible" state a few days ago. He did not know why.

Glancing at Jericho, who spoke in an official tone, Lin An felt that there was a high probability that he would not be able to get any information out of him.

Jericho had no intention of "communicating" with them at all. He simply gave a speech, which reminded Lin An of some professors who fished in class and could be called emotionless manuscript reading machines.

When the speech was almost over, Jericho nodded to the group and repeated the last instructions of the long-term mission.

"Based on the distance, please arrive at the San Francisco Foundation headquarters tonight. We will arrange manpower to take care of you. Please contact the civilian minister at the headquarters for specific arrangements. You have worked hard along the way, and St. Annilov will not forget your contribution. "

As if nothing happened, let them continue to transport the [Thunderbird]?

Lin An finished drinking the soy milk at hand and frowned. Not only him, but others were also a little confused.

Don't say you don't mean to change the plan. Wouldn't it be better to send such nonsense emails?

Why bother talking to them remotely in person?

They didn't know the answer yet, so the president said goodbye in a business-like manner like X and cut off contact.

Upon seeing this, the knight put down his knife and fork and told several people about the next arrangements of the Dawn Association.

"We will continue to follow your RV to prevent any accidents on this stretch of road."

"Can't we send more people?" Lin An's mouth twitched.

Brother, didn’t you realize that your power has been crippled by the inspection team?

Moreover, if you can't even defeat the half-weakened Hill Kesheli, how can you deal with the remaining four deacons of the inspection team.

Lin An basically knew the strength of the inspection team. Each deacon was one of the chapters of the Mishnah, rated as myth, and the radiation value was about 20% to 30%.

As long as he is not attacked by surprise, he can fight each of the remaining deacons one-on-one without falling behind.

Only one person, at most two people at the same time.

Once the four of them besiege together, even Lin An will be unable to bear it.

"Knowledge Seeker" is not a medium that is good at frontal combat. Lin An's mystery is mainly about "control" or "auxiliary influence". Compared with the "Presiding Judge" who represents killing, his combat methods are weaker.

As time went by, Simon's radiation value also increased, rising to about 21%.

As the strongest medium, the "Lord of Dreams" can overpower the "Judge" medium with the same radiation value. But if I remember correctly, two of the six deacons died, and four more.

However, the Dawn Association can hardly cope with even one deacon.

What's more, the inspection team also has a legendary leader who has never been seen before.

As the founder of the inspection team and foundation system, this person's strength cannot be underestimated.

Jericho's official stance is definitely one of absolute neutrality, and there are very few areas where the foundation can be expected to help.

Rather, the battle surrounding the Thunderbirds is essentially a struggle between the Dawn Association and the Supervisory Group to seize the right to speak in the Eagle Country's Superpower Committee. The Foundation in the middle is watching the politicians tit-for-tat, and considering the process and results, considering supporting or dissenting voters.

It's just that the inspection team was too strict, cruel and condescending, which led to strong resistance within the foundation, so the headquarters' decisions were always more biased towards the Dawn Association.

This was probably the pull of the three parties. Lin An thought about his position again.

They were part of the Detli City branch and were tasked with transporting Thunderbirds, nothing more.

Barry chose to deal with the inspector group, not because he recognized the Dawn Association very much. Firstly, he wanted to avoid the tragedy of Las Medos; secondly, he did not want the team to be punished because the Thunderbird lost control; thirdly, he was targeted by the inspectorate and was subjected to Surveillance and monitoring are a last resort to avoid betrayal.

As for Lin An, he simply didn't want Thunderbird to die.

But the Dawn Association cannot always rely on the favoritism of the foundation headquarters and the help of Lin An and his team.

This is too lying!

Obviously their goal was to deliver the Thunderbirds, but they only sent so many additional personnel!

Efron Reuben was killed by the captain, and Hill Kesheli was killed by the casino owner. Whose power do you want to use to solve the inspection team this time?

Where is your regent? What about the Phantom Speaker? What about philosophers?

Do you want to take advantage of this internal melee to consume the forces of all the mystics in the Eagle Kingdom, preserve your own fresh forces, and finally enjoy the gains?

Until now, Lin An has only met three middle-level managers of the Dawn Association. However, the inspection team has continued to suffer setbacks, and the foundation is even more torn apart. Several branches have been involved in struggles, resulting in heavy casualties. A lot of financial resources have been spent to settle the incident.

The top leaders of the Dawn Association are still safely staying in New York and the northeast of Eagle Country, while the forces behind them are staying somewhere in the West Continent, sitting on a mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers.

Could it be that the shipment of Thunderbirds was a scam by the Dawn Association?

Lin An hoped that he was overthinking it, but if the Dawn Association continued to act like a hands-off boss, he figured he would just take advantage of the chaos in the future and follow Brother Lei Zi to the farthest reaches of the world.

"I'm sorry that due to differences in regional laws, the Dawn Association cannot mobilize manpower from New York with great fanfare and let a large number of mystics enter San Francisco." The knight responded, "But things in the future are going smoothly and there will be no problems."

Lin An rolled his eyes.

Really or not, without my help, I think you are full of loopholes.

Barry was noncommittal about this. Mi Xi had not experienced tonight's battle, but felt a little relieved that the mission was coming to an end.

As for Simon, there was a lingering gloom hanging over his face, and his eyes were melancholy and struggling.

Before leaving the room, Lin An was tapped on the shoulder. It was the knight.

With a confident smile, he walked past Lin An and walked towards the corridor, his words drifting in the wind without leaving any trace.

"Don't worry, it's just like the Trojan Horse of the Trojan War."


The last part of the long journey was doubly melancholy, with Simon driving, Barry in the passenger seat, and Lin An and Mi Xi in the back.

The RV was still the same one that drove out from Detli City, and the familiar seats were still there.

The fewer miles from San Francisco on the blue road sign, it means the countdown to this journey.

Lin An, who is used to riding in cars, no longer finds bumps in the road painful.

Rather, it was the most pleasant, comfortable and impressive trip in his life, to the international city of New York, to the east deep in the countryside and mountains, to the desolate west where the sky is filled with yellow sand, and to the ever-extinguishing sparkle. Casino, and finally arrived at the final destination, the City by the Bay.

Neighborhoods, both near and distant, appeared outside the window.

As far as cities go, it's beautiful.

The sky is vast and incredibly blue, and by sunset it turns into a vast sea of ​​pinks, oranges and purples.

The roads on both sides are crowded with uniquely designed homes in Presidio Heights or Nob Hill, with unpredictable and unique styles, well-preserved Victorian rowhouses and the Market Street cable car passing by , ringing, retro and modern feelings intertwined.

In the distance are the tall office buildings in the financial district, the Golden Gate Bridge looming in the fog, and the magnificent twin peaks near the bay, fading into the scenery continuously. There is a "Hollywood" sign on a green slope somewhere, attracting tourists. Stop.

All kinds of cars drove along with them on this road, and gangsters made loud hip-hop noises; young people stuck their heads out of the windows and vented unexplained swear words; cars that looked like celebrities passed by, and people stood up like RVs. Peeping glass.

Languages ​​are scattered along the highways like Towers of Babel, heading to different destinations.

Mi Xi leaned against the car window and took the time to enjoy the last breathtaking scenery; while Barry in the front row coughed several times and looked slightly pale.

Are you finally feeling it?

Lin An saw those black particles spreading at the same speed, occupying Barry's fingertips and toes, and slowly climbing toward the center along the nerve veins.

Is it a uniform erosion?

Lin An looked at the time, roughly calculated the time from when it was used to when he noticed it, and switched the healing gem.

In an instant, those black particles stopped generating new ones.

A few minutes passed, and Lin An found that they were actually passing by. In other words, as long as the gems were replaced, there was no need for unnecessary healing, and the effect of [Worm Curtain] would disappear automatically.

There is no way to leave irreversible long-term effects.

Lin An tentatively cut back to the red gem, while the black example still maintained its passing state.

It seems that Barry needs to be beaten again for the effect of this gem to continue.

Let people die silently, leaving no remains of the body or soul...

It sounds really scary, but there are many limitations in its use.

How can this be most effective?

After getting the data, sleepiness came to his mind. Lin An decided to save his energy and rested against the back of the chair.

Unfortunately, I still can’t sleep soundly in the mobile space.

It's like he still loves chasing the shadow of "Comoth" more than anything Titan has given him...

Forget it, let nature take its course.

The blowing wind blended with the coolness from the ocean, and there was no longer the biting chill in Dietrich City. The bright sun revealed the prelude to the arrival of spring, shining warmly on Lin An.

After an unknown amount of time, the surroundings fell into darkness.

Lin An, who was half asleep, quickly came to his senses and stood up to take a look.

It turned out that Simon had driven into a tunnel.

However, before he could feel relieved, the next moment, the brakes squeaked sharply.

The car body gave a heavy slap, almost throwing Lin An off his seat.

The headlights illuminated the yellow "dangerous" reflection ahead, and malicious hostility rushed toward the face.

Thank you to Bird and Flying Fish, Hui Yuanzi, and the president of the Fragment Protection Association for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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