World Occult User Guide

Chapter 12 The woman at the newsstand late at night

At two o'clock in the morning, it started to snow lightly in Detli City.

The temperature difference caused white mist to appear on everyone who came towards me, like a steam creature exhausting its gas.

If we don’t find a resting place in time, the melting snowflakes will soak the crowd’s clothes from head to toe.

This just gave them a new target when they were bored. Some flocked to the underground bar, and some flocked to Wenwen Township. No one went home - those who were still wandering around at this point had no home.

Electronic light illuminated Lin An's face, and he lowered the brim of his hat to prevent snowflakes from falling on the screen of his mobile phone.

"The [World Tree Forum] does not discuss late-night newsstand topics..."

After thinking for a moment, he changed the subject to "Within the City of Ditry", scrolled through a few pages, and finally found content related to the incident.

The date of posting is July 19 this year.

LoveTiffney: Has anyone been to Ximena’s Tavern on Lower Street in Dietrich? The lead singer is a woman from Lower East Coast who sells her albums at the back door of the pub every Friday night. I didn't watch the scene, I just passed by and bought a CD while traveling.

LoveTiffney: I thought it was that kind of movie, but... can you see if it's a special effect?

LoveTiffney: [Video]

Lin An clicked on the video, which is the way a mobile phone records a video on a computer.

The curtain on the bar stage slowly opened.

A woman walked onto the stage. She was not beautiful in the traditional sense. She had rough features, dark eyebrows, and lips as red as blood. Only her eyes were extremely dark, making people unable to look away.

When she scanned the audience, perhaps it was too blurry. Lin An did not see any layering of pupils, eye whites and irises. Her eyes were only pure black.

The script tells the story of a wife who kills her husband so she can live with her lover.

The woman plays the role of the wife who orchestrates the murder. She turns to the audience from time to time and recounts her evil thoughts to them in a contemptuous tone.

The stage that is too small is enough to induce claustrophobia. The camera pans across the audience. They use their mouths to assist breathing. It seems to be very stuffy. There are many men sitting in the front row, looking at the woman performing with confused and longing eyes. A couple is holding on tightly. Living in each other's bodies, it seems as if they are about to be washed away by the flood.

In the final scene, the wife lures her husband to her bedroom, where a large suitcase lies open on the bed on an oiled canvas.

This was her plan: murder her husband, put him in a suitcase, and dump his body.

But before the woman could carry out her plan, the husband grabbed the pistol and shot her.

He wrapped her in her own canvas and put her in the trunk.

The man raised the box containing the body high, placed it on the edge of the stage, and said to himself jokingly: "Look, she has thought of everything!"

The audience under the stage burst into laughter.

Then the box opened, revealing the woman's sexy body, causing the audience in the front row to cheer wildly and touch her skin with sweaty hands.

However, before the curtain fell, the blurry camera shook, and Lin An's eyes widened.

The woman's body was actually covered with living maggots. Her flesh turned black and turned green, and fell on the stage piece by piece like fallen cakes, soft and pulpy.

The cheers turned to screams and vomiting, and the video ended abruptly.

Users and viewers of the forum reacted in the same way, scolding the poster for not writing a bloody warning, and paying a lot of money for a pair of eyes that had never seen the video, and there were only a few analyses.

HeviA: Don’t be afraid, poster. Based on my experience in real-time performances, this kind of stage effect can be achieved with live props—lights and clay. However, I don’t know why. Isn’t this a performance purely for underground service?

LoveTiffney: I thought it was an underground film when I bought it.

tyleraxe: Come in with a smile on your face, and exit with a curse.

RightLeg_7483: I really vomited!

RightLeg_7483: Could you please don’t release it to harm others? What about the administrator? Doesn’t this ban him for ten years?

SilverTeeth: I know about this performance... the audience was so disgusted that they all refunded their money. The bar said that they had no idea that the lead singer would perform such a performance. This was not a script and it was completely beyond their expectations.

SilverTeeth: I didn’t expect that she actually recorded that performance and made it into a CD. As the poster, you are not a local, so I’m afraid you won’t be able to go back and get a refund. I can only say that you have been taken advantage of.

UF0s/5: The bar should fire her.

SilverTeeth: It is said that they deducted her salary for three months and prohibited her from continuing to be the lead singer. Now she can only do odd jobs and serve dishes in the store.

Cupid_Dust: So damn good.

KarolXOXO: It feels like it’s not just a special effect... Poster, can you reply to my private message?

This is the last floor. Lin An raised his eyebrows.

KarolXOXO, registered in 2035, IP Massachusetts, historical posts and replies are concentrated in Detrey City, with the highest record of posting more than 200 pages a day, and is no longer active after May this year.

You must be Caroline.

The poster did not reply to Caroline. Because there were too many people who reported it, the backend automatically sent LoveTiffney a three-month ban package. The foundation, which was short of manpower, did not pay attention to this matter of unknown authenticity.

Lin An wrote down the accounts of the four people who had slipped through the net, and Lin An blacked out the screen on his phone.

He looked ahead, and the streets with fluttering snow became increasingly emptier. The alleys without streetlights seemed like bottomless abyss, tearing away the fear and uneasiness of people wandering at night. At the end of the darkness, a warm incandescent light dimly lit up. Full of temptation.

Lin An put his hands in his pockets and walked straight into the alley.

The footsteps of fat rats crawling through the sewers could be heard in my ears, and crows and bats were flying around, fluttering, looking for food scraps or other small items.

The dilapidated buildings gradually came into focus, light pouring in from the open glass doors.

The open shelves are filled with a dazzling array of underground films and magazines. The plump and attractive girls are wearing bikinis and posing on the covers. The incandescent lamps are shakily shining, which actually has a 3D effect. The colors are as bright as those of modernist masters.

Most of the glass door was blocked by a shelf filled with wine and entertainment tools.

A woman was sitting in the background, leaning back sleepily on the back of the chair. Her curly hair was slightly damp and half-unraveled along her slender neck.

Lin An coughed twice, and the woman woke up.

When she turned to Lin An, the latter discovered that the woman was the star of the video. The difference was that her eyes were black and white and sparkling.

Aside from being slightly malnourished, she looked normal.

"Good evening, sir." The woman said hoarsely and lazily, "What would you like to order?"

"I heard rumors about this newsstand." There was no one around, so Lin An went straight to the point, "The female stall owner of the newsstand late at that you?"

The woman's body leaned back in the chair and stretched out as if she were drunk.

"Sorry, I won't be serving men during this time."

"You admitted it."

"So what if 'no'? You have already identified the woman in the rumor as me." The woman waved her hand impatiently, "It's a pity that your trip was in vain, sir. This newsstand is Ladies Only."

"How dare you! How dare you assume my gender."


The woman raised her heavy head and glared at Lin An fiercely, with a bad tone.

"If you like it, buy it. If you don't, go away. I made it very clear."

"Just kidding, I was just asking around for one of my schoolmates. I heard that you need 500 dollars to do a part? Is the effect really good? Can it be cheaper?"

Lin An found a disc starring a woman, with a photo of herself in heavy makeup printed on the title page.

Putting the two faces on the same parallel line, and comparing the photos with reality, he keenly discovered the weirdness.

The woman in the photo has a pair of pitch-black eyes. In reality, the woman's eyes are dark brown, lively and overly colorful, like industrially produced goods.

It's colored contact lenses, right?

Lin An came to a conclusion.

After hearing his explanation, the woman's expression softened slightly and she said calmly: "I assure you, no one in the world has better skills than me. As for the price... I can't help it, I want to live."

"It's hard to convince me with just one sentence." Lin An tried to pull the glass door, but it was locked as expected. "Do you have any before-and-after photos? I'll take two and send them to her."

"Then I don't believe you have a school girl, damn it." The woman rolled her eyes, "Don't stand in the way here and affect my business."

It seems that pretending to be an ordinary person won't get you through.

After consuming a "God of Farming" medium, Lin An used the [Little Helper] to forcefully push the door in. The woman was so shocked that she jumped off her chair and looked at him in disbelief.

"This door can only be opened from the inside!"

"How you help people lose weight is how I open it." Lin An said with a friendly smile, "Now we can have a serious talk. My name is Rigel, Rigel Tulver (Ranger_12)."

The woman looked at Lin An suspiciously. His mother's Xizhou bloodline was confusing and blurred his facial features, making it difficult for her to tell whether the young man was lying.

"Oh, you're Mysterious," she said. "My name is Carmen."

No one gave their real name during the conversation. Lin An found the signature of "Carmen" in the lower right corner of the underground disc just now. It was probably the woman's stage name when she sang.

"So, how can I help you, Mr. Tulver?"

"I don't know when, I awakened a super power that cannot be explained by science." Lin An spread his fingers, "I can open any lock I want, with just a thought."

"At first, I thought I was crazy. I was afraid that the world was a huge brain in a vat, and the laws I once believed in might not exist at all. As time passed, I gradually calmed down and forced myself not to think about it. , unfortunately, this is not possible.”

"Having doubts about reality, I turned into a conspiracy theorist. I became more and more concerned about the city's enduring urban legends, and I began to doubt their authenticity. Among all the legends that could be found, there was no one close to me. The closest is you, 'Newsstand Woman'."

Lin An shrugged self-deprecatingly.

"So I decided to see if you are the same as me - a 'superpower'."

"The difference between sanity and insanity is narrower than a razor, sharper than a hound's teeth, and more agile than a mule deer." The woman who called herself Carmen chuckled, "I understand, Mr. Tulver. You are a The 'free mystics' living among the people."

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