World Occult User Guide

Chapter 13 The Mysterious Faction

"'Free Mystic'?"

Lin An grabbed the key word and asked, pretending to be confused: "Is there a 'restricted-level mysterious person'?"

"Clear the waste in your mind." Carmen glared at him fiercely, "Otherwise, even if you are the Mystic, get out of here."

Lin An raised his hands in surrender.

After his interruption, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Carmen walked to the table at the newsstand, opened the storage box, and rummaged around inside.

The boxes were filled with women's belongings: sleek spherical perfume bottles, a pair of small scissors, mascara and powder, lipstick and metallic paint, eye shadow powder, hot curling irons and rouge.

Feeling Lin An's prying eyes, Carmen chuckled, scooped up a spoonful of bright red rouge powder with her little fingertips, took out her makeup mirror, and applied it evenly on her lips.

"This is a dye made from the corpses of insects. In my hometown, women believe that writing with it can communicate with the God of Death and obtain the magic power of the curse."

Lin An frowned. Although Long Guo also used the technology of making lipstick using cochineal worms, it was still quite shocking to see Carmen apply makeup with worm powder.

The rouge is still mixed with the outline of the insect's legs that have not yet been dried.

"Feeling a little sick?" Carmen asked.

"no offense."

"It's funny. When I was a kid, my mother always said that men occupied the land because they were as solid as stone; women were like water, able to penetrate the membrane between the worlds of the living and the dead."

“For women, bodily fluids are a unit of measurement: monthly cycles, egg white slips, childbirth, tears, virgin blood, etc., all testify to women’s fluid nature.”

She turned around from the mirror, her red lips raised into a charming smile, and closed the makeup mirror with a snap.

"Sorry, I'm going off topic. You must not be interested in the culture of Lower East Continent. Back to the question just now, as far as I know, there are two antonyms for free mystic."

Carmen put the box into the locker, and Lin An found a specimen of a bird skeleton placed behind her desk, with some cheap jewelry, some colorful glass bottles and a dark slate scattered underneath.

"The 'Saint Anilof Foundation' was a community organization spontaneously established around 1800 by a group of people who were interested in supernatural phenomena. In order to maintain it, it later developed into a charity organization that relies on donations."

"It is true that Titan did not have mysterious powers in the past, but it is different now. The Foundation was designated by the Eagle Country's 'Superpower Committee' and became a special case-handling team dedicated to managing mysterious persons."

"Their philosophy is 'Human Supremacy'. The 'controlled' mystics have three endings: either they are tightly imprisoned by the Foundation; or they undergo 'treatment' and swear not to use mysticism; or they simply join the Foundation and become the control team One member.”

Lin An interrupted: "They just want to maintain the old peace - to keep the city in its original order."

"A group of poor people who can't recognize reality." Carmen snapped her fingers mockingly, "They haven't realized that with the meager power of human beings, they can't stop the pace of awakening. Sooner or later, Titan will enter a new era - A time when the mystical man is the only one to be honored.”

It seems that most people don't know that there is only about ten years of overlap between "Comes". Lin An thought.

"That's the case. At least in Ditli City, they pride themselves on controlling every mysterious person. You should be lucky that you were not caught by them, otherwise..."

Lin An feels the same way.

The Saint-Anniloff intelligence network is powerful. Whenever a mysterious phenomenon occurs, they can always rush to the scene as soon as possible to investigate, arrest people, and solve the aftermath.

"The second one is called the 'Aristocratic Family'." Carmen continued to fiddle with the items on the table, making a clattering sound. "Like Saint Aniloff, they have accumulated centuries - no, more than ten centuries of heritage, which is much better than St. Annilov's. The foundation is older.”

"A long time ago, there was a group of people who were deeply obsessed with myths - I suspect some of them may be the authors of ancient myths - and unswervingly believed that they were true, as if they had known that the mysterious power would revive many years later. "

Carmen stirred a bottle of turbid liquid with a small spoon, which smelled faintly of medicine.

"Tell me, what is their persistent belief that has allowed them to persevere for thousands of years?"

After thinking for a moment, Lin An came up with a more detailed guess.

According to the system's introduction, when 'Comes' disappeared, the world was in turmoil.

The dynasty established using the power of "Comes" lost its core leadership and collapsed suddenly. The people who had been grudged for a long time burned the traces of the mysterious one and built a new civilization on the remains of the previous king.

However, Lin An does not believe that every dynasty has disappeared.

There were signs before "Comes" disappeared, and it was impossible for the mystics not to feel it.

In this case, someone must have considered that the "mystery" is just a flash in the pan, so before their power disappears completely, they take all their wealth and retire early.

Hundreds of years later, these families came back, and the old grudges disappeared. No one knew that they were the descendants of those dynasties.

If they survive to modern times and keep the records of the last "Comes", once the star paths overlap again, this family will be able to use the mysterious knowledge that far exceeds that of everyone else and follow the path of their ancestors to establish a new one. dynasty.

A family with a history of thousands of years sounded quite intimidating, and Lin An was not deterred by this name.

It is not known whether these families can "survive". Even if they survive, how much information can they preserve after being baptized by war, migration, natural and man-made disasters?

Every time a new legend is born, it may mean that a "noble family" has lost its collection.

Records about "Comes" are scattered all over the world. As believers migrate, there are countless occult conjectures.

From the modern Cthulhu mythology, the medieval human body secrets, to the more distant gods of the Nile, Tantra, and Gnostic gnosis...

The people who picked up the manuscript used the ancient dynasty as a base, integrated it into their civilization's understanding, and created a new mythological system that flowed into the blood of the nation and lasted for a long time.

This possibility cannot be ruled out, right?

Lin An once suspected that his great-grandfather had something to do with the "Aristocratic Family".

Because he has such a comprehensive knowledge of "Comes", he is not like an ordinary person who knows nothing. Perhaps his great-grandfather had obtained some manuscripts left behind by aristocratic families.

Lin An thought that these aristocratic families were concentrated in places with a long history, such as Xizhou and Zhongzhou, but he did not expect to hear their names in Detli City in Eagle Kingdom.

Carmen's words confirmed his thoughts.

"The aristocratic family has recorded detailed, exquisite and comprehensive ways to control the mystery. When using power, everything will not go bad because of wrong understanding..."

She stroked her thin shoulders bitterly.

"It's nothing like the original me. I made enough fools of myself on stage that I almost lost my job."

It turns out that Carmen did not do it intentionally in that performance, but she did not know what was going on after awakening and used the mysterious power at will, which led to an increase in pollution and physical distortion.

Although the kiosk was heated, the woman was still wearing a thick dress, with a thin white seam looming from the exposed wrist.

There used to be a rotten crack here until the "Aristocratic Family" cured her.

The quartet mentioned that the foundation was still researching ways to reduce the pollution level, but the aristocratic family had already mastered the secret and had achieved actual success.

The gap in mysterious knowledge between the two is evident.

"So you belong to a noble family?" Lin An asked casually, "What kind of organization is that?"

"If I ever leave this damn lower street, I would really like to introduce it to you." Carmen's expression was unreadable. "Unfortunately, I can only tell you that the family has power beyond imagination. Compared with our little ones, Fighting is not on the same level.”

Okay, got it.

All in all, the foundation is a "peace-loving" official organization; the family has unique know-how from thousands of years ago, is full of ambitions, has treacherous methods, and its identity is a mystery.

Lin An realized that Carmen had neglected one person - the [Witch of Bavomet] that he longed for.

Doesn’t she know about the witch, or simply doesn’t want to tell me?

Lin An spoke tentatively.

"By the way, apart from the foundation and the aristocratic family, have the 'Free Mystics' spontaneously established a separate organization?"

With lazy gentleness, Carmen used a hairpin to fix her long fallen hair. Her bones made a clicking sound, and her back looked like a skeleton without lines.

"Weird idea."

"I came out of my feelings." Lin An explained, "Although I have awakened to the mystery, I don't want to become a master. At the same time, I want to find some like-minded people to communicate with instead of enduring it alone; I will go crazy. "

"That's it." Carmen fiddled with the jewelry under the bird's skeleton and said one after another, "I think there is. You have so much time, you might as well keep an eye out and search more and ask more questions."

"Do I look idle?"


Carmen opened one of the bottles, scooped up a spoonful of powder, and poured in the medicinal liquid.

Lin An wanted to say something, so she sprayed her powder puff on his face, causing him to cough. The air was filled with the sweet smell of fennel seeds.

"You're the lucky one, Mr. Tulver."

While the powder was flying, Lin An discovered that Carmen had taken off her contact lenses. Her eyes were as dark as thick ink, and she stared at him unblinkingly, as if she wanted to bite him.

The light of the six-pointed star dimly lit up.

An ominous premonition crept up Lin An's back. He turned his head sharply and saw the inconspicuous black stone slab shining like a breath, and the six-pointed star pattern exploded with luster that engulfed everything.

Carmen maintained her back to the stone slab.

She had just completed all the rituals during the conversation, and now she was looking at Lin An yearningly, her eyes as moist as rose petals.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tulver," she said. "I will pray for your soul. Farewell."

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