World Occult User Guide

Chapter 14 Canaanite Magic

Lin An's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

He did not ignore the possibility that Carmen was an enemy.

After inference and observation, Lin An guessed that Carmen's mystery came from a Lower East Asian monster called "Pishtaco", which is said to steal human fat.

Based on Pishtaco's story, Lin An deduced Carmen's abilities.

——Melt fat, separate flesh and blood, and lose mobility.

Not to be underestimated.

But Ruan Ruyun said that the "newsstand woman" used her hands to touch the customer's body to display her abilities.

This is very reasonable. If there is no distance limit for the ability to melt fat, Carmen can definitely become the next witch without having to obey the family at all.

Magic Bullet Shooter requires the target to be within sight, and Pishtako's activation condition may be "physical touch".

Therefore, Lin An deliberately kept a few meters away from her.

As we all know, a gun is fast from seven steps; within seven steps, a gun is accurate and fast.

However, he didn't expect Carmen not to use her abilities.

She took advantage of the gap between the two people's conversation and used a certain ritual to activate another mystery.

Is it something left behind by aristocratic families?

Damn it!

A faint blue six-pointed star loomed, as if countless hairpins had scratched Lin An's skull. He knelt down in pain, and the scene in front of him gradually blurred.

A ray of light cut through the blackened vision.

It detonated ever-changing rich colors, as if it instantly analyzed the secrets deep in the soul, shocking Lin An to the point of being breathless, but at the same time, this beam of light brought endless heat and burned like a flame. his body.

At the end of the brightest dot, there was a faint sound of solemn judgment, deafening.

lemnētā-ma kabtāti tuamri

anzillaa ilāni asakku tākul

tamtā-ma`tamatt-ma lā asanniqakka

(Canaanite: You are evil,

You have broken taboos and offended the gods.

You are cursed and will die, and I will not come near you. )

Lin An couldn't understand this strange prophecy. He seemed to be in a huge furnace. The unbearable high temperature was accompanied by a violent and nauseating light, which made him dizzy and confused.

Clenching his teeth, he forced himself to stay awake and called out with his mind.

"System! Detecting ways to 'get out of trouble'!"

The light illuminated every corner, and the heat that followed was like liquefied metal, dripping onto his skin, forming pools of golden mottled spots.

Amid the unbearable pain, the system's mechanical sound remained clear.

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Undead, Fertility and Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual", a plan that meets the conditions was found - [Underworld God Sacrifice]."

"Do you want to consume the media 'God of Truth' x1, 'Seeker' x2, 'Prophet' x3, and 'Lord of Dreams' x1 for use?"

"According to the included entry "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demons V: Magic Bullet Shooter", a solution that meets the conditions was found - [Stars in Me]."

“Do you want to consume the medium ‘Lord of Dreams’ x1 to use it?”

Lin An didn't hesitate at all and shouted: "Use [Underworld Divine Sacrifice]!"

After all, the Magic Bullet Shooter is a "ghost-level", and it can only deal with ordinary people and free mystics. When facing a real aristocratic family - a group of mystics with ancient inheritance, Lin An only believes in his great-grandfather's "Encyclopedia of Magic".

Besides, I don’t know what effect [Stars on Me] has and why it was retrieved.

The next moment, the heat, dizziness and restlessness left him, replaced by an empty and calm peace. Lin An seemed to have entered nothingness, time no longer existed, and his consciousness was the only concept.

A certain sound came from his mouth that was not intended.

No, not the exact sound.

More like the vibration of the soul, through the medium of the body, the spirit descends invisibly.

Believer, please praise the Sun Goddess,

Save your life from the abyss.

Let you get beautiful things when you are young and strong,

Let your youth be renewed like an eagle.

As the words fell, the floating cold light collided with the hot furnace, and they merged into one like a yin and yang diagram, opening the curtain between spirit and flesh.

Lin An was shocked to see Carmen's soul.

A gray gathering, desolate, barren and lonely.

After the destructive flames that once attempted to burn Lin An were combined with the cold mist, they actually became under his control.

Invisible energy overflowed from Lin An's fingertips, wiping away at Carmen's slender and light soul. Ancient whispers echoed in his ears.

"Who summoned the rite of atonement?"

Lin An followed the method of "The Encyclopedia of Magic" and said loudly: "Sun Goddess of the Earth, accept this ritual with your right hand. If it is a snake that portends evil, you change it so that it becomes a beneficial eagle. .”

The mist instead swarmed towards Carmen.


The woman let out a high-pitched, inflected scream as they bound her soul.

The vision is fleeting.

Lin An blinked, and his senses returned to their original state. The fine snow falling from the sky, the cool breeze at night, and the flickering light of incandescent lamps brought him back to reality.

Before he knew it, he was standing on the empty street.

Inside the newsstand, only Carmen was left alone. Her body was constantly twisting in pain, and she slapped the glass door desperately with both hands, making a violent "bang bang bang" sound.

"Help me! Help me!"

The slap marks disappeared and reappeared, her soul was burned, and her life was disappearing. She knocked hard on the door again and again.

"Ping! Ping...! Ping..."

The voice became weaker and weaker.

Lin An pulled the glass door and found that it was locked, and the [Little Helper] could not open it.

At this moment, this newsstand has become a different-dimensional space that exists outside the real world. Except for the same level of mystery, nothing can interfere.

"I don't want to die...I came to Eagle Country...not to...die...alone..."

The sound of Qi Ruowei completely disappeared.

Without Lin An's effort, the glass door of the newsstand suddenly opened wide.


The woman's dead body jumped out and fell heavily to the ground.

There were no external injuries or blood stains. Her limbs were stiff, her hair was disheveled, her pupils were extremely small, and her cheeks were soaked with tears. It was obvious that she had experienced severe torture before she died.

Lin An subconsciously took two steps back and muttered to himself.

"The soul...the power that has the same origin as mine - Canaanite magic? The family she took refuge in - is the descendant of the Canaanites?"

Lin An originally wanted to use [Soul Guardian Ritual] to protect himself, but perhaps because he did not have the medium of the "Lord of the Earth", the first matching entry in the system became [Sacrifice to Hades].

In desperation, Lin An had no other choice but to use it.

The moment the mysterious technique took effect, the destructive, burning furnace of all things seemed to have found a relative, obediently close to the energy released by Lin An, with childlike joy.

Because the Hittite and Canaanite gods are one and the same.

Due to the disagreement between the two tribes, the gods were split into two.

The Hittites built new temples and made statues of the goddess in gold, inlaid with silver, gold, lapis lazuli, carnelian, alabaster, and "Babylonite," or cast glass; while the Canaanites kept the old The temple continues to worship the old gods.

Historians generally believe that the difference between the sun goddess and the sky god was gender.

The Hittites took away the feminine side of the original god, so the sun goddess held power over death, fertility, and the soul, while the sky god retained the power of light, land, and body.

According to the records in the Encyclopedia of Magic, this is far from the truth.

Hittite is one of the few genderless languages. "She" and "he" are written in the same way. However, the goddess statue left behind by the Hittite civilization wears a kurear shawl, a typical Hittite female dress, so she is recognized as A goddess.

In fact, the statue of the Sun Goddess has one male costume and one female costume, depending on whether one prays to her at the morning star, or at dusk.

It can be inferred from this that the two tribes neatly cut off the god's power in two, and each took half of it.

Only when Hittite and Canaanite became one could the full power of the First God be revealed.

On the title page of the ancient book, Lin An saw a line of notes.

The original God has the attribute of judgment. If a person does not realize his sin before "judgment", then his soul will be punished eternally.

In order to avoid atonement and recover the god's half, the Canaanites made a golem and let the Hittites suffer their demise for them.

However, the Canaanites ultimately failed to regain the other half of the divine power.

The sun goddess disappeared forever in the long river of history.

To this day, the descendants of Canaan are still looking for traces of the Hittites, looking for a way to restore the "Supreme God" to his original state...

In the past, Lin An was doubtful, until his mysterious technique collided with the flames of the furnace. The cold light and the fiery light merged into one, attacking the new "sacrifice" Thunder.

He was convinced.

The records are true!

At this point, the situation was beyond Lin An's control.

The occult either burned him or burned Carmen.

The eyes of the woman who died in a miserable way opened wide, as if silently accusing her. Lin An looked away, took a breath and warmed his hands. The white mist rose and dissipated in the cold night of Ditli City.

The system's emotionless mechanical sound sounded.

"The entry "Curse from the Lower East Continent V: Pishtaco" has been included, and you have received the media 'Mother of Desire' x3 and 'Dreamer' x2."

"Through the use of mysticism, the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value increased by 0.4%."

[Name]: Pishtaco, cut-throat monster

[Rating]: Disaster D

[Radiation value]: 8.2%

[Pollution level]: 37.5%

[Medium]: Mother of Desire

[Mysterious Source]: Pishtako will target every conqueror, attack them when they are defenseless, and abuse them in many ways. He is deeply hated.

The locals regard fat as a gift from the legendary creator Viracocha and a sign of life, health and beauty. However, the conquistadors often squeezed the grease from the corpses of local people to lubricate rifles and cannons to prevent them from rusting and being destroyed. He's called the "fat thief."

The two have different opinions, saying that the other is the prototype of "Pishtaco".

Consume the medium "Mother of Desire" x1, "War Emperor" x1, and use Pishtako's ability [Fat Stealing].

[Individual introduction]: People can't understand them - the men who came with them, although they have spent a few years here with them, they still have families and jobs, and they will return to normal life - the men who were born here Young girls, unfamiliar with them, pushed them aside.

They continue to grow, some will adapt, some will blend in, and the rest will be at a loss.

Their years will evaporate and they will die.

Consume the medium "Visionary" x1 and use Pishtako's ability [Ballad of the Mountain Side].

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