World Occult User Guide

Chapter 15 A Ghost

"You have killed three Mystics."

Different from the past, just as Lin An was about to move away from the system and hit the green data in front of him, the mechanical voice continued.

"Your decisive killing attracted the medium 'Judge' x1."

Lin An was stunned. Can he attract media other than "knowledge seekers"?

"Due to the radiation from the medium 'Judge', your pollution level has increased by 3%."

Damn it!

Lin An was greatly shocked.

I'm going to mutate!

Remember, once this value rises, the individual will become distorted and move from a living normal person to the image of the "mysterious" itself.

Among the mysterious beings Lin An has seen, the dwarf demon has red skin and cold blood; the magic bullet shooter has deformed legs and deformed hands; Pishtaco is skinny and depressed.

When the pollution level exceeds 60%, the individual loses his mind and falls into madness.

The degree of contamination was "the consequence of misinterpreting Comers." Lin An originally thought that following the guidelines of the "Encyclopedia of Mysteries", he could not use mystical techniques incorrectly. After all, the system had simplified the application process for him.

Unexpectedly, personal behavior can also increase pollution levels.

Although he was rewarded by a "presiding judge" medium, Lin An was not happy at all.

Murder actually increases pollution levels.

My medium is "Knowledge Seeker", and the name sounds like a god who represents "knowledge and curiosity". When I tested the mysterious power with an inquiring mind, one more "Knowledge Seeker" medium was added.

Now, I also know the medium in which "The Killing" will appeal to "The Inquisitor."

Lin An cleared his thoughts and his expression returned to normal.

It seems that in the future, we can't take action against other mysterious people casually.

Fortunately, the 3% pollution level is not serious, and...

If you master the method of reducing the pollution level, exchanging the medium at the price of increased pollution is not a loss-making transaction.

What kind of behavior will the mediums of other gods be attracted to...

When Lin An got on the first bus in the morning, the fine snow had stopped, and the clouds disappeared into the winter air like breathing.

There was a rare moment of silence after the carnival in the city center. Lin An looked at the sky. The stars in the sky were eclipsed at dawn, except for a lone star that stubbornly shone beside the waning moon.

Half an hour later, he returned to the apartment.

Putting on a set of dry clothes, Lin An washed his face. The cold water was sobering.

It was past bedtime and he was still not sleepy. He sat on the sofa and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

The late-night experiences were constantly playing in his mind, including the newsstand, Carmen, the aristocratic family, and the magic of Canaan...

Although he was burned by the furnace's flames for less than a second, his soul was inevitably damaged.

The most direct feedback was that Lin An's thoughts slowed down.

Constantly recalling the light that almost killed him, fear crawled up the young man's back uncontrollably.

Death, is it so close to me?

In the past 21 years, Lin An's life has been smooth sailing.

He was born into a wealthy family. His father was an engineer and built railways in Nanzhou all year round. His mother was a professor of folklore and traveled around the world to collect materials for research.

Due to work reasons, his parents sent Lin An to a relative's home for foster care, and paid his sister-in-law a five-digit living allowance every month, for fear that they would treat Lin An badly.

When he left Long Country, the ones who cried the most sadly were his sister-in-law and her family.

Since childhood, Lin An has never experienced any setbacks except loneliness.

He didn't even have much impression of competition. During the summer vacation of his sophomore year in high school, his mother sent a letter of recommendation and made Ann Arbor University make an unconditional offer to Lin An.

Lin An, who lives a smooth life, is always looking for unrealistic excitement, such as games, online novels, and occult science.

When he discovered the trace of "Comes", it seemed as if a beam of light rose from the horizon. The gorgeous, brilliant and unknown secret confused Lin An's eyes.

With a powerful system as his backing, Lin An was fearless, like a Kuafu chasing the sun, casting himself into the shadow of another world without hesitation.

But, just now.

Lin An realized that the world shrouded by "Comes" was not only interesting and exciting, but also full of fatal dangers.

Death spreads its wings and is everywhere.

He passed him by.

If the He Antimony Ritual had not been performed in time, the body that fell to the ground, suffering all kinds of pain and torture, was that of Lin An.

It's time for a change.

It is unrealistic to fight alone.

The aristocratic family is suspected to be the inheritor of Canaanite magic and cannot cooperate; the whereabouts of the free mystics are unpredictable, and the [Witch of Bavomet] is even more difficult to distinguish between good and evil, making it unpredictable.

Either give up exploring the power of "Comos", or you can only choose to join the last faction, the Foundation.

Lin An took out his mobile phone and opened the call history.

Three days ago, someone from St. Annelov contacted him, but Lin An cleverly fooled him. The other party told him that if he encounters "weird events" in the future, he can call this number at any time.

After saving the hotline to the address book, Lin An opened the social software.

Nearing the end of the semester, the students' space made people laugh. When he clicked on the red dot of the group message, he accidentally crossed a familiar profile picture.

Mike_Smith: Lin, man, I need a favor from you.

Mike_Smith: Remember when I told you about the party Doris was throwing this weekend? Yes, this is it, and you have to come with me.

Mike_Smith: My relationship with April has been very difficult recently. She keeps talking about Aziz and other things, saying that the gods there will never allow her to do... Well, it's a long story, but I need you. An assist from a master of mythology.

Mike_Smith: Dude, don’t treat me like a back scratch if you don’t respond to me.

Mike_Smith: If you can make it happen, I'll let you throw the ball at the opening night of college football next year!

Mike_Smith: Damn it, what do you want? Dao Le? How much?

Mike_Smith: Forget it, let me tell you the truth. This summer, April and I went to Havana for a beach vacation. We stayed at B and B. We were the only ones in the room.

Mike_Smith: Coming back from vacation, April told me she wanted to start a family...oh my god, I have no idea what she was thinking! We are still college students, how can we afford the support of a child!

Mike_Smith: As a sane man, I told her it was impossible. She didn't say anything at the time and seemed to agree.

Mike_Smith: Later we reconciled and the matter was over. Who knows what kind of evil she has been possessed by recently, and she starts to think about that bad thing again.

Mike_Smith: Blaming everyone all the time, damn, I can’t stand it anymore.

Mike_Smith: Lin, I sent the party location and invitation letter to your email, remember to come! ! !

That's all the news.

This gorgeous and grand party is located in the affluent area of ​​​​Ditry City, and the entry time is 7 o'clock in the evening.

It's still early.

Feeling sleepy, Lin An threw the phone aside and fell asleep unconsciously.


"The cause of death was soul crushing."

The coroner's memory of this sentence was still fresh. About a week ago, she passed this sentence on a corpse with the same expression of pain and death.

The companions were silent for a long time, and then the taciturn man punched the glass of the newsstand. The cracks centered on his fist and spread outward.


He retracted his fist, and the glass shards scratched the sticky skin, leaving no trace.

This punch ignited the control team's anger.

Caroline gritted her teeth and said: "It's 'Ghost''s work again! I've said it before, if left unchecked, he will become the second [Witch of Bavomet]!"

"Calm down." The calm voice said, "It's not that the 'Punishment Team' didn't intend to kill him. The 'Ghost' comes and goes without a trace. Every time it kills the victim with thunderous means, it floats away without leaving a trace. There were no clues. There was no way they could trace it.”

"Cunning bastard!" Caroline blinked her bright red eyes hard, "Better not let me catch you!"

"Sorry, let me interrupt."

"Go ahead." The captain nodded to the coroner.

"This is the second soul-crushing victim we have found. In Ditry City, only the 'ghost' has abilities related to the soul. We naturally think that he is the murderer."

"Is not it?"

"Based on the case of 'Dwarf Demon', we analyzed that 'Ghost' is a thoughtful and well-planned guy. In this case, how could he leave a mess when he committed the second crime and let the corpses die violently on the street? Not doing the aftermath?"

The captain looked serious and said, "You think it's not a 'ghost'?"

"Perhaps a new mystic has awakened in Ditry City. He has also mastered the ability related to the 'soul', but he is completely opposite to the 'ghost'. This is an informal tyrant who does not bother to deal with the aftermath of the dead body."

"Everyone who has awakened recently is a scumbag!" Caroline complained in a broken voice.

"That's one of the possibilities, just in case," the coroner said in her gentle voice. "I wonder if we misunderstood the 'ghost' at first."

"How to say?"

"Actually, 'Ghost' is not as cautious as we thought, but he is very lucky and very smart, and he has escaped the search time and time again. His actions are not planned at all, he just wants to have some fun in his ordinary life. That’s all.”

"Is this possible?" Caroline was stunned.

"It's just a guess based on two completely different methods of committing the crime. The more I want to investigate the 'ghost', the more I feel that he is elusive and as mysterious as the real 'ghost'."

"No matter what, we must convince others this time to raise the control level of 'Ghost' to Beta." Caroline clenched her fist angrily, "Cautious, violent, indifferent... No matter which one is his true face, this person is quite dangerous. !”

"Beta level, a powerful mystic who controls the soul..."

The captain looked at the extremely painful corpse and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Every time I deal with the aftermath of a Beta level, I can't help but wonder - with our abilities, can we really deal with that terrifying 'ghost'?"

"I heard Mr. Simon Lloyd is back."


"'The president called the headquarters, and they transferred Mr. Lloyd back to Ditry City. This 'external test' is precisely to match him with a new team."

"The mythical 'Lord of Dreams'... Vanessa, this is really exciting news."

"That's right."

The coroner paced, the temperature rising with her steps.

"If Mr. Lloyd forms a new control team, we might as well hand over the 'Ghost' to him for investigation."

This chapter was eaten up by TT just now, so the plot outline of this section has to be revised. It will be a bit short, sorry everyone.

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