World Occult User Guide

Chapter 16 The Edge of the Party

"Invitation card."

Two security guards in black checked the qualifications of the visitors one by one, stopped a group of empty-handed young people, and threatened them to leave with electric batons.

The unqualified guy stood on tiptoes and looked longingly at the open door of the villa.

Music escapes from every window, and the smell of alcohol and green grass floats in the air, like a sweet temptation, making people fall willingly into a gorgeous world of bliss.

Doris Esther Wood, a member of the Wood family with operations throughout Eagle Country.

Not to mention the University of Ann Arbor, the scope extends to the city of Detrey, Moshegan State, and even the entire Eagle Country. The Wood family can be regarded as a prestigious family.

This eldest lady is in the same grade as Lin An and has already become the social queen of the university without any effort.

Her fame, influence, and brainwashing ability are so strong that even new international students like Ruan Ruyun are not immune and are proud to attend her parties, let alone young people who grew up in Eagle Country.

The security guard confirmed Lin An's invitation and made way.

With everyone's envious eyes on him, he walked into the Wood family's villa in Ditry City.

The cherry red carpet has seen more dancing shoes than Lin An, and the magnificent decoration shows the luxurious atmosphere of the rich area. Everyone is drinking as if it is their last day on Titan.

Unlike the upper-class atmosphere in Xizhou, no one here dresses formally and no one cares about social etiquette.

The lights were dim, colorful, and constantly rotating. The DJ played extremely rhythmic electronic music, and the drum beats "dong dong dong" shook the eardrums.

A woman hooked Lin An's shoulder and shook the wine glass, causing the golden bubble liquid to crackle.

"Hey, handsome, do you want to see my breasts?"

The woman was wearing baggy jeans, a messy buttoned red and black plaid shirt, and her hair was as bad as weeds.

"If you're not interested, go find someone else."

"Huh? Son of a bitch, I'm blind."

No matter what she said, Lin An knew that alcohol and anesthesia never did any good - tomorrow morning, she would start to regret it crazily.

Guests sway their hips to the rhythm of meaningless music, men are glib and want to get laid, and women are hunting for prey, mumbling words to those who don't like it.

Lin An nudged her elbows, pushed aside pairs of sweaty hands, climbed up the stairs in the direction of the wind, and finally reached the balcony of the villa.

He took a long breath of outside air.

Barbecue flavor.

Under the marble guardrail of the balcony is an open-air swimming pool, where many men and women in swimsuits gather. Electronic music, the sound of clinking glasses and chatter of laughter are endless.

Artificial colored beams shot through the night, dyeing the planet hanging in the indigo sky with party fever. As far as the eye could see, there was the border of another country, with cedar trees rising from the ground and jagged cold trees. The air is like a hazy veil.

Lin An took out his mobile phone and opened the social software.

Mike_Smith: Great, awesome! I'm coming to you. Where are you?

AnL: Balcony.

Mike_Smith: The one on the north? Is there an outdoor swimming pool down there?

Mike_Smith: Wait, man, I gotta deal with Doris. Give me a second.

AnL: I'm where I am.

A second for a person from the Eagle Kingdom is similar to a "bang, xia" for a person from the Dragon Kingdom. Lin An closed his phone and yawned. He slept until dusk, not long after he woke up.

In his idle time, he studied yesterday's new entry "Pishtaco".

[Fat Stealing] As the name suggests, it extracts other people's fat.

People who have their fat removed lose mobility for a short period of time, and long-term effects include decreased body functions and reactions, metabolic and hormonal index disorders, etc.

The only drawback is that its activation conditions are too harsh.

Through systematic analysis and testing, Lin An had to be in physical contact with a person for more than three seconds before he could use the mysterious technique. Not only that, it could only steal fat from the touched area.

The enemies Lin An has encountered so far are not good at all, and no one will stand still and let him take advantage of him.

Harsh conditions limit the versatility of [Fat Stealing].

There seems to be a limit to weird stories and disaster-level mysticism. The most obvious example is the dwarf demon's [Piñata of Despair].

Lin An immediately deciphered this ability through the system, but he was greatly disappointed.

After using the mysterious technique, [Piñata of Despair] will summon a floating "Piñata" above the target's head for five minutes.

But in the meantime, the hanging piñata does nothing!

Unless Lin An breaks it, the energy will spread and cover a radius of about ten meters, causing the people inside to fall into a one-time depression until the negative emotions are digested by themselves.

Defeat it yourself?

Otherwise it is just an "ornament" that consumes media?

The effect is not very good. For those who are determined, "despair" will not last for a second.

Whoever uses who clowns.

Well, it seems like the dwarf demon is the clown.

Guitan E-class, don’t ask too much for it.

As for Pishtako, it is a disaster-level mystery after all. [The Ballad of the Other Side of the Mountain] consumes the "Dreamer" medium, and the effect can be traced in the story of Pishtako.

Legend has it that Pishtaco would sneak up on the conquerors when they were “defenceless”.

It means a state of deep sleep.

And [The Ballad on the Side of the Mountain] can be "hypnotized".

In short, play a song and make people fall asleep.

It's a bit acrobatic when fighting alone, but in "team battles", the control skills will definitely come in handy, and it is an ability with a good overall rating.

Based on the experiences of the past few days, Lin An came to a new conclusion about the key word of mysticism - "medium".

1. At the moment of awakening, the medium is attracted by the characteristics that permeated the individual's past life at that time. It will refer to the "Comes shadow" that the individual has been exposed to and that is most consistent with its own personality to generate a concrete mystery.

The so-called "Shadow of Commerce" refers to myths, folklore and legends spread around the world.

After all, it is impossible to live without being exposed to these fascinating things.

2. After awakening to the mystery, the mystic uses the medium as the core of the radiation source and continues to attract different energies.

Maintaining the same habits as before awakening will attract the original medium energy, while new behaviors will attract other medium energies, turning them into pollution.

If the difference between before and after is too great, the level of pollution will increase significantly, eventually swallowing up the mysterious person.

It's not surprising that after gaining "superpowers", no one is willing to continue living a life similar to before.

3. The lower the rating of the mystery spell, the less medium it consumes.

The monster level only consumes 1, the disaster level consumes 1~2, and the source level consumes at least 3.

Of course, the effects are quite different.

If it weren't for some "cannons to fight mosquitoes", the higher the rating, the higher the cost-effectiveness of the mystery.

4. Different media represent different abilities and have different risks when used. The two data may be directly proportional. The strongest and most dangerous intermediary at present seems to be the "Lord of Dreams".

The Kaitan D-level magic bullet shooter only consumes one "Dream Lord" and can exert more direct lethality than the disaster D-level Pishtako, and it can even kill the Kaitan-level dwarf demon instantly.

But its dangers are hard to estimate.

As a "free mystic" with no background, Haida died of a pollution outbreak on the 6th day. Carmen survived alone for a month, and after relying on the family, she lived for about 5 months.

Her pollution level is far from the warning level. If she hadn't met Lin An, she would have been able to survive for a long time.

With a thought in his mind, Lin An remembered something.

When I was attacked by Canaan magic last night, one of the solutions detected by the system was Magic Bullet Shooter's [Stars in Me].

Canaanite magic and Hittite rituals belong to the "source level B", with a rating far higher than that of the magic bullet shooter active in operas, novels, and popular culture, and even older than its superior source, the demon god Storri.

How can a weirdo D-class fight against the source B-class?

If the "Lord of Dreams" is so strong that it ignores the rating, Lin An feels that "Comes"'s power system will collapse sooner or later.

The introduction of [Stars to Me] was too little, and now he doesn’t know the effect.

Alas, I have to deal with the system again.

Although this "Encyclopedia of Mysteries" is the mystery of Lin An's awakening, the system has no connection with him at all.

Unless actively asked, the information held by the system will not be directly transmitted to Lin An's mind.

Comparing the system to a stand-in in JOJO, Lin An is like Kang Yi in the fourth part. He clearly has his own strength, but he has to listen to the stand-in's endless explanations.

"Brother Tongzi, try [Stars in Me]."

This sentence is a universal formula for testing mysterious techniques. With words such as "the conditions for use are not met", "please confirm the target of use", and "please confirm the effective range", Lin An dug out the information from the system and finally determined the mysterious technique. conditions and effects.

Unexpectedly, the system was very straightforward this time.

“Do you want to consume the medium ‘Lord of Dreams’ x1 to use it?”

"No conditions or goals?"

"[Stars in Me] can be activated at any time, without any restrictions, and has locked a target."

"Who is it? I haven't designated it yet." Lin An had an ominous premonition.



Let me go, suicide mystery!

After thinking about the legend of the magic bullet shooter, Lin An suddenly realized.

At the end of the story, "like shooting from the stars, the devil's bullet hit the girl's heart."

It turns out that [Stars in Me] represents the seventh bullet controlled by the devil. I am afraid it will be activated automatically when Lin An uses [100 Shots with 100 Hits] six times.

When the number is not reached, the devil doesn't mind inducing Lin An to use it in advance and get his favorite prey early.

No wonder you found [Stars in Me]!

As long as I send it, the dilemma will disappear, right?

What escapism!

Fortunately, he didn't take advantage of it and chose the solution of saving media. This "Lord of Dreams" is so fucking deceptive.

The research on the occult arts came to an end, and Lin An took out his mobile phone. Twenty minutes had passed since Mike's last message.

He was obviously the one who invited Lin An, but he lost contact first.

AnL: Dude, did you drop the toilet?

Two minutes later, Mike's profile picture beeped.

Mike_Smith: No, I'm still near the pool. See that blue umbrella in front of the bar? I'm down there, you come to me.

AnL: What's wrong?

Mike_Smith: Sorry, it's a bit overwhelming. Please come to my place to meet me first - don't forget that I want your help, Lin, I'm asking you for today.

Lin An frowned, but Mike actually apologized.

This tone is not like him.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An took a photo of the swimming pool, sent it to the World Tree Forum, and responded without any response.

AnL: I'll be there soon.

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