World Occult User Guide

Chapter 17 Doris Wood

Chapter 17 Doris Wood

"Ding dong."

A new message sounded, and Caroline clicked on the shortcut, and the page jumped to a forum with a black background, and weird golden tree-like patterns spread out like a spider web.

World Tree Forum.

Over the past few days, the foundation has investigated the site's history.

Its predecessor was founded in 2012, and its terminal is located in North Xizhou. No matter how you check it, you cannot hack into the system, as if it exists in another world outside Titan.

This forum happened to catch up with the frequent topics of superpowers, special functions, and extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as the popularity of the Internet. Therefore, it became popular and gathered a large number of mystery enthusiasts from all over the world.

As information becomes transparent, materialism has become the mainstream thought. In addition, the website's design, functions, and code have stopped being updated, and it has gradually fallen behind the times.

Most users abandoned it for other pop culture options.

Only a small group of loyal users persisted. More than ten years later, the website suddenly received a long-awaited major update.

The logo of World Tree hangs high in the center, like a rising black sun.

Due to the radiation of "Comes", mysterious phenomena occur frequently. People are full of curiosity about another world and are eager to find online communication platforms.

At this time, the World Tree Forum came into public view.

It not only retains various high-quality posts since 2012, but also has many "masters" who are still active and actively answer questions. With word-of-mouth spread among users, this website has become popular on the Internet again.

In just two years, it has become one of the most famous occult communication websites on the Internet.

Unlike some forums that take the "high-quality" route and only accept academic papers, in the World Tree Forum, users from all over the world can post any posts.

Questions, experiences, help, sharing...

The posts are mixed between true and false, and many of them are gimmicks and eye-catching elements. However, as the star path of "Comes" approaches, the forum's gold content is getting higher and higher.

Because it carries all kinds of "mass".

St. Annelov's logistics department began to track the comments of nearby users and forwarded suspicious posts to the direct-to-face department for screening.

Caroline clicked on the details of the new post.

twelve_reganr: A random shot at a swimsuit party, what the hell? ! [picture]

twelve_reganr: The thing is like this. The poster is an ordinary college student. He was just invited to a winter festival pre-party. He was drunk and enjoying the breeze on the balcony. He accidentally clicked on the photo and ended up recording the scene.

[The picture] shows a group of men and women in swimsuits having a carnival, some drinking, some eating barbecue, a chaotic and intoxicated scene.

ArTooDeeToo2036: Why don’t you call me the bank party?

Huffapuff_123: Blind blind, this is the real-life "Where's Waldo?"

SaltlicoL: What’s weird about this picture?

[This user has been permanently banned]: Secretly photographing girls in bikinis?

[This user has been permanently banned]: Who knows, my family! This is really outrageous. As for the administrator, please work quickly.

Heviaaaa: The poster ID looks familiar. Have I replied to your posts recently?

FeelingBlue3: There seems to be a white dot in the upper right corner.

The last reply caught Caroline's attention. She took off her glasses, zoomed in on the upper right corner of the photo, and looked carefully. Sure enough, she discovered the weirdness of having only one pixel.

It was obviously an out-of-season pool party, but one person insisted on wearing a thick long skirt.

And the style of the clothes is a bit like...a wedding dress?


Caroline put on her glasses and her vision returned to "normal" blur.

The pixels in the same position have changed back to the outline of a bikini, and the girl is sitting in the crowd without any abnormalities.

No, it’s the awakened mystic!

And on the verge of soaring pollution levels!

If it is a killing ability, once it gets out of control, the lives of hundreds of young men and women in the photo will be in danger!


Caroline sat up suddenly, took her tablet, and while contacting the poster named "twelve_reganr", she hurriedly found other companions.

"Something serious has happened!" she said eagerly, "Search the location of this photo quickly! Now!"


Through the crowd, Lin An found the parasol designated by "Mike" and saw a woman in a bikini lying lazily on a bench, blocking the quarreling couple not far away like a doorkeeper.

As soon as Lin An came closer, the girl took off the two slices of cucumber covering her eyes and propped up her upper body as if she was feeling something.

"Ah, you're finally here."

"Do you know me?" Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There are not many people from the Dragon Kingdom in the university, and even fewer handsome guys. Not to mention the handsome mixed-race man that Mike and April often mentioned. It's hard for me not to care." The girl held up her fluffy ash-blonde short hair and smiled sweetly. "Can I call you by your name, An An?"

"Unless you let me call you 'Lily,' Miss Wood."

The short-haired girl looked at Lin An for the first time and looked at him generously.


Her voice is as light as a floating cloud, and her smile is sweet.

To be fair, Doris was not a peerless beauty, but no matter where she was, she was always the center of attention, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

Dignified, charming, pure, noble, cute, frivolous...

The completely different temperament changes with her expression, tone of voice, and eyes, making it unpredictable.

If this woman pours the wine of love, every drop will poison the man's heart.

"Stop teasing me, Miss Wood." Lin An changed the subject, "Although I am very happy to see you in person, can I say a few words to Mike first? He asked me to come here."

"Hee hee, you were deceived. That text message was sent by me." Doris pointed to the two of them, "No, they are there. The two of them are quarreling and annoying. Please persuade them to make peace as soon as possible. .Don’t ruin my party.”

"Wish me luck."

Lin walked around the bench where Doris was lying, and heard the quarrel between the tall Mike and a girl with a wheat complexion.

"This is to protect your health and future, April!"

"No, I won't listen! You just don't want to marry me! Scumbag!"

"April, I usually listen to you. But in this matter, I tell you clearly, give your mother's shit!"

"The Aztecs and their gods are closely connected by blood. Only by experiencing a birth can a person control his own destiny. Don't you want redemption, Mike?"

"You're being unreasonable, April!"

"Oh oh oh, you don't love me anymore!"

"Baby, don't be willful. Wouldn't it be better to wait until we graduate and become more financially stable to start a family? Have you ever considered how we will raise a living child after we are born?"

"You, like all insensitive modern people, think that when life is at its most vulnerable moment, it can be ruthlessly abandoned! You think that when someone hinders you from achieving your goals, you can reasonably let him leave our lives!"

"Damn it, are you an ancient person?"

"I have found the goal of life, which is to give birth to new lives, to teach newborn flesh and bones to transform into complete human beings, and to pursue the meaning of the soul." The girl said plausibly, "Huh, you don't understand my beliefs. Mike."

"Yeah, it's so fucking confusing."

"Cough cough cough."

Lin An cleared his throat.

The two of them turned around at the same time, and the moment they saw Lin An, Mike cheered, strode over, and grabbed his arm, with a look of relief on his face.

"Brother, tell this crazy bitch quickly that those outdated craps are not real at all."

It will soon become a reality.

Lin An shook his head helplessly, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of April clenching his fists, staring with big teary eyes, as defensive as a little hedgehog.

To be honest, he didn't want to get involved in his roommate's affairs, but he felt compelled to point out a reading error on April's part.

After pondering for a while, Lin An said: "April, thank you for helping me return the books a few days ago."

"Ah?" April was stunned, and subconsciously said, "No thanks. The book is very nice, I like it."

"...That book was written by a writer from Lower East China."


"Hablas espaol (Do you understand Spanish)?"

"Stop speaking Longguo dialect, Lin, you know I don't understand."

Lin An was speechless.

This guy must have used software to translate it directly on his computer. No wonder he scanned it overnight and quickly returned it to the library.

He said gently: "I am happy for you that you are pursuing some spiritual goals. But I suggest you start reading from modern books. Some myths and stories are too ancient, and they were reasonable in the era when they were written, but they have long been inappropriate. modern values.”

"It's quite right." April crossed her arms, "Mike, once you have such disrespectful thoughts, doesn't it prove that you don't respect me enough?"

"Oh, is this a question of respect? You don't understand..."

Lin An stopped the furious Mike.

"April, you may not have read the whole book. The Aztecs in the highlands never believed that life was sacred. They believed in 'sacrifice.'"

"What do you mean? Doesn't the act of 'gestation' make the soul of the creator sublime?"

"On the contrary, the Aztecs believed that 'fate controls the formation of personality,' and they gave their newborn babies to a soothsayer, who performed rituals to determine the child's future."

Lin An picked up the coat on the back of the chair and threw it to April, speaking in a serious tone.

"Next, the diviner would perform a series of rituals that included piercing, presenting, handling and bandaging before returning the child to its parents - dead or alive. All Aztecs would sacrifice their first drop of blood to the gods in order to Show their piety.”

"Because in Aztec mythology, the gods sacrificed themselves many times in order to create the world and mankind. Therefore, they believe that human sacrifices and blood sacrifices are also necessary, and everyone should pay their dues to the gods and maintain nature. The balance of the world.”

"This mutual relationship is called tlatlatlaqualiliztli, which means 'nourishing the gods with the blood of sacrifices'. you still think it is suitable for your enlightenment reading?"

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