World Occult User Guide

Chapter 18 Pool Shock

April was stunned after hearing this, and shook her head repeatedly for a long time.

"I thought this was a book praising the greatness of life, but I didn't expect it to be so barbaric!"

"...I'm really curious which translation software you used."

This machine translation is worse than the system!

"I don't need a translator." April awkwardly put on her coat. "It's funny, Lin. One day I suddenly thought of a question. Apart from Adam and Eve in the myth of Eagle Country, what are the other fertility gods like? Mike Tell me you're a walking book on the 'occult'."

"I shouldn't have said it in the first place!" Mike gritted his teeth, "This is the worst decision I've made this year!"

"Anyway, I went to find Sasaki, and he pointed to the top one and asked me to take it, but the English in it was too complicated and I couldn't understand it, so I asked Jin——"

"No more quarrel?"

The attractive voice interrupted April's words. She was not angry and hugged the short-haired girl's arm.

"I decided to give him another chance."

"Seeing is better than hearing. Lin, you opened my eyes." Doris smiled, "Five minutes, let my friends get back together again. Have you ever considered becoming a marriage counselor in the future? You are a psychology major." .”

"Psychology?" April's eyes widened, "But you often attend classes with me at the art academy."

"It's just a matter of interest, so I'll take a lecture." Lin An smiled slightly, "Occasionally try something new and see if it suits your taste. I'm neither a psychology major nor an art major."

"This kid is a genius." Mike patted Lin An on the shoulder, "April, you have figured it out. Really, it was such a big fuss that I couldn't sleep well for a few days."

"What's going on? It's obviously true..."

April murmured softly, and Doris took the opportunity to take over.

"Lin, what's your social media name?"

"AnL." Mike rushed to say, "But this guy doesn't come online very often, and his reply to messages is as slow as death."

Doris shook the phone, and the diamond-encrusted case reflected dazzling light.

"Follow me." She naturally moved closer to Lin An. The screen of her mobile phone was small, so the two of them were very close. "This is my personal homepage. Please go back and close it."

The short-haired girl had a soft body and gently touched Lin An's arm. Due to the height difference, he could see the gurgling blue blood vessels under her slightly pale skin.

From this angle, Doris looks like an angel descending, fragile and innocent.

There is a delicate fragrance coming from the golden gray hair tips, which is fascinating.

Doris inadvertently raised her head and observed Lin An's expression, but was surprised to find that not only was he not intoxicated, but he was frowning thoughtfully.

The pineapple flavor of Pina Colada, a hint of cucumber, the perfume of lavender, and...

...a hint of fennel seed sweetness.

"Lin, you are my 27th person to pay attention to." The girl's laughter brought back Lin An's divergent thoughts, "Behind Brian Gates and Donna Kardashian."

Lin An glanced at her phone. Her ordinary account was crowded among a bunch of profile pictures with tens of thousands of fans, which seemed particularly inconsistent.


The water splashed high, fell on the ground covered with floor heating, and evaporated into white mist.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

With cheers, more people rushed to jump into the swimming pool.

Lin An quickly protected the phone, wiped the water off the screen, and put it in his pocket.

"The party games have begun!" Doris shouted happily, not caring that the electronic equipment was at risk of being scrapped. "Lin, hurry up! Put on your swimming trunks and let's go play together!"

"No swimming trunks. I'm not going to participate-"

"Oh, don't be so boring, just borrow one from the butler! Come here, follow me!"

The pool water continued to fall on the floor heater, and a mischievous white mist slowly rose into the winter sky of Detli City.

Doris's parties were always so lively, to a weird degree, with young men and women frantically venting their inexhaustible energy as if they could never see tomorrow.

They screamed, laughed, jumped into the pool, and crawled out wet.

Hot and cold kept alternating, steam covered Lin An's eyes, and he gradually lost sight of the surrounding scenes.

The spineless white tentacles distort nature, following the blurred figures, gathering, floating, gliding, and hanging. The milky white substance grabs and covers everything it can cover.

It was difficult to see clearly under his feet. Lin An was almost weightless. He slowed down and tried his best to maintain balance.


Even so, Leng Buding stepped on an uneven obstacle. Lin An almost fell down, but managed to keep his balance. He took a closer look and saw that it was a water gun.

Forget it, I don’t expect these people to have any sense of safety...

"Haven't you found the housekeeper yet?" he asked the excited Doris.

"Be patient, An'an."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp and distorted scream came from a distance.


The carnival crowd showed no reaction, thinking it was a normal accident like someone slipping.

"Is this some kind of party game too?"

"Scream louder!"


I don't know who was making the noise, and as if to match their joke, more screams came one after another until they resounded through the sky, completely tearing apart this mist-filled paradise.

"Monster! There's a monster in the water!"

"W-what are you going to do! Don't come over, let go uh——!"

"Everyone, run away!"

"Don't push me - don't squeeze me! Let me go up first! His grandma, make way for me!"

The fog has not yet dissipated, and densely packed figures are fleeing in all directions, with white arms, white thighs, and human limbs connected together. It is as chaotic as the villains waiting for trial in purgatory in medieval dome paintings.

Someone slipped, someone stepped on him, someone cried, someone yelled.


The barbecue machine was overturned to the ground by the crowd, and the collapsed speakers and other electronic equipment were scattered all over the wires. The electricity crackled, sparks carried lightning, and a cloud of smoke and dust rose up, filling the air with a burnt smell.

Several people fell to the ground instantly, twitching uncontrollably.

"What happened?" Doris seemed to have never seen such a terrible scene. Her face became paler and she unconsciously wrapped her arms around her body, trembling uncontrollably.

Sure enough, it was too late.

Lin An sighed, picked up the plastic water gun on the ground, and held up Doris's wrist.

"You heard what they were shouting, the monster is coming, run for your life."

"Lin, are you serious? This is not funny!"

"Let's find a safe place first."

Lin An pulled the trigger of the water gun with his left hand, and the icy water column swished away, clearing away the remaining water vapor in front of him. The two of them suddenly had a clear vision. He led Doris and ran towards the stairs closest to the swimming pool.

Climbing onto the balcony, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Doris, who had survived the disaster, collapsed on the marble guardrail, panting and almost speechless.

Lin An looked down and saw that the water vapor in the periphery gradually dissipated.

The men and women in swimsuits panicked and chose various escape routes. Misled by the mist, they chose various escape routes. Some fell into the surrounding bushes, some hugged the fence of the villa, trying not to roll down the hillside, and some tried desperately to beat the door to the villa.

Just now, a few people escaped into the villa first, and then locked the door leading to the garden with their backhand, causing the people behind to be desperately blocked out.

Human nature is like the moon, there is always a dark side that is unknown to everyone.

Lin An cleared his throat and shouted.

"Everyone, pay attention to my voice! There is a staircase here that leads to the villa. Run in my direction!"

After that, he kicked open the balcony door.

The person inside was startled and subconsciously pulled the door back. Lin An blocked the door panel with his body, raised the water gun high and hit him on the head with a bang.

"If a little thing scares you, if you want to experience the zombie siege, go to Hollywood next door and sign up for an extra role!"

Following his voice, the panicked crowd had a target, climbed the stairs one after another, and swarmed towards the only open door.

Lin An stood to one side, brewing his emotions, and dialed the "Foundation Hotline."


"Is it the special investigation team? I want to report!" Lin An said, "Something happened here! Something big happened! I need your help!"

"Sir, calm down." The person over there immediately became serious, "Where are you?"

"My location? My location - I'm at No. 12 Margaret Street, on the hillside in the wealthy area of ​​Ditry City, in the Wood family villa!"

"Oh, please don't worry! Find a safe place to take refuge." The person on the other end of the phone said, "Our special service team has learned your location and is on the way! We will arrive in about... five minutes!"

There are no gray hairs in the posts on the World Tree Forum.

Lin An gave the operator a few perfunctory words and hung up the phone.

The fan sounded "Dang Dang Dang" and he raised his head. A helicopter appeared in the sky and headed towards the villa.

The foundation's equipment is pretty good, second only to the Mohegan Revenue Bureau.

Lin An glanced at the noisy young men and women on the other side of the door, and walked towards the balcony railing.

Doris, who was lying there, recovered from her discomfort and looked at Lin An approaching, her heart pounding.

Is he worried about me?

Thinking of this, Doris couldn't help but rush towards the young man's chest, trying to put her arms around his waist.

"Lin, thank you for saving me——"

"Brush it."

She threw herself into the air, Lin An took off his coat, put it on Doris's shoulders, said "no thank you", and couldn't wait to occupy the place where she had just rested.

This is an excellent angle for viewing.

Just listen to the sharp siren sound of "woo woo woo", three police cars and two ambulances winded up the path and stopped at the door of the Wood family villa. The police and medical staff filed in to evacuate the panicked people. crowd.

Lin An stared at the helicopter without blinking. The door panel slowly rose and dropped - an aerial photography device.

Wait, where are the Foundation people?

The noise subsided, the rescue team acted resolutely, and the crowd actively cooperated and quickly followed the police to a safe place. Doris wanted to confirm Lin An's safety, but she couldn't help but was pushed away by the crowd.

Lin An closed the corner door.

The sound of "Zizzi" passed through my ears.

He turned around suddenly and saw two light spots hanging in the air in the swirling steam. After a second, they turned into eight, some red and some white, like the cold light of a lighthouse.

The outlines of four creatures emerged from the thick fog, and the mystics' bright eyes were fixed on the roaring "monster" in the swimming pool.

The water vapor became lighter and thinner, and Lin An saw their true faces clearly.

The Foundation's quartet...

Finally met.

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