World Occult User Guide

Chapter 19 Foundation Four

The distance was too far, and Lin An couldn't see clearly the faces of the foursome.

"System, use [Always hit]."

"Whether it consumes——"

"No consumption."

The shooting interface appeared, aiming at the figure who bore the brunt of the attack. The camera zoomed in, and Caroline's sweet facial features were clearly visible.

Different from the polite manner when she was investigating Lin An, she completely entered fighting mode.

The sunglasses hung on her chest, and Caroline's eyes shone bright red, like two crystal clear rubies. Not only that, there were three "tear moles" on each corner of her eyes.

Using the aiming lens to zoom in, Lin An discovered that the protrusion looked a bit like an insect's "compound eye."

They reflect the overflowing colorful luster without blinking.

When Caroline bent her knees slightly and made a posture ready to go, two white, spotted wings stretched out from her back. They were shaped like a crane and made of some kind of insect. They were covered with Layer of fine fuzz.

The soft fuzz extended all the way to her skin, covering her waist and chest, quivering gently in the wind.

It turned out that when she was talking to Lin An, she was wearing a tight suit that tightly strangled her polluted and mutated body, maintaining the curves of a normal person, and only revealing a normal "face".

Alas, it sounds quite uncomfortable to have such a big pair of wings forced into tight clothes.

Winter is fine, but what about summer?

In order to prevent the public from being exposed to the mystery, everyone in the Foundation must have made huge sacrifices. If nothing else, this lawful spirit is awe-inspiring.

Next to Caroline, stood an unfamiliar member of the control team.

He is quite strong and over two meters tall.

Blinking, Lin An was surprised to find that the man's appearance had changed.

In an instant, he lost his human characteristics, fell on all fours, and transformed into a beast-like creature, with sharp nails and tusks gleaming, his skin was as smooth as a reptile, and some porcupine points grew out of his back. prick.


There is also this type of mystery.

Lin An guessed that the man was the one who rarely spoke among the four.

With the locked perspective of [100% shot and 100% hit], Lin An could only carefully examine the two people at the forefront.

As Caroline moved, her perspective changed, and the "camera" panned across the other members from time to time. In the pieced together fragments, Lin An got a glimpse of what they looked like.

One is a slender black "silhouette", like a ball of erratic mist, wearing an elegant brimmed hat, with black scum on the edge that keeps "falling" and making a sizzling sound.

Listening to their conversation, this person is clearly the "captain".

The identity of the remaining person is about to emerge, that calm, rational and knowledgeable "coroner".

She maintains her human form, and there are almost no distortions in her appearance - except that she looks like a high-tech version of a fireproof woman.

The coroner wore a huge cloak made of special material. The surface of the nanotechnology reflected strange fluorescence. The titanium alloy eye mask covered most of his face, leaving only his thin blue lips exposed.

Her rating was the highest among the four.

Lin An came to a conclusion.

Because no one else he looked at noticed it, only the coroner looked around to find the source of the sight.

Unfortunately, Lin An hid in the curtains on the balcony and relied on the [100-shot] aiming interface to secretly observe. Everywhere she could see had been cleared by the rescue team.

"Did you find anything, Vanessa?"

The coroner shook his head and said calmly: "Maybe it's my imagination, Captain. How is the situation?"

"Fortunately, it didn't get worse." The captain replied, "The mysterious one has just awakened, so you don't need to take action. After taking control, you can test her detailed values ​​and conduct a level assessment."


The captain turned to the other two team members: "Hector, control the mysterious one and don't give her a chance to activate her ability; Caroline, find an angle and activate hypnosis."

"No problem, Captain!"

Caroline said crisply, fluttering her huge wings and gliding at low altitude; the man responded imperceptibly, shot out like an arrow from the string, and dived into the water with a "plop".

The elusive black mist submerged into the darkness, and the space was distorted for a moment before returning to normal.


Lin An was thoughtful.

The four-person team performs its own duties and works together efficiently.

Suddenly, heartbreaking shouts came from the silent battlefield, attracting the attention of Lin An and the foursome.

"What do you want to do? Don't hurt her!"


Didn't he retreat with the main force? !

Lin An was eager to check the situation, but he could not withdraw from the [always-on-target] perspective, so he had to continue to follow the flying Caroline and observe from a 45-degree mid-air.

In the future, you have to think twice before using this ability to take advantage of your vision.

Otherwise, if the first perspective is lost during the battle and cannot be restored in a short period of time, it will be over.

The fog cleared, and the "monster" finally came into view.

It was a tall and thin woman with hair as pure white as snow, floating on the water like an elegant and tattered wedding dress.

Her face was like a skeleton, her chin had lost all flesh, and two bright red tears streaked across her dark eyes, falling into the pool of water, dyeing it an unknown color.

Despite this, Lin An can still find the shadow of April in her body.

However, she is now thinner and taller, and her skin has changed from a healthy wheat color to a bluish cold white.

Sure enough it was her...

Based on the experience of the past few days, Lin An figured out a rule for awakening the mystery.

Since the star orbit of "Comes" and Titan have not yet overlapped, current mystics generally only have to meet three conditions to gain the favor of the twelve gods in advance.

First of all, they are either fans of mysticism or have recently come into contact with information about "Comoth".

Fairy tales, urban ghost stories, internet legends, hometown folk customs...

However, with the development of information and technology, the mainstream of society has long abandoned unrealistic beliefs, and people have embraced science and logical thinking.


It's all a lie!

Thanks to this, the Awakened are only a minority, and the current situation around the world can be controlled, preventing weird things from running rampant, order collapsing, and panic sweeping the world.

Titan has five years left.

Second, these people have a common characteristic, that is, inner emptiness.

Or their life is not smooth enough, they cannot see hope and future, or they are living a mediocre life and their spirits are not satisfied. Their motivation for living is imagination, and they can only get comfort from false fantasies.

The higher the proportion of "Comes" knowledge in this kind of imagination, the easier it is to attract the medium and awaken the mystery.

April was originally a member of the materialist army, but only recently began to study the myth of the Lower East Continent.

This satisfies the first condition - "knowledge of the mystery".

Then, she was stimulated in life - thinking that her boyfriend did not want to start a family - in order to escape reality, April couldn't help but believe in something that suited her taste and made herself feel better.

In this way, she satisfied the second condition - "believe in mystery".

All she needs is a chance to wake up.

As for what exactly this "opportunity" is, it may include all kinds of stimulation, Lin An doesn't know.

When Mike told Lin An about his girlfriend's situation, he had a hunch that April might awaken mysteriously in the near future.

Therefore, he took a photo and sent it to the World Tree Forum, hoping that the foundation would be able to find out something.

When talking to April, Lin An's premonition became stronger and stronger.

He tried his best to calm her down, trying to avoid the "opportunity" that would come naturally, but he didn't look at April for a second, and she immediately awakened to the mystery.

This is so weird.

In the dark, everything is like an arranged script.

When Sasaki mentioned April's borrowing of books to Lin An, he never expected that things would develop to this point.

It was as if there was a pair of invisible hands driving this series of events behind the scenes, controlling April's actions and thoughts step by step, leading her into an unavoidable trap - and when she woke up, the pollution level was medium, and she almost lost control.

The Foundation has no means of reducing pollution levels.

Once April's value exceeds 60%, what awaits her will be forced "control" and even obliteration.

Therefore, who inspired April's curiosity about that world, made her trapped in it, unable to extricate herself, and finally attracted the medium. Who was the person who was radiated by "Comuth"?

What's his purpose?

Will April get any benefits after he awakens?

With doubts, Lin An continued to watch the performance of the Foundation's foursome.

Hector was like a slippery dolphin, approaching April in the blink of an eye. Just when he wanted to control the crying woman, Mike picked up the bottle and hit him on the head with a "ping".

"I told you to stay away from her, you monster!"


His strong arms grabbed the wine bottle, and Hector crushed it expressionlessly. The glass shards scattered like a kaleidoscope, slicing across the man's smooth skin without any damage.


Mike immediately groaned, covered his face with his hands, and fell into the pool unsteadily.

Hector punched him with his other hand, right between his chin and Adam's apple. Mac rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

After fighting off the intruder, Hector grabbed April's arms tightly and pulled them back with his backhand.


The vibration of the collision of bones muddied the water in the swimming pool. April's empty eyes were bleeding profusely, and her skull-like mouth opened wide, letting out a shrill scream.


The high-frequency sound waves rolled in, hitting the soul directly. Even Lin Anye, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but feel a strong dizziness. Her eyesight turned black, her stomach was churning, and she almost vomited.

After being distracted for a second, he quickly returned to Caroline's perspective.

She flapped her wings and flew across the sky lightly, stopping in front of the controlled April.

Before the latter could react, all eight of Caroline's eyes widened, and an invisible light shot out from them.

The moment she was hit, April's screams suddenly stopped, and her whole body froze in place.


It is somewhat similar to "The Ballad of the Other Side of the Mountain", except that unlike Pishtaco's delayed effect, Caroline's ability is triggered "instantly".

The next moment, the scene was distorted, black fog accompanied by the sizzling sound of electricity enveloped April, and the captain's figure appeared behind her like a ghost.


There was just a crisp sound, and April immediately lost consciousness.

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Thanks to book friends 20190823020552690 and Leng Yue Han Bing- for their monthly votes, as well as all the book friends for their recommendation votes and comments ~

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