World Occult User Guide

Chapter 20 La Llorona

"After your testimony, [La Llorona]'s illustrated book has been unlocked."

April's shape was so classic that Lin An couldn't help but think of a famous legend that matched it. At the same time, the system's mechanical sound sounded, confirming his guess.

[Name]: La Llorona, The Crying Woman

[Rating]: Ghost story D grade

[Radiation value]: 1.5%

[Pollution level]: 35.7%

[Medium]: Mother of Desire

Legend has it that La Llorona, whose real name was Maria, was born into a peasant family. Her beauty attracted a wealthy man.

Less than a year after the two got married, the man returned to his busy and romantic life, often leaving for several months at a time.

Whenever he came home, the man never cared about Maria, only thinking about visiting his children. The heartbroken Maria actually transferred her resentment towards her husband to the children.

Finally one day, she caught the children and threw them into the river.

When the little figure disappeared downstream, Maria realized what she had done. She ran down the river bank desperately, hoping to save them, but it was too late.

In this way, Maria fell into an unextricable grief. She went crazy and kept screaming and crying, trying to attract the souls of the children back to her.

During this time, she didn't eat and kept walking along the river looking for her children.

Her white robe became dirty and torn, and she became thinner and thinner. She looked taller and longer, like a walking skeleton.

The young woman eventually died on the river bank.

After her death, La Llorona transformed into a restless spirit. It is said that the woman was often seen drifting among the trees along the coastline, and her cries and wails for her children became a curse at night.

They called it La Llorona - literally "The Weeping Woman" in local lingo.

There are different versions of the legend of La Llorona in various places, but they all agree that after death, La Llorona became a "merciless murderer" who dragged passing travelers into the river and drowned them indiscriminately.

Especially children, which reminded her of her two unfortunate children.

In addition to casual encounters, La Llorona will actively hunt those who do not treat her family well, as well as those who are attracted to her cries and back.

Once they were close, she would raise her head, blowing an icy breath from her fleshless chin, and a curse would wrap around the hearts of the men; they would not survive more than three days.

From the legend, Lin An summarized the abilities that this mystery might use.

Sonic attacks, and the curse of death.

These two abilities are quite useful and suitable for inclusion in the system, but Lin An is not so mad as to kill college classmates who have no grievances and no grudges to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.

Maybe...the mysterious man is trying to get La Llorona's abilities?

But how could he be so sure that April was La Llorona?

Could he predict in advance the type of mystical person's awakening, or could he - determine the medium through which they were attracted?

Lin An would rather the former be true. Human interference in the mystery makes people shudder just thinking about it.

In fact, Lin An had some speculations about mysterious awakenings.

After being verified by Amber and La Llorona, this conjecture is becoming more and more credible.

April's wheat-colored skin is evidence that she comes from the Lower East Continent. Although she has become an out-and-out "Eagle Countryer" and has even forgotten the language of her hometown, she cannot make a clean break with her ancestors and get rid of her innate "bloodline" ".

Therefore, her mysterious prototype comes from Lower East Island.

By combining the three factors of "wanting to start a family", "shallow cognition" and "being from Lower East Continent" and eliminating them layer by layer, it is not difficult to identify La Llorona, who is a D-level ghost story and "Mother of Desire" medium.

Is it bloodline theory...?

Lin An couldn't help but be distracted for a second.

As a half-Dragon native, could it be that the system is ancient books such as "The Book of Mountains and Seas", "He Tu Luo Shu", and "Book of Changes"? After all, it only contains the "Encyclopedia of Magic", and its actual ability is to "identify and collect" more Low-grade mystery.

Well, it feels a bit inconsistent.

The ancestors of China should have spoken classical Chinese instead of speaking in a fluent way...

Lin An could basically conclude that the system was influenced by the bloodline on his mother's side, and its prototype most likely came from ancient civilizations in Romania and nearby areas.

Maybe I'm a Roman Orthodox.

It would be great if the system's "real name" could be unlocked as soon as possible.

Getting rid of the disturbing thoughts, Lin An continued to pay attention to the situation at the foundation.

Hector picked up the unconscious April and gently placed her on the edge of the swimming pool. Caroline put special matte black shackles on her hands and feet.

Coroner Vanessa squatted next to April and reached out to cover her abdomen, as if testing something.

“The medium is the mother of desire.”

Caroline quickly took out her tablet and recorded her conclusions word for word.

"The contamination level is between 30 and 40%. The mutated parts are concentrated in the jaw, hair and eyes. The radiation value is very low and can almost be ignored."

"The test shows that the mysterious person is codenamed [Lana Rona], classified as urban ghost story, and the control level is between Theta and Eta."

"Preliminary assessment summary, temporarily implement 'level three control' for this individual."

Lin An raised his eyebrows.

Reading the data, is it possible that Nasha is a low-end version of Brother Tongzi?

And what does third-level control mean?

The foundation has no means to reduce the level of contamination, and it also wants to prevent ordinary people from coming into contact with the mystery. I'm afraid they won't let April return to normal life in this state. I don't know how they plan to notify her family and friends.

"Vanessa, what should we do about that young man?"

Caroline pointed at Mike, who was unconscious and floating on the water.

The coroner pondered for a moment and replied: "The old rule is to implement 'fourth-level control'. However, the 'external test' is about to begin. If he is willing to sign up, he can downgrade to 'five-level control'."

The level of control appears to be the degree of freedom the Foundation gives an individual.

The fourth and fifth levels of control may only be monitored and monitored, which is far from the level of "imprisonment". The third level of control requires restriction of personal freedom and activities in specific facilities.

The next moment, the countdown of [100 shots with 100 hits] returns to zero.

Lin An's vision returned to normal.


The sound of the helicopter became lower and lower. The captain had just made a call. He probably communicated with the logistics department and asked them to come down to complete the control and aftermath.

A rustling sound came from outside the door. Lin An looked stern, picked up the lamp on the table, and crossed his forehead gently.

"Tick tock..."

The Western-style glazed lampshade had extremely sharp protrusions, and the copper surface scratched Lin An's skin, and a line of blood slowly flowed. He hid behind the curtain and lay on the ground, stretching out an arm.

About two minutes later, footsteps burst into the room.

"Oh my gosh, there's a survivor!"

Someone opened the curtains, took a deep breath, and quickly put his hand on the side of Lin An's neck to check for pulse.

"Great, he's still alive! The medical team needs a stretcher to support us here!"


Margaret Street is rarely crowded.

Although people in Ditri City are accustomed to hustle and bustle and light pollution, it is quite rare to see so many "pedestrians" on the streets of a wealthy area. The doors of other villas are closed for fear of attracting media with long guns and short cannons, causing unnecessary publicity. trouble.

Because there are some reporters who are the "spies" they sent out.

The flashes of cameras were mixed in with the police cars and ambulances. They were constantly being driven away, but they were extremely tenacious and kept questioning everyone involved in the incident.

"Can you please tell me in detail what happened at the Wood family party?"

"How many casualties are there?"

"Excuse me, what did you see at that time? Do you think this is evidence that the Wood family secretly conducted human experiments?"

"Excuse me--"

Doris struggled to push her way through the crowd.

Some of the people were partying at the pool before escaping. Once they left the warm water, floor heating, and barbecue grills, they were completely exposed to the cold winter weather in Detli City. They shivered with cold and had to stay as close to each other as possible to absorb the warmth.

Due to confusion, fear and hypothermia, no one paid attention to the daughter of the Wood family. Not only did they not have smiles or greetings, they were not even willing to move to make way for her.

Doris gathered her ill-fitting coat, and the faint masculine scent reminded her of what she had to do.

Finally, she found two medical staff talking to each other.

"A total of 49 injured people have been found, nearly two-thirds of whom suffered minor injuries from stampeding, fighting, and slipping; 9 people suffered burns to varying degrees. According to my own account, they were caused by being hit by a barbecue grill and a leaky power supply; Five people were injured accidentally and three of them suffered fractures."

"The most serious thing is that one person developed an asthma attack and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Another person... had a massive tear in his calf muscles, with his bones almost exposed, and fell into a deep coma."

The two medical staff looked at each other and let out a long breath.

"Is it a crocodile?"

"Yes, that giant Mississippi alligator that escaped from the state zoo was so vicious."

"Sorry, have you met my friends?" Doris interrupted their conversation, "There are two men and one woman, Mike Smith, April Hernandez and Ann Lin?"

The medical staff was stunned and said respectfully: "Excuse me, are you Miss Doris Wood?"

"Yes, it's not important." Doris said anxiously, "I couldn't find them, especially one of my friends from the Dragon Kingdom. When we evacuated from the small room on the north balcony, for some reason, he couldn't follow. us."

"Are you sure?" one of the medical staff asked.

Before Doris could nod, another medical staff glared at her and rushed to answer.

"Okay, rescuers will be conducting the second wave of search and rescue operations soon. Please come here with me first. Our commander has something to discuss with you, dear Miss Wood."

"I see……"

The medical staff diligently brought clean clothes, shoes and socks to change Doris' embarrassing bikini.

When she was about to take over the slightly worn coat, she received a hard slap on the back of her hand.

"Watch your little hands, madam." The short-haired girl smiled slightly, "I want my things to belong to me from head to toe."

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