World Occult User Guide

Chapter 21 Repercussions of the incident

"Today is December 15, 2037, a full 12 hours have passed since what we know as the 'Wood Family Horror Case'."

"Our reporter will provide you with the latest developments of the incident."

"A Mississippi River giant crocodile that escaped from the zoo sneaked into the Wood family villa on Margaret Street on the evening of the 14th, causing a major panic. It bit one person and 51 others suffered varying degrees of injuries in the chaos. s damage."

"Currently, the crocodile responsible for the incident has been shot dead by the police."

"The State Zoo stated that the crocodile was originally one of the animals transferred to the S.A. Foundation. Due to improper handling by employees of the private organization, it accidentally escaped from the warehouse. This news was later reported by the S.A. Foundation's public relations Ministry confirmed.”

"Foundation spokesman Joelna Cardenas said that the employee has been fired and will ensure that similar management mistakes will not be made in the future. The foundation expressed its willingness to bear the victims' losses and treatment costs, and expressed its condolences to Doris E. Miss St. Wood issued a public apology."

"Let's hear what a spokesman for the Wood family has to say."

The face of the short-haired girl appeared on the TV. Her eyes were slightly red, her voice was calm, and her expression was serious.

"The dust has settled, at least we think so. The Wood family and the St. Annelov Foundation have reached a settlement and are willing to forgive them for this mistake."

After listening to the official report, Lin An turned off the TV.

The foundation took action.

When I turn on my mobile phone, the social column has been flooded with "Party Horror", and there are all kinds of ridiculous speculations.

The serious mass media reported more restrainedly, and fancy newspapers published news randomly. Some personal accounts made wild guesses, posted a few old pictures that were impossible to capture, or fake pictures with obvious traces of Photoshop, and deceived a lot of people into believing it was true.

"Shocked! The truth about the Wood family's human experiments is exposed..."

"What secrets are hidden behind the astonishingly wealthy Wood family? It will be revealed to you recently..."

"Relevant people broke the news that photos of suspected alien creatures were taken at the scene!"

"The key given by UFO? This is not the first time that the Wood family has been involved in supernatural phenomena."

After swiping through it one by one, Lin An couldn't find a picture of April.

As luck would have it, when April woke up, everyone was in heavy fog and wearing swimsuits. They were so frightened and panicked that they couldn't think of going back to get their phones and come back to take a photo.

Subsequently, more than 50 abandoned mobile phones were found at the scene, most of which were damaged due to water, trampling, or leakage of electricity.

Lin An suspected that the government did not want to leave electronic evidence, so he checked everything before returning it to the owner. If he accidentally photographed mysterious traces, he would claim that the phone was damaged.

In fact, these media are not focusing on "crocodiles" and "hurting incidents", but on the Wood family themselves.

If this had happened at an unknown party, no one would have noticed within a few hours.

The Wood family is a famous consortium in Eagle Country. The name itself represents hot spots and traffic.

Not only are the media enjoying the popularity, there are also professional trolls who have accepted bribes from competitors.

They took this opportunity to spread conspiracy theories everywhere to smear the reputation of the Wood family. The most obvious one is the constant appearance of the term "alien civilization."


Just when Lin An wanted to click on the news details, it was hit with a "404".

The Wood family also took action.

In less than ten minutes, all the gossipy negative news disappeared, and the headlines that replaced it were still the Wood family at the forefront, but the track was completely changed.

“Socialite Doris Wood has a new one-way follower on her social media!”

"The account with millions of fans is the only one following it in one direction. Who is this mysterious man?"

"Rumors say the account is Doris' secret underground lover, a prince from the Dragon Kingdom..."

Let me go, where did the prince from the Dragon Kingdom come from?

How many years have passed since the fall of the Qing Dynasty? How long has it been to be crowned in this void?

Before writing reports, can these media check information from other countries?

No, wait!

Lin An's eyes widened suddenly, and he opened his social account. The bloody 999+ jumped into his eyes. The vibrations of "ding dong ding dong" were overwhelming, and the battery was going crazy.

I quickly set the homepage to "invisible to non-followers" and the background bombardment stopped.

After clicking one button to delete the message, Lin An remembered that when Doris paid attention to him last night, before she could refuse or reply, the crazy party game kicked off.

He was afraid that his phone would get wet, so he forgot about it.

Clicking on Doris's homepage, her default avatar appeared in her follow list, and she was the only account other than the official account that did not display "Mutual Following".

Well, if you pay attention at this time, things may become even bigger.

never mind……

Anyway, I don’t plan to have a close relationship with her.

"Ding dong."

While staying on the homepage, a new message sounded and the page automatically jumped to the past.

D_Easter: @AnL, I hope you can see this message, my dearest AnL. Your desperate appearance yesterday was deeply imprinted in my heart. I just want to thank you for your bravery :). XOXO, Lili.

This post instantly received hundreds of thousands of likes and tens of thousands of comments.

"Who is this kid! He actually got Doris's favor?"

"The heir to the Bryan Consortium has been pursuing her for three years, but was rejected without hesitation. Why did Miss Wood suddenly pay attention to other men one-sidedly!"

"My goddess, don't fall in love! You are my Maria, the only light in my life!"

"Is he really a prince of some country?"

"I understand, he must be the prince of the Lion Kingdom! The stars and stripes and the royal blue, I'm crazy!"

Do you arrange this for me, do the Royal Family of the Lion Kingdom and the President of the Eagle Kingdom know?

Lin An understood that Doris and the Wood family behind her had used themselves as a shield to divert the attention of conspiracy theorists. After all, the public's interest in love gossip is far more enthusiastic than unknown things and approaching science.

Suddenly, several latest comments caught Lin An's attention.

"Hey, I know this guy. Isn't he Lin An from Ann Arbor University?"

"I remembered that yesterday, in the chaos, he desperately shouted for us to take shelter inside the house, and he held on to the door to prevent the bastards inside from closing it."

"If he hadn't led the way, I almost missed the step and rolled down the hillside!"

"With so many people present, he was the only one willing to stand up..."

"Don't talk about Doris, Lin An is handsome and reliable, and I'm in love with you too! Damn it, competing with famous ladies for a boyfriend, why is my love journey so bumpy!"

"Disgusting, that kind of idiot has a female licker."

"Who said there are only women?! Are you a fourth-year undergraduate? I saw you, and you were the only one rushing to lock the door! If you have the ability, you will never go back to college, otherwise I won't break your dog legs. Dare to call yourself Lin’s male licker!”

Just be a human being...

After thinking for a moment, Lin An clicked on his profile picture that kept dripping in the background.

Haruto: Lin-san! Lin Sang! Have you read our school’s forum?

AnL: Yeah, the whole school exploded.

Haruto: You already have more than 300,000 fans!

AnL: Why do I need so many fans? Do I want to drink duck blood soup?

Haruto: (ω)!

Haruto: What the boss said is profound, I don’t understand QAQ

AnL: Alas, your childhood was different from mine.

Haruto: Doris-chan’s only one-way attention, Lin-san, how did you do it? I also want to be closely watched and pinched by Doris-chan.

AnL: If you want to know, do me a favor and tell you.

Haruto: Red bean paste? Lord, you can do anything you want me to do~

AnL: normal.

Haruto: In order to realize the general's ambition, Liang is willing to work hard. What are your orders, my lord?

AnL: Remember "Two Ravens" we wrote together before?

Haruto: You mean that winter when you went to the art college to pick up girls, and I finished the job in a hurry?

AnL: There is only one raven left. You log in to that VPN software cloud, cancel my account qualifications, and delete all data. The faster the better.

Lin An used ASCii code for this paragraph, and then switched back to English to continue typing.

AnL: Alas, I fell down at the party and got slightly injured. I am too lazy to go back to school during this time. When you have time, send me the game and I will fix the bugs.

In less than a second, the above code was deleted, and Sasaki sent a zip of the stand-alone game.

Haruto: So shall we meet again next semester?

AnL: It depends.

Sure enough, Fatty is the most reliable assistant.

After chatting with Sasaki for a few more insignificant words, I heard a "dong dong dong" knock on the door.

Lin An narrowed his eyes.

Is someone coming?

After being transferred by the rescue team, Lin An took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, blended into the crowd, received treatment with the students, and answered the police station's questions step by step.

He was just an ordinary student, so the rescuers paid no special attention to him and quickly let him go home.

At twelve o'clock the next day, just as Lin An expected, the St. Annilov Foundation noticed something was wrong with him and came to the door.

"Who is it?" Lin Fang shouted in a pretentious manner.

"Please open the door, Mr. Lin, we are a special investigation team." A serious male voice sounded outside the door.

New face.

Looking through the peephole, there was a man and a woman standing outside, wearing black, white and green uniforms.

If he remembered correctly, when the helicopter's logistics troops landed, Lin An caught a glimpse of them wearing this uniform.

Foundation's...D-class personnel?

Your settings are becoming more and more like some unspeakable organization.

Ahem, no.

I have to be serious.

Lin An organized his thoughts and asked with great vigilance: "What do you want from me?"

"That's right, we want to confirm, sir, was it you who made the call to the special investigation team at 20:05 last night?" the female investigator said.


"Thanks to your reminder, Mr. Lin, we were able to arrive in time and catch the escaping crocodile. Thank you for your contribution to the safety of Ditli City." The female investigator smiled, "Based on your contribution , the special investigation team will give you 3,000 knives as a reward."

There's still money to take.

"Can you give me cash?"


Lin An accepted this unexpected surprise without hesitation, and opened the door with feigned surprise. The two investigators walked into the apartment, pressed against the door, and looked around.

"The bonus will be mailed to your mailbox in 5 to 7 working days. In addition, we need further investigation regarding yesterday's incident."

The male investigator adjusted his glasses.

"Please cooperate."

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