World Occult User Guide

Chapter 22 Temporary Personnel Lin An

The flirtatious female investigator sitting on the sofa spoke first.

"This is not the first time we have met, Mr. Lin. According to Chief Caroline's investigation conclusion, you were almost involved in a bizarre murder case last week."

"Hedda Steiner?" Lin An shivered in fear, "If I hadn't been in a hurry to go back to the dormitory to play games, it would be unimaginable... uh, are these two things related in any way?"

"Chief Caroline left in a hurry last time and didn't have time to get your permission, Mr. Lin." The male investigator said, "We launched a detailed background investigation on you. Don't panic, just to eliminate your suspicion."

"You have violated personal privacy!" Lin An shouted.

"Oh, let the court make a ruling on this." The male investigator said calmly, "What we learned is that one hour before we received the call, you posted this post on the World Tree Forum."

The female investigator took out her portable tablet. The black website was the World Tree Forum that Lin An was familiar with.

The screen stays on one line of title page.

twelve_reganr: A random shot at a swimsuit party, what the hell? ! [picture]

Seeing Lin An's face turn pale, the male investigator smiled with satisfaction.

"First of all, please explain. In Chief Caroline's record, you claimed that you have never heard of the name 'World Tree Forum'. However, this account has been registered for a year and a half."

"This, this is not from me!" Lin An argued, "How are you sure this person is me! He could be anyone! I have never seen this website!"

"We have retrieved the account's statements in the past thirty days. Seven days ago, on December 8, twelve_reganr posted a 'Weirdness is around us? A strange thing happened in my university [picture].' Narration It’s about your passing with Hedda Steiner.”

It was a picture of Hedda disappearing around the corner of the library. It was very blurry, but it undoubtedly exposed the perspective of the photographer.

After continuing to be tough for a while, Lin An was finally "defeated" during the interrogation by the investigators.

"Okay, I admit it, twelve_reganr is me." He sighed helplessly, "So? What do you want to do? This hobby is not illegal."

"You lied to Chief Caroline."

"Huh, I don't need to tell you everything about my private life. I'm not a prisoner. These two things have nothing to do with me!"

The male investigator coughed.

"We have no suspicion that you are involved. However, the special investigation team hopes that you can point out where the 'ghost' appears in this picture?"

The female investigator enlarged the picture of the swimming pool and handed it to Lin An. The two stared at him with bright eyes.

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Lin An's forehead. He raised his hand, hung hesitantly in the air, and pointed at April in the upper right corner.

"Didn't you find that...she looked strange? I know, maybe it was the exposure of the photo, was really weird! Then something like that happened again..."

In fact, Lin An didn't notice anything unusual. After taking a closer look, April in the photo was really a bit weird.

The two investigators exchanged glances, seeming to confirm something.

"Lin An was born in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom. He was admitted to Ann Arbor University in the Eagle Kingdom when he was 18 years old. Your father's name is Lin Hainan, who works in Nanzhou all year round; your mother's name is Adelia Hughes, a world-famous folk Scholar."

"Influenced by your mother, you developed a strong interest in folk culture. Of the 3,380 books recorded on your student card, 2,845 were related to mysticism, and only about 300 were required by your major."

"Due to your fanatical obsession with another world, you gradually believe that there is a gap between reality and fantasy. You pay attention to every supernatural phenomenon around you." The female investigator said, "This is based on your arrival in Eagle Country. Finally, a summary of public network speech records.”


You are right.

"So, do you know the 'white-haired' girl?"

Lin An nodded hesitantly: "Her name is April, she is the girlfriend of my former roommate. Is she okay? I have seen her since last night."

"Sir, I hope you can sit down and listen to us, because this will subvert your cognition."


Am I qualified?

The two times were closely related to mysterious incidents. Lin An knew that he was a definite suspect and could not rule out the suspicion, so he simply handed over part of the information to the foundation.

For example, the account of the World Tree Forum has the conditions to awaken the mystery, and there are already signs.

If Lin An was really an ordinary person who knew nothing about him, he would appear to be too weird and would be even more suspicious.

Human beings are creatures that tend to be satisfied in stages. When the foundation received these half-truths and half-false information, they felt that they had a chance to win, and returned to the position of superiors, thinking that they had gained absolute initiative.

It's like a group of treasure hunters, following the treasure map given by Lin An, went through arduous adventures and finally dug up the pirate's wealth.

The joy of achieving the goal diluted doubts and curiosity.

"The world is not as safe as you think..."

The investigators began to explain the world view of "Comes", including mysterious awakenings, out-of-control pollution, strange events, etc., like two NPCs in a novice village.

Lin Anqi listened carefully at first, but then gradually became distracted.

There was no other reason. What the two investigators said was nonsense. Either the system had been introduced earlier, or Lin An had already figured it out on his own.

Perhaps the investigators and Lin An did not have enough authority. Anyway, they kept repeating empty words such as "the world is no longer safe" and "peace needs to be maintained", and Lin An numbly cooperated with the performance.

"The reason why the people of Eagle Country can still live and work in peace and contentment is inseparable from a group of people who work silently in the shadows to maintain social order and stability."

"Oh, great."

"The laws of a country have lost their binding force, not to mention the skyrocketing crime rate, factory shutdowns, people's unemployment, stock prices plummeting, bank credit bankruptcy, and economic collapse. If the currency of the Eagle Country becomes waste paper, the entire world will suffer. of."

"Yes, you're right."

"For the sake of all mankind, someone must take the lead in maintaining order..."

"Ahem." Lin An was really impatient, "But what have I done? I'm just an ordinary college student."

"That's it. The Foundation believes that your occult background, combined with your personal and teamwork skills in these two incidents, makes you a rare and outstanding talent. If you are willing to maintain the stability of society, please become one of our member."

What the St. Anilof Foundation lacks the most is rational, powerful and deployable mystics. After discussion, the top management unanimously decided to recruit An Lin'an.

Lin An came into contact with the mysterious person twice. Whether he realized it or not, awakening was only a matter of time.

In this case, it is better to let him join the foundation for systematic guidance and training to become a new team member, and to prevent Lin An from losing control or "going astray" in the future.

They even asked investigators to use both soft and hard tactics.

Once Lin An was indifferent, he immediately issued a strict confidentiality agreement. I believe that after weighing the pros and cons, most people will choose to become a member of the foundation.

Fortunately, Lin An seemed very interested and the contact process went smoothly.

The two investigators breathed a sigh of relief.

The female investigator flew her fingers and injected a line of instructions, and the tablet screen changed into a green-background document, filled with densely packed terms.

"Is this the manual of the Special Investigation Team?" Lin An asked doubtfully as he took it, "St. Anilof Foundation?"

"That's right, the official organization name of the Special Investigation Team." The male investigator explained, "What is in front of you is a "Guarantee Agreement." When you sign it, your file will be included in the foundation and temporarily classified as One of the temporary personnel.”

"When officially reporting, specialized personnel will conduct a unified ability test on you and other temporary personnel. Based on the interview results on the day, the foundation will match you to the most suitable position."

"Are there different positions?"

"Yes, there are four main departments in the St. Annilov Foundation. The first is the clerical department with the largest number of people, which is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and archiving various information about the foundation."

"Secondly, there is the logistics department that this lady and I belong to, which combines external contacts, aftermath, press releases, financial statements, fundraising and other matters. It is also responsible for investigating and reporting mysterious incidents. It is the link between the foundation and society. "

"The third is the research department, and the fourth is the front-line 'direct' department. The confidentiality authority of the two departments is extremely high, and I can't introduce it to you in detail for the time being."

Lin An swiped the screen, data rolling in his pupils.

"Can I ask how many regular employees the St. Annilov Foundation has now?"

"Sorry, I can't disclose the specific number of people. But what I can tell you is that the facility in Ditry City is not the headquarters of the foundation. There are 375 people registered on the surface."

"Are they all... mystics?"

"That's not the case, mystics are still a minority in society." The female investigator said, "The latest data shows that the ratio of mystics to ordinary people in Ditli City is about one in 100,000, so please rest assured, sir, you There won’t be too much danger.”

Five years from now, when the star orbits of "Comes" overlap, your foundation will be doing the work of a dead soldier.

Lin An thought silently.

"I've signed it."

The investigator took the tablet and repeatedly confirmed Lin An's signature, and the expression on his face gradually relaxed.

The male investigator did not forget to remind him.

"Please keep in mind that this "Guarantee Agreement" does not count as formal employment. You need to report to the address of the St. Annilov Foundation and undergo an 'external test'. The date is December 20, which is five days later. "

"I made a note of it. I just saw it in the agreement."

"Just double-checking."

St. Annelov paid great attention to Lin An. The male and female investigators repeatedly emphasized the time and address of the report, and then handed Lin An a high-tech black card.


The moment Lin An pressed his thumb up, its interface was unlocked.

Fingerprint authentication?

The black card's panel is quite similar to the system, with data covering the palm-sized surface from scratch.

Name: Lin An

Level: temporary personnel

Permissions: None

Department: TBD

Points: 0

Before Lin An could take a few more glances at the new black card, the male investigator's voice sounded again.

"Hope to see you on the appointment date, Mr. Lin. Finally, please remember that what you experienced today and everything related to the Saint Nilov Foundation in the future are confidential. If you leak information in any way, we will Use the 'special solutions' in the manual."

"Ok, I see."

Lin An said goodbye to the two investigators and collapsed on the sofa.

Holding up the black card, the mechanical electronic light has automatically turned off. Lin An unlocked it with his fingerprint and looked at his "personal information" with a pleasant smile on his lips.

St. Annelov Foundation…

Show me your "understanding".

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