World Occult User Guide

Chapter 23 Alchemy and the Philosopher’s Stone

"It's been five days...this guy hasn't come back to jail me yet!"

Doris fell backwards on the bed, her hair fanned out like a brown cloud floating on the violet velvet sheets.

She raised her hands and stared at the screen of her phone.

The only "one-way attention" in the watch list is so dazzling that it does not change no matter how many times it is refreshed.


Someone opened the curtains, and natural light came from the floor-to-ceiling windows on one side of the room. Doris turned her face, and the marble swimming pool outside the villa reflected blue ripples.

"Pull it up, I don't want to get up yet."

"It's already ten o'clock noon."

"Yesterday I was intoxicated with the fantasy of love and couldn't sleep." Doris held up her cheek, "Is ten o'clock considered noon? It's obviously just after one o'clock in the morning."

"I never thought you could fall in love, Miss Esther," said the feminine voice.

"Don't think so, my dear. Those who are heartless, or who love only once in their lives, are the real shallow ones. They call themselves ruthless, loyal, and stubborn; I call it habitual laziness and lack of imagination."

Doris stepped off the edge of the bed barefoot, grabbed the curtain on the other side with a smile, and pulled it out.

The scent of rose bushes blows up the translucent pajamas, and the lines outline the hazy outline of the female body.

"Love, like all beautiful things, is a privilege. We never regret having fun, others just never know what fun is."

The visitor turned his head away, wishing he could close his eyes, and Doris lifted his chin with her fingers.

"It's so strange. My An'an and I come from the same land, but you look nothing like me."

"No, I am from the Althea country." The feminine man said quietly, "Please take your hands away, Miss Esther."


Doris smiled and removed her hand, raised it high, and threw it hard on the feminine man's face.


"Why did I have to ripen that fruit at the last minute? This caused me to lose all my previous efforts, lose an assistant from the 'Mother of Desire', and let the St. Annilov Foundation take advantage."

The young man covered his red and swollen cheeks and explained eagerly.

"The foundation targeted that girl through that photo. If I don't activate it in advance and create chaos to shift the focus, aren't you afraid that they will take the opportunity to make a big fuss?"

"Your actions and words are off-putting, Kim."


"Forget it, I don't need extra help lately." Doris wiped her hands with a handkerchief in disgust, "That's what I want to say. Now go to work."

The feminine man hesitated for a moment: "Then let's go down the street..."

"Haha, it's those foundation lackeys again. What a pity, I really like that singer." Doris said calmly, "It's time to show them some color."

"Do you need me to teach them a lesson?"

"Don't be distracted, Jin, I will let them learn a lesson. You continue to complete the finishing touches in Chinatown, the sooner the better, don't delay yourself in celebrating the Year of the Dragon."

"Spring Festival is our culture!" the feminine man said firmly.

"Ah? I remember that it was an ancient tradition from the Dragon Kingdom... It's not important. Come on, I still have something to do."

"No problem, Miss Esther."


The singing echoed monotonously, and everything you could see was desolate.

Through the mirror, from the empty and deep ocean, a calm face appears that makes people think.

Twelve candles were placed in front of the shrine, glowing faintly.

A call came to my ears.

"Ding dong!"

Lin An woke up suddenly, his whole body aching terribly.

Another unknown nightmare.

All these nightmare images seem to be similar...

The memory was fleeting, Lin An picked up the phone and saw a new message.

"Your final thesis submission has been approved."

Due to the large number of students involved in Doris' party, the university made an exception and allowed these people to apply for "at-home exams" or "extended deadlines."

It happened that public opinion pushed Lin An to the forefront. He was too lazy to go back to college and experience the star treatment, so he simply applied for an at-home exam.

Just now, the campus system showed that he had completed the last two papers of the semester.

After stretching, Lin An simply washed up, picked up the ancient book he was about to read, and continued his research last night.

In the past few days, he has greatly reduced the frequency of electronic media use. The mobile phone that he once kept close to him has been placed in another room by Lin An.

For no other reason than he was already under surveillance by the Foundation.

Not only searching, reading, and viewing history, Lin An knew that the foundation also controlled the recording system of his mobile phone through the cloud, monitoring his words all the time to ensure that Lin An did not tell others about the St. Annilov Foundation and the mysterious Message of power.

Therefore, Lin An turned to paper books and took this time to finish reading the second "Encyclopedia of Magic".


Turning to the last page, the mechanical sound of the system sounded in my mind.

"The entry "Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Creates Life" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Seeker' x3, 'God of Truth' x2, 'Imaginary' x2, 'Mother of Desire' 'x1, 'Lord of the Earth' x1, 'Natural Sacrifice' x1, 'War Emperor' x1."

Another "unlocking gift package".

The number of additional media attached to alchemy is a few fewer than that of the Hittite ritual, but the variety is richer.

Perhaps it is because alchemy developed over a wider period of time and spanned a longer era, while the future of the Hittites will always remain at the moment when they were stabbed in the back by the Canaanites.

Alchemy has a history of more than 2,000 years. Its origin cannot be verified. It is only known that the affix may come from the Arabic alkimia, which means "that", and the root of the word comes from the Greek chyma, which refers to the fusion and casting of metals.

Paracelsus coined the term "spagyric art", derived from the Greek words "to tear" and "to gather", to describe alchemy.

Therefore, although alchemy is a technology related to metals, its core is spiritual, and it is the pursuit of transforming, purifying, and perfecting individuals into a state of "longevity or immortality."

There are records of alchemy all over the world. Xizhou alchemy is based on the "Emerald Tablet" and the central principle is "what goes above is what goes below."

Hermes believed that human beings were the epitome of heaven, and there was a correspondence between the two.

In other words, Titan is just an overflowing fragment of another "higher world". Perhaps he refers to "Comoth", or a planet that has not yet been observed by humans.

One of the basic principles of alchemy is that the world was created from a chaotic substance called Prima materia, and that all things can be reduced to the first substance through dissolution and combination and transformed into something more ideal.

This is similar to the Gnostic Gnosis.

The entire alchemical process is based on the assumption that imperfect base metals will eventually turn into gold on their own, and that alchemy simply speeds up the process.

The second principle of alchemy is that all things have components of two male and female substances.

Sulfur, representing the soul and the fiery masculine principle; mercury, representing the spiritual and watery feminine principle.

The process of transmutation is the separation of two elements and the recombination of them into different forms, with the final and greatest result being called the "Philosopher's Stone".

It represents supreme perfection, and texts state that the Philosopher's Stone will bring rebirth to all mankind.

In the Dragon Kingdom, the concept of male and female is called "yin and yang".

In the history of world occultism, there are not only alchemists in the Dragon Kingdom, but also a lot of them.

It's just that they are not called alchemists in the Dragon Kingdom, but "alchemists".

Like the Hermetic philosophy, according to the "Book of Changes", the Supreme Beginning gave birth to two forces, the two forces gave rise to the Four Symbols, and the Four Symbols gave birth to the Bagua, treating human beings as a microcosm of the macroscopic world.

In this way, there is a corresponding relationship between the operation of nature and the human body. The concrete elements, namely wood, wind, fire, metal, earth and water, represent various organs of the human body respectively.

The way to achieve agreement with the Tao is through meditation, also called "qi training."

Using breathing techniques, the "qi" of universal life enters the body and circulates, up and down the spiritual channels along the spine, from the top of the head to the abdomen, and through the 12 centers along the meridians.

After many cycles, the Qi becomes refined.

It reaches the top in a highly concentrated state, where three flowers gather at the top, and is manipulated back to the abdomen for storage and use. This gradual condensation process is called "foundation building."

As for the Philosopher's Stone, its counterpart in Dragon Kingdom culture is the "Elixir of Life," an image of perfect eternity that maintains an eternal state of coexistence with the "Tao."

After briefly flipping through the alchemy records recorded in "Encyclopedia of Magic II", Lin An nodded with satisfaction.

After systematic analysis, this mystery was rated as "Legendary C-level".

Alchemy itself could certainly be rated higher, but the Encyclopedia of Magic records only a small part of it, so it only gets this rating.

That's fine, but exposing too high a level of mystery will lead to unnecessary danger.

Especially when Lin An is still weak.

Who knows if other mystics - such as aristocratic families - have rituals to absorb mysteries and increase radiation levels? It is also unclear whether official organizations will dissect high-level mystics for the purpose of research.

Legend has it that C-level is an appropriate limit.

The most important thing is that alchemy can be related to Taoism.

Today is the day of the St. Annelov Foundation's report, and Lin An is preparing to awaken as a "Taoist alchemist."

Just like translating Chinese into English, or doing the opposite and adding it to your own paper to avoid falling into plagiarism troubles, the farther the mysterious source is from Eagle Country, the less clear it is to people at the foundation.

Besides, Lin An was a Dragon Countryer after all, so awakening to the mysteries of other countries would inevitably arouse suspicion.

This not only prevents the system from being discovered, but also allows the legendary C-level assessment to be taken seriously, allowing him to quickly penetrate into the foundation.

Lin An took the money from the foundation from the mailbox and took a taxi online.

"To this address, thank you."

After about three hours of driving, the surrounding scenery slowly changed from high-rise buildings in the city to a quiet and deep path.

Opening the window, Lin An saw the Ditri City branch of St. Annelov.

The mansion stood there, with solid white walls dotted with large square windows, and a roof covered with vermilion red tiles. The winter light shone on the newly mowed lawn, sparkling with crystal luster.

It has a huge old oak tree in its vestibule, and two stone statues guard the entrance.

The taxi stopped in front of the iron gate. Looking through the gap, a well-maintained gravel road led to the automatic double doors of the building. There were only a few brand new luxury vehicles in the empty parking lot.

As soon as he got out of the car, two guards stopped Lin An.

Wearing Foundation uniforms, with sophisticated guns and ample ammunition on their belts, they were as well-equipped as special forces.

"Sir, please show your entry and exit permit. No idlers are allowed here."

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