World Occult User Guide

Chapter 24 Interview at the Foundation (Part 1)

Twenty minutes later, Lin An sat on a postmodern chair.

The room is about one hundred square meters, with a snow-white and smooth floor, and the decoration is simple, empty and suspended.

More than 40 chairs are placed in a circle, with a distance of three to four meters in front, back, left and right.

There is no light in the room, and the walls are covered with curtains. Movie-level high-definition projection equipment is projected at 365°, looping images of the starry sky, the universe and the solar system. Colorful light shines on the faces of those waiting, with light and dark overlapping, casting a mottled effect.

Three-dimensional surround music is calming.

From time to time, there were muffled conversations and footsteps, and people were constantly being led to find their seats.

Some of the waiters were sitting nervously, some were peeping their heads in an attempt to strike up a conversation; some were nonchalant and even used their mobile phones, and the reflection attracted frequent glances from others.

However, since entering the foundation, my mobile phone has been unable to find any signal.

The reservation time has passed, and the more than 40 chairs are basically full.

The image suddenly changed.

"Hello and welcome to the St. Annilov Foundation. I am the facilitator for this test, X."

The AI ​​synthesized voice sounded, and a dozen indistinguishable faces were projected on the surrounding curtains, so that everyone could see its front face clearly from their own perspective.

X has long white hair that shows his age, and his face is beautiful and handsome. He seems unreal because he is too perfect, but Lin An feels very friendly.

"This is——"

After the artificial intelligence said this, the floor beside each chair dented, and a metal pillar rose from below, with a helmet-like device placed flat on it.

"Please pick up the 'test instrument' next to you and place it flat on your knees. I will start to introduce how to operate it. First, turn on the top restraint switch..."

Let me go, this is too high-tech.

Lin An imagined countless scenarios of joining the foundation, but he never expected that in the real scene, everyone would be armed with a VR device and enter an anonymous closed test.

Originally, he was looking forward to the English version's plot of "boys and girls queuing up and one by one stepping forward to touch the crystal ball of talent."

Eagle Country is so boring.

Lin An put on the VR helmet, inserted his black card, debugged the device according to the steps, and pressed the power button.

X's voice rang in his ears, echoing in his skull like a system, extremely clear.

"The data has been read and the permission review has been approved. Hello, temporary staff Lin An, I will guide you through a series of ability test questions. Please don't be nervous and just answer honestly and normally."


"Please wait while the first question loads."

Lin An thought about it, and an idea flashed through her mind.

"Brother Tongzi, are you still there?"

A mechanical sound sounded immediately.

"Here I am."

After waiting for a few seconds, Lin An confirmed that

"System, if I am hypnotized by some means or fall into a state of confusion, can you answer the AI's questions on my behalf?"

"No, but I can wake you up and keep you awake."

"Okay, let's do it."

After instructing the system, Lin An's attention turned to the first test question on the VR interface.

The AI's genderless body stepped aside, and a lifelike monster appeared in front of Lin An with its teeth and claws. It had a sheep's head and a human body, which made people's scalp numb. A hoarse roar echoed around, and the monster tore apart bloody got a puppy.

The video played for thirty seconds, and X pressed the pause button.

"Please answer what mystery is in the picture? You have two minutes to think and organize your words."

"Goat Man." Lin An said without hesitation, "A creature that is a hybrid between a goat and a human. It is said that someone has seen this creature in the woods of Beltsville, Maryland. The locals believe that Goat Man feeds on dogs. It’s actually just a shepherd’s figment.”

The "time" button on X's chest turned, and it nodded humanely without making any comments.

"The answer has been recorded. Then, please continue to answer the question."

There were five more monster images, and Lin An also gave a perfect answer.

Testing how well I understand the mysteries?

The first question was about an unpopular folktale about the Eagles. Lin An dared to say that no one present except him could answer it, but the following questions were quite familiar.

The only difference is that, except for the first question, the other questions are not local legends of the Eagle Kingdom.

The Saint-Annelov Foundation may want to assess an individual's knowledge of the world's occult, or give more opportunities to some non-native test subjects.

The six questions correspond to the six main continents of Titan: Upper East Continent, Lower East Continent, Central Continent, South Central Continent, Western Continent and South Continent.

Lin An guessed correctly, these questions were used to test occult knowledge.

However, their difficulty decreases from high to low, with the first question being the most difficult and the second question gradually becoming easier. The question bank is also classified according to the cultural background of the test taker.

Generally speaking, the tester only needs to answer one question correctly, and the background monitoring personnel can know his knowledge level.

When Lin An answered the first question correctly, the monitoring staff casually called up a new question bank to prevent him from advancing too early and disrupting the rhythm of the test.

I am not someone who has passed the first question before.

This situation is normal. They guessed it right by luck, or happened to know the answer. Once the question bank was changed, they scratched their heads and barely passed until the very end.

However, the device Lin An was wearing turned green again, which meant he answered another question correctly.

No need to think about time at all!

The monitoring staff were a little confused. They kept asking Lin An to answer the most difficult questions in each question bank, but they always got a green light after one minute.

Of all the questions in the St. Annilov Foundation's question bank, not a single one was difficult for Lin An, and he couldn't even make it to the end of the fifteen-minute test session.

In the end, the backstage staff had no other choice but to temporarily lengthen the last question and played a full eight-minute "monster image" to forcefully delay Lin An's answer time.

After finally waiting for other testers to complete the first big question, everyone entered the next stage.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other in silence, seeing shock and confusion in each other's eyes.

Who is the person who answered this question?

It actually penetrated their question bank!

Fortunately, in the next stage, there is no need to compete with anyone who is more knowledgeable...

Even so, the monitors backstage stared closely at Lin An's lamp, their hearts beating fast, fearing that this god would break St. Annilov's record again.

"Welcome back, the second question has been loaded."

In Lin An's VR field of view, the upper body of the artificial intelligence was enlarged, with both palms facing upward, and a 3D image of a full-body portrait emerged from nowhere, resembling a model.

"Do you think this is a normal person? If not, please point out what is strange about him. You have two minutes to think and organize your words."

Let's play with Mandela's records.

Of course, the Foundation is not so boring. Lin An carefully looked at the "human" held up by X.

He has short hair and a mustache and is handsome.

The strange thing is that this is obviously a completely unfamiliar face, but Lin An always has the illusion of déjà vu.

After thinking for a long time, he shook his head helplessly.

"I noticed nothing unusual."

"The answers have been recorded. Please don't be discouraged, sir. These tests are only used to evaluate your abilities and assign you to the most suitable department. They are not a scoring system. There is no need to care about right or wrong."

The time button on X's chest flashed, and the model held by his palms opened his legs and stood still.


Suddenly, Lin An noticed that the man's ears were flashing with fine black matter, like debris, falling down as he walked and quickly dissipating in the air, making the whole man look illusory and erratic.

Like mist.

A flash of light flashed, and Lin An recognized who the man was.

Isn't this the captain?

It turns out that your entity looks like this.

Therefore, this question is to test when the tester will discover that the captain has awakened the mystery?

Could it be that people with existing radiation levels can detect abnormalities in advance, but ordinary people who have not yet awakened cannot see it?

Lin An raised his eyebrows, this was a novel discovery.

He awakened by witnessing the [Dwarf Demon]. The mysterious pollution level was as high as 63.2%. As long as you are not blind, you can see that it is not a normal person.


Lin An's pupils narrowed.

At that time, I didn't even think about the "mysterious" thing. I thought he was just a maverick "street artist" covered in oil paint!

When the dwarf demon knocked down Lin An and came into close contact, he recognized the opponent's prototype and activated the system!

After being irradiated, he gradually explored more of the mysteries hidden in Detli City...

Lin An's mind was greatly shaken.

So ordinary people can also see mysteries, but they often subconsciously ignore the anomalies and instead use logical explanations to justify themselves?

This reminded Lin An of ancient visual models.

This model is called "cone theory" and it is believed that external light comes into contact with objects and then reflects back, providing visual information to the eyes.

But in order to determine what an object is, the eyes feed back to the brain the appearance of what they see, memory is summoned upward, and reason performs the recognition.

The brain converts things into sensible objects, which appear as images in the senses themselves, which are then converted into thoughts, which are then stored as "memories" for easy use next time.

So natural philosophers proposed that the birth of vision involves three abilities: perception, reasoning, and memory.

From the intellect at the top, through memory and reasoning, to the five senses at the bottom.

This is "visual cognition".

Philosophers believe that the eyeballs can only see colors, and that all images seen by humans are the conclusions of thoughts transformed after processing by the brain.

When we know the concept of "chair" and then see an object similar to a chair, we know that this is an indisputable fact. This conclusion is because our cognition has an intuitive understanding in advance.

Simply put, humans know what a chair looks like long before they see it.

When they finally saw the material image represented by the image, they matched their perception with it and concluded that "this is a chair."

However, although humans can easily combine known cognitions and imagine what they should look like, we cannot imagine cognitions we have never seen before.

No matter how unbridled your fantasies are, they cannot transcend the category of "known".

Therefore, if you want to know the mystery, you must rely on the "inner sense" projected by the god "Comes". The level of this inner sense is the embodied "radiation value".

Lin An didn't know the role of radiation value before. He only had 0.8% radiation value, which didn't bring much change.

This is the principle.

At the same time, Lin An also understood the purpose of the test. The foundation wanted to evaluate whether the tester had a "radiation value."

If the tester answers correctly in the early stage, it means that the person is on the verge of awakening and can be assigned to the most important place in the foundation - the "face to face" department.

Thanks to the hot stepmother for the reward, thanks to the book friend 20210423134044063 for the monthly ticket, and thanks to the book friend for the recommendation ticket ~ your support is my motivation

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