World Occult User Guide

Chapter 25 Interview at the Foundation (Part 2)

Understanding the purpose of the test question, Lin An thought for a while and still shook his head.

"Still can't tell."

"The answer has been recorded. Please do not be discouraged..."

X repeated what he just said, and the captain's model changed again.

He and Lin An looked at each other, and a layer of black mist covered his eyes, gradually spreading, engulfing the entire face, leaving only a pair of incandescent bright spots.

"This, this is!" Lin An pretended to be surprised and shouted, "Dark Watchers!"


The image of

"Is the test over?" Lin An asked.

"Yes, sir. We are about to enter the next phase, the plates are loading..."

Little did they know that the monitoring personnel backstage were stunned and looking at each other.

"Recognized directly?"

"I've warned you a long time ago, don't use the image of Captain Reagan, at least change the parameters. Now, a temporary staff has revealed the mysterious name of the straight-faced member!"

"He does not have the corresponding authority level, what should I do?"

"Since the radiation level has been generated on his body, he will join the direct-to-face department sooner or later. Now that he has met an official member of it, it is not a major leak."

"The minister means..."

"There is no need for additional tests, which are pointless except that they almost gave me a heart attack," said the Minister of Civil Affairs. "Move him to the final room."

"What should we ask him to do during the waiting time? Others haven't finished the second big question yet."

"It's just time to test the 'personality test' developed by the headquarters. This young man is a born mystic. I dare not say anything about the situation at the headquarters. At least this year, I have never seen anyone who is so in tune with 'that world'. "

The minister clenched his fists and stared at Lin An's lamp, breathing quickly.

"His answers will be valuable data for St. Annelov."


X's expression was dull, as if something was malfunctioning, and he was repeating nonsense.

Lin An's mouth twitched.

Foundation, how is your backstage?

In fact, Lin An couldn't guess the captain's mystery based on the short animation alone, but combined with the previous battle, a name surfaced.

The Dark Watcher is a mist-like shadow-like creature popular among Californians. They observe travelers along the Santa Lucia Mountains like a pair of shadows in the darkness.

If someone approaches, they disappear and reappear somewhere else.

The Dark Watch are most active at dawn and dusk, and are said to rely on the shadows of humans to teleport.

Since the topic is to evaluate the tester's radiation value and training value, Lin An doesn't want to expose the fact that he has radiation value, but he also doesn't want the foundation to think that he has no potential.

His goal was achieved. The surveillance personnel were in chaos. The minister started the "personality test" to delay time. He also zoomed in and filmed Lin An's surveillance footage and picked up the communication equipment.

"Mr. Lloyd...yes, you need to see this..."

The VR equipment was not powerful, Lin An's attention was distracted, and a gust of wind flowed through his fingers.

He froze for a moment, listening to the situation outside.

Deliberately ignoring the nonsense synthesized by AI, there seemed to be... a slight creaking sound coming from all around?

Is my chair moving?

It turned out that the initial room was just a hall. Based on the testers' results, the curtain slowly opened and the walls transformed into doors extending in all directions. Everyone was moved by chairs connected to the track to the designated new room for the next stage of testing. .


But your AI skills are really bad.

Is X still talking nonsense?

...what is it saying?

Lin An was thinking dazedly. Suddenly, the mechanical sound in his mind sounded. It was different from the gentle sound in the past. This time the system roared deafeningly.

"Wake up, wake up!"


"You were a little confused just now, so I woke you up." Seeing Lin An's reaction, the system said calmly, "It's time to answer the question."

Lin An woke up suddenly.

What X just said was a radio wave of a specific frequency. Not only that, Lin An's hands were slightly numb, and a current was passed in from the left side and then returned to the right electrode of the VR device, creating a two-pronged hypnosis.

The heavyweights are coming.

Lin An was too lazy to condemn the foundation's actions and focused on X's next question.

"This test contains 120 statements. There is no time limit for answering the questions. Please respond to all statements in order."

"Please do not use 'neutral' words. Here is a reference list, please choose the word that best represents your point of view:

Strongly Disagree: You strongly disagree that the statement is absolutely false.

Disagree: You disagree that the statement is mostly false.

Neutral: You are neutral about the statement and cannot decide whether it is true or false.

Agree: You agree that the statement is mostly true.

Strongly Agree: You strongly agree that this statement is absolutely true. "

Psychological test questions?

Lin An narrowed his eyes. His guess was indeed correct. There is a strong connection between the medium a person is attracted to and his personality.

The twelve "Comes" media represent different personalities, as well as their corresponding behaviors, stances and thoughts.

According to the moral standards of modern society, some of them are "dangerous", some are "weird", some are "harmless", and some are "correct".

Although my "knowledge seeker" is relatively neutral, there is nothing wrong with doing the questions soberly. Who knows whether this test is accurate or not.

Moreover, it would be terrible if the Foundation discovered what I had done through questioning, or jumped to the "Presiding Judge" medium that I had recently attracted.

Based on experience, the "Presiding Judge" can be considered a sociopath.

Try to put the answer closer to the "knowledge seeker". Whether it is the alchemy of Xizhou or the Taoism of the Dragon Kingdom, it is a mystery classified by the "knowledge seeker".

"When things are lost, you feel it's even sweeter. Because once you wanted something, and you got it - even though it was the only thing you really wanted - when you got it, it was in you His hands turned to dust."

“Does this statement describe how you are thinking right now?”

"Strongly disagree."

This is the Mother of Desire medium, it’s so exciting when it first comes out.

“Anything you can imagine is real.”


Visionary medium?

"You want to break the chains of mediocrity that bind you. Although your level is below average at the beginning, you believe that as long as you work hard and dare to make progress, you can cross the river gloriously."


Are diligence and hard work the medium of farming?

"In your life..."

Lin An answered half-truthfully, until X mentioned topics related to "knowledge seekers".

“When you pursue something unexpected, you are not satisfying yourself, but being surprised and confused by the behavior of other people. In order to blend in with them, and to understand how other people are different from you, you have a sense of world culture. Interested."

"Strongly agree."

“You follow and cultivate your curiosity, believing that curiosity is one of the most important characteristics of human beings. Frequently following the unknown allows you to make better decisions.”

"...Strongly agree."

Wait, is this a statement that represents the "seeker" medium?

Which medium does the previous question correspond to?

In order to prevent more mistakes, Lin An answered more and more cautiously.

Finally, a full 120 statements came to an end, and X bowed to him with a smile.

"Thank you for your answer, sir. Now please follow the instructions to take off the device, put it in the recycling bin at hand, and wait for 5 to 10 minutes. The St. Annilov Foundation is processing the results of your assessment. Good luck to you good day."

After leaving the VR field of view, you will see a brand new room.

Lin An looked around. Unlike the hall, this room was much smaller, only about 40 square meters. It was also decorated in pure white and simple style. Three walls were covered with fluorescent circuits, with patterns like blood vessels.

The wall facing Lin An was a one-way glass, and a row of prison-like bars were dimly lit in the darkness, where some kind of creature was imprisoned.

Or rather, objects.

It stood quietly in the darkness, motionless, like a still stone.

Face the mystery?

Is this the last test question?

At least I have passed the foundation's test and been assigned to the core "direct-facing" department.

In addition to Lin An, two other people moved to this room. They were still wearing VR equipment, their heads were lowered, and they were sitting on the chairs blankly.

One is a man in his thirties, and the other is a woman in her mid-twenties.

Hi teammates.

Lin An stretched out and waited for his two companions to wake up.

Backstage at the foundation, everyone looked at the data displayed on the big screen, and the minister muttered Lin An's test results.

"Nature Sacrifice 3%, Seer 5%, Lord of the Earth 8%, Visionary 12%, God of Truth 19%, Goddess of the Lamp 20%, Seeker 33%."

"Minister, how would you comment on his data?"

"It means that this 'personality test' is not accurate enough." The minister frowned, "It stands to reason that his character is full of 'benign media' and none of them poses a risk of causing social unrest, but... why is the 'Goddess with the Lamp' Is the tendency so high?”

"Is there anything special about this medium?"

"It's special because no one can detect it." The minister smiled bitterly. "Of all the mysterious persons recorded in Eagle Country, there are only three cases of suspected 'Lamp Goddess' medium, and all of them were dead when they were discovered."

"Thankfully, the 'Seeker of Knowledge' has surpassed the 'Lamp Goddess'. However, there is too little information about the 'Lamp Goddess'. Maybe the question itself is wrong." The minister shook his head, "As expected of being tied with the 'Lord of Dreams' The two most powerful media.”


The black card opened the door, someone walked in, and a rich and magnetic male voice reached everyone's ears.

"Minister, what do you want from me?"

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