World Occult User Guide

Chapter 26 Official entry

"Well, where is this..."

There was a confused grunt in his ears, and Lin An turned his head. The young woman took off her helmet, and her fluffy orange curly hair exploded, revealing a face full of freckles.

Out of the VR vision, she looked around aimlessly.

"Hi, colleague, look at me." Lin An waved, "We are assigned to the same department."

"What do you mean..." the orange-haired woman asked confused.

"My name is Lin An, nice to meet you. Someone will come out soon to answer your questions. But I can introduce you first."

Lin An walked up to the orange-haired woman openly.

"In short, a track was installed under the chair we just sat on, and we were assigned to the same room based on the results of each test question. I think it is probably because our test results are similar."

The orange-haired woman fell into silence, digesting Lin An's words, and politely extended her hand for a while.

"I'm Melissa Slane. Just call me Mishy."

During the conversation, the last tester also woke up. He took off the VR device, raised his dull face, and met the gazes of the two people. There was a glimmer of alertness in his eyes that did not match his appearance.

"You guys... okay?"

Lin An repeated the same explanation, and the man said in a deep voice: "My name is Barry Fenton, hello, Lin. Hello, Mixie."

"What a difficult interview." Lin An sighed, "How are you doing?"

"Except for the first big question, I basically didn't answer a few questions correctly..." Mi Xi said weakly.

"The difficulty of the questions is not bad."

"I think the back part is relatively easy," Barry said.

Mi Xi covered her mouth: "It's over, this isn't the room for the eliminated ones! Wow, I failed the interview again..."

Mi Xi's knowledge reserve is acceptable, but the radiation value is not high; Barry knows little about mysticism, but has accumulated some radiation value, and may awaken in the near future.

After asking about the situation of his teammates, Lin An shrugged: "It doesn't matter whether I am eliminated or eliminated. Anyway, I am a college student. If it doesn't work out, I will sign a confidentiality agreement and go back to continue studying."

"I envy you so much, Lin, for enjoying the carefree student life. I really need this job. If no company hires me anymore, I will really starve to death..." Mi Xi crossed herself on her chest, "The Savior is here Come on, why is it so hard to find a job now!"


Barry's eyes flashed, and Mi Xi's words seemed to touch him. He opened his mouth, but remained silent.


The sound of credit card swiping sounded, interrupting the chat of several people, and they looked over.

Three people in uniforms walked in outside the door. The leader wore an exquisite medal and had an extraordinary bearing.

"Congratulations on passing the front-end test. Based on the evaluation, you are very suitable to become one of us. However, you need to undergo a special test before signing a formal contract."

Mi Xi's eyes burst out with bright light, and she wanted to jump three feet high; Barry breathed a sigh of relief, with a slightly complicated expression.

"Great, I thought you were going to eliminate the three of us." Lin An imitated the two of them and said happily.

"Yes, yes, we are still guessing whether this is the room for the eliminated ones." Mi Xi answered, "No, I'm sorry, I'm so excited! Are there any other tests?"

The corner of the minister's mouth twitched and he glanced at Lin An.

How great are your test results? Why don’t you get any points?

I was so scared that I took two aspirins. You told me that you thought you would be eliminated...

After clearing his throat, the minister spoke seriously.

"When you reported, you more or less understood some of the work of St. Annilov. The organization is the protective umbrella of Eagle Country against the mysterious, and it is also the shield that protects the world order. And the three of you passed the test and were assigned to 'face to face' 'department."

"'Comes' is a planet that cannot be observed by any modern scientific equipment, but it continues to radiate from Titan, spawning all kinds of weird and mysterious powers, causing people to fall into madness, body distortion, and ultimately an extremely painful death. This is 'out of control'."

"After joining the 'Confrontation' department, there is no turning back. You are always fighting on the front line against those who abuse mysteries, so I want to confirm whether you have a strong psychological quality, the determination to sacrifice for all mankind, and the ability to walk on the front line. Courage on the brink of death.”

This is not a question, but an affirmative.

Performing every task with a fatal mentality is the basic quality of every employee in the direct-facing department.

Mishy and Barry hesitated.

The minister saw this and sighed softly.

"Do you think this is scary? I'm sorry, I have to tell you the facts in advance. Unfortunately, even if you don't have this awareness, it is certain that you will join the 'Direct Face' department."

"Why, why?" Mi Xi couldn't help but ask.

"No matter what, you have been radiated by 'Comes' and will awaken mysterious power in the near future. First of all, 'Comes' is very dangerous. If you are not guided correctly when awakening, you will die soon."

"Will he die?" Mi Xi's eyes widened.

"Yes, this is also a fact, unless -" the minister's eyes stayed on Lin An and changed the subject, "Secondly, the organization will force the uncooperative mysterious person to stay and refuse to join the direct confrontation department, I am sorry, you It is temporarily impossible to leave the facility.”

Wow, it’s such a great country.

What a simple and crude way of speaking.

Lin An looked at the two of them sideways, and they were indeed frightened.

Barry was crestfallen and said nothing; Mi Xi swallowed her saliva resignedly and stammered in response.

"So, what exactly is the special test?"

"Before entering the direct contact department, I hope you will observe the dangerous free mystic. Of course, he is not only under level one control, but has a contamination level of more than 90%, and is in a delirious dormant state, which is very safe. You just need to watch. "

The two did not dare to refuse, and the minister ordered the team members behind him to open the door on the other side.

The black card crossed the mechanism and made an unlocking sound.

The one-way glass moved to both sides, and the pale lights automatically opened, illuminating the scene inside.

It is a prison similar to a mental hospital.

The door has no handle, and the wall covering is peeling off, exposing the rough concrete skin, covered with uncomfortable scratches.

A row of incandescent lamps hung from the ceiling, illuminating the prisoners.

To be precise, it is no longer human.

Its whole body was wrapped in special material restraints, and it was tightly tied to a narrow single bed that was raised up.

The pale sheets were stained with pools of faded blood, mixed with a liquid of unknown color, which spread out like a kaleidoscope with the mysterious person at the center. It could not be wiped clean no matter how hard it was cleaned, and the air was filled with a stench that could not be eliminated with alcohol.

Fortunately, the glass door blocked the smell. Everyone looked directly at the face of the mysterious man and were stunned for a moment.

It has an old man's face that is as wrinkled as tree bark, and its head is surprisingly large and uncoordinated like a baby, which is in sharp contrast to its thin and short body.

The mysterious man's eyes were closed and his breathing was weak.

Lin An was a little shocked when he saw a mysterious person with such a high level of pollution for the first time.

In fact, this person's appearance is far from terrifying. He has seen similar monsters in movies, but they were synthesized by special effects, and they are real.

Mixie and Barry only looked at each other for a few moments before the uncanny valley effect kicked in.

They subconsciously look for more familiar things in order to maintain cognition. This is the body's self-protection mechanism.

The minister picked up the "medical record sheet" inserted in the window and introduced the person's background.

"Level Delta-005, codenamed 'Spriggan', also known as 'treasure-guarding fairy', medium is 'farming god', is a ruin guardian depicted in Cornish mythology, often appearing in ancient tombs where treasures are buried .”

Looking at the confused faces of Mi Xi and Barry, the minister added bitterly.

"Cornwall is the country of lions, and Spriggan spread to the modern eagle country. It was adapted by popular culture and local folklore, and integrated into a relatively well-known image - Krampus. Does this sound familiar? "

"The thief who appeared in 'Saturation' with too much naughtiness?" Mi Xi blurted out.

"I don't know what this is. Well, at least you have heard the name 'Krampus'." The minister raised his forehead, "Don't worry, after you complete the entry procedures, Saint Anilov will arrange some occult studies. knowledge lectures.”

"When will you arrive at work?" Barry asked.

"Now. In a moment, they will take you to the 'Personnel Center' to change the status of the black card." The minister winked at the team members, who entered a string of passwords on the tablet. "The formal contract has been sent to your mailbox."

The two looked happy and quickly took out their mobile phones to confirm.

Three seconds later, Mi Xi raised her head awkwardly.

"Um, can you let me connect to the WiFi?"


Lin An handed the phone to the clerk while continuing to observe Sprigan in the isolation room.

When he recognized the mystery, the system thrust a glowing green panel in front of his eyes.

[Name]: Spriggan, Treasure Keeper Fairy, Fairy Bodyguard

[Rating]: Ghost Story C-level

[Radiation value]: 27.5%

[Pollution level]: 92.8%

[Media]: God of Farming

Although it is a strange creature, its "rating 2" has reached C.

The older the mystery, the easier it is to be forgotten, ignored, and fabricated in the passage of time passed down by word of mouth.

The image, positioning and pronunciation of Krampus are somewhat similar to that of Spriggan, but in addition to "pranks, destroying crops, and stealing items", Spriggan has another unknown characteristic.

Although seemingly small, Spriggan is actually the ghost of a giant who served as a guardian of the fairy kingdom after death.

In order to blend into the fairy country, they usually take the form of short, harmless fairies.

When his mood strikes, Spriggan will swell to gigantic size, destroying buildings and trampling incoming enemies with the fury of the wind.

Did St. Annelov take this into consideration?

While his thoughts were swirling, Lin An suddenly noticed that Spriggen moved slightly.

His pupils shrank.

What about the "dementia hibernation" mentioned?

The next moment, the treasure-keeping fairy's eyes widened, blood gushed out, and his body was covered with bulges, which swelled up as if he was blowing air.

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