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Chapter 27 Treasure Keeper Fairy

"Crack crack!"

The restraints broke one after another.

Spriggan's body expanded without limit, as if infinite energy was injected into its thin and shriveled skin, the dirty flesh and blood squirmed, and it grew three times in size in the blink of an eye.

Green light shot out from its eyes and abdomen. Spriggen took a deep breath, stood up unsteadily, and let out an earth-shattering roar.


"Cormus" irradiated the mystics, and on them, all the rules of Titan were invalid!

There is no chemical reaction and no conservation of energy. Spriggan grows bigger in one second just because it is "born this way"!

It's not a goblin, it's the ghost of a giant!

Lin An took a step back and shouted: "Hey, Minister, your mental patient is running away!"


The ministers and clerks turned around suddenly and saw that Spriggan's huge body had filled the entire isolation room. It opened its bloody mouth, raised two giant palms half a meter wide, and slammed into Glass door.


The glass made of special material withstood the blow, shaking and causing tiny cracks to spread.


Spriggan roared to the sky, scratching his head several times with tree-root-like fingers, and two antlers burst out of his head, piercing the incandescent light on the top.

With a crackling sound, the isolation room suddenly fell into pure darkness.

Not to mention Mi Xi and Barry, the two clerks turned pale with fear. Fortunately, the minister was relatively well-informed and did not panic because of the mysterious man's changes.

Without hesitation, he pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it straight into the dark isolation room. Without stopping, he moved to one side and opened the casing of the emergency button on the wall.

A shrill siren rang throughout the building.

"Level 1 yellow alert! Level 1 yellow alert! The mysterious person [Spriggan] has escaped from the isolation room! Please ask the 'Defense Team' to go to Area E on the negative second floor for support!"

The sound of the siren made the two clerks recover from the shock. They raised their guns and pointed them in the direction of Spriggan. When one of them passed by the three people who had just joined the job, he did not forget to shout back.

"Retreat quickly! We'll hold this place!"

Mi Xi froze in fear and trembled all over. Barry was stunned in place, as if his brain hadn't turned around yet.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The banging on the door of the isolation room became more and more frequent. Lin An grabbed their arms, turned around and ran away.

After taking a few steps, there was a sound of glass shattering behind him.


Spriggan breaks through the shackles!

"Get down!" the minister roared angrily.

The broken glass splashed everywhere. Lin An pressed the two of them on their backs and crawled to the ground.

The hot wind smelling of gunpowder whizzed overhead, and the crackling sound of bullets filled the ears. The civilian personnel's guns spewed out bright and fiery tongues of flame.

The bullet dragged a long spark tail through the darkness, illuminating the grinning Spriggan.

On the floating panel data, Lin An found that its pollution level had increased by another 5%.


This mysterious man is now close to death, and is getting closer to the "treasure-guarding fairy" in the legendary story!

“Ping, ping, ping, ping—!”

Three pistols fired at the same time, the sound of gunfire was endless, and the bullets instantly shot Sprigan into sieves.


The monster trembled, but still took a step forward, stepping into the pale light of the corridor.

It was covered with deep bullet holes, but there was not a drop of blood in these wounds.

Instead, Spriggan's injury emitted a faint green light, just like its cold and cruel eyes, and its bark-like "skin" was like a layer of moist and soft mud, squirming at a speed visible to the naked eye. Repair it as good as new.

It is not only a "goblin", but also a "ghost"!

"Damn it! Damn it!" the minister yelled, "keep shooting! The defense team will be here soon!"

Spriggan turned its weird head and made a creaking sound. Its body became bigger and bigger, and it could hardly stand. It simply jumped out of the isolation room on all fours.

Everyone finally saw its complete form.

Unspeakable madness and chaos, a giant-like swollen body, and an empty belly flashing with fluorescent light, Spriggan lost all of his humanity and became an extremely filthy monster.


From its toothless mouth, vague sentences spewed out.

"Kill...everyone...I, I...want to return...witch-sama..."

A pair of irisless eyes turned left and right, firmly locking on the minister nearest to it.


The minister was frightened and angry, and pulled the trigger. Two bullets accurately shot through Sprigan's forehead, and then the barrel of his gun made a hollow sound.

He quickly threw it away and tried to replace it with a new magazine.

Spriggan was unaware of the headshot, and seemed to be aroused by the minister's struggle to get bloodthirsty excitement. He laughed loudly, and suddenly stretched out his big hand half a man's height towards the minister.

The shadow of death was close at hand. The minister inserted a new magazine and aimed at the out-of-control monster again almost desperately.

“Ping, ping, ping—!”

Weapons that usually easily take away human lives kept penetrating Spriggan's chaotic body like a joke, leaving only smoking holes that quickly squirmed and healed.

The speed of the big hand did not slow down at all, and a shadow enveloped the minister's eyes.

As long as you are pinched by it, your flesh and blood will explode instantly and you will die!

Is it my turn...

Taking a deep breath, the minister closed his eyes tightly and straightened his back, as if he was prepared to face death.

Tick ​​tock…

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

Time continued to move, but the expected pain did not come.

The minister opened his eyes in surprise, and the first thing he saw was a black feather falling from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Lin An's figure.

The young man stopped in front of the minister, and some mysterious energy overflowed from his fingertips, turning into a strange metal shield that resolutely blocked Spriggan's giant palm, preventing it from moving any further.

However, even without Lin An, the out-of-control mysterious man couldn't move a finger.

The colder energy turned into a moon sword, easily splitting Sprigan's body in two from left to back.


Like splatters of flesh and blood, a dazzling undead light burst out from the two halves of Spriggan's body.

The out-of-control mysterious person erupted with a huge amount of violent aura, spreading outward crazily, causing glass shards to fly all over the sky, and hit the wall with a "clinking" sound.

The aftermath of the stormy battle spread, causing a brief earthquake.

The whole space shook violently, and everyone who was unable to stand fell to the ground.

Lin An was half kneeling on the ground, making an umbrella shape with one hand to block the strong wind, and stared at the man holding the sword.


Spriggan's body collapsed to both sides, turning into a layer of boneless skin like slime, flowing all over the ground, leaving room for the people floating in the air behind it.

He looked to be a teenager of fifteen or sixteen years old, with curly dark brown hair, fair complexion, and handsome appearance. His silver eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life, looking blankly ahead, and his thick eyelashes cast unpredictable shadows.

The young man has a pair of dark silver, almost black wings, and the feathers tremble in the wind.


No, fallen angel?

The young man's eyes collided with Lin An's, which contained both tolerant compassion and ruthless indifference.

"Da da da."

Footsteps came from another room, and a team of people wearing uniforms similar to those of the Caroline quartet rushed over. They were the "defense team" mentioned in the alarm.

Seeing this situation, they were stunned for a moment, nodded politely to the young man, and spontaneously picked up the mess.

"That person is your future captain, Simon Lloyd." The minister put his arm on Lin An's shoulder, "Lin An, if you remember correctly?"

"it's me."

After watching the young man's back disappear at the end of the corridor, Lin An pulled up the fallen minister.

"The energy just now is probably...Lin, do you feel like you have awakened a superpower?"


The minister dusted himself off, gave some instructions to the people around him, and turned back to Lin An.

"Leave this to the professionals. Let's move to a safe place first. Please follow me, Lin."

He gestured to Mishy and Barry.

"Same for you."


The eggshell with strange patterns cracked, and a vivid rabbit popped out from it.

Putting his slender fingers on its pink nose, the surrounding scene was distorted, and inscription-like patterns climbed up the rabbit's cheeks like ants.

The rabbit's blood-red eyes were numb and unconscious.

"Go and answer your master, egg-laying rabbit."

A soft and hoarse voice sounded. It twitched its nose a few times and jumped away from here.

"Hiss, hiss..."

A creature as big as an African python hung from the ceiling and wrapped around the woman's hard wrist. It was completely coal-black, with gleaming veins on its scales, and looked extraordinary.

But the weird thing is that this snake has the head of a rooster.

The forked tongue stuck out of the bird's beak, trembling slightly, making people feel unspeakably disgusting.

"Basilica, my dear, are you in a hurry? Be patient and calm down. Of course, we can rescue our companions by cooperating with the rumored Miss Esther, but don't forget my real goal."

"Hiss, hiss..." The basilisk made a harmonious sound of unknown meaning.

The woman giggled and kissed its cheek, her eyes filled with desire.

"Yes, this is very dangerous. But she provided a rare opportunity, so why should I waste it?"

The basilisk struggled to speak broken words.

"Witch...sir...I am go through fire and water...for you."

"So good."

The woman caressed its cheek tenderly.

"After we come to an agreement, of course you can go for me, Basilica. Just remember to be careful. I heard that the Moon Angel has returned to Ditri City. If he goes crazy, he will kill his parents without sacrificing his parents. .”

"Hiss, hiss..."

The sound of spitting the letter echoed in the dark night.

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