World Occult User Guide

Chapter 28 Let’s talk about compensation

"Alas, civil servants are worthless!"

The minister drank ice water and swallowed a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

An hour had passed since Sprigan lost control, and the group was led by the minister through the corridors of St. Annelov.

Unlike the slightly retro exterior architectural style, the interior of the facility is highly modern.

Get on the elevator and go to the third floor, where you will see the offices of the clerks.

Unlike an office building in the traditional sense, this place has a wide view, ample floor heating, and beautiful music.

Each employee has an independent "pod" space of about 5 square meters, which serves as a private office. It is transparent on all sides and has good lighting.

Some people are raising flowers, fish, and hamsters inside.

The surrounding corridors are paved with curved glass panels, and ample light shines in from the courtyard, where lush fruit trees, olive trees, birches and other local trees are planted. The central pavilion is coated with sun protection material, and the words "Fitness Center" can be faintly seen .

If they want privacy, employees can close the automatic curtains. When Lin An passed by those cubicles, he could only hear the faint sound of typing coming from inside.

According to the clerk's introduction, St. Annelov has four floors. The first floor is the service hall, the second floor is the logistics department, the third floor is the clerical department, and the fourth floor is the comprehensive area.

The healing center, reception room, and president's office are all on the fourth floor. On the surface, it is a spa and meditation base, and it even still serves some wealthy clients.

The deep underground is where the secrets of this facility are hidden.

Judging from the runaway alarm, there were at least two basement levels.

Across the office is the restaurant, entertainment room and juice bar on the third floor. The alarm made it temporarily empty. The clerk told Lin An that unlimited free food and drinks were provided, and they could also play pool, poker and throw darts in the evening.

Not to mention the "nature of work" in St. Annilov, this kind of office environment is definitely the dream of working people.

Everywhere is the crystallization of the wisdom of technology and industrialization.

Hearing the minister's complaint, Lin An, who was reading the paper contract, raised his head.

"If the death rate wasn't a bit high, most of the people in Eagle Country would love to become civil servants here."

"Five insurances and three housing funds...monthly salary of 10,000 yuan...talent placement fee...50,000?!"

Before he finished speaking, Mi Xi jumped up in the other chair, her hands holding the phone trembling slightly.

"Do I deserve this, this treatment?!"

"There is a bonus of 2,000 knives for completing each task..." Barry muttered, "Sign... Where should I sign?"

Even though they had just experienced a thrilling battle, the moment the two saw the contract, they immediately put the danger behind them.

For nothing else.

They gave so much!

The minister was not surprised by this. Except for a few difficult guys, most people would choose to join without hesitation the moment they saw the St. Annilov contract.

Not to mention signing several confidentiality agreements, they want to keep their positions at all costs.

most of the people……

He glanced at Lin An and took a deep breath.

"After signing, we will arrange a comprehensive physical examination soon. If the process goes well, you can go home at night to handle personal matters and say goodbye to relatives and friends."

The minister's serious voice shocked the two of them, and Mi Xi and Barry nodded quickly.

"Because, when you report next week, once you get the black card of 'directly facing the department', it is best not to leave this facility unless there are special circumstances."

The two of them had just picked up the electronic pen to sign when Lin An suddenly spoke.

"Wait, Minister."

"Any questions?" The minister had an ominous premonition.

"On the day of the interview, we suffered a life-or-death attack, which was caused by improper management of the organization. This makes me feel unsure. Are you usually like this?"

"Of course not. This loss of control was purely accidental. To tell you the truth, sir, there have only been three similar incidents in St. Annelov in history. They were all handled within 2 minutes and never caused any casualties."

"Then if you die today, wouldn't you be able to set a record?"


The minister's forehead veins popped out, and he tried hard to suppress the twitching of his face.

"As to the cause of this loss of control, the research department is already investigating. The results will be available within a week to ensure that it will not happen again."

"I believe in St. Anilov's ability to do things." Lin An turned the pen, "But he was attacked just after joining the job, which left an indelible psychological shadow on my young mind."

The minister stared intently at Lin An, who was carelessly playing with the antique pens collected by the minister.

The other two people also reacted, put down their electronic pens, and silently stood on the same front as Lin An.

After a while, the minister sighed heavily.

"Sorry, I didn't think carefully. Due to our mistakes, you experienced a danger, and we are willing to make compensation." He gritted his teeth and said, "What can we do?"

Damn it, if you weren't a mysterious person, I would throw you out of the window right now!

"I want cash," Barry said.

"I want to choose something from the point system of the direct-facing department." Lin An said.

"No problem, Mr. Barry. In addition to the talent placement fee of 50,000 U.S. dollars, we will give you another 80,000 U.S. dollars in compensation. This money will be sent to the branch nearest you in 3 to 5 working days. Please Or family members can use vouchers in exchange.”

"I, I want a raise!" Mi Xi said.

"I want to choose something from the points system." Lin An said.

"Ms. Melissa, of course it's possible. Later, the backend will send a new contract to your email and the salary will be raised to 12,000 dollars a month. What do you think?"

"Let me buy it for zero yuan!" Lin An said persistently.

The minister cleared his throat, maintaining his calm high-level image.

"Mr. Lin, later we will select an item that will satisfy you as much as possible based on your authority level."

"No, I want to go to the warehouse in person."

"You haven't unlocked the corresponding permissions yet."

"As far as I know, St. Annilov is an institution that specifically serves mystics. The highest authority is the president, and the second is the direct contact department. The treatment is much better than that of civilian employees. Isn't that right, minister?"

The minister clasped his hands tightly, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to help but take out his pistol, aim it at Lin An and empty the magazine.

"We are looking forward to new companions joining. However, this is now, and it will be in the future. Before you become a formal employee, I am sorry, Lin, that I cannot do this."

"Is it a mandatory requirement to join the In-Confrontation Division, Mystics?"


"Where will all the mystics serving at St. Annelov be placed?"

"That's right."

Lin An leaned back in his chair and said with a half-smile, "Then, tell me if I am a mysterious person."

Since he took the initiative to bring up the topic, the minister took the opportunity and asked the question.

"I would like to ask, Lin, what was your state of mind when you blocked the attack? At that moment, did you feel any strong emotions such as anger, fear, disgust, etc.?"

" seems to be true."

"Oh, what's the emotion?"

"I'm very worried about you." Lin An blinked sincerely.

The old minister blushed, coughed reservedly, and continued to ask: "You mean, you activated the mysterious energy out of 'protection'? Do you remember what kind of power it is? Can you briefly describe its possible function?"

Lin An fell into memories.

The crazy treasure-keeping fairy roared and grabbed the minister with its giant mountain-like hands.

"The system detects the method of 'providing defense' from the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Creates Life."

"Three solutions that meet the conditions were found——"

"Which consumes the least amount of media?"

"Do you want to consume the media 'God of Truth x1', 'Seeker' x1, and 'Lord of the Earth' x1 to use [Summon Primary Amulet]?"


Mysterious energy burst through the air, and a rectangular barrier made of iron and gold appeared in front of Lin An, with the words "Araba Omel alifal Cuttar uden et amoen Trol Coblamot Fasteanus" written on it.

The inscription, handed down from antiquity, contains undecipherable twisted Latin words and is said to protect against assassination and most physical harm.

The word amulet comes from the Latin amuletum, which translates as "means of defense" and is a protective spell used to ward off bad luck, accidents, disease, and the legendary evil eye.

In Western alchemy, shaped gemstones, iron, gold, and copper all have talismanic properties. Alchemists inscribe on the surface incantations or prayers, as well as the names of gods and angels, asking them to protect themselves with benevolent power.

In the culture of the Dragon Kingdom, amulets are usually made of a string of copper coins that absorb the spiritual energy of heaven, earth, and people. The supplicant becomes the five ancient emperors and chants "I have the imperial edict of the Supreme Lord." Consecrate it, or use peach wood and peach stone instead.

The primary amulet collided with Spriggan's giant palm, making a muffled sound and sound waves spreading.

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

The prompt sounded, and Lin An saw through the chaotic amulet the moment when Spriggen was split in half by a long sword.

Every time he used the mysterious technique, Lin An could only feel some special energy falling from the sky, accompanied by some vague hallucinations, achieving the described effect.

As the radiation value reached the integer of 1%, he gradually saw the "entity" of energy clearly, and the "image" transformed by the mysterious power became increasingly clear.

Concealing the secret of alchemy, Lin An told this experience with half-truths and embellished details. The minister burst into tears and couldn't help but hold Lin An's hand.

"I didn't expect you to be willing to stand up for a stranger. You knew you were invincible, but you still had to stick to your heart and face the terrifying out-of-control mysterious being alone. Lin, I haven't seen you look like this in many years. A noble and brave young man.”

The minister wiped away tears and was deeply moved.

"It is precisely because the long history of history gave birth to such great devotees that human civilization can move towards glory!"

"Minister, you've given me an award."

"I want to publicize this glorious deed to all of St. Annilov, letting them know that the latest member of the institution is a noble man who sacrifices himself for others!"

Lin An also shook the minister's hand, and the two looked at each other.

"Dear Minister."

"What's the matter, dear Lin?"

"I want to choose something from the points system."


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