World Occult User Guide

Chapter 125 Lively gathering

The smoke blows to the west, granting you the purification of floating mist.

Lin An stared at the pipe in his hand and silently recited the hymn he had heard.

The moose passed by.

But in this situation, Lin An couldn't call it for help, so he silently watched the smoke sway upward until it dissipated.

Why are moose in San Francisco?

Does its special path have something to do with the Thunderbird?

Speaking of which, when she met a beaver before, Sister Shuzi also mentioned that it was "on its way."

Could their unified destination be the headquarters of the St. Annilov Foundation?

The energy fluctuations in the distance stopped. Lin An raised his head and found that the deacon had withdrawn from the "Presiding Judge" domain, and all the kaleidoscope-like angels of various colors had disappeared.

Simon put away the holy sword and touched the injured and bleeding place with a healing spell.

Since there was no conflict of interest, the two parties let it go.

Lin An used the airflow technique to lift off all the car parts and got up from the ground. Mi Xi and Barry realized that Lin An had saved them, and cast a grateful look at him and stood up with support.

"Didi didi."

The man pressed the "white dove" to his ear, and news came from there that the research department at the headquarters had received the [Thunderbird] sent by the Dawn Association.

The deacon's expression suddenly changed unpredictably. After a while, he sighed and walked straight to the car parked in the emergency lane.

"I'm sorry for attacking you. Just discuss the next steps with them."

The deacon got into the car and left in a hurry, and some members of the inspection team walked out from the front and back.

The Knights and Dawn Association who were following behind them pushed through the crowd, surrounded a few people before them, checked the group's injuries, and asked them with concern whether they needed to go to the hospital.

After Simon's treatment and Lin An's air flow protection, the four of them were basically unscathed. After politely rejecting his proposal, the knight nodded to them and negotiated with the members of the inspection team on behalf of the Dawn Association.

Listening to their conversation, since the Dawn Association had successfully delivered the [Thunderbird] to the headquarters through deception, the inspection team had no choice but to give up the obstruction.

As for Lin An's team, both the Dawn Association and the inspection team hope that they will return to Ditli City immediately and not stay near the headquarters for too long.

"I still don't know why one of you wants to prevent [Thunderbird] from returning to the Foundation at any cost, and one of you has to transport it there no matter what." Lin An asked the knight, "Is it just a political means, or is it something else? Do you have an explanation?"

"In any case, this has nothing to do with you." The knight replied with a smile, "Get in my car and go to the international airport. The Dawn Association has booked a flight for you back to Ditri City in the evening."

From a safety perspective, this is not a waste of time.

If there is any turmoil in the headquarters next, a few people can at least stay away from the dispute and save their lives.

But Lin An didn't want it to end there.

"I have to stay because I applied for training at the headquarters to become the team leader of the direct-to-face department." Lin An waved his hand and refused. "If the application is approved in the future, wouldn't I have to rush back from Ditli City again?"

"The air tickets can be reimbursed." The knight persuaded him kindly, "I don't plan to stay at the headquarters anytime soon. Are you sure you want to do this? Join the Trojan War?"

The "Trojan Horse" mentioned by the Emotional Knight was to warn Lin An of approaching danger, but unexpectedly it aroused his curiosity.

Lin An will not give up easily until he gets a definite answer.

What's more, the last ingredient of the Philosopher's Stone has not been found.

"Thanks to the Dawn Association for the arrangement, but I can't get away for the time being." Simon continued, "The Emmanuel Branch President gave me some tasks that use the headquarters database."

"Ah, let's stay together!" Mi Xi said quickly, "A team must be organized!"

"Excuse me, please send us the flight itinerary." Barry said, "Mixi, I advise you to come with me, otherwise not only will you be in danger, but you may also hinder other people."

Mi Xi remembered how powerless she was during the battle and had to rely on the protection of Lin An and Simon. She lowered her head in despair and acquiesced to Barry's statement. Lin An patted her on the shoulder.

"See you in Dietrich."

"I need special training during this period!" Mi Xi clenched her fists, "When you come back, I will definitely become a super fairy! BABA up, down, left, right, left, right! A better and more powerful Melissa!"

Her spirited performance slightly relieved the tense atmosphere. Although he still couldn't understand, Simon's lips raised a long-lost smile and made a praying gesture.

"Hope you all have a good trip."

In this way, Mi Xi and Barry got on the Dawn Association's car together, while Simon negotiated with the inspection team, and the latter got permission and agreed to their ride.

Putting aside the differences arising from the Thunderbirds, the inspection team and the Foundation are one and the same and have a working relationship.

For example, the first member of the inspection team that Lin An met was Leon, the captain of the four-person team. Although he worked in the inspection team, he was on the front line every time he performed the foundation's mission.

Looking at the scene outside the window and retreating, Lin An still couldn't believe that things ended so easily.

Of course, there is the Dawn Association and the Xizhou forces behind them, as well as the support of the government, but Lin An always feels that everything is not over yet.

Feeling the surveillance eyes of the members of the inspection team, Lin An twisted his neck uncomfortably and asked Simon.

"Captain, what mission has our president assigned you?"

Simon was silent.

"Am I not authorized to know?"

"No, it's not. This is closely related to the safety of our team and the entire city of Ditry." Simon half-squinted his eyes, and his thick eyelashes cast shadows on his silver eyes. "The president asked me to get some of the 'Goddess of the Lantern' research material."

"The Lady with the Lamp?"

"Yes, he suspects that the [ghost] of Alpha-002 is most likely the first 'Goddess with the Lamp' medium mystic to be witnessed in the world."

Then you guessed wrong. At least Ghost Unit-1 is a "knowledge seeker".

It’s hard to say whether the second-generation guy who used my name and killed people everywhere was the “Goddess with the Lamp”.

Lin An was thinking and said: "What's special about this medium? Although it is recorded in one of the twelve divine mediums, it is also called the two most powerful, unknown and dangerous mediums together with the 'Lord of Dreams'. But I have never met an awakened mystic."

Not to mention "Lamp Lady", he only got one of this medium from Zomo Rabbit.

Beyond that, everything about Him is a mystery.

"I'm not sure." Simon subconsciously made a gesture of taking out a cigarette, but took out nothing. "Research on the 'Lamp Goddess' has always been top secret. I heard that they are related to the nature of 'Comes'... …No, it’s nothing.”


Seeing that Simon's words were vague, Lin An vaguely passed him by.

I don't know if he didn't want to tell Lin An, or if he didn't want to be heard by the inspection team.

Let’s ask more carefully when we return to Detli City.

It was getting late, and the car was leaving the bustling area of ​​San Francisco. The street lights were getting fewer and fewer, and the surrounding area was quiet, except for the sound of the waves.

Until a moment, a sudden light illuminated the carriage.

Lin An looked outside, expecting to see a high-power lamp or flare, but the light only came from a distance, everywhere, and the source could not be found.

Deep in the light is a strange tower rising from the ground.

Everything is smooth as a mirror.

It is located in the center of a pool. The entire building complex is huge and white, firmly occupying the entire artificial island. Its outline presents a rising rhombus, enveloped by a layer of floating, bubble-like light, like layers of light. Magic barrier.

In the bubbles, he vaguely saw fruit-like circular room designs, as well as branch-like corridors, intertwined in an orderly arrangement.

The isolated island is covered with green grass and intertwined natural trees, blocking some of the fascinating magic of the tower.

From a distance, it looks like a silver apple tree sitting on the earth and lake.

Lin An blinked and realized that this layer of "bubbles" was the vision given to him by "Comes" and was not a physical thing.

Is this the headquarters of St. Annelov?

Indescribably magnificent.

Suddenly, the surrounding light sources were suddenly cut off again.

It turns out that the car entered a narrow, empty and uninhabited tunnel, and they need to reach the distant tower on the island from underwater.

In the silence, Lin An suddenly felt that the pipe on his chest was getting hot again, and he immediately lit the licorice. The pleasant smell of the herb slowly swam in the pungent car perfume and floated to the east.

The smoke blows eastward, granting you the wisdom of the dawning star.

Sister Shuzi?

Two local gods appeared near the headquarters of the St. Annilov Foundation at the same time. Together with the Thunderbird inside, there were a total of three source-level mystics.

It must not be an accident.

"Lin, do you actually smoke?" Simon glanced at the pipe in Lin An's hand.

"It's just a tourist souvenir from Cannese." Lin An took a deep breath of tobacco. "I can't stand the smell of artificial perfume. I'm about to have an asthma attack."

The members of the inspection team in the front seat snorted coldly, thinking that he was just looking for trouble.

After prevaricating the secret of the pipe, Lin An watched the smoke drifting away. He thought it was another chance encounter. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the sound of yellow sand and the rumble of wheels on the ground echoed in his heart. Two become one.

"We meet again, boy."

The God of Farming has the power of spiritual communication. Lin An adapted to its communication method and slowly mobilized his thoughts.

"Tent guard, are you here to save Brother Lei Zi?"

"Brother Lei Zi?...You mean 'Eagle Spreading Wings'? It has never been trapped by anything." Beaver said, "We don't need to help it, but we gather together and use the loudspeaker as high as the sky to tell those people Those of you who still have faith, 'the Holy Spirit is calling you.'"

It turns out that Thunderbird’s real name is Eagle Spreading Wings.

Lin An captured the key words in Beaver’s words.


"The haze of war obscures the blue sky, and the dirty stars no longer shine. Use their debris to wash away the sand of the sun, and let the light of guidance return to the earth." The beaver spoke enigmatic words in a gravelly tone, "You should run away."

"Are you finally ready to launch a general attack on the Foundation?"

"Animals that live with humans will tell you that for thousands of years they have watched them destroy nature, destroy the Holy Spirit, and ultimately lead to self-destruction by different paths." The rustling went away, "Listen, we are still willing to answer your call .”

Less than ten seconds after Beaver finished speaking, Lin An's pupils shrank as he heard the rumble of the earth shaking from the underground of the tunnel.

Has the war that Sister Shuzi just mentioned started now?

Thanks to Fu Yun, Liming Zheng, and Tea_TI for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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