World Occult User Guide

Chapter 126 Advance bravely


A violent impact came from the wall above, followed by a collapse of the tunnel.

"What's going on?" members of the inspection team exclaimed.

Simon frowned, and the weapon in his hand was looming. Lin An thought for a moment and closed his eyes.

"System, turn on the mind-clearing mode."

He broke away from the material world in an instant. When he looked up, he felt as if he was in a non-stop meteor shower.

The entire visible darkness above is filled with lines of light that look like stars flying by. They represent countless mystics dancing in the water of the artificial lake.

The sky-like view becomes magnificent and fantastic, with countless light spots ringing the Milky Way silvery at both ends, and some light spots are surrounded by colorful star belts.

Immediately afterwards, a large irregular beam of light as big as a house bombarded in the direction of Lin An. He watched helplessly as the big, glowing thing expanded and grew in size before his eyes.


It was too late, but soon, Lin An opened his eyes suddenly.

The road ahead was broken, and the lake water surrounding the isolated island of the Foundation poured in.

He had just seen so many mysterious people, and each of them exuded the aura of madness, restlessness, and wanton behavior. They were all obviously highly polluted people.

I wipe...

He suddenly understood the general ins and outs.

The headquarters facilities are out of control!

That's right, the headquarters of the St. Annilov Foundation actually staged a riot in front of him!

Nearly a hundred Mystics escaped out of control in Detli City alone. How terrifying would it be for the headquarters to lose control at this level!

Fortunately, the headquarters is on an isolated island, and these monsters have not broken into human society for the time being.

He said that such incidents were rare... Lin An was unable to complain.

The members of the inspection team kept dialing the communication equipment, but the answer they received was a cold and continuous "Contact Busy" message, and no color drained from everyone's face.


The pressure on the damaged gap suddenly increased and collapsed completely. The surging lake water rushed in, washing away the car, and easily lifted the several-ton metal shell in the blink of an eye.

Simon kicked open the closed car door, pulled Lin An and rushed out.

Several members of the inspection team also reacted and quickly got out of the car. With energy surging, they aimed at the gap in the wall and rushed upward, disappearing without a trace.

"Wait, help, help!"

The remaining members of the inspection team panicked and quickly grabbed Simon and Lin An who had not yet left.

"Only the inspection team has the password to open the door! At this time, the headquarters should activate the 'Wailing Wall'. If you want to take refuge in the facility, you must use the black card authority!"

The inspection team is composed of two departments of the foundation, one is direct contact, and the other is research. The former is a mysterious person, while the latter is an ordinary person, and each has its own work.

When faced with a crisis, the two departments staged a good show of taking off when disaster strikes, demonstrating the clichéd evil of human nature.

"'Wailing Wall'?" Lin An asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry about it." Simon did not explain. "The isolation room is built on the bottom floor of the headquarters. When an out-of-control incident occurs, there is no need for keys and black cards. The door leading to the 'Kingdom' will probably be full of holes. We entered the facility from underwater. .”

The implication of his words turned the inspection team's fear into despair, and they turned to praying to Lin An with sad eyes, treating him as the last straw.

Lin An also wanted to ask what the kingdom was, but the rapidly rising lake water flooded his chest.

Simon flapped his beautiful black wings, with a faint light lingering, and plunged into the hole that was widened by the collapse; Lin An used his wand to roll up the airflow, and took himself and the rest of the inspection team into the water.

The deep sapphire continuously stirred the flow in the water. According to Lin An's consciousness, he lifted up his body, broke through the collapsed underwater waterway, and swam into the artificial lake outside the isolated island of the Foundation.

After his eyesight recovered, Lin An vaguely understood the meaning of "Wailing Wall".

The setting sun that had just dyed the sky a brilliant purple disappeared, and no matter where you went, there was only a deep darkness in the water, like a vast and dangerous ocean.

The headquarters activated the self-protection switch, and a special high wall was raised on the outer wall of the foundation, sealing the facilities, island and artificial lake in a black oval, isolating them from the world.

The wall is made of special materials and cannot be broken through in a short time.

These mysterious beings themselves are also relatively crazy and aimless. After escaping, they don’t know where to go, so they destroy and kill everywhere according to the nature of the mysterious prototype.

The mysterious man who was rarely awake rushed straight to the wall in an attempt to escape from the foundation. The waves of battle came. The headquarters' direct-facing department also had a defense team, and they immediately began to control them in a new round, or kill them directly.

Despite the response measures taken, the Foundation is still somewhat overwhelmed.

All the people who were out of control were wandering in the narrow space at the moment. Just within Lin An's sight, dozens of strange and mysterious people passed by.

Their mysterious prototypes are related to the ocean. They follow their hearts and dive into the water. They are either the size of a whale, or as big as a gecko or a large lizard. Some are more like sharks, and some are more like semi-human beings.

The light weakened, and even the monster closest to Lin An could only see a vague outline. Its body was slender and twisted, with a row of thorns on its back. It looked like a piece of wood sunk at the bottom of the water.

Blood spread from its fangs, and Lin An recognized that it was chewing on a member of the inspection team who had just escaped. It swallowed so fast that only half of the body was left in the blink of an eye.

Feeling the strange movement of the water flow, the monster noticed Lin An.


Its tail swept across the seafloor, causing a violent vibration.

The strange appearance and bright scales reminded Lin An of the folk customs of the islands below Zhongzhou. On second thought, this looked a bit like the aquatic monster recorded in the poetry of Maori civilization.

There was too little information, and he hadn't guessed the person's prototype yet, so Simon grabbed a weapon and killed it.

The long sword stirred up the water, pierced the stunned monster's eyes hard, and penetrated its head from the wound.

Blue blood with a strong fishy smell was sprinkled into the lake water, creating a burst of dirty and sticky foam. The monster twisted around wildly in pain, temporarily losing its vision and thoughts of counterattack.

Simon waved to Lin An to follow him, and then swam in a certain direction at full speed.

He was quite familiar with the structure of the foundation. In less than a minute, a dark shadow appeared in front of Lin An.

This is not a monster, but a facility beneath the Foundation.

Moon Angel swam faster and faster, as if flying in the lake, unknowingly leaving Lin An far behind.

Lin An also wanted to speed up, but his vision went dark, and he felt an urgent desire to breathe.

The oxygen is running out.

Looking left and right, there was no mysterious person looking around. Lin An switched to the healing gem, the air flow technique lost its effect, and the rushing water dispersed the members of the inspection team.

After regaining his physical condition, Lin An cut back the blue gems and retrieved those people one by one.

Due to the excessive pressure and extreme lack of oxygen, they lost consciousness and drifted along the current in a daze.


When the last person was recovered, an accident occurred. Tentacles that looked like an octopus stretched out from the sand and rolled up the hind legs of a member of the inspection team. The man was already blue in the face and unconscious.

Lin An used the air flow technique to pull, but could not get him out. He glanced at the captain who was walking away, and thoughts flashed across his mind.

"Brother Tongzi, understand what I mean."

"Do you want to consume the media "Presiding Judge" x3, "Mother of Desire" x2, and use Nazheqin's ability [You Should Be Punished]?" the system said knowingly.

"Let me see how 'Judge' it is!"

To deal with the legendary mystic, Lin An did not need to go to great lengths and waste Hittite rituals.

He has seen the effect of "The Commandments of Mount Sinai", which can formulate a property protection law that is consistent with the "Mishnah" and is closely related to concepts such as prohibition and protection.

But Guy's mysterious technique that injured Lin An twice was not so gentle. Whether it was creating wooden spikes out of thin air to penetrate his abdomen, or hanging his neck with a gallows, it was probably from "Er's Punishment".

It is a pure killing method.

The four-dimensional space emerged, and the virtual five-pointed stars formed the ground. Lines surrounded Lin An and the dragged member of the inspection team, only breaking at the octopus's tentacles.

A line of Hebrew emerged.

"You Rodeff, why don't you stop now!"

A pursuer is a person who attempts to murder another person, and according to the law of the Mishnah, any bystander is obliged to kill such a person immediately if they refuse to desist despite being warned.

The next moment, the energy turned into dozens of spears and plunged into the squirming water plants.

A large number of gurgling bubbles and abnormal currents surged out of the sand, the scarlet color spread out, and the greasy internal organs "squeaked" from the inside, floating together with the bubbles, and the tenacious tentacle also hung down.

"The entry "Fear and Faith Drowning in the Ocean V-Luska" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Lord of the Earth' x3, 'God of Truth' x1, and 'Natural Sacrifice' x1."

"Your questions and practices about the effects of occult magic attracted the medium 'Seeker' x1."

Lusca is a monster born from the fear of blue holes near the Bahamas. It has the head of a shark and the lower limbs of an octopus. It is the most troublesome collection of elements for sailors in the Caribbean.

Some believe the legendary St. Augustine monster is the rotting lower half of Luska, while others believe the body belongs to an even more unknown sea monster.

George Eberhart, for example, made a different proposal for the St. Augustine monster in Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology.

"It is a ball-shaped lobster, a huge, smelly sea creature with no apparent skeletal structure, its ivory, rubbery, sticky, extremely tough skin covered with fine hairs or fibers; no defined head, Or visible eyes.”

Whether it is Luska or spherical lobster, they all originate from human beings' fear of the deep sea and the records of the "Comuth" sea monster that actually existed in the past.

The long-lost prompt sounded, and the panel flashed by, belonging to the Kaitan E-class.

However, Lin An saw the keyword "tentacle" underneath the entry.

This mystery will be played later.

Dragging a group of fainted members of the inspection team upstream, Lin An, led by Simon, followed the damaged wall hole and entered a water-filled, mostly submerged isolation room corridor. There was still a little space left. Take a deep breath.


Simon used his long sword to open the locked door in front, and the emergency staircase came into view.

The two of them half swam and half walked along the stairs for a few minutes, and finally returned to the foundation facility that had not yet entered the water, and stood on dry land to rest for a while.

"This is the 'Kingdom'." Simon gasped and said to Lin An, "The basement at the bottom of the foundation."

Thanks to Book Friends 20191214192233556, Big Pig Head, Book Friends 20211115145552200, Men grow up in their thirties, Sunset AA, and yianyuanshen’s monthly tickets. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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