World Occult User Guide

Chapter 127 Kingdom

Looking around, Lin An was in a dim, huge circular metal space.

It is like a temple of technology, with grid-like wires forming a giant chessboard. The power supply has been cut off at this moment, leaving only green emergency light sources leaking from holes everywhere.

The soles of his feet were paved with floors made of similar nanomaterials, which weakly reflected the dim light.

A series of surveillance probes are faintly visible on the ceiling. They once captured every moment in the hall in all directions and without blind spots. Due to the loss of power supply, they languished at the same position as before.

Lin An was not the only visitor in this empty hall. Shadows swayed in the darkness, and weird sounds continued. They belonged to those out-of-control mysterious people who had escaped from the isolation room but had not gone far.

As long as they kept a distance, they had no desire to attack. Lin An and Simon hid in the corner and took a rest.

Simon's energy has a certain waterproof effect. After getting out of the predicament, he immediately used communication equipment to contact the headquarters.

Unfortunately, no matter what line, there is a busy signal. Not only a single contact, it seems that the internal connection of the entire headquarters has been deliberately cut off, and personnel cannot communicate with each other.

In the midst of all the chaos, this is the worst possible news!

I have no idea what is going on at the headquarters.

There were no familiar Foundation members nearby, only the out-of-control mysterious beings running around like madmen in the darkness, making incomprehensible words and making it difficult to get close.

The "companions" who stayed awake could only barely count the few members of the inspection team who were rescued by Lin An.

"Cough cough cough..."

They were thrown heavily to the ground by Lin An. The pressure caused them to spurt water from their lungs and pour in oxygen. They gradually regained consciousness and couldn't help but cough.

"You saved them." Simon glanced at the inspection team who had survived the disaster, with a dark luster flashing in his eyes. "That's good, they can act as guides, and maybe they can also open the door to the 'Priest' floor." Door."

"What are you doing there?" Lin An asked as he wrung out the water from his clothes.

Now it was almost clear to him that the architectural structure of the foundation headquarters was based on the "Tree of Life", and the basement at the bottom was the "Kingdom" area, Malkut.

Then the first floor is the "base", the Yesod Sephiroth, which is the lobby and front desk just like the ordinary branch.

The Tree of Life has a total of ten sephiroths, which constitute the ten main facilities of the Foundation. The four square sephiroths above, Hod of Power, Netzach of Victory, Chesed of Compassion and Gevurah of Power, should correspond to the four major departments respectively.

Logistics, clerical, research and direct.

Their center is Tiferet, the beautiful spirituality, which is about the public area of ​​the four departments.

Further up is the realm of Atziluth on the Tree of Life. There are three kinds of material points, showing a triangular structure, namely understanding Binah and wisdom Chochmah.

That is probably the office of the president of the foundation and the leader of the inspection team.

The highest meeting room of the high-rise is on the "Queen" floor, which is the Tarot name for the wisdom path that links these two Sephiroths.

As for the crown Keter Sephiroth above, I don’t know what it is...

These points are linked by floors, and some secondary functional rooms are built inside, such as offices, conference rooms, entertainment rooms, tea rooms, etc.

Originally, there were thirty-two paths of wisdom in the Tree of Life, but St. Anilov adopted a more modern, Intalo-simplified twenty-two Kabbalah paths, which are closely related to the Biblical code and also correspond to the 22 Hebrew paths. language letters.

Among these twenty-two letters, three are vowels (vowel letters), seven monosyllabic letters and twelve two-syllable letters, which can represent any basic element that makes up all things.

I don’t know what the special significance of this architectural structure that pays tribute to the Tree of Life is, or it is just the crazy obsession of the founder of the first generation foundation for mysticism.

After all, there was no "Comuth" radiation at that time.

According to the structure of the Tree of Life, the "Priest" floor Simon mentioned goes directly to the "wisdom" area where the leader of the inspection team is located. Not surprisingly, it is the base camp of the inspection team.

"These mysterious beings did not get out of control for no reason." Simon's voice was filled with anger. "The Foundation cannot let them out, and the same is true for the Dawn Association. Only the losing party in the struggle wants to fight and save the situation at any cost. .”

"You mean, seeing that they were about to be replaced by the Dawn Association, the inspection team actually opened the door of the isolation room and allowed the imprisoned mystics to cause chaos in the headquarters, causing chaos and making a last-ditch effort?"

Lin An's mouth twitched.

Regardless of whether the goal can be successfully achieved in the end, it will cause immeasurable losses to the foundation.

Regardless of human, financial or credibility.

Has the Canaan family given up the struggle?

There is obviously the shadow of the Xizhou forces behind the Dawn Association, so the family wants to destroy the foundation to prevent the emergence of a mystical organization in the Eagle Kingdom that breaks away from control and falls into the arms of other families.

In this case, why did they support Saint Annelov in the first place?

Lin An always felt that there was an unsolvable mystery in his mind, and then heard the captain continue.

"No one with a conscience can do such a thing, but I can't think of any other reason." Simon frowned, "No matter what, we have to leave here and find other people to join us."

The two turned to the members of the inspection team who slowly got up. They had recovered some strength and finally escaped from the deep fear of being infinitely close to death.

Except for one coma who was seriously injured and unconscious, the other three people solemnly walked up to Lin An, excitedly said words of gratitude, and eagerly wanted to hug him and kiss him.

Lin An stepped back repeatedly, indicating that they should not take it to heart.

For him, it only takes a few extra seconds to pick up a few people, which is not as long as watching a video and waiting for an advertisement.

His humble behavior fell in the eyes of the inspection team and aroused their growing respect.

"Mr. Lin, Our Lady bless you! Even though you had some minor frictions with our organization, you still saved our lives in times of crisis! For a moment, I thought I was dead!"

"You treat us so well!"

"If I am lucky enough to survive after this crisis, I will definitely find an opportunity to repay your life-saving grace! You are the 'white dove' that the foundation needs most!"

"Okay, okay, just replace that broken perfume in your car from now on." Lin An waved his hand.

Simon from the side intervened: "Sorry, gentlemen, interrupt. Time is urgent. We have to leave here as soon as possible and join other foundation members."

"Mr. Lloyd." A member of the inspection team quickly continued, "Please forgive me for accidentally overhearing what you said. In fact, the inspection team really doesn't know about the riot that happened today, at least we don't know about it."

"We are very familiar with the 'Kingdom' area, and we also know where the only exit is after the emergency blockade. I will take you out of this place."

"There must be other Foundation members in the 'Foundation' area!"

"Thank you, sorry for the trouble." Simon said.

Lin An noticed that the captain was a little depressed, touched his arm, and said in a low voice: "Captain, do you not want me to save them?"

"No, I'm very glad that you saved them. I refused to take these people with me at that time, purely because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to protect you, Lin. Compared to witnessing their death, I least want to see you die in my arms." Simon Smiling bitterly, "I never want to hold my friend's body again."

If Lin An only had Qi Flow Technique, and he brought this group of people with him, he would really be unable to do anything in the water.

Moreover, they avoided powerful mystics along the way, which can be regarded as the blessing of the god of luck.

Putting aside these floating factors, in Simon's opinion, because rescuing the inspection team may lead to Lin An's death, he would rather let them fend for themselves.

After suddenly figuring out the logic of the captain's actions, Lin An suddenly felt flustered.

He has always regarded the captain as an NPC who protects, thugs and guides. Suddenly he heard the other party reveal his true feelings and call himself a "friend", which made him quite at a loss.

Quickly diverting his attention, Lin An glanced at the inspection team members who were bandaging their fallen comrades, and his thoughts continued.

His purpose is actually very simple.

For Lin An, Titan is like a flower field.

Human beings are seeds that contain an infinite future, and the spiritual medium of "Comes" is the flowers bloomed by their behavior, personality and cognition. He sometimes picks some fascinating flowers, but also tries his best to preserve the seeds full of growth. .

Within the scope of his ability, he is not only unwilling to harm ordinary people, but also helps them conveniently.

Because they are the reserve army of future mystics.

As for emotions, morality, identity and grievances, they rarely appear in Lin An's mind.

But he knows that in order to integrate into society, it is necessary to analyze these concepts, so he will also imitate corresponding behaviors. Lin An once studied a lot of folklore, history and mythology, just to investigate the thinking patterns of different regions and ethnic groups.


The last member of the inspection team was rescued by others, and he was grateful to Lin An with snot and tears, but the latter only focused on Simon's back.

If I remember correctly, the definition of a friend is...

Lin An suddenly had an impulse. He really wanted to tell the truth to the captain, but memories of the past emerged, and the strange looks from his peers in his youth flashed through his mind.

He swallowed his words and remained silent.

I'm afraid the captain won't be able to accept it.

The only person who understood him was his mother, but that person...

After a short rest, the group picked up the wounded and set off, with Simon leading the way, Lin An behind, and the inspection team being protected in the middle, and they carefully passed through the "Kingdom" area where the demons were dancing.

They did not alert the wandering mysterious people, and came to the edge of the wall. The inspection team stepped forward and tried the buttons, then inserted the black card into the emergency card slot, muttering to themselves.

"The control system at the headquarters... seems to be paralyzed."

"Damn, what happened!"

"Are you leaving from here?" Simon motioned for them to retreat. "It seems that we can only use brute force."

"Don't bother, sir. If we lose energy, the 'Kingdom' area has not been completely blocked. We can return to the 'Basic' area from the normal exit, which is faster."


Following the guidance of the inspection team, the group continued to avoid wandering out-of-control mysterious beings and walked through the intricate terrain in the "Kingdom" area. They passed by damaged isolation rooms and observation rooms, and occasionally saw some incapable of action. The mysterious person, and the corpse that was completely festered and changed beyond recognition.

Suddenly, energy fluctuations came from a distance, and the wind mixed with the smell of blood blew up Lin An's soaked clothes, bringing with it a biting chill, and the sound of "ta da da da" footsteps continued one after another.

There are people fighting ahead.

With the faint emergency light, he could barely make out that it was a group of people wearing Foundation uniforms.

Is it the defense team from the headquarters?

Thank you for the rhythm of life, Ye Shishan, The Hungry Sword, elona, ​​Lying and Talking, Book Friends 20190921160605169, Book Friends 20221219213003270, Charlin, Bamboo Leaf Sticks, The Cat in Fish Alley Has Not Returned, Book Friends 20210710213959239, Ginger Boy, Lord of the Ark , The Last Drop of Rain on the Tower, President of the Fragment Protection Association, Fan, Tokyo Gentleman Story, Bai Mo_LIB Master, Silent Narrator, Strange 0 Luli, Pan-fried Silver Cod, Book Friends 20201224125419804, Cute New Driver, User Name Display Monthly tickets for Error, Tsubotami Hyou, Ayanokouji Rise, An Yanxing Xiongzhi, Yamazato Little Family, and Kari Yuki. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is here, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! And celebrate the upcoming National Day!

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