World Occult User Guide

Chapter 128 Basics

After entering the facility for so long, I finally met a Foundation member who I could communicate with.

As soon as Lin An and Simon approached the battlefield, they discovered that two out-of-control mystics were unilaterally chasing and killing a member of the Foundation's defense team. The latter was scarred and fled desperately.

The direct-face department usually operates in teams of four.

The hands and mouths of the two mysterious men were covered with blood and minced meat, silently proving the whereabouts of his other three teammates.


Simon took action decisively, and the long sword stained with the breath of the moon flew out and immediately penetrated one of the out-of-control mysterious people.

Lin An quickly rolled up the air flow technique in cooperation and smashed it against the ceiling, turning it into an inhuman-shaped meat pie.

The system beep sounded in my mind.

"The entry "Taming the Goblin IV - Banshee of the Wasteland" has been included. You have obtained the media 'Natural Sacrifice' x3 and 'God of Farming' x2."

Oh, that counts.

Lin An had just tried to steal the captain's head to see if the mysterious person killed by the wand could be turned into an entry, but he didn't expect that it was actually what he wanted.

The other mysterious person felt as if he was struck by lightning when he saw this. He was stunned for a while, then turned around and ran away.

Simon quickly lifted up the defense team who fell on the ground, touched his wounds with healing energy, and spoke gently.

"How is the situation at headquarters?"

"They're all dead... terrible..." The man slumped in Simon's arms, covering his face and trembling as he said, "The energy at the headquarters has been cut off, and there's X... an unknown fault, and there are only a few dozen minutes left before paralysis."


Lin An muttered the name of the artificial intelligence AI. Ever since he entered the foundation, it has been everywhere in San Annilov.

Even the "White Dove" system has its shadow.

This artificial intelligence is also a supercomputer at the foundation headquarters. It calculates tens of millions of information from all over the country every second and is one of the basic technologies for maintaining the foundation.

Although it is difficult to cut off the energy, it can be turned on again, or emergency reserves can be activated. However, once X is scrapped, not to mention the headquarters, the entire Eagle Country Foundation branch will be affected!

Is the inspection team so cruel?

Where is your "human supremacy" reflected?

"It's over, it's over now..." the defense team sobbed and cried, "This is the end of the St. Annilov Foundation!"

Simon's face turned pale and his expression was solemn.

If the news cannot be delivered to various branches in time, not only the foundation headquarters, but also the St. Annilov Foundation in each state will experience varying degrees of out-of-control incidents!

The higher-ranking member of the inspection team pondered for a long time, suddenly turned pale, and whispered to the two of them.

"I probably know what's going on. Most of X's patented technology belongs to the Wood Group. They claimed a few days ago that if they don't stop research on [Thunderbird], they will terminate their cooperation with the foundation. Now I'm afraid that X will collapse It has something to do with this..."

"You mean, the inspection team immediately pulled the plug on X when they discovered Thunderbird entered?" Lin An repeated expressionlessly.

"Well, it must be more than simple...but in terms of results, it is."

You can't just say "pull it out".

So damn indifferent.

This was what Lin An and Simon thought of at the same time. The latter gritted his teeth and made his last effort.

"Before X collapses, using emergency energy to send warnings to branches across the country should be able to minimize losses. I wonder if the headquarters has such equipment."

"Yes! Of course there is." The inspection team rushed to say for fear of being offended, "I remember there are two stations in total, located in the offices of the president and the inspection team leader. 'Smart' zone."

"Is there also the president's office? Then he should have started summons," Lin An said.


When the unconscious defensive team member heard the keyword, he suddenly jumped three feet high and interrupted the conversation with a sharp voice.

"We can't find the president! The higher-ups can't get through at all!"

"make life difficult for?"

"On one side is the white mist. No matter who it is, they will be knocked unconscious as soon as they get in; on the other side is the yellow sand. As long as they step within the range, they will fall in immediately and their life or death will be unknown!" The man scratched his head and was confused. Said, "It's over, completely over!"

After hearing the description, Lin An's mouth twitched.

Isn’t this Brother Luzi and Sister Shuzi? What are the two of them doing?

He once rescued the little dog tooth, and he was very familiar with the local gods, but Lin An did not forget that they were at the same source level as him.

If you really want to show off your power, the danger is immeasurable.

The same was true for Thunderbird back then. It was never unable to defeat the Foundation, but rather avoided disputes and unilaterally maintained the fragile peace between the two.

"We can't stay in the dark 'Kingdom' and wait for death. Inspection team, let's take this person to the 'Basic' area hall first."

"Okay, Mr. Lloyd."

The higher-ranking inspector led the way, and the rest of the defense team members who were mentally disturbed formed a phalanx to avoid the out-of-control mysterious person wandering in the dark and get closer to the destination.

Following the guidance of the inspection team, the group came to an upward passage.

The outer wall of the passage is made of glass. In the middle is a giant elevator that can accommodate nearly a hundred people. On both sides are a winding staircase and a transport conveyor belt, which are mixed together like the spiral structure of DNA.

The entrance was occupied by a large LED screen. I don't know what was playing normally, but it was now stained with dark red blood, and the light source was cut off, leaving only darkness.

"This is the ladder to the world."

The members of the inspection team skillfully operated the mechanism button at the entrance. Fortunately, the collapse of

Climbing up the stairs to the first floor, the greenish darkness faded away, and brighter light entered the pupils.

Lin An's eyes suddenly became clear.

The smokeless flame lights up, illuminating the flexible and tense streamlined glass curtain wall of the hall. The light jumps and shines, releasing more warm light and dispelling the cold atmosphere from the lake and the ground.

Taking a closer look, this is not a light.

Not far away stood a tall, luminous man, which was in sharp contrast to the surrounding darkness, making his outline more prominent, like a bright star.

This man was over two meters tall. His entire face was smooth except for his beard, with no extra hair. His eyes were as bright as coal. I don't know if it was because of the light, but his whole body looked slightly red.

He was surrounded by a group of Foundation members, like satellites attracted by gravity.

It turns out that the mysterious person also has a lighting function...

The pollution level of this mysterious person is about 40%. Lin An can tell that he is probably a legendary jinni, called jinni in English and jinnī in Arabic.

Zhenni are creatures that live on Titan but are invisible to humans. They can assume various forms and exercise extraordinary powers.

Some people also translate them as "elves". Due to name collisions from time to time, Zhenni is still chosen as the translation name most of the time.

In the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula, belief in Zhenni was widespread in every household, and people believed that Zhenni could inspire emotions in the soul.

According to the Sulla, they are essentially creatures of smokeless fire. Just as humans are made of clay, the Zhenni are natural spirits made of fire.

The most widely circulated are the Zhenni in popular culture, who are trapped in bottles or lamps and can release smoke to grant the wishes of the person who rubs the lamp.

It is the prototype of the djinn in "Aladdin".

There are many kinds of Zhenni, which are closely related to stars, seasons and days of the week. Lin An couldn't pinpoint the specific name for a while.

As soon as Zhenni and the foundation employees saw them, energy emerged around them, and they could even feel the substantial hot temperature coming from Zhenni's body.

After finally leaving the hellish "Kingdom" area, Simon didn't want to continue the meaningless fight, so he quickly raised his hands to show weakness.

The other party stopped attacking and motioned for him to take out his employee card to prove his identity.

The cold-toned light verified each other's identities. Both parties breathed a sigh of relief in unison, gathered together, and explained the situation in a few words.

This Zhenni is one of the captains of the headquarters' punishment team.

About an hour ago, he was still handling affairs in the area directly facing the department. Suddenly, all the equipment made a long "sting" sound like applause. He quickly tried to contact other people, but X's words were suddenly blurred, and the communication equipment seemed to be short-circuited. Can't seem to activate.

Two minutes later, Zhenni, who joined the team members, found that the natural light outside the window had disappeared.

Then they discovered that the legendary "Wailing Wall" had been activated. The wall rising from the periphery of the artificial lake turned into an oval-shaped barrier that blocked out the sky and the sun, cutting off the headquarters facilities from the outside world.

After another 5 minutes, the entire facility fell into a power outage state where energy was cut off. All the once advanced electronic equipment stopped working. Only some key centers were still holding on to prevent them from falling into despair.

However, greater terror followed.

Nearly a thousand mysterious beings controlled in the "Kingdom" isolation room lost control. They swarmed out and destroyed the Foundation's facilities. Some of the more cruel ones even took the initiative to kill all living people they saw.

All members of the direct-facing departments came out in force, whether they were punishment, control or defense teams, they were all turned into cleaning machines. They could no longer care about research value or humanitarian concerns, and fought with these out-of-control guys to prevent the losses they caused from further expansion. .

It's a pity that even if the impenetrable "wailing wall" is set up early, there are still many mystics in the "visionary" medium who ignore the space and escape, and they are probably not running around in San Francisco at the moment.

For San Francisco, this was destined to be a night shrouded in blood and screams.

"Ordinary people go over there, and those who can fight should follow me." Zhen Niyan ordered concisely, "We have opened a safe area on the 'Tower' floor, and the surviving members of the other three departments are all in that place. Take refuge.”

The inspection team nodded and separated the defense team from the two of them.

Zhenni stretched out his shiny and thick fingers and waved them in front of Lin An and Simon, looking at them very impolitely, his hairless brow muscles crinkling.

"If I read correctly, you are Simon Lloyd, right?"


"I don't like to stay with the 'Lord of Dreams' because I feel so scared." Zhenni waved his hand, "Anyway, one person can ensure my own safety. Why don't you act alone? Do you understand?"

Simon was silent for a while and nodded.

"Lin, you follow them; I'll go somewhere else."

The pair of dark silver-gray wings fluttered a few times, running counter to the bright light and disappearing into the dark end.

Lin An, who was watching, was shocked.

Even though the stars of "Comes" overlap, boring discrimination has not disappeared. Class, gender, origin, and blood are now being bullied by the media in different ways!

"Young man, I am the medium of the 'Lord of the Earth'. How about you introduce yourself too?"

Zhenni put his big hands on Lin An's shoulders, and the hot flames burned so brightly that he almost burned his skin.

The black-haired young man turned his head, and Zhenni saw an indescribable smile. His outstanding temperament and amazing charm firmly captured his attention.

"Hello, I am the 'Flying Pasta' medium."


"We, Feitian Spaghetti, can also protect ourselves, so we won't bother you all to huddle together to keep warm!"

Lin An used the heat to dry out the moisture in his clothes. The wand whipped up an insidious airflow and violently knocked Zhenni's huge body to the ground. He flew up and kicked him in the vital door.


The sound of breaking eggs sounded, and Lin An quickly slipped away in the opposite direction like an elegant figure skater.

"Son of a bitch! The Lord of Dreams really doesn't have any good things!"

Behind him came Zhenni's roar and the excited shouts of other team members.

Lin An did not go after Simon impulsively. Just now he felt the pipe on his chest getting hot again.

He prefers to act alone than being a captain.

The number of out-of-control mystics in the "Basic" area decreased. Some of them stayed in the "Kingdom" area, and some ran out of the water and acted randomly outside the foundation facilities.

Lin An really wanted to include a few entries, but he never saw anyone.

Due to time constraints, he gave up the idea of ​​searching and hid in a hidden corner.

After confirming that Zhenni had not caught up with him regardless of the situation, Lin An took a deep breath, raised his hands and shouted loudly.


As the words fell, an eastern star rose slowly above the hall that had lost its light source, its slightly goose-yellow light weakened by the distance; at the same time, white mist filled the air, and its noble and majestic outline emerged.

Its eyes are as distant and deep as the stars at night, and its fur is as illusive and soft as the morning mist.

The purifying wind blew the colorful feathers of the antlers, and the slender hooves stepped on the hard metal floor of the foundation. The moose and Lin An looked at each other.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the whining wind turned into a hymn.

"You sing and send messages, you walk with a sacred ring. Biped, I come from all sides and watch you."

Thanks to Guixu Zhe, Luka, Ultimate Water Monster, Qing Xiao, Chao Minngling, Zongzhou, Nirvana of Gods, and Book Friends 20230622162425093 for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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