World Occult User Guide

Chapter 138 Changeling

"You got the medium 'Judge' x5, 'Seeker' x3, 'War Emperor' x2, 'God of Farming' x1."

"Through the use of mysticism, the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value increased by 0.4%."

Lin An breathed a sigh of relief after listening to the broadcast.

The wand's gems were still in effect on the deacons and could not be switched to airflow, healing, and illusion spells. Lin An had to consume excess medium and use additional mysterious spells.

Joshua's rating was higher than Lin An's, so he couldn't be included in the system. However, fortunately, he got some media and the most important seeker.

So far, all tasks for this time backtracking have been completed.

In order to rule out unexpected situations, Lin An decided to wait for the system to report the deaths of the three deacons before letting Moose send him back to the original timeline.

Lin An looked around. Due to Joshua's random presses before his death, mosaics appeared frequently on the LED display, and the mechanisms hidden in the double-layer material gradually appeared.

This is the master control room of the highest level of "wisdom", and it is also an excellent area for killing people and silencing them.

Even so, Lin An couldn't just walk out like that. Although the main control room was empty, it didn't mean there were no employees elsewhere in the "smart" area.

Even with the blessing of the "God of Truth", if an event that is too inconsistent happens rashly, the time fragments may collapse or not develop according to the original path.

But Lin An was prepared. He walked to the body and put his hand on Joshua's shoulder.

"System, use [Fairy Kidnapping] from "Tame the Goblin III: Phantom"."

This is a mysterious technique that consumes 2 'Gods of Farming' and 1 'Natural Sacrifice'. It allows Lin An to copy the appearance and characteristics of an individual. As long as he is not recognized by the people around him, he can continue to disguise himself.

Phantoms are also called changelings and changelings.

In Western folklore, fairies or elves often secretly replace human babies with a disguised baby and carry the latter into their fantasy kingdom.

The origin of the phantom period originated from the medieval belief that babies were easily possessed by demons. In the "Medieval Chronicle" written by Cogsher Ralph, it was clearly stated that fairies would abduct unbaptized children.

In order to prevent humans from discovering it, when fairies steal babies, they usually leave behind a fake changeling, which looks exactly like the baby, but is an out-and-out fairy.

The eidolon usually has deformities, disabilities, or intellectual disabilities that get worse as they grow older, and disappear when they are abandoned by their parents.

There are also legends that fairies will abduct young boys and girls and change into their appearance to walk covertly in human society.

Phantoms really entered mainstream culture during the Victorian era.

Folklorist Charlotte Keel believes that as modern industrial advances swept across the Lion Country countryside, the Victorians revived their belief in fairies as a form of rebellion against the world's disappointments and as a repurchase of the spiritual fantasies of the past. pursuit and remembrance.

"Isis Unveiled" claims that this obsession with fairies is a typical modernist obsession, involving Westerners' fear of things outside their own culture.

All in all, for theosophists and theosophists, fairies provided imaginative interpretations of the soul, representing the bond that connected nature to humanity that had not been broken by industrialization.

Feeling the energy covering his whole body, like a thin layer of new skin that could be broken by blows, Lin An couldn't help but touch his face with his hands.

Deep outlines replaced the original facial features. Looking forward, he reflected Joshua's appearance on the computer screen.

In the real world, this disguise is easily recognized, but with the blessing of the "God of Truth", Lin An only needs to play Joshua and get through the next two days without incident.

Lin An picked up the dead body, stuffed Joshua under the chair, and sat on the comfortable chair.

The blood beads slid down the waterproof layer, revealing the complicated hidden keyboard.

In addition, Joshua's desk is lined with monitors, projectors, and numerous, gleaming aperture buttons.

The flow of electronic light is like stars very close at hand, and the intensity of the cold tones is almost dazzling.

"Brother Tongzi, you are also a system anyway. Can you hack into the operating system of the St. Annilov Foundation and get me operating instructions?"

"I am not the system, but the [Mysterious Encyclopedia]." The system replied ruthlessly.

"Can't you try harder? It's just that you can't record the source A-level, but you can't even operate a supercomputer to help." Lin An just joked a few words to ease the mood in his heart, "It's useless."

"Source B-class is very strong, but you are too reckless." The system's tone was a little helpless, "It has only been 3 months since I opened my eyes, and you have already killed the St. Annilov Foundation headquarters, and Source A-class confrontation. If we stay in Deitli City..."

"It's obscene, isn't it? Do you want to have a farming career with me?"


"Are you kidding me? It only takes ten years for the 'Comes' radiation to be fully discharged. Now maybe there are only seven or eight or nine years left. Every day is a countdown to the disappearance of mysticism!"

"That said..." The system wanted to persuade him a few more words.

"Why does a subconscious mind always like to contradict my thinking?"

The system is silent.

Lin An didn't want to talk to it anymore. The higher the pollution level of this piece of shit, the less connected it was with him.

"Beep beep beep!"

A loud prompt sounded, and Lin An saw a button flashing violently.

A few lines of code flashed through his mind, and he quickly entered it into the keyboard connected to the buttons, and then tentatively pressed the Enter key. After testing it about three times, a ticking pattern appeared in the aperture.

The face of a Foundation employee appears on the display screen.

He first said hello to Lin An, then began to report on the work situation in the office below, and finally explained his purpose.

It turns out that according to the schedule, Joshua should get off work at this time.

The working hours of the inspection team are not very humane.

"No, I still have things to do tonight." Lin An imitated Joshua's tone and accent and said, "You did a good job, go and rest first. I have the help of robots and artificial intelligence here. good."

"Team Leader Joshua, we are deeply touched by your enthusiasm." The employee quickly volunteered, "If you want to work overtime, we will work overtime with you. Excuse me, is there anything we can do to help?"

Let me go, where did the King of Involution come from?

It's not that this employee is too diligent. The inspection team has just been established and Joshua is appointed by the president. These employees dare not leave their posts easily for fear of losing their jobs.

Lin An didn't want to be disturbed by him, so he pushed and pushed with the staff for a long time. Seeing the hesitation on his face, Lin An found a step, thought for a moment, put his hands together, and showed an elegant smile.

"My instructions are, please enjoy your rest time, even if you see other people busy working."


The employee felt that it was time to be persuaded by his boss and politely replied with a few thanks and compliments. He bid farewell to Lin An, who followed suit and cut off contact.

Without the blessing of X, the foundation's electronic technology is not complicated, and some basic execution commands are easy for Lin An.

After all, he is also an amateur programmer who finished writing the Yggdrasil Forum code with Sasaki.

After dealing with the employees in the "smart" area, Lin An turned his attention to the monitoring screen and entered a line of instructions. It zoomed in on the details of each area.

The "wisdom" area is two overlapping circular pyramids. The three internal floors from top to bottom are the dark and simple corridors and rooms where Lin An first arrived, the rotunda where the deacons rest, and the unique Joshua's master control room.

There are two floors outside. The bottom is parallel to the rotunda. Dozens of employees are walking around inside, packing things. The upper floor is parallel to the control room, where various standby robots are placed. Sucking, it seems to be charging.

The buttons to operate them were also in the control room, but Lin An didn't want to try it easily. There was no need to mess up the rare time to explore the headquarters just to open the Gundam.

He is at the top of the empty "wisdom" area, where many secrets of the St. Annilov Foundation will be revealed!

Combining memories and observations, Lin An was thinking while exploring the files in the control room.

Although he got the opportunity to use the control room, he found that many confidential documents in the system were electronically locked, which kept Lin An stumped on the first password.

It is unknown what password Joshua would have set for these files.

During the exploration, Lin An also left his seat and walked around the control room to see if he could find clues about the password like an escape room game.

The LED screen does not directly cover the floor and walls. It is separated from the actual space by a layer of special transparent material. It only uses the depth of field to create the illusion of being close at hand.

Unfortunately, Lin An didn't find any hints related to numbers, but he found a few keys while rummaging through the boxes.

He tried his best and was finally lucky enough to open a locked cabinet in the control room, which contained many useful paper documents.

In addition, because Joshua had just arrived, the control room did not store much top-secret information about the St. Annilov Foundation, and the cloud required password permissions, so Lin An couldn't access it.

His biggest gain was getting some information brought from aristocratic families by Joshua himself.

Although most of them have several combination locks.

Lin An didn't dare to type in the password blindly, for fear that too many mistakes would trigger an alarm from the system, so he had to carefully search for and store information with low confidentiality.

After a whole night, he collected all the electronic data in the control room without passwords and integrated them together.

Using fragmented information, Lin An pieced together the truth about Joshua, the inspection team, and the Foundation's rules of conduct.

"We are not alone."

The first sentence at the beginning of the file aroused Lin An's interest.

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