First of all, "Comes" is a celestial body in a different dimension from Titan. It cannot be captured by Titan's technology and is suspected to exist in another dimension outside the current universe.

According to Joshua's records, "Comoth" comes from a complete galaxy that orbits a star with huge energy and mass.

"Cormus" is the outermost planet of the galaxy, similar to the "Neptune" of the solar system.

About 4,500 years ago, for unknown reasons, a chakra opened two unrelated dimensional channels.

The chakra is the node of the vibrational energy matrix. The energy flow of the celestial body comes in and out from there and is connected to the reality of other dimensions. As a result, Commerce in the vast universe is suddenly connected to the coordinates of Titan.

Whenever Commerce's orbit around the giant star reaches a designated location, the connecting channel will cause the galaxy to spill gas and light, affecting Titan, which is suspected to be in a parallel dimension.

This kind of revolution has a certain periodicity. There is no detailed record in the information that Lin An found, but the high probability is not once every 4,000 years as the system claims, but a shorter time, with a suspected interval of about 1,000 years.

Echoing Mrs. Ava’s previous mention of “not that long.”

Neptune's revolution year is 164.8 Titan years. If "Kemmers" completes one revolution in 4000 years, it is difficult to imagine how huge the galaxy it is located will look like.

However, I'm not sure whether the time in that universe passes at the same speed as here...

When the star track of Komus reaches a specific position, the chakra located between the two dimensions will be activated, creating a flow of energy that spreads in both directions, allowing the energy of the celestial body over there to pour in.

No one knows the location of the passage, and its function is also very unstable. Except for the initial full opening, the last two times are all semi-opening and closing states, so that the time for the Titans to master the mystery is fleeting.

This chakra also has the characteristics of a two-way magnetic field, and Titan can also affect Commerce with gravity.

In the latter two times, because there were very few awakened mystics, and there were only a handful of divine mediums and radiation sources, the attraction of Titan to Commerce weakened, and the channel was quickly closed.

In other words, every time the revolution reaches a specific position, the energy of Komus will spread to Titan, but the unknown node that maintains the channel between the two is sometimes strong and weak. It only appeared 4,500 years ago and today and spread to the whole world. Total radiation that affects everyone.

When the other two star trajectories overlapped, only some people awakened to the mystery, and the effect of the mystery was weak, the method was cumbersome, and the effect lasted very short.

The more mystics awaken, the greater the channel opens, and the stronger the emanation of Komus.

This is Lin An's understanding of this concept.

When more and more people awaken to the mysteries, increase their radiation values, and use mystical techniques, the greater the mass and gravity of Titan, the stronger the magnetic field of the node chakra, causing more of the energy flow of Comuth to flow into Titan. stars, forming an infinite loop.

In Joshua's record, the spillover of energy flow will lead to an increase in the "upper limit" of radiation values.

No wonder he firmly believes that in 2036, human radiation will not exceed a certain threshold.

It turns out that not only was Commerce's star trajectory not in the optimal position at that time, Titan's chakras had not yet been fully opened, and Commerce's energy flow was not large and pure enough.

No matter how talented the mysterious person is, he is still limited to certain indicators.

Lin An thought of a more down-to-earth word.

This is probably what is called "the road to immortality is cut off".

The radiation value in each time period has an upper limit.

This upper limit will gradually increase with the gravity of Titan, the magnetic field of the chakras, and the opening of channels.

When the time comes to 2038, the star orbits are approaching and the channels are expanding. Not only the number of awakenings has increased, but the radiation value of the mysterious people Lin An encountered has also increased significantly.

But they are still suppressed at a certain critical point.

Even though Mrs. Ava, who claims to have played with energy in clapping and unfortunately awakened a mysterious ghost story, her radiation value has not reached 100%.

After roughly grasping the concepts of Comoth, two-way channels of dimensions, and energy flow, Lin An finally understood the approach of the leader of the inspection team.

Under the management of Joshua, the Foundation strictly controls the birth of mystics, and regularly "cleans out" awakened mystics, formulates wanted lists, creates different positions, and allows official and liberal mystics to consume each other.

In this way, even if Komus lets the energy flow spread to the whole world as it has for more than 4,000 years, Joshua can try to suppress the channel to an acceptable level.

The patchwork of information shows that about two years later, in the middle of 2038, where Lin An lives, a disaster is about to strike.

The cause of the "disaster" classified.

Lin An could not open any files recording it, and could only read ordinary information related to it, trying to find the truth with difficulty.

The illusion that Brother Luzi and Sister Shuzi showed him should be this disaster. After returning to reality, he might as well ask them indirectly.

In short, the "disaster" is related to Comuth's chakra.

The reason why Joshua uses all means to suppress the mystics and the number of people who know Komos is because this can effectively contain the upper limit of the radiation value and minimize the harm and casualties caused by the "disaster".

Even if the star orbits of Commerce and Titan are in the optimal overlapping position in five years, the upper limit of the radiation value will not reach 100% or even lower due to the limitation of energy flow.

Although changes in the unknown node will eventually spread radiation all over the world, the best result of the Joshua Project is that 70% of people do not know that they have awakened to the mystery, and the star orbit of Comoth has moved away from Titan.

The old order survived.

In order to achieve his goal, Joshua did not mind affecting civilians who had never broken the law.

In his opinion, if 1 million people must be killed to reduce the expansion of chakra, then he will not hesitate to execute this group of people to at least protect the remaining 320 million people.

"This is all about saving the future of humanity."

Joshua's bloody determination was displayed in front of Lin An through the flickering electronic screen.

"My fight is not really because I desire power and money, or because I want to be the uncrowned king of the Eagle Kingdom, or because I want people to give me a great title in the history books, but because I want to reach a higher good - no matter the cost. "

Lin An had no intention of criticizing Joshua's behavior, but as he read it, he thought of another organization.

Dawn Association.

They are ready to popularize Comoth's concept to every household in Eagle Country, and even want to develop a formal, legal, and streamlined education and welfare system.

Under the management model of Dawn Association, the era when mastering mystery becomes daily life is coming.

If Joshua is trying to suppress the expansion of the dimensional channel, the Dawn Association obviously wants to open up the chakras of Titan and Commerce as much as possible and increase the upper limit of the radiation value without limit until the value reaches a level they are satisfied with.

What do you want to do?

Although Joshua's ideas and methods were a bit "Spartan", at least Lin An could barely understand his logic.

Compared to him, the true purpose of the Dawn Association is shrouded in a thicker layer of fog.

Thinking of ancient myths, the corners of Lin An's mouth twitched.

Gravity, magnetic field, chakra...the power of faith?

The Dawn Association shouldn't be trying to "create gods".

Hopefully I'm overthinking this, otherwise maybe it would be better to have Joshua in charge of Eagle Country's official Mystics Society.

At least that Spartan fanatic cares about the survival of humanity in a twisted way...

Like the three major factions in Detli City, both the Inspectorate Group and the Dawn Association are competitions, each with its own agenda.

Alas, after coming and killing everyone, it is unrealistic to resurrect Joshua.

Putting aside the gloomy speculation, Lin An sorted out the remaining information.

He really wanted to know how the "chakra" was opened.

Titan has existed for hundreds of millions of years. Why wasn't it connected to Commerce's dimension in ancient times?

Just around 5,000 years after the development of human civilization, a channel connecting the two dimensions suddenly and inexplicably appeared?

A more bold guess is that intelligent beings from ancient times were also projected by Komus, but because the civilization and records were completely destroyed, no evidence was left.

Long-standing doubts were answered, but Lin An had more lingering thoughts.

Why can only humans be radiated by Chromos?

Why do animals and plants have no effect?

Why do different people attract different "spiritual media" and sources of radiation, generate different types of concepts, and thus be able to harness these energy flows in different ways?

And, why is the spiritual medium closely related to personality, thoughts and behaviors?

Lin An's question was not answered in Joshua's open information. He only found a very vague page of correspondence records.

The ornate cursive script is completely different from Joshua’s own handwriting.

"This planet has given birth to an advanced civilization, and its inhabitants are products of independent and parallel evolution."

"More than four thousand years ago, the 'Comes' side took the initiative to create a two-way chakra, maybe to get in touch with another civilization in the solar system, maybe...however..."

"No, dear Jordan, according to the existing theoretical system, we can only accept... We have a lot of information, and there are still many questions that remain unresolved about Comoth's laws and cognition..."

After a few strokes, the letter came to an abrupt end.

Lin An held the paper up to the light and saw the signature that had been deliberately erased.

——Your cousin, Neely.

Is she a member of the Canaanite family?

Remembering her name, Lin An pushed all the files to one side of the desktop.

"Comes" is suspected to be a masterpiece of alien civilization...

Lin An couldn't calm down for a long time. He raised his head and looked at the image of the church that was gradually collapsing, digesting the new information.

Although he was shocked, he was not surprised.

Since ancient times, occult science has been inseparable from "celestial bodies", "UFOs" and "Extraterrestrial".

Concepts such as heaven, pure land of bliss, immortal world, and six realms of heaven all indicate that the realm of gods exists in the universe outside the atmosphere.

It is only in the past that astrological, philosophical and theological explanations dominated, and they were too abstract and difficult to understand. Only in modern times have scientific methods become more acceptable to the public.

As the first sentence of the public paper released by the space agency - "We are not alone in the universe."

The root cause of the mystery coming true is due to the changes in the star orbit of a certain celestial body. Lin An has long emphasized the importance of astronomy.

Taking a deep breath, his mood gradually calmed down.

What an incredible fact.

Continuing to look through the information, there is no information worth paying attention to. It is basically related to operation, and there is no mention of how to reduce the pollution of the "knowledge seeker" medium.

Considering that most mystics keep the pollution value around 30%, Lin An believes that the system is still very safe.

Moreover, his body and mind were not affected.

It was already 10 o'clock in the morning. After two more days, Lin An would be able to have a perfect ending and return to reality.

This trip was quite fruitful. It was a pity that Joshua's entry was not included, but he got some confidential information about Commerce that the family had, and also understood the reasons for the previous actions of the inspection team.

Lin An stayed up all night, tiredness welling up in his heart. Just as he was about to lie down on the table and take a nap, he was woken up by another notification sound.


He rubbed his eyes and clicked on the aperture.

I saw the smiling face of President Jericho appearing on the display screen.

Thank you Shu Shu Yao, Xingyuan Walker, Chaos Ming for your monthly votes, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

Today I will post two chapters together ~ I feel the reading experience is better

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