World Occult User Guide

Chapter 140 Crown

"Good morning."

Jericho's bust appeared on the screen. Different from what he saw in reality, Jericho's smile at this moment was more sincere and his tone was much softer.

Lin An originally thought that he was here to assign tasks, but unexpectedly, Jericho just came to chat with Joshua about home affairs.

"Are you still used to the work of the inspection team?"

"Uh, okay..."

"Do I have enough people? If necessary, you can contact my secretary to send out another recruitment. You know his email address."

"It should be fine for now."

"When will the new deacon be officially introduced to the others?"

"Two days later."

Jericho's casual questions and answers lasted for about five minutes, and then he calmly smiled at Lin An, nodded, and cut off the communication.

What is the relationship between you two? It seems a little abnormal to me.

After dealing with the incomprehensible president, Lin An lay back on his desk. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the reminder bell rang again.

"Ring ring ring!"

The head of the forced-raising inspection team is quite busy at work every day.

Pressing the aperture button, the employee who greeted him last night appeared on the screen. He seemed to be one of the managers of the newly established inspection team.

"Good morning, Team Leader Joshua."

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Anqiang asked, holding on to his sleepiness.

The employee saw the dark circles under his eyes and hesitated slightly, but continued speaking.

"Team leader, Wood Group's technical support team would like to discuss with you and the local IT department the equipment and operating conditions of the San Anilov headquarters to prepare for the future implementation and activation of artificial intelligence."

Lin An was also impressed by what he said. When he opened Joshua's schedule, there was indeed a reminder written on it.

"The 'Crown' area?"

"Yes, the IT department is already here waiting."

Only the foundation headquarters has a dedicated IT department. In branches, in addition to direct-facing departments, each department has a dedicated "technical support group."

Lin An cheered up.

In the real timeline, the foundation headquarters fell into chaos due to the collapse of

It's probably because Brother Luzi and Sister Shuzi blocked all roads leading to the Azrus Realm, cutting off the IT department's escape route.

In addition, the captain and the inspection team happened to face each other in the "virtue" area.

Are the three deacons afraid that Simon will enter the highest "Crown" area through the "Priestess" floor and affect their progress in destroying X?

It seems that X’s console is in the “Crown”.

According to the information in Joshua's computer, only he, the president, the president's secretary, and the special Wood Group technical support team have access to the "Crown" area. Most other employees cannot enter the upper three levels of the Tree of Life. layer.

Two years later, the "Crown" is still the foundation's most secret place. Due to the expansion of St. Annelov, more senior executives and veterans have become qualified to enter, but the newly recruited Lin An is definitely not one of them.

It’s so easy to get to Time Fragments, why not take the opportunity to check it out.

Moreover, Lin An really wanted to see the true form of the supercomputer X up close.

After stretching, Lin An spent dozens of minutes studying how to lock the door of the main control room and control the elevator located in the glass column. He first descended to the circular hall.

Connecting the "Wisdom" area and the "Crown" area is the "Fool" floor in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is located above the main control room and is the end of the elevator. However, Lin An still needs to speak with the waiting staff first. The IT department of the office converges.

The elevator took Lin An and the IT department to the "Fool" floor. The indicator lights flashed and they walked along an aisle. The walls were white and there were many open doors on both sides.

Inside is an unfinished office, which Lin An guessed will be the office space of the IT department in the future.

Even light diffused from the walls and ceiling, illuminating the corridor brightly and making the air slightly cold.

This corridor was very short, and they soon entered a wider corridor that was perpendicular to it. It was curved inward and looked like a circular passage that circled around the core area of ​​the headquarters.

In front of them was the curved outer wall of the core area, and a closed door blocked the way for a group of people.

The IT department waited for Lin An to enter the password and use his fingerprint and pupils to unlock the switch. The latter was not in a hurry because before leaving, he specially sent a message to the technical support team of Wood Group.

Counting the time, it was almost time for them to come out to greet us.

Sure enough, the door opened with a "chi" and a man in a white uniform walked out.

"Hello, Team Leader Joshua, I am a technical support staff member from Wood Group."

"Well, lead the way."

Lin An licked his lips, half interested and half nervous.

The Wood Group, the super consortium where Doris Wood was born, has their shadow behind the Holy Mountain Incident, the Foundation, and the Inspection Team. It is basically one of the secular organizations established by the Canaan Family.

Information online shows that although Wood Group’s stocks are listed in Eagle Country and its subsidiaries are located in Eagle Country and Lower East Continent, its chairman lives in Maple Leaf Country all year round and bought a manor in the suburbs of Domondo. , as a corporate office.

Lin An was a little disappointed when he saw the technical support team.

The guide is an out-and-out ordinary person who doesn't know anything about "Comes". No matter how he formulates it, he can only get a slightly dull, but quite normal and formulaic answer.

Just like the regular employees of the Foundation, the technical support team is just programmers and developers working for the Wood Group.

The aristocratic family attaches great importance to blood ties, and they are closely connected by "relatives". No matter how loyal people other than blood relatives are, they can only become tools and pawns in the end, and have no access to the inner circle.

This mode of operation undoubtedly shows that Joshua is also related to the family.

So, President Jericho...

Although it was very subtle, Lin An always felt that his attitude towards Joshua was a little too close and not like an ordinary colleague at all.

Lin An even had a hunch that if the mysterious technique of the "God of Truth" wasn't still in effect, Jericho would have discovered that he was a fake right away.

If the president and the leader of the inspection team have a close relationship, and if the president and the family are on the same page...

Lin An felt that he was still missing the most critical clues from the truth.

And they are more or less related to Artificial Intelligence X, the AI ​​he first saw when he entered the Foundation.

The technician led them into the door, passed a room that seemed to be a control room or an instrument room, and came to an empty circular room about twenty feet in diameter.

There was a faint roar from all around, but the source of the machine could not be heard. There was a panel on the wall next to the door, the aperture button appeared and disappeared, and there were a row of control terminals, indicator desks and displays on each side.

The design concept of the "Crown" area is to pay equal attention to aesthetics and functionality. The progressive integrated colors have a subtle balance point, and the silver-white metal reflection flows from one end of the space to the other.

This is not the location of the X host. When Lin An walked into another door at the far end of the control room, he finally arrived at the destination of his trip.

X is placed in an opaque hemispheric dome space, mainly gray and white. Each wall is lined with a huge display screen, and a row of terminal consoles and equipment dashboards stand below the screen.

Most of its central area is occupied by some large tabletops similar to workbenches and unknown equipment. The ground on one side rises to form a platform with a long terminal console. Some people also wearing white uniforms are working on it. Operate above.

The instruments and equipment seemed to be integrated with the floor, and the cables glowed with a blinding cold light.

This is the true form of X...

After Lin An gave a brief speech on behalf of Joshua, the technical talents from both parties began to communicate.

The technician who led the way equipped Lin An and the IT department with a headgear, which was the predecessor of communication equipment.

"Good afternoon, may I ask how I should call you."

The familiar, gentle and indistinguishable voice of male and female flowed slowly. After Lin An pressed the button, he heard X speaking in the device.

"Call me Joshua."

"Welcome, Mr. Joshua. How can I help you?"

Lin An glanced at the IT department and technical support team who were chatting lively, and walked to the side of the "Crown" area. While looking at the flashing supercomputer, he asked questions to the immature computer.

"Tell me about yourself."

"I am a machine named X by humans. The name comes from Leonardo da Vinci's painting Vitruvian Man." X paused and continued, "Yes, I am a computer."

X turned out to be a symbol representing the Vitruvian Man, the model in two overlapping positions, extending his arms and legs outwards, with his feet and fingers as endpoints, forming an overview of the connected circles.

One is cross-shaped and the other is X-shaped.

Perfectly proportioned humans, occult symbols, the imaginative Da Vinci Code...

Does this name have any profound meaning?

"Who created you?" Lin An then asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. Can you make it simpler?"

Lin An had expected it and changed the subject: "Tell me more about your functions."

"Okay, Mr. Joshua."

X is the full name of a group of supercomputers, which provides a multifunctional universal mechanism. According to permissions, individual users can access and interact with various functional modules of the Foundation at any time.

At the same time, it is also an extremely sophisticated communication system that allows each user to communicate with each other.

However, the functions that Lin An had experienced before were only a "side job" of

This is why the instrument panel and terminal console in the "Crown" area look extremely simple, because most operating instructions can be issued to X through voice.

Speaking of this, X paused.

"Mr. Joshua, be careful ahead of you."

Lin An was stunned and realized that he had reached the edge of the room and was about to hit the wall.

"Can you 'see' around me?"

"The device you are equipped with contains a tiny camera, and everything the wearer sees is fed directly into my computer set."

In reality, Lin An has never used these advanced functions. It is estimated that he does not have enough authority, or that subsequent devices have been simplified, encrypted, and modified, and this X is the first and most comprehensive version.

"Do you have the ability to learn?" Lin An asked casually.

"Yes, I have the ability to have multiple independent conversations at the same time and draw knowledge from them. So if you have time, please talk to me more."

X suddenly made a very anthropomorphic request.

Lin An was silent for a long time, calling the system in his mind.

"Is it an illusion? Why does every artificial intelligence I have chatted with seem to slowly acquire sanity and independent personality? With your example in front, it's X's turn again..."

"Maybe it's because you're from Detli."


The system said very humorously: "We have all 'become human'."


Thanks to Cifu for the reward, thanks to Edgelord, readers 20230213204628521660160, Guanzhi Sanren, Truth and Illusion or Can You Hold the Passing Dream, s Mengji for your monthly votes, and thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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