
In the surveillance video, black particles crawled all over the young man's body. He lay motionless on the bed, and with a crisp sound like fireworks at night, his entire body completely disappeared.

Be it body, life or soul.

It is now 8 o'clock in the evening on November 8, 2036. Three days have passed since he returned to the past. Lin An only has 14 hours left to end this journey of looking back.

In the past two days, he strictly followed Joshua's schedule, perfunctory the work of the inspection team, and cooperated with the employees of the foundation. Since this history had already happened, Lin An did not need to worry about it.

As for President Jericho, he has never contacted Lin An again except for that communication. The latter did not dare to take the initiative to find him, for fear that [Phantom] would lose the effect of disguise due to identification by relatives.

At the same time 72 hours ago, it happened to be the moment when Lin An struck Efron with a wand.

He paid attention to the prompts in his mind, but there was no movement in the system.

It seems that the dead in the real timeline are dead forever. Even if they go back to the past, they cannot get the entries and media.

Just like Lin An was unable to save the lost priests and tribesmen of the Xunlang tribe.

He sighed heavily, not only because of the failure of the experiment, but also after watching the surveillance for a while. Lin An lay down on his desk to take a nap. When he woke up again, it was already 6 am.

Thinking of leaving the Time Fragment soon, Lin An couldn't hold back his racing thoughts.

What happened to X's abnormal behavior a few days ago?

Why is it suddenly so 'anthropomorphic'?

As if I really have personality and emotions...

I haven’t explored it in depth before, mainly because Lin An’s top priority is to kill the three deacons blocking the road.

If you act blindly due to ambiguous speculations, your identity is revealed, or the timeline changes abnormally, all processes will have to be started over again, which is not worth the loss.

Having to confront Joshua all over again is a waste of media and energy, and it cannot be included.

Finding out the truth about the foundation has no real benefit to Lin An, it is mainly to satisfy the curiosity along the way.

With only three hours to go before leaving this fragment of time, Lin An's desire to explore is ready to arouse.

In the worst case, just call him Brother Luzi.

Making up his mind, he took the elevator to the "Crown" area.

I originally wanted to ask Wood Group's technical support team to open the door, but unexpectedly I heard a synthetic voice just as I left the elevator.

"Do you need help, Mr. Joshua?"

Lin An looked left and right, the microphone was on the roof, and an unfinished cable flickered.

"X, can you open the door for me?" He was very surprised.

"The unlocking authority is limited to the 'Crown' area and the floors on both sides." X explained, "I cannot take over the consoles in other areas without permission."

"Opening this door is also without permission." Lin An laughed dumbly. "My system was just a joke before. It doesn't mean you really have to cosplay Kara."

"I should imitate and help you, and stay with you as much as possible. This is the result of tens of millions of calculations." X said, "You and my 'mother' are very similar."


So you are Alice and I am Kara!

At the same time, Lin An also noticed something strange about X.

The X he came into contact with two years later was indeed a rigorous, efficient, and emotionless artificial intelligence. Whether this X was undebugged or in the testing stage, it seemed to have a personality infinitely close to that of a human.

Rather, Lin An always feels that X is more than just a simple AI.

After accepting X's help, he came to the crown area.

In the early morning, the technical staff of Wood Group had not yet gone to work, leaving only a doctor who stayed up late and his two assistants.

Hearing the noise, the assistant stepped forward to greet Lin An.

"Good morning, Team Leader Joshua, what can I do for you?"

"Let's see your progress."

"It goes very smoothly. If nothing else happens, the AI ​​will be put into practice in about a month."

The assistant chatted politely with Lin An and then left him alone.

This group of high-end technical talents from Wood Group are not very interested in foundation executives. They want to focus on work rather than socializing.

So when Lin An asked to wear a device to communicate with X, the doctor immediately agreed.

"Welcome back, Mr. Joshua."

A sweet and melodious sound like a piano sounded in my ears.

"Can you change it to Chinese?" Lin An asked tentatively.

"Yes, the language section has been switched."

Wow, you and some guy are really half-brothers.

Lin An pondered for a moment and said, "You said before that I am like your 'mother'...what's the matter?"

"The person who made me, I call him 'father'; there are some underlying logics in my program, which have nothing to do with calculations and operations, but are just the data that make up my image. Through learning about human society, I decided to combine them Called 'Mother'."

"Your image?"

"I have 3D virtual images and the ability to convert data into dubbing that humans can capture. These are not generated out of thin air, but refer to a certain image." After a pause, it said, "They are very similar to you."

With Joshua?

After all, Lin An is now in his face.

Lin An was lost in memories. During the initial interview, he thought X was a masterpiece of personal aesthetic within the foundation.

Because its "human body" is extremely beautiful, like a beautiful boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, or a delicate and pure girl, with long and flowing snow-white hair, and a slender figure that resembles the lover of Zeus in ancient Greek poetry.

This is not Joshua either.

The guy's appearance was very masculine, he was tall and had a strong voice, which was completely different from the androgynous X.

There seemed to be a hidden secret, Lin An frowned slightly.

"It's the frequency of the current...the frequency of the electromagnetic wave that resonates in my core." After hearing Lin An's doubts, X explained calmly, "Come and see my 'mother'."

"Your mother is in the foundation?"

Lin An almost screamed, but was immediately glared at by the doctor on the side. He made a "shh" gesture, completely unaware that the artificial intelligence he had worked so hard to perfect had rebelled.

"Yes. I can guide you."

"Wait a moment!"

Quickly stopping the artificial intelligence from running wild suddenly and disobeying instructions, Lin An waved his hand, and a wave of energy spread out like a ripple with him as the core. The doctor and his assistants fell to the ground one after another and fell into sleep.

[Songs from the Other Side of the Mountains].

After performing the mysterious technique, Lin An asked X for confirmation.

"Is it this electromagnetic wave frequency from 'Comuth' that feels familiar to you?"


X denied it outright.

Lin An took out his wand, and the red gems inlaid with double snakes loomed, and X made a wrong sound effect; then he entered the vent mode, and summoned the system's codes to surround himself, but all of them were rejected by X.

"Sorry, I can't identify these energies," it said.

Helpless, Lin An had no choice but to wait and see what happened, letting this artificial intelligence with unstable software begin to perform.

"Beep beep beep."

As a series of password input sounds sounded, the ground shook, and a double sliding door leading below opened.

Endless cold air rushed out.

Hidden passage!

Lin An rubbed his hands, and he knew that the complicated floors and spaces of the headquarters were not as simple as they seemed!

Going down the steps made of steel, Lin An walked onto a narrow floor that looked like a building from the Industrial Revolution era. Its building materials were shabby and incompatible with the foundation's architecture. The handrails of the stairs were covered with copper-colored rust, but there was not much dust.

The floor was deep and dark, as if it had been a chimney in the past.

When Lin An walked, his shoes rubbed against the ground, making a crunching sound that echoed harshly.

Out of sight, only the wires of

After walking repeatedly for ten minutes, Lin An felt that he was no longer in the "Crown" area, and even left the scope of the Azlut Boundary. Only then did X remind him on the device.

"My 'mother' is on the platform below."


The old but sturdy stairs no longer had the next level, and Lin An smelled a faint smell of disinfectant.

The wire of

"Where am I now?"

"The X coordinate reads 358, and the Y coordinate reads 374."

"I don't understand. From the perspective of the Tree of Life, which point in the headquarters building am I at?" Lin An asked.

"You are located above the 'Virtue' area, the 11th Sephiroth at the center of the four Sephiroths of Power, Kindness, Wisdom and Understanding. Humans call it 'Da'at'."


Knowledge is the "hidden sephirot" of the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Generally speaking, it does not appear in the representation of the Tree of Life. From a broad perspective, it should not be attributed to one of the sephirot.

On the one hand, knowledge actually represents the "crown" itself, the reflection of the ineffable and incomprehensible God in the realm of human consciousness.

If one must picture it, the Sephiroth of "Knowledge" appears along the central axis of the tree trunk, directly below the "Crown".

It refers to the idea of ​​unity, or the hidden knowledge of spirituality.

Everything in Kabbalah is a combination of opposites, only "knowledge" is a combination of division and reconciliation. Once it appears, the ten sephirot of the Tree of Life will merge into one.

With this fusion of hidden Sefirot, all Sefirot are in a shared state of perfection, making it impossible to distinguish one Sefirot from another.

They become a complete whole, a perfect balance of divinity, creation, formation and humanity.

The headquarters building of the St. Anilov Foundation refers to the Tree of Life of the Lurian system, placing "knowledge" in the upper center of the Tree of Life, but also metaphorizing it as the embodiment of consciousness as the "Crown", because the wires of The crown area falls here.

X said that its "mother" was stored here. Considering that it was subsequently distributed throughout the consoles of the Tree of Life, does it also mean that the ten sefirot are germs spawned by "knowledge"?


The door to the Sephiroth of "Knowledge" slowly opened.

The temperature here is getting lower and lower, almost close to winter.

The trapezoidal space behind the door is about tens of square meters, and the narrow part is the entrance. Countless wires are winding up the ground and walls, some thick and some thin, which is dizzying and plugged into different ports.

The wide part is a raised platform filled with control panels, testing and analysis equipment, and many shiny instruments.

The environment is very clean, making people feel like they have entered the operating room, and the smell of disinfectant becomes stronger.

However, these instruments are nothing compared to the real secret.

I saw a table in the center of the room supported by a central pillar, with a rectangular glass box placed on it.

Lin An couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It resembles a coffin.

There are four thin, gauze-like curtains on the outside, which follow a certain color sequence. Initially, there is a pure white pattern, then a bluish "heaven color", a deep purple and a flame-like red. It consists of four Material woven.

In the cold light of the machine, the curtain was embroidered with an ancient, sacred and great scripture.

It reads,.

(I will create man in my image).

Thanks to Cuckoo Clock, AlvMolak, Huashiwu(一) for your monthly votes, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions~

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