World Occult User Guide

Chapter 142 The Mysterious Numbers of Kabbalah

Lin An carefully looked at this hidden "knowledge" area.

Its space is not large. Apart from the rectangular box placed on the long table in the center and some unknown instruments, there is only a circular passage for one person to move freely.

"Is your 'mother' in that coffin?"

"Yes." X replied.

Lin An tried to lift the curtain of the box, but found that it was not as simple as it looked. The fabric was covered with metal supports and wires, and it seemed that it could only be opened through a mechanism.

Same as Joshua's master control room.

In order not to alarm others or damage the contents inside the coffin, Lin An considered breaking it open with brute force as the last resort and decided to explore first.

Walking between the instruments and consoles, he observed the glowing numbers on them and thought about their possible meanings.

Suddenly, a weak "Woo-Woo" sound came from the wind.

After being stunned for a moment, Lin An knelt down and gently tapped the iron sheet under a certain instrument.

The interior is empty, it's a cabinet.

Probably because the "knowledge" area itself was hidden enough, it was not locked. Lin An opened the iron door and found a stack of notebooks inside. The covers were old and the spines were almost falling off. They were fixed by later generations with stainless steel buckles.

Opening the yellowed pages of the book, dust and densely packed numbers rushed into the face, all in Hebrew, which made Lin An's temples jump.

"X, can you translate it for me?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand the question yet. Can you make it simpler?"

"System, translation."

"I'm sorry, this encyclopedia doesn't understand this problem either. Just figure it out yourself."

It's a crappy thing that you can't count on.

Lin An lined up the notebooks. There were more than a dozen notebooks in them, but only two of them contained real text. The others were all numbers and formulas.

Opening the two books, Lin An sorted them roughly according to their newness and age, and then began to decipher them.

The secrets hidden by St. Annilov are vividly displayed on the paper. The following is a summary by Lin An.

The early Hebrews placed great emphasis on numbers, and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet were based on numbers and linked numbers to cosmic forces.

Mathematicians were involved in the study of occult numbers. Pythagoras believed that mathematics could explain everything in the world, and that all truths could be reflected and verified using ratios, squares, and right triangles.

St. Augustine wrote, “Numbers are the universal language given by God to mankind to confirm truth.”

Kabbalah, as a mysterious system that provides answers to questions faced by religious thinkers, is naturally inseparable from Hebrew letters, numerology, and calculation formulas.

The concepts such as morality, celestial bodies, angels, colors, organs, etc. represented and implied by each particle and each road can materialize its energy through numbers.

The numbers from 1 to 10 correspond to the 22 letters, which are the basis of all things.

Of these letters, 10 are silent consonants and 22 are finals, and each letter has a numerical value that can mathematically express forms and ideas.

The 10 silent consonants have different numerical images, and also represent a person's ten fingers, five on each hand, giving them the power of ten numbers.

The 22 pronunciation letters are the basis of everything. They are divided into three vowels, seven monosyllables and twelve two-syllable letters.

The three vowels are Aleph, Men, and Shin, representing air, water, and fire.

Air is the spirit of silence, fire is the sizzling life, and water comes from the soul as a tongue to mediate two opposites, bringing its human body into harmony.

In the Tree of Life, they occupy the upper three Sephirot.

Let’s talk about the seven disyllabic letters: Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Pe, Resh, and Tau. The reason why they are called disyllabic is because each letter is composed of two syllables, one is stressed and the other is unstressed— —It represents hardness and softness.

They are life, peace, wisdom, wealth, grace, abundance and strength, and each represents a set of opposite things: life and death; peace and war; wisdom and ignorance; wealth and poverty; kindness and indignation; richness and Poverty; dominance and submission.

In the Tree of Life, they occupy the lower seven sephirot.

The seven two-syllable letters correspond to the seven stars of the universe (gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the sun and the moon), and represent the seven days of creation. They are also the organs that support the five senses of human beings in the tree of life - two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth.

The last twelve monosyllabic letters are: Heh, Vau, Zain, Cheth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samech, Oin, Tzaddi and Qoph.

They represent the twelve basic functions of human beings: vision, hearing, smell, language, taste, sex, work, movement, anger, joy, thought and sleep.

If the tree of life is regarded as the human body, they also correspond to the twelve human organs: two hands, two legs, two kidneys, spleen, liver, gallbladder, organ, stomach and intestines.

All letters have their own numbers, which will not be described here.

These numbers hold huge secrets, and can be calculated to reveal the unexpected will of God. For example, in the Bible code, "Genesis" mentions the coming of the Messiah. The original Hebrew text of this scripture is IBA ShILH ( until he came to Shiloh/until the last king of Israel came).

The calculations for this verse add up to the following: I=10 A=2 SH=300 I=10 L=30 H=5 B=2, for a total of 358.

When the word Messiah is mentioned in the New Testament, it is found that his Hebrew MShICh adds up to the total: M=40 Sh=300 I=10 Ch=8, again totaling 358.

Since the Middle Ages, people have used number secrets on the Tree of Life, arranging and combining letters to calculate the "energy base" in each direction.

In the notebook, the calculation results were written on the thirty-two paths to the eternal source, the ten sephiroths, the 22 Kabbalah Tarot codes, the four worlds and the three pillars.

Lin An continued to flip through the notebook like an obsession. Except for the two pages of the introduction, the rest of the notebooks with numbers recorded in detail the "energy base" of each particle, and mentioned that in order to "perfect" them, the mysterious person needs to be released when he dies. energy as a "sacrifice".

The calculation formula is very complex. It is a pyramid-shaped tetrad algorithm. First, a symbol composed of 10 points is listed, and then these points are placed in an upward triangle.

It assigns values ​​and interacts with symbols, which changes due to different particles, and the numbers filled in it belong to a huge and complex system.

After a simple calculation, Lin An found that the proportion of the mysterious person's name is about 40%, the proportion of the mysterious prototype is 50%, and the proportion of the rating is 10%.

Each of them has a separate algorithm, which corresponds to the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. They use different symbols to become concrete numerical values ​​and are inserted into the tetrad formula.

The medium has numbers 1-11 in total, starting from the "God of Farming" and ending with the "Lord of Dreams" from small to large.

Multiply the formula result by 0.1 times the number of the medium. The God of Farming is multiplied by 0.1, and the Lord of Dreams is 1.1 to get the final energy base.

The notes have already been filled with the "perfect" energy base required for each medium, and the Kabbalah mysterious numbers of the sacrifices have been recorded.

For example, the "Kingdom" Sephiroth wrote down the numerical formula for 10 sacrifices, which requires one energy base individual each with the final calculation result being 91, 58, 43, 121, 278, 172, 327, 221, 472, and 111.

Not only the Sephiroth, but also the 22 Tarot floors calculate a greater number of sacrifices, but the requirements for individual energy base are relatively loose.

For example, the "Sun" floor requires a total of 19 sacrifices, and the final calculation result remains between 290 and 310.

After all the sacrifices are made, the energy flows into the tree of life, and the "something" located in the coffin of the "knowledge" particle will completely reach the height of perfection, seemingly gaining new life and soul, and can be used by the owner of the notes.


Lin An put down the yellowed notebook, flipped the papers, and murmured to himself.

"This is the original and ultimate purpose of the creation of the St. Annilov Foundation - to use the Tree of Life to realize the true refinement of the human body!"

too crazy!

No wonder the headquarters regularly transports some mystics from various branches. Most of them were killed by Joshua to control the number of awakened mystics and prevent the expansion of chakras.

The individuals who fit the numerical calculation were taken away by the owner of the note.

They died in various Sephiroth areas or Tarot pathways, contributing energy bases as sacrifices to create this body.

Only those who are lucky enough to escape Joshua's murderous hands and do not meet the conditions of Kabbalah numbers can become employees of the foundation headquarters, continue to collect more sacrifices, and send them to the headquarters to be "selected."

The identity of the person who can complete all these plans has already been revealed.

That is President Jericho, who is in charge of all the authority of the foundation and the information of the mystics!

Only he can do it!

Rather, only the family that created the St. Annilov Foundation can do it!

According to the age of the notes, this plan probably started in 1800. The foundation is active in the world under the name of "Paranormal Phenomena Research Society", expanding its influence and popularity, just for the purpose of relocating the "Kemmers" star orbit. This moment of repetition.

In 2036, the president of the foundation, Jericho, handed over the management power and established an inspection team.

He was probably afraid of being blocked and interfered by other aristocratic families or secular forces, which would lead to the failure of his plan, so he pulled Joshua out as a shield and hid behind the scenes to complete the secret sacrifice.

Because Joshua's actions were so cruel, the outside world focused their attention on him, ignoring the unknown president who seemed to have been "emptied out."

After all, compared to the number of people who died at the hands of Joshua, Jericho's sacrifice was really insignificant.

Lin An couldn't help but feel his scalp numb when he thought about the possible kinship between the two.

The official association of superpowers that emotionally controls the entire Eagle Kingdom is actually the Caesar Empire formed by these two brothers to achieve their own selfish desires.

"You are just a drop of water in the vast ocean of St. Annilov's business."

Logistics Minister Cardenas was right before he died. The organization that created and managed Saint Annilov...whether it was Joshua, Jericho, the Dawn Association, or the Wood Group that manufactured Want to use the foundation to achieve various purposes.


Suddenly, a strange electric sound sounded from one of the screens.

Lin An turned his head suddenly, and the cold light of the instrument revealed a bust of a person.

He sat by the floor-to-ceiling window, bathed in the faint and soft morning light, which illuminated his face, which looked like a knife and an axe, making the edges and corners of his face even more distinct.

"You are here, Lin An."

The voice that was once elegant, gentle, and eloquent now echoes in the cold and quiet "knowledge" area, like the song of an owl at night, making people's backs tingle.

"The truth is like a spicy shot of ouzo, isn't it?"

Thank you to book friends 2022052813255242, Long Distance, A Silly Dog Rabbit, CUT2, and Aoli Xiaai for your monthly tickets. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

Regarding the numbers of Hebrew letters, if you are interested, you can look them up~

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