World Occult User Guide

Chapter 145 “Natural Sacrifice”

The thunder roared like a big dog, which was intimidating and surged around Lin An.

"Do you want to come with me? Or stay here safely."

"Of course it's the former."

At the last moment, Lin An didn't want to miss it. He still had many questions that remained unanswered.

After putting Simon down, he walked in the direction of the sound. The gap in the light expanded, and inside stood a majestic, tall, and strong eagle as strong as a hill.

Light illuminated its entirety, coming from the surviving machinery around it.

The eagle is three meters tall and nearly five meters long when its wings are spread out. Its entire body is a bright black. The hair on its wings, chest and tail are painted with bright red, dark green and light yellow patterns, forming a mask of joy, anger, sorrow and joy. They look human but not human, like every face in the tribe.

The appearance of this mysterious person is undoubtedly majestic and terrifying, but Lin An, who has been with it for more than a month, will not admit it.

Brother Lei Zi!

The system also confirmed his idea with a panel.

[Name]: Thunderbird

[Rating]: Source Grade B

[Radiation value]: 25.4%

[Pollution level]: 58.7%

[Medium]: Natural Sacrifice

The pollution value has dropped a lot, and the radiation value is almost the same as what we saw before...

It must have reached the current upper limit of chakra.

Lin An and Thunderbird looked at each other for a few seconds, countless words stuck in their throats, too many and too complicated, so that they were speechless for a moment, then Thunderbird took the initiative to speak, and his voice was like muffled thunder, rumbling and echoing.

"Bipedal creature, you have made your choice, so come and witness it."

"Eagle spreads its wings... sir?"

Looking closer, the Thunderbird's oppressive feeling is really powerful, completely different from that of a small beaver or a holy moose. Thunder ripples through its body, just like the clouds on the gloomiest thunderstorm day, and its dark eyes are like magnets. , bottomless.

He is worthy of being one of the creator gods in local mythology.

Although Lin An got along well with the motionless wood sculpture, facing the "alive" Thunderbird, he was a little unsure of how to deal with it.

"Brother Lei Zi is a good title, or Brother Bird." The sound of thunder exploded in Lin An's ears.


Thunderbird was indeed conscious at that time!

I really didn’t mean to upset you or tease you! Lin An said silently.

Glancing at Lin An, who was slightly embarrassed, the thunderbird stretched out its claws. The sharpness and condensed heat penetrated the obstacles of space, and a huge shadow instantly enveloped him.


The radiation level of this source-level mystic was three times that of Lin An. He was unable to resist at all. The energy of the system was simply a fragile piece of paper, and he was directly penetrated by the Thunderbird in less than half a second.

However, Lin An soon discovered that the claws only gently hugged his waist and pulled the thunderbird closer to him, and the distance between the two was instantly reduced by several hundred meters.

Suddenly, from the entrance of the huge "Virtue" area, we arrived at the center of the hall.

He saw the Roman column-like wall behind the Thunderbird penetrated the ceiling, with a tight-fitting display screen attached to it. The screen had gone black due to lack of energy.

Lin An recognized this as the "Priestess" floor.

"Don't be afraid, thunder is a phenomenon of balance in the universe, and I am just a thread in the web of life." Thunderbird told Lin An, "The names of the natives are made of stones burned in a fire. They are the names given to us by nature. , you can call me whatever you want."

"You are the leader of Wakataka, and I should respect you." Lin An said with some tentativeness.

Last time, I don’t know if Sister Mouse let it slip. She mentioned that she was subject to the rules of "Wakataka"; the translation of this word is "The Great Holy Spirit".

Lin An believes that it is similar to the background of the Canaan Family, the Dawn Association, or the owners of the MGM Grand Casino, and is an organization of high-rated people in a single pantheon or region.

"Man has only responsibilities, not power." Thunderbird said, "The great Holy Spirit has no leader. It belongs to all the animals who respect the land we share."

Brother Lei Zi, aren't you going to explain in depth?

Lin An just gave it a try without any hope. He didn't have to get to the bottom of it. Rather than "Wakataka", he wanted Thunderbird to explain some doubts closely related to the foundation.

"Well, Brother Lei Zi... I have about five or six questions."

"Don't worry, Lin An. I will tell you everything you should know."

The thunderbird grabbed Lin An harder, and the spiral air flow blew, and it flapped its wings and flew up.


Electricity flashed, and Lin An crashed into the airtight "Priestess" floor, shuttling upwards through the dusty narrow corridors.

This floor leads directly to the "Crown" area and is never open to the public. Employees all thought it was just an abandoned design by the architect. Only Lin An, who went back to the past, knew that it was because the "Priestess" had a hidden secret to place the Holy Wrap. The "knowledge" area of ​​the shroud.

Before he could open his eyes, the electric light lit up with a pop, making Lin An almost blind.

At the moment when Venus receded wildly, a series of unusual illusions emerged in the sparks.

"Ping Ping!"

Lightning illuminated the scene in a coffee shop, and Lin An saw himself staring intently in front of him, reaching out to touch the air like a mime, as if there was an invisible screen there.

...When I first experimented with [always hitting the target]?

Lin An suddenly remembered that he did feel a strange sight at the window of the street corner cafe that day. When he turned around, he only saw a man with single eyelids.

Lin An didn't pay attention to this strange guy because he was quickly attracted by Ruan Ruyun's attention.

So that’s the “human form” of Thunderbird?

On the fifth day of my mysterious awakening, I unexpectedly encountered the local creator god, Alpha-001 of Ditli City, this powerful source level...

Its sight did not stop at the coffee shop, but followed Lin An like a shadow, to the restaurant of his senior sister's house, to Carmen's newsstand, to his rental apartment, and finally stared at his sleeping face in mid-air, and the blur disappeared.

"I'm confirming whether you are the person I'm looking for." Thunderbird's voice sounded from one side.

"Is it related to the 'Lamp Goddess' medium..." Lin An probably guessed its target, with mixed emotions, "You started paying attention to me from such an early age. By the way, how did you 'track' me? It's 'natural' The power of sacrifice?"

This method of remote observation is a bit like [shooting with perfect accuracy].

Considering that the "Lord of Dreams" seems to be an all-powerful medium, he might also be able to control the ability of "Natural Sacrifice".

"That's right."

Thunderbird admitted.

"I can possess my 'sight' on a person, except that time, when you went back in time and completed four rituals for the coyote, I was also by your side."

It's a bit like Hill's marriage law, except it cannot control or influence the behavior of the possessed individual.

"If I remember correctly, your radiation level increased and the pollution level dropped. What happened?" Lin An asked.

"'Natural sacrifices' require sacrifices, blood, and tributes, but they can only passively wait for the opportunity to come."

Listening to Thunderbird's words, Lin An thought of the Druid Sacrifice in "The Encyclopedia of Magic".

"Natural Sacrifice" is not as gentle as the name of the medium. Instead, it is very fierce and cruel, because nature itself is very ruthless, but it will not take the initiative to target someone.

If you think about it carefully, Thunderbird's two reductions in pollution levels were both related to itself.

The first time was when Lin An killed Koret and Lesia, and the two dying people were summoned away by the Thunderbird and died in front of it; the second time was when Lin An killed Guy on the helicopter, and the Thunderbird's sight Possessed on his body, he also received the sacrifice.

"So, you are now thanks to the Foundation riots, the two factions of mystics are killing each other to complete the sacrifice and reduce your pollution level?"

Lin An was shocked.

The person who caused X's paralysis...could it be Brother Lei Zi?

"Nature is patient." The thunderbird's feathers flashed with a confusing light, "But creatures always kill each other, because if they don't do this, they can't survive. Hunting, fighting for territory, and fighting for reproduction, It happens all the time.”

"The nutrients of the corpse are buried in the soil, giving birth to new buds and starting a new cycle of life. The endless nature is like thunder from the sky, bringing destructive energy and rain, and it also brings primitive Man brought fire.”

"Like the God of Truth, Nature Sacrifice maintains a neutral attitude most of the time; unlike it, when the balance of the world and the universe is broken, war will occur, and you can find the illusory nature of nature in it. shadow."

It wasn't Thunderbird who pulled out the X "wire".

It merely foresaw the riot...

So how does it know? It does not know divination, and the native gods have no mystics who are "prophet" mediums.

"Brother Lei Zi, let's go back to the previous topic. What if you find me?" Lin An continued to ask.

"Just when I was thinking about how to contact you, you joined the Foundation." Thunderbird shook his head, "I arrived a step late and helped you hide the aura of the 'Lamp Goddess', as long as other source-level mystics are not close. If you look at it from a distance, you won’t be able to detect it.”


The feeling is that I decided to do it too impulsively.

Who would have thought that in addition to the three pillars of the foundation, the aristocratic family, and the witch, Ditli City also harbors the power of local gods?

And, since Thunderbird helped me hide my aura, Doris, the Canaan family, and President Jericho probably don’t know the truth. Lin An thought happily.

"By the way, is it your handiwork that the foundation headquarters assigned our team to carry out the transportation mission? The purpose is for me to pass through Nashville state and help Little Dogtooth solve the Holy Mountain incident?"


"I'm afraid I need more information." Lin An's eyes twitched.

Thunderbird can actually influence the decision-making of the foundation headquarters?

Aren't they mortal enemies?

"I went to Maple Leaf Kingdom," Thunderbird said, "and met the owner of 'Xi Yong'."

"Xi Yong?"

The thunder stopped, and the thunderbird took Lin An to the destination. A familiar scene appeared in front of him.

Lin An once again came to the "knowledge" area. It was completely different from the past time. The door here was open, the hidden research room was exposed, all the instruments lost power, and the Holy Shroud in the coffin disappeared.

He raised his head, and at the end of the chimney pipe, a bright light loomed, coming from the "Crown" area where X was stored.

Adam Kadmon... has been perfected.

Thank you to the Lord of the Ark, Book Friends 20200216205011856, and Book Friends 20210613212411730 for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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