World Occult User Guide

Chapter 146 Lamech Enoch

"Xi Yong?"

Lin An was stunned.

Zion, a place name in the Hebrew Bible.

The word once referred to the area of ​​Jerusalem in David's time. Later, when Solomon's temple was built on nearby Mount Moriah, the word Zion was further expanded, through synecdoche, to include the additional meaning of the temple itself, as well as the entire land of Canaan. .

Now it represents the "future world" of the Canaanites, most often used as "heaven on earth."

Maple Leaf Kingdom…Xi Yong’s master?

When Lin An first took over Thunderbird, the branch president’s email mentioned that it traveled from Detrey City to Maple Leaf Country, then crossed the border to New York, and was finally taken into custody near Niagara Falls.

The headquarters of the Wood Group is not located in the Eagle Kingdom, but in Domondo, the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

The "Xion" mentioned by Thunderbird refers to the Canaanite family?

Is this their "official name"?

It turns out that Brother Leizi went to find them, no wonder Moose mentioned that Thunderbird has a way to absorb the pollution level of the small canine teeth like the family did.

The truth was about to be revealed. Lin An held his breath and listened to Thunderbird continue to speak.

"'Xi Yong' made a deal with me using a mysterious item, which gave me one of the core abilities of Mother of Desire - 'grafting'. I used it to transfer the coyote's pollution value, and I just used it again It saved Shenmi, who was almost polluted to death."

Just like how Kim Ji-eun and Carmen can use the Canaanite tablets and use Doris's mysterious magic...

"Xi Yong planned the Holy Mountain incident just to make this deal with you?" Lin An said.

"Not only that, they used worldly influence, connections, money and power in advance to create handles that could affect the future situation. Not every family that has lost the radiation of 'Comes' is as smooth as they are. The locals, Jeep Saiyans, Aztecs..."

Thunderbird's eyes flashed with electricity as he thought of some tragic history and stopped talking.

"Xion has laid out chess pieces all over the world, and Coyote is just one of their many bargaining chips."

Lin An was shocked by Xi Yong's ambition. Their layout was unimaginably huge. These shrewd "Mothers of Desire" had been planning for the arrival of "Comes" for thousands of years.

"What's the deal?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Take away the 'Da Vinci Project' - the core of an artificial intelligence called X."

"Wait, I have more and more questions..." Lin An was puzzled, and a flash of light flashed, "Are the Canaan Family and the inspection team... and the foundation two different people?"

Lin An has always regarded the foundation as an extension of the Canaan family. This may be a huge misunderstanding.

As Carmen said, the foundation and the family are fundamentally two different forces!

"Xion's ancestors killed their blood brothers and were expelled, leaving their descendants no longer close to their 'god'."


"Beings more knowledgeable than me refer to Xion as the 'Lamechites', while the place where the President of the Foundation comes from is the 'Enochite', who originally came from the Western Continent."

Although the Holy Shroud disappeared from the coffin and the air conditioning in the "knowledge" area was still strong, Lin An was sweating, half surprised and half excited.

The story of Cain is well known. He killed his brother Abel, and God cursed the earth so that he and his descendants could only wander on the earth.

Unable to own land, Cain's descendants relied on trading to make ends meet.

They used the liberal sciences they mastered to create the "Tree of Technology and Knowledge" and continued to study innovative science and useful technologies.

On the other side, Seth, the third child of Adam and Eve, continued to believe in God. He and his descendants inherited the oracle and the "Tree of Life and Spirituality."

They remained steadfast in their faith. Later, a descendant named "Enoch" obtained the qualification to walk with God. He established a city-state on the earth and was about to wash away the sins of the Garden of Eden and return to eternal heaven.

As for the descendants of Cain, they struggled with the descendants of Seth for hundreds of years. The last generation to openly confront the descendants of Seth was a man named "Lamech."

Cain's genealogy breaks off after his three sons.

But the descendants of Cain did not die. They were defeated by the descendants of Seth who mastered the "Tree of Spirituality and Life", so they gave up their identity and blended into the city-state of "Enoch", fully infiltrating into all levels of society and destroying Seth. The beliefs of future generations.

Their mixing made it difficult for God to distinguish who his people were, so he simply sent a great flood to cleanse all the Canaanites, and only notified Noah, the direct descendant of Seth.

Noah followed the oracle's instructions, built an ark, and brought his family of eight through the disaster.

But Cain's influence has not disappeared. The daughter-in-law of Noah's youngest son is the maternal descendant of Tubal Cain, one of the sons of Lamech who is hidden among them.

Tubal Cain was the founder of stone and metal craftsmanship. From then on, the Canaanites acquired the scientific skills of the Cainites.

The "Tree of Knowledge" is also reflected in subsequent events. For example, the technology, talents, and tools used by Noah's descendants to build the Tower of Babel came from Cain's descendants. This tower is also a symbol of "greed and desire."

At this point, the struggle between "Lamech" and "Enoch" came to an end.

Putting aside the religious metaphors, combined with the information Lin An obtained, the divine power comes from "Comes". As the star orbit changes and the radiation disappears, the descendants of Set who chose "gods" become ordinary people, unable to fight against the possessed Titans. Descendants of Cain of Star Technology.

The two bury their resentment and hide it in the world, waiting for the next full-scale confrontation. Maybe they will cooperate from time to time. After all, both groups are of Canaan blood.

The Lameites studied science and technology, and after losing the radiation of "Comes", they became more comfortable than the Enochians.

It's just that as descendants of Cain, they can't get close to the "god", the "goddess with the lamp" medium.


The thunderbird stepped on the stairs with its talons. Compared with its huge body, the passage seemed too narrow. However, it did not use energy to charge like before and walked along the chimney passage step by step.

Glancing at the unusual light above, Lin An followed it.

He noticed that the cable hanging from X had disappeared.

Lightning was running around, and Lin An saw a little man made of bright light inside, and told the truth.

Jericho's ancestors left Xizhou more than 200 years ago and went to the Eagle Kingdom to establish the St. Annilov Foundation. This was probably because there were many aristocratic families in Xizhou and each had secular power, so he could not successfully complete the sacrifice of the "Tree of Life".

At that time, Upper East Continent was the territory of the Lamechites, but by this time, the two groups of Canaanites no longer had the hatred they had a thousand years ago, and instead decided to cooperate around the "Holy Shroud."

The Enochians agreed to share the Holy Shroud and gave the Lamechists access to the Foundation's power.

The Lamei faction promised to provide money in the future. When the orbit of the "Comoth" star approached, the politicians and financial groups under Xion were responsible for controlling Congress and allowing the foundation to serve as the "Superpower Organization Association."

The cooperation between the two gave the St. Aniloff Foundation its current scale and influence.

Xiyong created artificial intelligence

Based on past experience, in addition to deconstructing the "Goddess with the Lamp", the artificial intelligence collected information on mystics from all over the Eagle Kingdom within two years, communicated with them, monitored and monitored them, had close contact with them, and transmitted the data to the computer group. I don't know what purpose it wanted to achieve. .

Since it is the work of a noble family, it must be related to the pursuit of more advanced "Comes" rules.

The name of the plan is Leonardo da Vinci, and X said it was inspired by the Vitruvian Man...

If the Enochians inherited the "Tree of Life" and the Lameites inherited the "Tree of Technology"...

Lin An guessed that Xiyong wanted to create the legendary "perfect human being" just like Jericho's Tree of Life, but they used the Tree of Technology, so they needed a lot of background data support.

Despite their agreement, the Lameites and Enochians were not of the same mind.

Three months ago, Xion entrusted the neutral Thunderbird to obtain the core of X. This plan should also include the consideration of "selling" the foundation to the Dawn Association.

Even so, you are taking too many detours. Lin An thought.

If he just sent a middleman to act as a courier, he instantly thought of several ways, which were faster, more convenient, and more concealed than transporting Thunderbirds.

Is it necessary to go to such great lengths?

And it has to be Brother Lei Zi?

After temporarily suppressing his doubts, Lin An continued to ask.

"Then...what's going on with Joshua and the inspection team?"

Since the two factions agreed to allow Thunderbird to enter the St. Annilov Foundation, why did Joshua, who had a close relationship with them, keep getting in the way?

"Oh, you mean my brother Jordan?"

A beam of dazzling light came, causing Lin An's eyes, which were accustomed to darkness, to squint, and stars appeared in front of his eyes.

The thunderbird used its wings to block the sudden strong light, wrapped around Lin An's body, and flew away.

When his vision returned, Lin An blinked and saw a man who had been waiting there for a long time standing in the semicircular main control room in the "Crown" area.

To be precise, he cannot be considered a pure human being.

The light blurred the boundary between the physical and spiritual bodies, and the face was almost invisible. Only the perfect and sculpted muscle lines, as well as the golden proportions of the torso and limbs, outlined a vague human shape.

His long hair is composed of strong holy light, which releases light to the surroundings like a corona, dispersing the electronic cold light of the surrounding instruments, like an artificial sun.

Lin An thought of his previous guess, and the flashing panel appeared.

The data is sometimes blurred and sometimes disappears. It seems that the man's current state is not stable enough and he is constantly switching between the original mystery and another mysterious prototype.

[Name]: Creation Book

[Rating]: Source Grade B

[Radiation value]: 20.1%

[Pollution level]: 27.7%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Another prototype that the system cannot read should be the legendary Adam Kadmon.

I don’t know if it is Class A or a statue.

Lin An's emotions lean toward the former, but his rationality leans toward the latter.

This person is none other than Jericho.

"You brought an uninvited guest, the eagle spreads its wings." The man's voice flowed as melodiously as a pipe organ, "Xi Yong asked you to come alone, didn't he?"

The person who pulled out the

"Xi Yong promised to let us use the foundation's structure to deliver the news of the 'disaster' to Eagle Country." Thunderbird replied.

"No, I'm referring to him." Yelige turned to Lin An, who was covered in codes, "Is it your voice that I heard just now... Chinese, are you from the Dragon Kingdom?"

"This is a witness," Thunderbird said. "Where is the core of X?"

"Wait for me to answer his question first." Jericho's radiant face seemed to be smiling, "Let me tell you about my brother."

Lin An licked his lips. This was by no means a classic scene where a villain dies from talking too much.

The data on Jericho's body flashed more and more frequently, and he was stalling for time, waiting for further integration with Adam Kadmon.

The thunderbirds seemed to arrive earlier than he expected.

Are we just going to watch him become a statue?

He tentatively gave Thunderbird a wink, but the latter remained calm, so Lin An had no choice but to listen.

"Like my father, he loved worldly life too much."

Jericho's obscured face flashed with phantom features, only to be replaced by the flawless Kadmon.

"Our ancestors crossed the sea and trekked to the desolate Eagle Country. They started from scratch and endured humiliation and hardship, just to perfect the Tree of Life. But my father felt that it was too inhumane and decided to terminate the plan, letting the family's more than two hundred years of hard work go to waste. "

"So I arranged a truck...ah, don't worry about these details. Once I took control of the family, I sent my underage brother to Xion, not only for him to 'further study' in the Wood Group, but also as a couple. an olive branch of peace.”

"When the time came, they sent my dear brother back. As expected, he was as passionate as his father, and he learned the determination of Lamech." Jericho tapped his fingers on the console behind him, "Forget it. Calculating the time, he should be here, is the plane delayed?"

"Are you going to take him to escape with you?" Lin An's mouth twitched.

"Leader Joshua is about to become the murderer of 'me', accept a fair and just trial under the law, and pay the price for the crimes he committed." Jericho said righteously.

"And you don't use it?"

"Killing for life is the shackles of the world. He wants to live in the world, so he needs to abide by the law." The sparkling human figure opened his arms, "And I have already crossed it."

"You're awesome, I'll give you a thumbs up."

While Lin An was speechless, he was also filled with endless emotions.

This is the real aristocratic family...

In order to explore "Comes", a madman will do whatever it takes.

The Lamechists used the Holy Shroud as the core and harvested data to create the prototype of the "Cyber ​​Messiah"; the Enochians calculated the energy base and collected sacrifices to perfect Adam Kadmon.

Joshua was kept in the dark from beginning to end, caught between the two forces, acting as a tool and bridge. He neither knew the truth about X nor the creation of Adam Kadmon, so he did not initially block the transportation of Thunderbirds plan.

It wasn't until the Wood Group retired and withdrew its capital that Joshua realized something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Xi Yong happened to want to sell the foundation to the Dawn Association in exchange for other rewards, so they sent Joshua the message that "Thunderbird has arrived at the foundation and the cooperation is about to be terminated" and instigated him to kill Thunderbird.

In this way, the Dawn Association has reason to enter Congress and intervene in the internal affairs of the "Superpower Management Organization".

Sighing deeply, Lin An felt that dying in the fragments of time was a mercy for Joshua.

At least he doesn't have to witness the final truth.

What are you fighting for and what are you protecting?

Judging from Jericho’s tone, Joshua is still taking the blame for his “disappearance.”

While Lin An silently lit wax for the inspection team, he felt a hint of indignation that was not quite right.

If you think about it carefully, I am simply a diligent and motivated model worker.

I killed most of the inspection team!

Without me, the Dawn Association, which is ostensibly responsible for advancing the plan, would have to send additional personnel and would not be able to fish all the way.

So after they discovered my "usefulness" at the MGM Grand Casino, they wanted me to continue to be an excellent employee in the Lion Country.

Although Thunderbird took advantage of me, at least the local god was very friendly and helped me every time he asked me to help. Brother Lei Zi also protected me from the prying eyes of the noble family early on.

These aristocratic families treat me—our team—as a tool!

Simon, Mixie, Barry...

As well as my insomnia day and night, the bumpy road, the pain of acclimatization, absence from class and work in college, and no signal on my mobile phone...

Just because the three major forces want to achieve their respective goals!

Although Lin An wanted to kill the evil boss Yelige in front of him, when he asked the system to search for a method, it not only failed to find the corresponding entry, but even actively advised him not to seek death.

"Lin An, find a chance to escape quickly. They won't pay too much attention to you. After all, I don't support you coming here... Ding! The following is the escape route I found. According to the entry "Magic Encyclopedia III... Are you listening? ?"

Ignoring the nagging of the system's cowards, Lin An had to accept a cruel reality.

Although unstable, Adam Kadmon is most likely the first "statue-level" mysterious prototype he encountered.

Jericho's data beat faster and faster, and the light of Cadmon flickered so dazzlingly that Lin An could hardly open his eyes, and could only hear the rumbling thunder of the Thunderbird.

“Where is the core of X?”

"Maple Leaf Country."


"Do you really think we trust you? I have sent the secretary to Maple Leaf Country a long time ago."

Jericho smiled unhurriedly.

"Eagle Spreads Wings, Source Class B, Thunderbird Prototype, Medium Natural Sacrifice, Energy Base 1130, The Last Sacrifice in the 'Crown' Area."

"Tent guard, source C level, muskrat prototype, god of medium farming, energy base 710, the last sacrifice in the 'wisdom' area."

"Gaoma, source C level, prototype of Shenmi, god of medium truth, energy base 722, the last sacrifice in the 'understanding' area."

Kadmon became more and more dazzling, and Jericho's words made Lin An's back shiver, answering his last question.

This is the ins and outs of the mission [Transporting Thunderbirds].

The ultimate goal of Jericho's great efforts is to sacrifice the three major gods of the country!

"Thank you for the efforts of those employees, who attracted you to this tree of life without any blood, and allowed me to perfect the production of the original people." Yelige shook his finger, "I was honest from the beginning, the headquarters needs Thunderbirds' research material'."

The thunderbird stood in front of Lin An, blocking the dazzling light. Lin An still couldn't look directly in the direction of Jericho and moved his eyes elsewhere.

Suddenly, he saw a stream of light dragging a brilliant tail and shooting towards the outside of the glass of the hemisphere.

The next moment, a broken sound sounded.


Jericho, who was so at ease, rarely shrank his pupils and turned around quickly.

The glass reflects the colorful colors, and the gorgeous flowering tree blooms like fireworks. From it emerges a four-legged creature that looks like a fox but not a fox, and looks like a wolf but not a wolf. It appears proudly from the virtual to the real.


Howling to the sky, the coyote rushed towards Jericho's throat.

Thanks to Mr. Zhang for One Direction Killing, Fried Fat Times, Ten Years of Xiaowan, Ink Handwriting, Guizang Drink, and Connotation. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

Today’s update is a little late because I am constantly revising the article. I’m sorry to all readers, but this chapter has 5k words~

We are about to enter the final chapter of the Thunderbirds arc.

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