World Occult User Guide

Chapter 147 Light, Thunder and Trees


Suddenly attacked and caught off guard, Jericho was thrown to the ground by a coyote.

Unlike "Judge" Joshua, Jericho, who has not fused with Adam Kadmon, is a "knowledge seeker" medium and is not good at fighting like Lin An.

Small canine teeth?

Coyote had no time to pay attention to Lin An. The next moment, pure light flew towards her like a javelin. At the same time, three saintly faces opened their mouths, and the beautiful and sacred luster erected a high wall around Jericho.

"Filling space, infinitely wide, infinitely deep! My glory drives out darkness."

Coyote flew out upside down, stepped on the phantom support of a river bank, and swung her strong limbs in the water. The water splash removed the power of the spear and extinguished the flames ignited on her body.

"Holy places are everywhere." The branches opened the curtain and she opened her eyes again. Her eyes were dark. "The Holy Spirit lives in my heart."

The light dissipated, and Jericho covered his shoulders.

Blood dripped onto the ground, exuding a very pleasant aroma. Lin An saw a piece of light falling from his wound as if it had been cut open.

It seems that Jericho did not expect that the coyote would not only arrive in time, but also be so powerful in combat.

Lin An saw the data given by the system.

[Name]: Coyote

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 21.9%

[Pollution level]: 47.2%

[Media]: War Emperor

Although Xion gave Thunderbird a mysterious item to eliminate the pollution, Jericho knew about the condition of the little canine. She had been traumatized, unable to control the "War Emperor", and the radiation level had stagnated.

Considering that the Thunderbird once converted the pollution value into the radiation value, Lin An believed that the two energies could be converted in some way, such as the passive sacrifice of natural sacrifices.

The little canine tooth quickly "digested" the war emperor's pollution during the moose's time travel, reaching a level that was enough to compete with Jericho in a short time.

It turns out that I not only saved Little Dog Ya’s life, but also saved Brother Lei Zi and the others in disguise.

No wonder they are so polite to me.

Lin An touched the pipe on his chest as a gift. Surrounded by the four local gods, it was as hot as coal, warm and blazing.

Encountered an unexpected attack, Jericho's face was obscured by the light and his expression could not be seen.

He stamped his feet upon the earth.

A mural that could be painted at the end of countless corridors emerged. The thick paint depicts beautiful golden clouds, and the smell of balm is fragrant.

The long winding steps appear at the foot of Jericho. They are arranged in groups of ten, inlaid with colorful stones, floating in the air. Its sides are planted with lush olive trees, swaying lilies, mint and basil. Plants with profound meanings.

To his left were lights flying all over the sky, and to his right stood white doves. Jericho seemed to be a flawless mirror between gods and humans.

Bright red beams dimmed everything.

Lin An was stunned when he saw this, and quickly reached out to cover his eyes. He felt two lines of warm blood flowing out of himself, blurring his vision, and his head was extremely painful and swollen.

Have you seen something beyond your cognition...

Lin An quickly closed his eyes, raised the wand in front of him, and the healing energy poured in.

In the darkness, he felt the air flow passing by him, and a rough feather fell down, covering his hot eyelids, eliminating part of the burning pain.

"If Coyote and I are downwind and about to die, he'll be hot. Use it immediately to open the road to the left, inform Muskrat and Shenmi of the news, and leave with them."

The thunder conveyed the message, and then the energy wave left the semi-arc "Crown" area, and Jericho, Thunderbird, and Coyote rushed out of the St. Annilov Foundation building.


The foundation employees who were suppressing the riot were attracted to this scene and looked at this scene in shock. Even the out-of-control mystics felt the irresistible pressure from deep in their souls. They stopped their movements and stared blankly in the air. Three people intertwined.

Immediately, blood flowed from the eye sockets of the viewers, darkness suddenly fell along with strong dizziness, and screams, exclamations and roars converged into a tide of chaos.

"What are those things? Are they humans? How could there be such a powerful mysterious person!"

"Ahhh, I can't see anything!"

"You can't look directly at them! Everyone close your eyes!"

Rays of light and auspicious clouds travel around, whistling, burning, and colliding with the other two colors.

The aftermath of the battle split the deep sky into two, the "Wailing Wall" shattered like biscuits, and a bright moon rose, hanging high in the distant sky.

There is a cool sting in the seaside air, which overwhelms the smell of the city, bringing with it the scent of spring growth, tiny buds, tender grass, moist soil, and the fresh smell of blue-green spring wheat.

The whispers of animals and the chirping of birds came, and all kinds of creatures came, like falling stars, riding on the night wind.

They were answering the little canine's call, combining their powers with hers.

The flowering tree bloomed with the shadows of hundreds of animals, rushing towards Jericho like a torrential flood.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

The white dove of the Holy Spirit cries overwhelmed, the jery singer trembles, the mirror angles, and the divine light illuminates the forest and its inhabitants.

In the silent wail, steam filled the air, and the light turned it into a desert.

"Your efforts will be in vain!" he said, "because your Holy Spirit is dead!"

Things more terrifying than hurricanes, thunderstorms, tsunamis and other natural disasters are coming one after another, surpassing the limits of nature, and there is a kind of ubiquitous light. It is like sunlight that is not blocked by ozone, rushing straight towards the little canine teeth.

Suddenly, countless circles appeared, each a tribe, each containing the power of the world.


Thunder spread in all directions, and the whole sky reverberated with the same voice. People in the circle danced and sang melodious hymns.

The winds whirled with all their might, the birds built their nests in circles, and their religion was the same.

As long as the grass grows and the water flows, this land is ours.

When I look back at my old age from this high mountain,

I can still see the mountains of massacred women and children,

Bodies littered the crooked canyon just as they had when I saw them in my youth.

Others died in the bloody mud and were buried in the blizzard.


The overwhelming destruction and vengeance rushed towards Jericho. He didn't pay attention, while waving one of his arms that merged into one, reaching towards the center of the lightning and thunder, while using his other hand to block his imperfect body.

"Oh, these poor savages! You must first work for atonement!"

The original flesh and blood disappeared and appeared, weakening the attack of the light. Not only that, Jericho suddenly felt a strong feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to do anything.

He watched as his energy was crushed and torn apart by the thunderbird's national ring, and the flowering tree on the side took the opportunity to droop its green branches and cast mottled shadows.

Adam Kadmon's power was different than planned.

The unexpected weakness caused Jericho's breathing to become ragged, and a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Is it because there is not enough time?

Am I not fully integrated yet?

But its potential has clearly been stimulated to its upper limit, and it can't go any further... What's going on?

After struggling for a while, Jericho tried to uproot the extensions of the flowering trees, but they remained motionless, stubbornly eroding the light.

Finally, he stopped, death dancing in his eyes.

The grass began to wither, and the leaves quickly withered like blue-green wrinkles in the night sky.

The flowering tree returns to its seed, and the coyote seizes it in one bite, holding a thousand animals and plants in his mouth, and steps aside to avoid the sharp attack.

After using up his mystical skills, Jericho paused. The singing ring of nations did not give him a chance to breathe, and fell towards him. The shadow spread towards the light.

Even in the breeze you can hear the cottonwood trees.


Jericho saw a crack appear on the flawless mirror, directly from his body to his mentality.

Resisting the attack, the well-educated president couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Damn it, where did I go wrong?

Or is there something wrong with ancestors’ calculations?

Otherwise, even if there are three missing sacrifices, the completion degree of the original person made from the Tree of Life has reached 95%, and it shouldn't be so "incomplete"!

He couldn't even suppress two Source Levels!

Taking a deep breath, Jericho's chaotic emotions evaporated like dew, and returned to being as calm as an ancient well, as alienated as AI.

No, I have to stop.

When Lin An, who was left in the "Crown" area, regained consciousness, the battle between the three entered a fierce stage. He raised the eagle feather of the thunderbird and looked upward through the gap.

Flashes of color illuminated the clean night sky, greens and reds, yellows and browns.


There was another thunder, huge wings flapped, and an eagle-shaped black spot swooped down from the clouds, burning fiercely like a meteor, and the colors all over his body shone with a dazzling light.

The half-fox, half-wolf creature embraces the "Tree of Life" belonging to another faith, fighting side by side with the Ring of Nations.

The lonely round mirror has long lost its previous elegance and spontaneity, flickering like a heart with each breath, eager to release as much light as possible, but exposing its own imperfections and incompleteness.

Brother Bird, Sister Dog, come on.

Lin An put away the eagle feather and put it in his pocket.

It is actually an arrow, containing 0.5% of Thunderbird's radiation value.

System data shows that the mysterious name of the Eagle Feather is [Holy Bow], and it can be thrown at the enemy as a "hidden weapon", causing the same damage as a Thunderbird strike.

Thunderbird said that once its surface gets hot, it means the situation is not optimistic. Fortunately, its surface is currently cold.

And according to naked eye observation, Jericho seems to be at a disadvantage by the two local gods joining forces.

What Lin An himself didn't know was that Jericho's failure was actually closely related to him.

In the time fragments of the moose's retracement, Lin An used observation to extract the three "Lamp Goddess" media from the Holy Shroud, causing Jericho to be unable to exert its original strength at this moment.

Accompanied by the refraction of light above San Francisco, the crisp chirping, and the thunderous sound of wings, Lin An walked toward the place where Jericho had just been injured.

From the Holy Shroud, a corner torn from Adam Kadmon's body fell to the ground, surrounded by bright light, like pure and flawless jade, without any eerie atmosphere at all.

Lin An even smelled a refreshing aroma.

It is the flesh and blood of the original man.

Lin An turned the wand upside down and used the snake's head to hook the "sequins" over, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

"System, use [Art of Transcendence]."

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