World Occult User Guide

Chapter 149 Golden Kingdom

Looking up from the control room of the headquarters, light flashes, thunder surges, and all kinds of animal shadows come from all directions.

The yellow sand was rolling, and Beaver seemed to have no intention of intervening in the fight, and the voice rang in Lin An's head.

"Even though I warned you many times, you still appeared in the center of the battlefield, Lin An, still so alive and kicking, and persisted in calling me 'Sister Rat'."

"Ahem, guard the tent... I'm so excited to see you."

Lin An approached the two and was about to ask Sister Shuzi, "Aren't you going to help the thunderbirds and coyotes besiege Jericho?" when he suddenly discovered that the radiation levels of both it and the moose had dropped significantly.

Especially the latter who said nothing.

After repeated confirmation, Lin An could hardly believe the system's data.


[Rating]: Source C grade

[Radiation value]: 14.5%

[Pollution level]: 58.1%

[Media]: God of Truth

Thunderbird says it used Mother Desire's mysterious item to deflect the moose's level of contamination, so the other stat is barely safe.

But why did Brother Luzi’s radiation level drop so much!

Is it because of the "Lady with the Lamp"?

Noticing Lin An's uneasiness, the moose, which had curled its hooves and was sitting on the ground, stood up again. It was very weak and took a few steps forward. It kindly leaned its face on Lin An's shoulder and moved away again.

"You don't need to mind, Lin An. As long as I maintain a balanced and neutral mentality, no longer participate in struggles and conspiracies, and become a bystander of time, the level of pollution will be reduced."


The God of Emotional Truth walks the real sign-in flow.

Lin An hugged its neck, thought for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Luzi, your radiation value..."

"This is the price of using a loudspeaker higher than the sky to convey the 'illusion'." The moose lay back on the ground, closing his eyes, and the white mist surged. "Everyone living in this land will hear this in their dreams tonight." to my voice."

Before Lin An could respond, he only heard the dissatisfied rustling of the beaver.

"Even the 'white skins'. Why would you let them come with you? I see this as an opportunity for the floods to sink the land and for the remaining people and us to build a new land, a land only for those who love it."

"All tribes once lived with animals, and the Holy Spirit has long been in the hearts of all mankind." Moose have different tolerances for history.


"What caused this disaster?" Lin An quickly intervened in the conversation between the two.


The moose shook its head, its antlers and colorful feathers flying.

"Due to Wakataka constraints, I did not convey words in words; but out of my honesty and my feelings for you, I did share with you everything I knew."

Lin An asked a few questions in various ways, and the moose's answers were very frank and without any nutrition.

I almost forgot, this guy is the Riddler.

Until Beaver on the side couldn't listen anymore and took the initiative to interrupt.

"Lin An, we are not the only kind of natives in Upper and Lower East Continent. The tribes that once belonged to the land of Eagle Country are linked together by 'Wakataka'. Other countries and regions, such as Lower East Continent...are other tribes and Civilized.”

"Hundreds of years of burning, killing, and looting have broken our myths, cut off our bloodlines, and completely destroyed relics and antiquities. Animal gods such as crows, turtles, snakes, and bears have no chance to open their eyes anymore, including ours. The Holy Spirit also disappeared in the blood."

"So when 'Comes' arrived, the only remaining natives joined forces. We were working with a messenger from Lower East Continent, and the vision you saw was the prophecy it conveyed. We don't know the details, anyway. The key word for disaster is 'water side'."


From the ocean?

A big octopus crawled out?

Abandoning Brother Lu Zi, who was not good at words, Lin An and Sister Shu Zi worked together to clarify the incident.

Due to the arrival of the colonists, the native tribes of the Eagle Country suffered heavy losses in secular wars. Coupled with the cognitive biases deliberately created by "plastic shamans" such as "Plastic Shaman", there are no longer conditions for awakening "statue-level" mystics.

The four animal gods took the remaining local mystics to seek refuge in an ancient dynasty in Lower East Continent that still exists today.

It is the sparkling country in the illusion - Lin An refers to it as the "Family of the Golden Country", which is more convenient to call it.

The Golden Kingdom family agreed to let the animal gods bring their tribes to take refuge, but they did not provide anyone to help them evacuate these "disaster victims".

In order to get the native tribes to accept the situation more quickly, Moose and Beaver used the special structure of the Tree of Life to spread the vision Lin An saw throughout the Eagle Country.

This kind of transmission requires the consumption of original energy. The beaver only transmitted it to the native people who were connected by blood, while the moose allowed the illusion to enter the dreams of the entire population. Therefore, the radiation value plummeted, by about 10%.

The God of Farming and the God of Truth are not good at fighting, so they are no match for Jericho.

Jericho's plan would have gone very smoothly if it hadn't been for the sudden attack of the little canines and the disappearance of the three lamp goddess mediums of the Holy Shroud.

He planned to perfect Adam Kaedmon tonight and return to the Enochian faction with success.

Unfortunately, everything was ruined by Lin An.

Beaver continued: "The natives will not ignore the great vision, at least not those with firm and pure faith. Next, we and the Wakataka mystics will be running around to pick up these tribes, take them across the sea and climb mountains to avoid disasters."

Lin An thought of Little Dog Ya's mother and the Xunlang tribe, and was convinced of this.

"As for the natives and foreigners from the Eagle Country who have forgotten their faith, if they gain enlightenment in the illusion and follow them..."

For these people, the moose welcomes all comers, the beaver is very disgusted, and I wonder what the ptarmigan and the little canine think.

The date of this disaster has not been determined, but it was at least about two months ago, and the area affected was the territory of Eagle Country.

Since the key word is "water", Lin An guessed that the specific location of the disaster might be on the east coast, maybe on the west coast, or maybe related to the Bermuda Triangle.

During the conversation, Beaver occasionally invited Lin An to leave with them, but the latter's attitude was ambiguous.

At present, Lin An has received two olive branches to "study abroad". One is an invitation from the Dawn Association, and the other is to follow the local animal god to Lower East Continent.

If it were just the four local gods, Lin An wouldn't mind hanging out with them. The problem was that he knew nothing about the Golden Kingdom they were about to go to.

Based on past experience, these ancient families are somewhat crazy.

Although the Golden Kingdom agreed to protect civilians, it did not mean how kind and kind they were.

The family already needs a large base of people to attract the medium, control the mystery, use energy, enhance the quality of Titan and expand the chakra, thereby increasing the upper limit of radiation value.

But it's another matter to deal with mystics - especially mystics with Lin An's high rating, who hide the secret of the "Lamp Goddess", and who are not even from the same pantheon.

It would be nice if there was more information about El Dorado...

No matter which invitation he was prepared to accept, Lin An had to go back to Ditli City first. Not only did he take away all the original books of "The Encyclopedia of Magic", he also had to talk to his mother.

About great-grandfather...and their family.


The thunder caused the dozing moose to suddenly raise its head, and Beaver and Lin An followed its gaze.

That was the last Thunder.

The strong light finally disappeared, the ring of nations restrained its emotions, the singing stopped, the running animals returned to their homes, and the flowering trees swayed and turned into shadows.

The earth stopped shaking, and there was only silence in my ears.

The battle between Adam Kaedmon of Jericho and the two creator gods comes to an end.

After the dark clouds cleared, everyone saw the night of San Francisco again through the broken "Wailing Wall".

The sky is filled with stars, the moon is sinking in the west, and the silver light is like a prairie, but it has become thinner, like a half-cut piece of letter paper.


"Cough cough cough!"

The little canine let out a series of hurt gasps, but she didn't care about this level of pain.

The wind blew up her fluffy fur, causing it to roll like waves of wheat.

From the fruits of the flowering tree, countless four-legged, two-legged, and legless creatures jumped out. They were an angry army, marching in the direction of Jericho under her command.

In the center of the thunder, the clouds closed incredibly, and the downpour of lightning formed a ring of nations.

The tribesmen inside are still dancing, and touching melodies spurt out from the instruments, melodious and joyful, joyful and bitter. Their primitive narration spreads throughout the sky, with waves of joy and sadness alternating.

The edges of the light were mottled and torn, and the flawless mirror was also full of cracks and crumbling.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The thunderbird flapped its huge wings, and its powerful and dark legs began to dance.

It shuttles through the ring of nations, sometimes in the form of an eagle, sometimes in human form, its wet black hair curled tightly like wires, flying and dancing like weeds.

The sound of the flute drifted along the ancient melody, becoming more and more frantic, and his movements became faster and faster.

Finally, a bolt of thunder exploded, and the flames completely detonated Kadmon's light. The mirror of the god could no longer support it, and trembled, revealing the fragile body of its holder.

"Suffer death, you bastard!"

The little canine will never miss this good opportunity. The coyote looks up to the sky and roars, moving across the sky vigorously, and pounces on Jericho's chest with its sharp fangs.

He seemed to want to do something else, but there was nothing he could do.

The coyote bit Jericho's throat, piercing the flesh and blood. At the same time, her claws were raised high and penetrated the central source of the light.


The refraction of color was the blood flowing out of Adam Kadmon's wound. The sacred and aloof human figure fell apart, leaving only golden and silvery smoke.

Darkness did not fall, and the moon poked its head out from the clouds, illuminating the earth forever.

The little canine looked at the thing in her palm.

"Dong...dong dong..."

A heart beats alive.

However, its owner disappeared thousands of miles away without a trace.

Thanks to Dragon Yin Squirrel for the reward, thanks to Door Key Yog for the monthly pass, and thanks to everyone for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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