World Occult User Guide

Chapter 150 Nature’s Blessing

A loud noise tore through the night.

The thunder roared like an apocalypse, and the wind violently picked up dust, fallen leaves, and discarded plastic bags and threw them around.

The office building was only pale in color under the lightning, and the sudden earthquake wave began to shake it, echoing with beeps, glass windows were shattered, and masonry fell off the walls.

People who had been working overtime all night screamed and ran away.

On the street, a huge crack suddenly appeared, and a hideous, lizard-like monster knocked over the water pipe on the roadside. It spit out hot magma from its mouth. The heat and cold water mixed together, and the steam "squeaked" into the air. confusion.

A large number of sleeping people were awakened by the shock. The city was beyond recognition for a short time and fear filled the air.

In an apartment, a twisted centipede emerged from the cracked ground. The residents who didn't know what was happening screamed and ran away. But the sudden appearance of the centipede moved very fast and bit the nearest person cruelly. His blood spurted out. , and suddenly passed out unconscious.

The out-of-control mystics who escaped from the foundation were like an unstoppable torrent, swallowing up the surrounding towns and spreading to the city of St. Francis.


At the edge of the city, the space was distorted, and then a giant beast roared, its huge claws tore apart the steel railway, and crashed and destroyed aimlessly.

The Golden Gate Bridge, which spanned both sides of the Taiwan Strait, collapsed without support.

“Thump, thump, thump—!”

The car fell into the water like ants, splashing water far and near. The people who fell into the water struggled desperately. Screams, cries, and calls for help intertwined to form a desperate movement. Some people sank to the bottom of the sea forever with the car. .

When the panic was about to continue to expand until it engulfed the entire city of San Francisco, a star-like point of light lit up the coastal port, illuminating the outline of a ship.

Facing the sea breeze, a man wearing a top hat gave instructions in an orderly manner.

"Do your best to engage in rescue and minimize the casualties caused by the disaster as much as possible!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The well-trained additional personnel set off on a speedboat. After they landed, they joined the government rescue teams such as firefighters and search and rescue personnel who had received the news, and quickly began to deal with the violent and out-of-control mysterious people who were causing damage everywhere.

They wore uniforms of dark green uniforms, with a pattern of two hands placed together embroidered on their chests, forming a pyramid-like shape with a burning candle in the center.

In addition to the city, additional personnel rushed to the foundation headquarters, and worked with the remaining employees to suppress the riots of the out-of-control mystics.

There were many ordinary people among these people. They and the mysterious people split into two groups, carrying heavy computers and a bunch of data cables, and rushed to the control room in the "Crown" area.

Dawn Association's technical support team brought a new supercomputer that replaced X and temporarily took over the foundation's functional sections.

Putting down the telescope, a young man swung his thick tail full of spikes and hit the ground of the cabin, making a dull "snap" sound and reporting to the people around him.

"I didn't expect that the first thing we took charge of was to wipe the butts of those Xizhou lenders." He checked the real-time situation on the tablet. "Fortunately, the price paid this time was smaller than expected."

"If you want to build a Tower of Babylon, how can you not have the most basic craftsmen, Watson."

"I am not Watson, my lord."

The man called "Lord" was taking care of a shining and exquisite medal on his chest with his hands. His wrinkle-free face was almost unrecognizable of his age.

He was smiling, looking at the rising sun on the horizon, and his hair was so blond that it was almost pink.

In the distance, layer after layer of thin dark veil is lifted, the shapes and colors of things are about to revive, and the dawn reshapes the world in its ancient patterns.

"The world is about to usher in a new era."


The light disappeared, and the dust of the battle in the sky settled.

Is Jericho dead?

The distance was too far, so Lin An couldn't confirm it. He blinked and suddenly found something like a meteorite hitting the ground.


The smoke dissipated, and a strong figure rushed towards him.

"Lin An!"

It's a coyote.

She put her furry arms around Lin An's shoulders, and the thunderbird that followed her patrolled the sky for a moment, then slowly landed on the hole in the ceiling. The thunder cracked, and the illusion of the Dawn Association's approach appeared in the gap, and it quickly closed.

It said: "Let's go before those people find out we're still alive."

"Let me say a few more words to him, because I promised him!"

Little Canine let go of Lin An, who looked at the current tribal girl.

She is still full of vigor, taller and stronger than she looked in the vision two years ago. Due to the erosion of the mysterious prototype, her whole body is covered with gray-purple fur and covered with wild and well-defined muscles.

Her long black hair is dotted with feathers of different colors, hanging down behind her like a waterfall, fluttering in the wind.

Reunited after a long absence, Lin An smiled at her, but his eyes were quickly attracted to the data on the other side.

A green light number appeared on Little Canine's chest. The real body could not be seen, and it seemed that it had been taken into some kind of space by her.

[Name]: Adam's Heart

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 5.3%

[Pollution level]: 9.5%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

This is...the heart of Jericho?

"Lord of Dreams"?

In addition to the decrease in rating, the mysterious items were consistent with the medium of the mystic who created them, such as the basilisk and its gems, so this panel surprised Lin An.

He thought Adam Kadmon was the "Lady with the Lamp".

"First of all, I want to thank you very much! I really want to see you! The dance you did in the Xunlang tribe... is very beautiful."

The little canine's voice drew Lin An's attention. Unlike the other three gods, she was still speaking in broken English.

"You are 21 years old this year, and I am 20 years old."

"It feels like meeting you yesterday." Lin An smiled and reached out to pat her shoulder.

"Lin An, I inherited my mother's fifteen chickens, five sheep, seven cows, and a tent..." Little Dogtooth's eyes suddenly lit up, and he counted rapidly, "There is also a pot, a Zhang Gong, two bunks..."


The yellow sand collapsed, and the floor in front of the two people cracked a gap in the sand. Beaver got out of it and hugged the little canine's pants with his two small hands.

"We should go!"

"Guard the tent, I haven't finished talking yet!" Little Dogtooth struggled to walk on the collapsed ground.

Due to cultural differences, Lin An didn't know what she wanted to express, but when he saw that the little canine was so eager, he thought for a moment and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Now is not a good time to chat. Why don't we communicate using green bubbles? You also have a mobile phone, come on, add a friend."

"Friends?" Little Dogya blinked happily, "Do you promise to start as friends? I understand, our tribe also has similar customs. But what is the 'green bubble'?"

"Go to the app store and search..."

When Beaver saw this, his mung bean-sized eyes turned into flaming red beans, and he jumped onto Lin An's screen with his hands on his hips.

"What 'APP' are you going to make with our young God of Creation? Gao Ma, Eagle with spread wings, why are you silent? Do you think this union will end in happiness?"

"I just don't understand what you are talking about." The alert bird shook his head, "What is APP?"

"What is a mobile phone?" Moose asked.

Lin An showed the QR code of his account to Little Dog Ya and explained: "Actually, we can create a group and keep in touch in the future. Little Dog Ya, I'll add you first. When other people register their accounts, I'll send you the group invitation." . [Pipe Tribute] places too many distance restrictions.”

"I can't afford electronics," Thunderbird said regretfully. "My account balance is as white as a tall horse's antlers."

"It's okay, I'll treat you."

Lin An picked up a fallen iron pillar, and the Philosopher's Stone symbol rotated, consuming 0.1% of the radiation value and instantly turning it into pure gold.

Midas touch!

The beaver closest to him, his eyes shining, grabbed the golden rod, caressed it lovingly, then put it on his front teeth and bit it, making the gold almost break.


Sensing the scrutinizing eyes of his companions, Beaver had a stern look on his face, still reluctant to let go.

"This can be used as the necessary funds to evacuate the tribal people." It muttered guiltily while peeking at Lin An, its vigilant expression becoming particularly tangled, "I, I took it, boy."

Lin An felt funny for a while. He didn't expect that the four local gods would have such a surprising side.

Unfortunately, the time to relax never lasts long.

"Dong dong dong..."

Footsteps sounded outside the control room, followed by the sound of explosives and bullets, which were getting closer every minute. The animal gods instantly restrained their emotions.

"If you don't plan to come with us, then it's time to meet again, Lin An." Beaver said telepathically, "But like all animals, we have been living by your side."

Its small body sank into the floor, and the yellow sand rolled up, leaving only a simple sand painting of a muskrat.

"It's a pity that I can't stay." Little Dogtooth said quietly, "I shoulder the mission of helping nations and tribes. I belong to nature and wilderness."

"This is not farewell. Remember to add me as a friend, Little Dogtooth." Lin An waved goodbye to her.

"Well! When we meet next time... I will sort out all my belongings and try again!" Little Dogtooth's face was full of reluctance, "I still have a lot of things to say to you..."

The flowering tree with its fluttering leaves slipped into the opening of the dome, and the coyote's silhouette, which looked more like a fox than a fox, or a wolf but not a wolf, seemed to be a fleeting illusion, flying away into the clouds.

"Goodbye, Lin An." The clear breeze of the moose wiped away the sand paintings, the white mist dissipated, and the sound of the wind stopped.

In the space at this moment, only Lin An and Thunderbird were left.

"Brother Lei Zi." Lin An couldn't help calling him, "You are one of the few people who has witnessed my adventure... Do you think that Jericho and I... and the president of the foundation are really the same kind of people? ?"

"I can't give an answer, Lin An."

The thunderbird stood in the gap of the semicircular space dome, its tall body blocking out the stars and moon.

"Because life is always moving, ever-changing like the wind, playing, fighting, crying, never really still, flowing from one place to another like water. Seeds and fruits, rain and drought, everything is there Running in a huge cycle, an eternal process of recognizing new things.”

"You mean, I can only find the meaning of life on my own?" Lin An frowned and repeated without understanding.

"But you are not alone on this journey, because I will bless you, Lin An."

Thunderbird lowered his head and met Lin An's eyes, neither confirming nor denying his conclusion. The sound of thunder surged around, making people fearful.

It spreads its wings and casts a cool shadow.

"The sky, the sea, the forest and the earth gave me this sacred kiss."

Lin An closed his eyes obediently and felt a light kiss on his forehead, with a sweet and natural smell.

"Now I give it to you."

The little men of the tribe sang hymns in the national ring, and the primitive tones flowed far away.

Until we meet again,

May the great soul let the sun rise in your heart,

May your moccasins leave their mark on the coming snow.

When he opened his eyes again, Lin An saw majestic clouds spreading to both sides, like a granite mountain range floating in the sky, no less magnificent than any man-made landscape.

The call of the Holy Spirit left at this moment, and the pipe on his chest was no longer hot.

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